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5782. Article 48 shall read as follows:

"48. Within six months after such deposit, each prothonotary is bound to verify the condition of the registers deposited in his office, and to draw up a summary report of such verification." C. C., 48; 32 V., c. 26, s. 4.

5783. Article 49 shall read as follows:

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49. The other duplicate register remains in the custody and possession of the priest, minister or other officer who kept the same, to be by him preserved and trans

mitted to his successor in office.

In the case of a Roman Catholic mission, such other duplicate is deposited by the priest in charge of such mission at the palace of the bishop of the diocese to which the mission belongs; and for the purpose of authenticating copies or extracts from any such register and for all other purposes connected therewith, the bishop or his secretary is deemed to be the depositary thereof. C. C., 49; 36 V., c. 16, ss. 3 and 5.

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5784. The following article is added after article 53 :

"53a. The father, or in case of his death or absence, the mother, of every child born, who has not caused such child to be baptized, or who, being of a creed other than Roman Catholic, has not caused the birth of such child to be registered by the persons authorized to keep a register of acts of civil status, is bound to cause the birth of such child to be registered, within four months from the date thereof, at the office of the secretary-treasurer or of the clerk of the municipality or city of his domicile, or else with the nearest justice of the peace; and the latter shall during the first two weeks of the month of January in each year, make to the secretary-treasurer or to the clerk of the municipality or city a report of the births by him so registered.

The secretary-treasurer or clerk of the municipality or city shall each year during the month of January transmit a statement of such births to the office of the Provincial Secretary." 39 V., c. 20, ss. 7 and 8; 50 V., c. 7, s. 14.

5785. The following article is added after article 59:

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59a. In so far as regards the solemnization of marriage by Protestant ministers of the Gospel, marriage licenses are issued by the Department of the Provincial Secretary under the hand and seal of the Lieutenant-Governor, who for the purposes thereof is the competent authority under the preceding article.

The minister, who has performed any marriage ceremony under the authority of such license, is not subject to any action or liability for damages or otherwise, by reason of there being any legal impediment to the marriage, unless,

at the time when he performed such ceremony, he was aware of the existence of such impediment." 35 V., c. 3, ss. 1, 2 and 6.

5786. The following article is added after article 66:

"66a. It belongs solely to the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical authority to designate the place in the cemetery, in which each individual of such faith shall be buried; and if the deceased cannot, according to the canon rules and laws, in the judgment of the ordinary, be interred in ground consecrated by the liturgical prayers of such religion, he receives civil burial, in ground reserved for that purpose and adjacent to the cemetery." 39 V., c. 19, s. 1; 51-52 V., c. 48, s. 2.

5787. The following article is added after article 69:

69a. The body of no person who died of a contagious disease shall be disinterred until after the expiration of five years from its interment or of such period as may be fixed by the Provincial Board of Health."

Subject to the preceding provision and by observing the formalities prescribed by the law respecting interments and disinterments, one or more bodies may be removed from any church, chapel or cemetery for the purpose of building, repairing or selling such church, chapel or cemetery, or re-interring the bodies in another part of the same or in any other church, chapel or cemetery, or of rebuilding or repairing the tomb or coffin in which a body is buried." 51-52 V., c. 48, ss. 19 and 21.




5788. Article 210 shall read as follows:

"210. The separation renders the wife capable of suing and being sued, and of contracting alone for all that relates to the administration of her property; but for all acts and suits tending to alienate her immoveable property, she requires the authorization of her husband, or, upon his refusal, that of a judge." 39 V., c. 24, s. 1.




5789. Article 304 shall read as follows:

304. Actions belonging to a minor are brought in the name of his tutor.

Nevertheless, a minor of fourteen years of age may bring alone actions to recover his wages.

He may also with the authority of a judge, bring alone all other actions arising from the contract for the hire of his personal services." 51-52 V., c. 22, s. 1.





5790. The following chapter is added after chapter second of title tenth of book first:



"336a. May also be interdicted any habitual drunkard who squanders or mismanages his property or places his family in trouble or distress, or transacts his business prejudicially to his family, his friends or his creditors, or who uses intoxicating liquors to such an extent that he thereby incurs the danger of ruining his health or shortening his life. 33 V., c. 26, s. 1.

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3366. The demand in interdiction is made by a petition, under oath, presented to any one of the judges of the Superior Court, who alone shall have power to act, by any relations, whether of blood or by affinity, or, in default of relations, by any friend of such habitual drunkard.

The judge may, for any of the reasons mentioned in the preceding article, set forth in the petition and established before him to his satisfaction, pronounce the interdiction of such habitual drunkard and appoint a curator to him, to manage his affairs, as in the case of one interdicted for prodigality. 33 V., c. 26, s. 1; 42-43 V., c. 28, s. 1.

"336c. Any person who, according to the common report of the neighborhood, has the reputation of being a drunkard, is considered as being an habitual drunkard within the meaning of this chapter. 33 V., c. 26, s. 12.

"336d. The petition praying for the interdiction of any habitual drunkard is personally served upon him at a time when he is sober, or, if at the time of the said service, the person whose interdiction is demanded is not sober, the petition is served upon a reasonable person of his family,

at least eight days before that fixed for the appearance before the judge for the purpose of the interdiction." 33 V., c. 26, s. 5.

"336e. The interdiction is proceeded with, by summoning before such judge a family council as in the case of tutorships, under the provisions of this Code, and by taking the opinion, under oath, of each person composing the family council, as to the truth of the fact of such person being an habitual drunkard and as to the necessity of such interdiction; but the person making such demand in interdiction cannot form part of such family council. 33 V., c. 26, s. 2.

"336f. The person, whose interdiction is thus demanded, may produce before the judge witnesses to contradict the allegations of the petition and the evidence of any of the members of the family council; and each party may retain an advocate to conduct the proceedings on his behalf and to examine the witnesses before the judge, who may require, from the person instituting the demand in interdiction, further evidence of the facts alleged in the petition, in addition to that of the family council. 33 V., c. 26, s. 6.

"336g. In proceeding to the interdiction, the proof is taken orally or in writing, in the discretion of the judge; and it is not necessary that the person, whom it is sought to interdict, be interrogated before the judge. 33 V., c. 26, ss. 4 and 6.

"336h. The decision of the judge is final and without appeal, whether he grants the interdiction or rejects the demand therefor. 33 V., c. 26, s. 7.

"3361. The judgment ordering the interdiction may also order, if it have been prayed for, that the person interdicted be confined in an establishment for habitual drunkards, for such space of time as may be deemed necessary. 47 V., c. 21, s. 2.

336j. Such order may, if not then obtained, be applied for and obtained subsequently upon sufficient proof, upon petition presented to one of the judges of the Superior Court in the district in which the interdicted person has his domicile, by observing the formalities prescribed in articles 336d, 336e, 336f, and 336g. 47 V., c. 21,

s. 2.

"336k. The judgment must mention the name of the establishment in which the person is to be confined, the duration of the confinement, the name or names of the persons who are to carry out the order, a certified copy whereof is given to the director of the establishment at

the same time as the c. 21, s. 2.

person is confided to his care. 47 V.,

"3361. The order for confinement may be suspended or cancelled at any time by one of the judges of the Superior Court, upon summary petition accompanied by sufficient proof that the person may, in his own interest and in that of his family, be released. 47 V., c. 21, s. 2.

"336m. If any demand in interdiction under this chapter be rejected, the same shall not be renewed before the expiration of three months. 33 V., c. 26, s. 8.

"336n. Any person interdicted as an habitual drunkard may be relieved from such interdiction, after one year's sober habits, and the removal thereof is effected by observing the same formalities as those prescribed to obtain the interdiction, and the person interdicted cannot regain the exercise of his civil rights, until after the judgment removing the interdiction. 33 V., c. 26, s. 9.

"3360. The wife, or the son of full age, of any person so interdicted, may be appointed his curator.

When the wife of the person interdicted has been appointed, she has all the powers of curators to persons interdicted for prodigality, and is subject to the provisions of article 180 of this Code, save in so far as regards acts of simple administration, and for such acts her appointment as curatrix avails as full authorization. 33 V., c. 26, s. 10.

"336p. Proceedings under this chapter are summary. 33 V., c. 26, s. 13.

"336q. The name of every person interdicted under this. chapter must be inscribed on the roll of interdicted persons, as in other cases of interdiction." 33 V., c. 26, s. 14.




Province of Quebec,

District of

To the Honorable A. B., one of the judges of the Superior

Court for the Province of Quebec :

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