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The World's Fair Women, who are members of the "Committee on Bees and Bee-Culture" are not known as bee-keepers, and thus it seems rather strange that when there are many capable and practical women apiarists to be found, not one of them was selected upon that Bee Committee. Mrs. L. Harrison, who is perhaps the most prominent woman bee-keeper and apiarian writer in America, wrote to Mrs. Palmer, the President of the Lady Managers, and received the following reply, which appeared recently in the Orange Judd Farmer:

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The Board of Lady Managers is composed of two members and two alternates from each State, recommended by the Commissioners from those States, and appointed by President Palmer. The women appointed in every case were endorsed by the Governors and representatives of their States, and are women whose abilities especially fitted them to hold such a position of responsibility.


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After the Board was organized, committees were appointed to represent the various departments of the classification, and each member of the Board was requested to name her preference in order that each might secure, if possible, the work most congenial to her. I regret that none of our members are practical bee-keepers, but since the committee must necessarily be composed of members of the Board, I endeavored to make the wisest selections possible, and I assure you that the ten members of the committee on bee-keeping are very enthusiastic over this department. We are very anxious to secure the co-operation of women who are successful and practical workers in this line, and will be glad to receive any suggestions.

Please write to Mrs. Charles H. Olmstead, Savannah, Georgia, in regard to the matter.

Volume XXIX of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL is completed with this number. Another milestone in the "Old Reliable's" journey onward is reached; the twenty-ninth book of its progressive record is written--it is now historical, like its predecessors, and will increase in value as Time, in his unceasing "tramp, tramp," keeps step with the coming and the going of the years. Over 30 years ago the BEE JOURNAL was born, and, like a dear old-maid sister," it has grown sweeter and better with each added year of its meritorious existence. Let us hope that there may be, on the part of its supporters, as well as its editors and publishers, renewed efforts to make the succeeding volume one that may reflect credit upon not only those interested in it and the pursuit, but bring to the great industry which it represents, both honor and respect throughout the entire world. With united and harmonious endeavor and action, such may be our mutual reward.


The Complete Index to the subjects, correspondents and illustrations in Volume XXIX may be found in this issue. We point with pardonable pride to the index to each volume of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL, as we know that, to those who preserve the numbers as they come from week to week, a copious index is invaluable

We Wish to Thank those who conduct apiarian departments in various agricultural periodicals, for their kindly references to the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL and its past and present manage-* ment. The following are a few of the many notices so generously given us the past week or two:

It is with great regret that we learn that our esteemed friend, Mr. Newman, the veteran editor of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL has been compelled, on account of continued ill-health, to relinquish his business, disposing of it to George W. York & Co. We regret the occasion of this step, and trust that freedom from the care and responsibility of such an extensive business may permit him to take needed rest and recreation, and thus enable him to regain renewed health and vigor. Mr. Newman has been connected wtth the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL as editor and publisher for nearly twenty years, and undoubtedly a rest is much needed. The readers of that standard and reliable bee-paper would more sadly deplore the change were it not that Mr. Newman expects "to continue his interest in the pursuit, and in an editorial capacity to give advice and counsel." He will be relieved from its immediate care and financial responsibility.

Mr. York has been assistant editor for sometime, and without doubt the same generous and fraternal spirit, and devotion to the interests of bee-culture will characterize its pages that have heretofore distinguished it.

We extend our kindest greeting and best wishes to the new proprietors.Wisconsin Farmer.

His re

The AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL comes to us of June 2, 1892, under new ownership. For nearly twenty years this old reliable bee-paper has been owned, edited and published by Thomas G. Newman, of whom every one engaged in bee-culture has knowledge. tirement from the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL was owing to failing health. George W. York, the new man at the helm, is a gentleman well versed in the work entered upon. He has been, as Mr. Newman says, "Our valued assistant for the past eight years, is fully competent to so manage the BEE JOURNAL in the future that it will lose none of its reputation for punctuality and general typographical excellence. In fact, it could not have been committed to more competent

and worthy hands. Let all give a cordial welcome, and a generous support." -American Homestead.

Thomas G. Newman, editor of the AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL for many years, has sold the JOURNAL to George W. York & Co., owing to continued illhealth. Mr. Newman promises to continue to give advice and counsel on apiarian matters in the JOURNAL, but will be released from more onerous duties. The comrades with whom he has so long fought the battles of the busy bee, and crushed the Wiley lie, will regret to hear of his retirement, and many good wishes from personal friends and JOURNAL readers will follow him.-Michigan Farmer.

Bee-Kissed Flowers and flower-kissed bees are so closely associated, that we have thought it would be very appropriate in this number-the last one of the present volume, and also the last for this sweet month of flowers "June to present to our readers not only a picture of the beautiful Horticultural Building of the World's Fair, but also to give an extended description of the wonderful exhibition to be seen in that Department of the great Exposition.

All bee-keepers, as well as everybody else, are always interested in flowers and fruits, and will doubtless be much pleased to learn in advance something of the magnificent display which horticulturists and florticulturists propose making here in Chicago next year.

The horticultural display will be bewildering in extent, and marvelous in beauty. The exhibit will possess great scientific and educational value, but to the ordinary visitor its ornamental features will be the most striking. Indeed, it will play an important part in the adornment of the great Exposition. While in almost every part of the Exposition grounds may be seen gratifying evidences of the very efficient work of the Horticultural Department, the central point of interest will naturally be in the exhibit in the Horticultural building, which is illustrated and fully described on the opposite page.


Immediately south of the entrance to Jackson Park from the Midway Plaisance, and facing east on the lagoon, is the
Horticultural Building. In front is a flower terrace for outside exhibits, including tanks for Nymphæa and the Victoria
Regia. The front of the terrace, with its low parapet between large vases, borders the water, and at its center forms a
boat landing.

The building is 1,000 feet long, with an extreme width of 250 feet. The plan is a central pavilion with two end
pavilions, each connected with the central one by front and rear curtains, forming two interior courts, each 88 by 270

These courts are beautifully decorated in color, and planted with ornamental shrubs and flowers. The center of the
pavilion is roofed by a crystal dome 187 feet in diameter, and 113 feet high, under which are exhibited the tallest palms,
bamboos, and tree ferns that can be procured. There are galleries in each of the pavilions. The galleries of the end
pavilions are designed for cafes, the situation and the surroundings being particularly adapted to recreation and refresh-
ment. These cafes are surrounded by an arcade on three sides, from which charming views of the grounds can be had.
In this building are exhibited all the varieties of flowers, plants, vines, seeds, horticultural implements, etc.
exhibits requiring sunshine and light are shown in the rear curtains, where the roof is entirely of glass and not too far
removed from the plants. The front curtains and space under the galleries are designed for exhibits that require only the
ordinary amount of light. Provision is made to heat such parts as require it.

The exterior of the building is in staff, tinted in a soft warm buff, color being reserved for the interior and the courts.
(See next page.)
Mr. W. L. B. Jenny, of Chicago, is the architect.
The cost of this building was about $300,000.


In the south pavilion of the building will be installed the viticultural exhibit. An idea of how complete this part of the exhibit will be, can be gained from the fact that applications for space have already been received from 33 foreign countries. From abroad the exhibits of France, Germany, Spain and Italy will be especially notable. California will make a splendid display, all the great firms being exhibitors, and having applied for much more space than can possibly be allowed them.

In the rear curtains of the building will be shown the fruit exhibit, which will include all varieties grown in any part of the world. As far as it is possible to do so, probably in a great majority of cases, fine specimens of the natural fruit will be shown. Otherwise wax models, so perfect in appearance as to be indistinguishable from the real fruit, will be substituted. For this exhibit about 44,000 square feet, or more than an entire acre of space, is reserved.

A very complete and splendid exhibit of citrons and other fruits will be sent from California, Florida, Mexico and South American countries. By means of refrigerators, ripe fruit can be sent long distances without injury, and after reaching the Fair, cold-storage facilities will be available to keep it in perfect condition.

The exhibit in the important line of floricuture will be exceptionally extensive, and the preparation of it is far advanced. Unless this were the case, the exhibit could not well be a success, for time is required for the plants to overcome the check received in being transplanted. More than 500,000 transplanted shrubs and plants, of many species, are now growing in the Exposition grounds, and the number is rapidly increasing.

The Department sent out circulars to prominent horticulturists and horticultural societies in all parts of the world, requesting donations of plants, and agreeing to permit the name and address

of the donors to appear in connection with such specimens as they might send. The result is that thousands of plantsexcellent specimens, too-have been forwarded. Among them are more than 50,000 rare rose plants, which have been donated by firms all the way from California to Hungary.

The floricultural exhibit will not be concentrated in one place. In the front curtains of the building will appear the greenhouse and hothouse plants-a very large variety, and many rare and beautiful specimens. There, too, will be the finest display of orchids ever seen in this country, if not in the world. One firm alone will spend $40,000 on its orchid exhibit. At the opening of the Fair, Chief Samuels says, there will be a display of 2,000 different varieties of orchids, embracing 15,000 specimens.

Beneath the great dome will be the largest tropical plants obtainable, including Japanese and Chinese bamboos 75 to 80 feet high, palms 30 to 40 feet high, and tree ferns 15 feet or more in height. There will also be a miniature mountain covered with tropical plants, and in a cave within will be tried the experiments of growing plants by electric light, and of growing them by the aid of electric currents, passed through the soil, both of which, it is claimed, have been accomplished with remarkable results.

The two courts of the Horticultural building will be filled with orange groves from California and Florida, respectively. In each there will be not less than 160 trees, each bearing about 200 bright, ripe oranges. Thus an interesting comparison may be made between the oranges of the two States as to size and flavor, etc. The courts will also contain growing specimens of lemons, limes, bananas, etc. California would like to make a much larger display than will be possible, and applied for about fifty times as much space as could be assigned. It will occupy an acre on Midway Plaisance with a citrus exhibit. On

the Plaisance, too, five acres will be devoted to nursery exhibit, and Wisconsin will show there a cranberry marsh. Six acres in front of the Horticultural building will be devoted to the floricultural exhibit, as will also space about many of the larger buildings.

The "wooded island," or as more properly named, perhaps, the flowery island, will be one of the most beautiful and attractive spots at the Exposition. It embraces between 15 and 16 acres, and has been turned over almost entirely to the Horticultural Department for its exhibits. There, literally speaking, will be acres and acres of flowers of brightest and most varied hues and pleasing perfume. Little groves of trees, clumps of shrubbery, and sinuous walks will relieve the gorgeous monotony of this floral display.

On the north end of the island, Japan will build its strange, antique temple, and surround it with the choicest plants and flowers of the island realm of the Mikado. At various turns of the winding walks which thread this delightful domain of the flowers, the visitor will encounter artistic little structures of the summerhouse description, within which one may seat himself and enjoy rest and beauty and perfume. Many of these retreats-16 or 18 in numberwill have thatched roofs, and be covered with growing vines, and otherwise ornamented in keeping with their beautiful surroundings.

In the north pavilion of the Horticultural building will be a very extensive display of vegetables, canned goods, horticultural appliances, etc. In the second story of each pavilion will be a restaurant capable of seating about 200, and profusely adorned with ferns, flowers, and exotic plants. Outside will be a number of greenhouses, where visitors may see an exceptionally complete collection of tropical vegetation. There will also be large auxiliary greenhouses, not open to the general public, where plants will be brought to perfect exhibit

condition, and where plants will be cared for after their beauty season has passed. It may be rightly inferred that the Horticultural exhibit at the Exposition will be the most complete and extensive ever made or attempted. It is certain

to attract a great deal of attention, and prove to be of great scientific and educational interest. It will have important features not specified above, as, for example, a very complete collection of insects, both the injurious and the beneficial ones, whose operations affect the fruits and other products of the horticulturist. It is the intention to have in one place an exhibit of all of the species of plants mentioned in the Bible, and in others collections of almost equal historical interest.

Both Chief Samuels, who has general charge of the Horticultural Department, and Chief Thorp, who looks after the floricultural division of the exhibit, have proved themselves to be the right men for their respective duties, and it is already assured that the display which, with the active generous aid of horticulturists the world over, they will furnish, will be long and pleasantly remembered by every one who visits the World's Fair.

Red Raspberry for Honey. -Red raspberries pay well both in nectar for the bees and in fruit. The drooping blossoms protect the honey from moisture, and the bees can work upon them when the weather is so wet that they can obtain nothing from the upright blossoms of the clover. They furnish a succession of flowers during more than three weeks, and yield a supply almost as lasting as the white clover. In favorable seasons the plants supply the table with delicious berries which are more easily gathered than strawberries during as long a time as the plants are in bloom. Where is the farm that cannot afford a few rods of ground on which to raise this luxury ?-Exchange.

Don't Fail to read all of page 821.

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