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ABDUCTION, Forcible,

c. 31. s. 19.

Of women, on account of their property, fel. 9 G. 4. pun. Tr. life or 7 years, or Impr. with or without H. L. not ex. 4 yrs. 9 Geo. 4. c. 31. s. 19. Of girls under 16 yrs. misd. pen. Fine or Impr. s. 20. or both, as the Ct. shall award. Id. s. 20. ABETTERS. See Accessories.


Administering drugs, or using other means to s. 13. procure abortion of a woman quick with child, fel. pun. D. Id. s. 13.

If the woman be not quick with child, fel. pun. Tr. not ex. 14 nor less than 7 yrs. or Impr. with or without H. L. not ex. 3 yrs. at the


9 G. 4. c. 31.

7 G. 4. c. 64.

3. 9.

s. 9.


disc. of the Ct. and if a male, to be once, twice, or thrice pub. or priv. W. in add. to Impr. Id.

Aiders and abetters therein are liable to the

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Before the fact in fel. may be indict. and conv.

as access. before the fact to the prin. fel. together with the fel. or may be indict. and conv. of a substantive fel. whether the prin. fel. shall or shall not be amenable to justice, and may be pun. in the same manner as an

access. before the fact to the same fel. if conv. as an access. may be pun. and the offence may be tried and pun. by any C. having juris. to try the princ. fel. in the same manner as if the offence had been comm. at the same place as the prin. fel. altho' the offence was comm. at sea or land, within H.M.'s dom. or without. 7 Geo. 4. c. 64. s. 9. If the prin. fel. is comm. in one co. and the counselling, procuring, &c. be comm. in another co. the last offence may be enquired of, tried, and pun. in either co. Id. But no one, duly tried for any such offence, whether as an access. before the fact, or for a substantive fel. can be again indict. or tried for the same offence. Id.


c. 64.

After the fact, in fel. whether it be a fel. at 7 G. 4. com. law or by stat. the offence may be tried and pun. by the Ct. having juris. to try the prin. off. in the same manner as if the offence


[ocr errors]

had been comm. in the same place as the
prin. fel. altho' the offence was comm. at sea
or on land, within H.M.'s dom. or without.
s. 10.


If the prin. fel. is comm. in one co. and the s. 10.

offence of the access. is comm. in another

mico. the access. may be tried and pun. in
either co. Id.

But no such person, duly tried as an access. s. 10.
shall be indict. or tried again for the same

offence. Id.

Before and after the fact-when the prin. fel. 11 is not attainted.

When a princ. off. is in any wise conv. of any s.11. jfel. any access. either before or after the fact,

may be proceeded against in the same manner as if the princ. fel. had been attainted ous thereof, notwithstanding the prin. fel. shall bo die or be admitted to the benefit of clergy, pardoned, or otherwise delivered before at9904*tainder; and such access. shall suffer the 1 same pun. if conv. as if the princ. off. had 5 been attainted. Id. s. 11.


7 & G. 4. Before the fact-In malicious injuries.

c. 30.

s. 27.

s. 42.


every fel. pun. (under the 7 and 8 Geo 4. c. 30.) every princ. in the second degree, and every access. before the fact, shall be punishable with D. or otherwise as the princ. in the first degree is punishable. 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 30.

Every access. after the fact to a fel. punishable under the same act, on conv. pun. Impr. not yrs. Id.

ex. 2

And every aider or abetter, &c. to any misd. pun. under the said act, to be indict. and pun. as a princ. Id. See Principal and Accessary, ante.

And when any person shall be conv. of any indict.

off. punishable under the said act, for which Impr. may be awarded, the Ct. may sentence the off. to Impr. and H. L. and also sol. con. for the whole or any part of the Impr. or of such Impr. with H. L. as the Ct. think fit.

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Where any fel. or misd. punishable under the said act, is comm. within the jurisd. of the Admiralty, the same shall be dealt with and tried other fel. or misd. comm. within that

as any
jurisd. Id. s. 42.

But not to extend to the Post Office, Revenue

Stores, Bank, or South Sea Company. Id.

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