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cer, 227.-History of, and reflections upon Columbanus's sma
thering the Memoirs of his Grandfather and the History of
Ireland in the Poddle and a further antithesis of Grandfather
and Grandson, 229.-Columbanus abuses his Hierarcy, 243-
His visionary effects of Veto, and wild attempts to engage some
Statesmen to support it, 245.-The real nature of Veto seen
and disclaimed by Lords Grey and Grenville, and Messrs. Pon-
sonby and Grattan, 247.-Reflections upon the Fifth Resolu
tion of the Board of English Catholics, Note, 249, 250.-What
the Author published concerning the Supremacy of the Bishop.
of Rome in his Church and State, 255. Confusion of Columba-
nus's ideas of Order and jurisdiction, 257.-Columbanus fa
thers assertions on Doctor Poynter, which he never made; and
what conduct sincere Catholics expect from Doctor Poynter now
he is the spiritual superior of Columbanus, Note, 260 to 265.
The common law of England recognized the uncontroulable
right in the Pope to appoint and confirm Bishops, illustrated by
old cases, Note, 265 to 270.-Nature of the acts collating spi
ritual power, upon which Columbanus is lamentably confused,
270.-Rev. Mr. Joseph Berrington's representation of Jansen-
ism, Note, 276 to 279.-Erroneous practical ideas of English-
men concerning the King's Supremacy, 279.-Their real fun-
damental doctrines upon the power of the keys, and the conse
quent acts of election, institution, order, and jurisdiction, 284.
Columbanus's arrogant assumptions, ignorant aberrations, and
insidious attempts to mislead his countrymen about nomination,
confirmation, and negative of the civil power, 288.-His false
doctrines about Papal Supremacy, and (in note) his misrepre
sentation of Grotius and Melanchton upon the necessity of a
supreme head to the church, 294.-He practices fraud upon his
countrymen by suppressing known truths, 300.-Jurisdictional
authority of the Pope proved in the 4th century from St. Atha-
nasius and others, 303.-Columbanus confutes himself, 308.-
(Note) the special mission of the seventy-two disciples, (Luke
ch. x.) 310...Columbanus takes unfair advantage of Fleury the

Ecclesiastical Historian, 312.... Fleury contradicts Columbanus on Papal Jurisdiction, 315.... Further errors of Columbanus about Papal Jurisdiction and the Hierarchy, 319.....(Note) Singular contrast of Columbanus and his Grandfather, 323.... (Note) the canvas for Elphin elucidated by the application of the Mother of the Sons of Zebedee, 328.....Columbanus's trick in professing his submission to the Pope in Latin and in English, 330.... He misrepresents the system of Coadjutorships, 333. His motives for opposing Coadjutorships, 336....(a very interesting Note) Singular conduct of Sir John Cox Hippesley from his Embassy to the court of Rome, down to his heading the Vetoists, and his singular speech in the House of Commons on the 22d June, 1812. How played upon by his correspondents from Ireland in 1796, and by Columbanus and Mr. Butler, in 1812, from 338 to 355.... Diocesan Election or Postulation not absolutely necessary for the real appointment of Bishops by the Pope, 341.... Bishoprics not deyisable as asserted by Columbanus, 357....Appointment of Coadjutors discretionary in the Pope, 358....Indispensible duties of the Pope in providing Bishops for the dispersed churches, 360....(Note) Authority of Thomassin and others for Coadjutorships in the very earliest days of Christianity, even under St. Peter, 362. Instances. which call upon the Pope to appoint Coadjutors, 366. The qualifications requisite for a Bishop according to St. Paul, 367.


No. I. Lands granted to the Duke of Ormond by the Act of Settlement and Court of Claims, 1 to 2... No. II. The Oath of Allegiance framed and proposed by James, 1 to 3. The oath prescribed for the British Catholics by the 39th Geo. III. p. 4. The Oath and Declaration, by which Roman Catholics become entitled to the benefits of the 33d Geo. III. Irish Statute, 5.... No. III. Proofs of the assimilation of Father Peter Walsh and the Rev. Doctor Charles O'Conor asserted in the note, p 818, of the 3d Vol. of the History of Ireland since the Union, from 7 to 52, interspersed with reflections and illustrations. Form of the Oath for serving the Irish mission, taken by Doctor O'Conor, 8. Something of the degree of a Ludovisian Alumnus or Free Scholar, by Papal bounty, 9. Similar relations between Columbanus and Dodesley, as between Doctor Milner and Coyne, 12. Queries put to Doctor Bodkin by Columbanus and to Columbanus by the Author, concerning costs of suits at

Rome, 18. Growth and mischief of Jansenism; and some particulars of their origin, spirit, doctrines, policy, zeal, and Characteristics, with some account of Richer, Launois, Quesnel, Dupin, and other Jansenistical leaders. Walsh calls Richer truly Catholic and learned, and Doctor O'Conor terms the others first-rate French Catholic theologians, 28 to 48. Dr. O'Conor's rapid progress into consequence; and specimens of his sublime eloquence, 48 to 52......No. IV. Proofs of the truth and appli cability of the Author's suggestion in the before-mentioned note, p. 820, that Mr. Butler au hor of the blue books, and Dr. O'Conor are duo laborantes in Unum; consisting of interesting extracts from the blue books, and particularly the protest of the Committee of would-be protesting Catholic Dissenters against their Bishops, and observations thereon published by the Author in his Case Stated in 1791, 52 to 82....No. V. Doctor O'Conor's mutilated and distorted copy of the Declaration of the Gallican Clergy, in 1682. Then a true copy of the original in Latin,and a very literal translation of it into English, and some observations upon it by the Author, 82 to go.....No. VI. Sy. nodical Resolutions of Tullow; or Declaration of the Roman Catholic Prelates of Ireland concerning certain opinions lately published in England, 90 to 94.... No. VII. Rev. Dr. O'Conor's different professions of submission to Papal authority, in Latin and English with observations upon the gross infidelity of the translation, and his views in mistranslating it, 95 to 99. No. VIII. A Letter from the Archbishop of Baltimore and his four Suffragan Bishops in the United States of North America, to the Archbishops and Bishops of Ireland, translated from the Latin, 99. Address of the new American Hierarchy to their flocks concerning the present state of the Pope, 102. Extract of an Original Letter from the most Rev. Doctor Carroll to the most Rev. Doctor Troy, 106. Ditto from the Right Rev. J. O. Plessis, Bishop of Quebec, to the most Rev. Doctor Troy, 107. (Note) about that Prelate's appointment to the See of Quebec, after Father Kildea had been encouraged to expect it, 107, 8, 9. Pastoral of the Bishop of Quebec for prayers, &c. on the captivity of the Pope, 109....No. IX. The Irish Remonstrance to the King, signed by Peter Walsh and 22 other Regulars in 1666, p. 114,... No. X. A Bull of Pope Ganganelli appointing a Coadjutor to the See of Waterford from the original in the Author's possession translated from the Latin, 118. Sir John Cox Hippesley's account of the change introduced into the consecration Oath. (Note) 123 to 125.


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