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c. 108.

Making signals, &c. to smuggling vessels, misd., 6 G. 4. and the off. may be arrested by any person, and conveyed before two Js. P. in order to be comm. to the next co. g. until the next Ct. of O. T. or Gt. Sess. or G. D., or until delivered by due course of law, pen. on conv. 1007., or at the discretion of the Ct. comm. to the com. g. or H. C. not ex. 1 yr. 6 G. 4. c. 108. s. 52.


To have the effect of a pardon under the great 7 & 8 G. 4. seal, 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 28. s. 13. See Par

don, p. 131, ante.


No judgment after verdict on an ind. or inf. for 7 G. 4. fel. or misd. shall be stayed or reversed for

c. 64.

want of a similiter.

7 G. 4. c. 64. s. 21.


Making fires and other signals to smuggling ves- 6 G. 4. sels. 6 G. 4. c. 108. s. 52. See Signals,



c. 108.

With mankind or with any animal (a), fel. pun. 9 G. 4.

D. 9 G. 4. c. 31. s. 15.

cious Injuries Act, as to destroying trees, &c. of the value of


See Gardens, p. 68. ante.

(a) The words " any animal" are substituted in this act for the word "beast" in the repealed statute.

c. 31.



7 & 8 G.4. c. 29.

s. 25.

coin or valuable security may have been delivered to him in order that some part of the value thereof should be returned to the party

delivering the same, and such part shall have been returned accordingly. Id.

Assaulting their masters.



Property of commissioners of.

See Assault, p. 13,

How it may be laid in an ind. See Indictment, venue, p. 86, ante.


Stealing sheep, or killing with intent to steal, the carcase or skin, or any part, fel. D. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 25. See Horses, Cattle, p. 24, ante.


c. 30. s.9. Destroying. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30. s. 9. See Malicious Injuries, p. 118, ante.

s. 10.

s. 11.

Damaging. Id. s. 10. See Malicious Injuries, p. 118, ante.

Acts tending to the loss of. Id. s. 11. See Malicious Injuries, p. 118, ante.

c. 29. s.17. Larceny on board. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. See Larceny, p. 104, ante.

s. 15.


s. 17.

Breaking into. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 15. See
Larceny, p. 103, ante.

[blocks in formation]

With intent to disable. Id. s. 12. See Cutting, s. 17.

p. 37, ante.



If growing in parks, gardens, &c. to the value

of 17. fel. Tr. for 7 yrs. or Impr. not ex. 2 yrs.; and if a male, W. in add. to Impr. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 30. s. 19. See Gardens, p. 68, ante. If of the value of 51. growing elsewhere (a), fel. pun. any of the punishments which the Ct. may award, last mentioned. Id. s. 19. See Gardens, p. 69, ante.

Summary Conviction.

If of the value of 1s. wheresoever growing, pun.

on conv. before a J. P. for 1st off., to pay
above the amount of injury done, such sum
not ex. 51. as the J. shall order for said off.,
comm. to the com. g. or h. c. to H. L. not
ex. 12 cal. m. If the second conv. shall be
before two Js., they may further order the off.
if a male, to be once or twice pub. or priv. W.
after the end of four days from the conv. Id.
s. 39.

(a) That is to say, not any park, pleasure ground, garden, orchard or avenue, or in any ground adjoining or belonging to any dwelling house. See s. 19, Gardens, p. 68, ante.

s. 19.

s. 20.


7 & 8 G. 4. Making false statements at the time of enlisting,

c. 29.

69 G. 3. c. 69.

c. 18.

9 G. 4. c. 31.

misd. pun. as for obtaining money by false

pretences, that is, Tr. for 7 yrs. or fine or Impr. or both, as the Ct. shall award, and if upon the trial for the misd., it shall appear that the property in question was obtained in such manner as to amount to larceny, the off. shall not by reason thereof be entitled to be acquitted of the misd. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 50. See False Pretences, p. 52, ante.

Enlisting in foreign service.

Misd. pun. fine and Impr. or either, at the discretion of the Ct. 59 G. 3. c. 69. s. 2. SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.

See Punishment, p. 136, ante. See also Hard
Labour, p. 71, ante.

Setting spring guns, with intent to destroy or in-
flict bodily harm on a trespasser, misd.
7 & 8 G. 4. c. 18. s. 1. See Man Traps,
p. 123, ante.


With intent to maim or murder, misd. pun. D.
9G. 4. c. 31. s. 11. See
p. 89, ante.

With intent to disable, &c. fel. pun. D. Id. s. 12.
p. 38, ante.



Forging or uttering stamps in supplements, and on


c. 119.

paper containing principally advertisements, 6 G. 4. and no news intelligence or occurrences, fel. without benefit of clergy, pun. D. 6 G. 4.

c. 119. s. 2. 6. (a)

The like on cards or dice, fel. pun. D. 9 G. 4. 9 G. 4.

c. 18. s. 35.


c. 18.

Plea of n. g. may be entered by the Ct. 7 & 8 7&8G.4. G. 4. c. 28. s. 22. See Challenge, p. 25,



c. 28.

The Ct. may order them to be altered to prevent 1 & 2 G.4.

nuisance. 1 & 2 G. 4. c. 41.

sance, p. 129, ante.


See Nui- c. 41.

Any person to whom any property is offered for 7 & 8 G. 4. sale, pawn, or delivered, if there is reasonable c. 29. cause to suspect that any offence (e) has been comm. on or in respect of such property, may apprehend and convey before a J. P. the party offering the same, together with the property, to be dealt with according to law. 7 & 8 G. 4. c. 29. s. 63.

(a) In sect. 6. of this statute the words are, "That if any person shall forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be forfeited or counterfeited," &c. the word forfeited is clearly a mistake; it should be forged.

(a) That is, any offence punishable either by indictment or on summary conviction under this act, (the Larceny Act.)

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