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Sent by mail on receipt of price by THOMAS G. NEWMAN & SON, 199, 201, 203 East Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILLS.

Bees and Honey, or Management of an Apiary for Pleasure and Profit, by Thos. G. Newman. 250 pages-245 illustrations. Price, in cloth, $1.00.

Bienen Kultur, by Thomas G. Newman. This is a German translation of the principal portion of the book called "Bees and Honey." 100 pages. Price, 40 cents. Per dozen, $3.00.

The Apiary Register, by Thomas G. Newman.-A Record and Account Book for the Apiary, devoting two pages to each colony. Leather binding. The price for 50 colonies is $1.00. For 100 colonies, $1.25; 200 colonies, $1.50.

Bee-Keepers' Convention HandBook, by Thomas G. Newman.-It contains the Parliamentary Law and Rules of Order for BeeConventions-also Constitution and By-Laws, with Subjects for Discussion. Price, 50 cents.

Bee-Keepers' Guide, or Manual of the Apiary, by Prof. A. J. Cook.-This book is not only instructive, but interesting and thoroughly practical. It comprises a full delineation of the anatomy and physiology of bees. Price, $1.

Leaflet, No. 1.- Why Eat Honey? Intended for FREE distribution in the bee-keepers' locality, in order to create a Local Market. Price, 100 copies, 50 cents; for 500, $2.00; for 1,000, $3.25.

If 200 or more are ordered at one time, we print on them your name and address FREE,

Leaflet, No. 2.-Alsike Clover for pastur age. Price, 100 for 50c; 500 for $2.00; 1,000 for $3.25.

Leaflet, No. 3.-How to Keep Honey, and preserve its richness and flavor. Price, 100 for 50 cents; 500 for $2.00; 1,000 for $3.25.

The Preparation of Honey for the Market, including the production and care of Comb and Extracted Honey. A chapter from 'Bees and Honey." Price, 10 cents.

Bee-Pasturage a Necessity.-This book suggests what and how to plant. It is a chapter from "Bees and Honey." Price, 10 cents.

Swarming, Dividing and Feeding. Hints to beginners in Apiculture. A chapter from "Bees and Honey." Price, 5 cents.

Bees in Winter, Chaff - Packing, Bee Houses and Cellars. This is a chapter from "Bees and Honey." Price, 5 cents.

The Hive I Use, by G. M. Doolittle.-It details his management of bees and methods for the production of honey. Price, 5 cents.

Dictionary of Apiculture, by Prof. John Phin. Gives the correct meaning of nearly 500 apicultural terms. Price, 50 cents.

How to Propagate and Grow Fruit, by Chas. A. Green.-It contains over 50 illustrations and two large, colored fruit plates. It tells how to propagate strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, grapes, quinces, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, pears and apples, with cuts showing how to bud, graft and propagate from layers, etc. Price, 25 cents.

Wintering Problem in Bee-Keeping, by G. R. Pierce. Price, 50 cents.

Bee-Keepers' Directory, by Henry Alley. Queen Rearing, etc. Price, 50 cents.

Honey-Bee; Its Natural History, Anat omy and Physiology, by T. W. Cowan. Price, $1.00. Rural Life-Bees, Poultry, Fruits, Vege tables and Household Matters. Price, 25 cents. ABC of Carp-Culture, by A. I. Root and Geo. Finley. 70 pages. Price, 40 cents.

Foul-Brood, by A. R. Kohnke. - Origin, development and cure. Price, 25 cents.

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Advanced Bee-Culture; its methods and management, by W. Z. Hutchinson. Price, 50c. Bee-Keeping.-Translation of Dzierzon's latest German book. Price, $2.00; paper, $1.50.

Thirty Years Among the Bees, by Henry Alley. Price, 50 cents.

Grain Tables; for casting up the price of grain, produce, hay, etc. Price, 40 cents.

A B C of Potato Culture, by T. B. Terry. Price, 40 cents.

Scientific Queen-Rearing, by G. M. Doolittle.-It details his experiments in the rearing of Queen-Bees. Price, $1.00.

Pocket Dictionary. - Always useful, and often indispensable. Price, 25 cents.

Kendall's Horse Book.-35 engravings -illustrating positions of sick horses, and treats on all diseases. Price, English or German, 25 cents.

Hand-Book of Health, by Dr. Foote. -Hints and information of importance concerning eating, drinking, etc. Price, 25 cents.

Turkeys for Market and Profit, by Fanny Field, the most experienced turkey-rearer in America. Price, 25 cents.

Lumber and Log Book.-It gives the measurements of all kinds of lumber, logs, planks; wages, etc. Price, 25 cents.

Silo and Silage, by Prof. A. J. Cook.It gives the method in successful operation at the Michigan Agricultural College. Price, 25 cents.

Cheshire's treatment of Foul Brood.-Its cause and Prevention. Price, 10 cents.

Honey as Food and Medicine, by Thomas G. Newman.-In French. Price, 5 cents.

Langstroth_on the Honey - Bee, revised by Charles Dadant.-It is entirely re-written and fully illustrated. Price,

Handling Bees, by Chas. Dadant & Son. A chapter from Langstroth revised. Price, 8 cts. Blessed Bees, by John Allen.-Full of practical information. Price, 75 cents.

Success in Bee-Culture, by James Heddon. Price, 50 cents.

Quinby's New Bee-Keeping, by L. C. Root. This is a new edition of Mr. M. Quinby's "Mysteries of Bee-Keeping," entirely re-written by his son-in-law, Price, $1.50.

A B C of Strawberry Culture, by Messrs. T. B. Terry and A. I. Root.-It is for those beginning to grow strawberries. Price, 40 cents.

Historic.-A brief history of the North American Bee-Keepers' Association, and Reports of the first 20 Conventions. Price, 25 cents.

By-Laws.-For local Associations, with name of the Organization printed. $2.00 per 100.

Ribbon Badges for Bee-Keepers, upon which is printed a large bee in gold. Price, 10 cents each. Large ones with rosette, 50 cents.

How I Produce Comb Honey, by George E. Hilton; 3d edition. Price, 5 cents.

Maple Sugar and the Sugar Bush, by Prof. A. J. Cook. Price, 40 cents.

ABC of Bee Culture, by A. I. Root.A cyclopædia of everything pertaining to the care of the honey-bee. Price, $1.25.

Bee-Keeping for Profit, by Dr. G. L. Tinker.-It fully details the author's new system of producing honey. Price, 25 cents.

A Year Among the Bees, by Dr. C. C. Miller. Chat about a season's work. Price, 50 cts.


The Honey and the Gall.

When a man ain't got a cent, an' he's feeling kind o' blue,

An' the clouds hang dark an' heavy, an' won't let the sunshine through,

It's a great thing, oh, my brethren, for a feller just to lay

His hand upon your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way!

It makes a man feel curious; it makes the tear-drops start,

And you sort o' feel a flutter in the region of your heart,

You can't look up and meet his eyes; you don't know what to say.

When his hand is on your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way!

Oh, the world is a curious compound, with its honey and its gall.

With its cares and bitter crosses; but a good world after afl,

And a good God must have made it-leastways, that's what I say

When a hand rests on my shoulder in a friendly sort o' way!

-Atlanta Constitution.

.Sublime! We were almost struck dumb upon receiving the following letter from a Western firm, dated Dec. 15, 1891:

At what price could you use some "artificial honey comb" in sections, ready to be put in the hives, to be filled and capped over by the bees?

The combs will be made of wax, double or two sided. Cells of an inch long, and hexagon-shaped. The sections will be about 44x44, and will be put up in white-wood 12-section cases, with glass fronts.

This manner will enable the beekeeper to produce more honey at a much less cost than at the present time.

We also expect to be prepared to furnish" artificial comb honey "" in a short time, both white and amber. I would be glad to hear from you on the above subject.

Can it be possible that they take us for adulterators, frauds, green-goods men, or the like of that?

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as to whether they are deceivers, or are being deceived.

They say that they "expect to be prepared to furnish artificial combhoney in a short time, both white and amber." This shows that they are not confident! Are they furnishing money to some sharper, who is deceiving them, by promising to invent the "artificial comb-honey in a short time-to enable them to make fortunes?

The Meanest tactics that could be employed are sometimes resorted to by persons who are controlled by their passions. Mr. G. W. Gish,. of South Bend, Ind., writes as follows:

I am troubled here by two fruit men, who kill not only my bees, but those belonging to other persons. They hire boys to stand at convenient places with paddles and tweezers to kill all the bees they can. In such places the sidewalk was almost black with dead bees.

To thus interfere with the legitimate business of any one is a crime, and should be severely punished. Every honorable person will condemn such nefarious practices.

Spraying fruit trees in order to destroy injurious insects which prey upon the fruit is a matter which has received considerable attention among fruit-growers.

At first they sprayed the bloom with London purple or Paris green, but more lately with the Bordeaux mixture. This spraying of the trees while in bloom has caused much trouble by the bees working on the blossoms, and being poisoned thereby. Mr. John G. Smith, of New Canton, Ills., lost 60 colonies from that cause, as was noted in the BEE JOURNAL for April 16, 1891, on page 505.

The bee-periodicals raised such a cry of alarm that now cases are very few where the spraying is done before the formation of the fruit, for it has been demonstrated that the curculio and codling moth work on the newly-formed

fruit, and not on the blossoms. To spray the trees while in bloom is, therefore, quite useless, and results only in death to the bees-not to the worms.

In the light of these facts our readers will be surprised to see on page 49 of this BEE JOURNAL that Prof. J. A. Lintner, of New York, attended the late meeting of the North American Bee-Keepers' Association, at Albany, and asked to be heard on this subject.

He stated that "it would be an advantage, so far as the destruction of some insects is concerned, if spraying could be resorted to previous to and during the bloom."

Not content with

this, he said that he doubted "if bees were killed by the poison," and pressed his opinion so strongly, that in order to satisfy him, a committee of three was appointed to make experiments to prove 'whether the spraying of trees, while in bloom, actually does lead to the destruction of bees."

We are glad to state, however, that the convention did, by vote, condemn the spraying of trees while in bloom, before that committee was appointed.

That committee, if it does anything, should, at the earliest possible moment, make the experiments and report the result through the bee-periodicals.

It is of the greatest importance that no excuse should be allowed for the inauguration of another crusade against the bees next Spring, by encouraging fruit growers to spray fruit trees while in bloom.

It is to be regretted that Prof. Lintner should have been allowed to make such statements before such an important meeting of bee-keepers. Did he come there for that purpose? The matter was not on the programme, and would probably not have been mentioned had he not "asked to be allowed to say " what he did.

We fear that it was a decided blunder not to have expunged the matter from the published report of the convention. It would have done no harm to omit it, and that would have been safe.

Now, perhaps the best that can be done will be to publish the report of the committee as soon as it is possible to make the experiments.

To illustrate the evil of such publication, here is a "special cable dispatch" lately published in the Chicago Post :

LONDON, Dec. 26.-The Horticultural Times has caused some alarm by asserting that American apples are poisonous, as American grapes were sometime ago found to be, owing to the limbs of trees being syringed with chemical solutions to destroy insects, which poisoned the skin of the growing fruit. Demand is made that the Board of Trade restrict the importation of apples. It is asserted that the use of these poisonous solutions. is increasing in the United States. The Board of Trade will probably inquire into the matter, owing to the statement that tons of grapes were destroyed by the New York authorities.

Notwithstanding the fact that it was authoritatively settled many months ago, and widely published to the world (see BEE JOURNAL for Oct. 1 and Nov. 5, 1891, pages 423 and 581), that the Bordeaux mixture, used in spraying those grapes, was a solution of sulphate of copper and lime, and was by the Department of Agriculture pronounced harmless-yet it having been published to the world that the grapes were poisonous, like the Wiley lie, it can never be recalled the truth never will overtake the falsehood and destroy its influence ! It alarms" every time it is repeated, just as much as if its poisonous effects had never been contradicted! It is just as potent to-day in London, as if it were true that hundreds had been poisoned last Fall in New York, by eating the grapes in question!


At the Late Convention of the Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Association, a committee consisting of Mrs. L. Harrison, G. F. Robbins, S. N. Black, W. J. Finch and A. N. Draper, was appointed to formulate a premium list for the Sangamon County Fair. That is right. The fair premium lists should be looked after everywhere.

La Grippe holds two kings in its grasp, in addition to scores of princes, governors, legislators, and an innumerable number of ordinary mortals, and it made them all feel, for the time being, at least, as if life was not worth living.

It is paying particular attention to our public men. Among those down with it are Secretary Foster, Speaker Crisp, Congressman Mills, Gov.-elect McKinley, Quay, Gov. Campbell, and a number of others. This malarial con

tagion seems to be more prevalent than when it first appeared.

Hundreds of prominent bee-keepers are down with it, though but few have died. The Editor and Manager of the BEE JOURNAL have about recovered; Drs. Mason and Miller, and others, too numerous to mention them all, are, or expect soon to be, "on deck" again.

Influenza patients have been quarantined in Kent County, England. Any such who visit public places are fined £5 each.

We Have only a few Binders left of the large size, for the BEE JOURNALS previous to this year. If you want one, please send at once, before all are gone. Price, 60 cents.

Queries and Replies.

When to Put Bees into Cellars.

QUERY 800.-When wintering bees in a cellar, should they be put in while the weather is warm, or wait until a hard frost ?-W.

I do not know.-J. E. POND.

I would wait until after the frost.J. P. H. BROWN.

Immediately after they have had a good flight.-J. M. HAMBAUGH.

Just before steady cold weather or real Winter weather begins.-M. MAHIN.

I prefer to have it cool enough so that they will cluster nicely and be quiet.A. B. MASON.

Put them into the cellar just after a warm spell, when it is getting colder.C. H. DIBBERN.

Bees go into the cellar best when the mercury ranges at from 350 to 40°.— G. M. DOOLITTLE.

Put them in when you think they are not likely to have any more thorough flights.-JAMES HEDDON.

Just before "freezing up"-about the middle of November in lower Michigan. -R. L. TAYLOR.

Wait until several hard frosts, but house them before they freeze.-EUGENE SECOR.

Wait until there is some hard freezing, but not so hard as to cause frost in the hives.-G. L. TINKER.

You are not likely to get them in be fore a hard frost, but get them in, if possible, when they are not frozen or wet.-C. C. MILLER.

Put them in at the beginning of a hard frost, or the day following a warm day, i. e., when their bowels are empty.— DADANT & SON.

I would prefer to have them put in after they had ceased to fly, on a warm day. When a person is pinched with cold they would not handle them so gently.-MRS. L. HARRISON.

Put them in before the cold weather, comes. The only rule is to put them in while they are dry. I do not like them wet, and decidedly object to snow or ice on them.-A. J. COOK.

I have found in my locality that it is best to put bees into the cellar when it has become settled cold. Do not wait until the ground has become frozen.H. D. CUTTING.

I would prefer to handle the hives on a day that was just cold enough to keep the bees quietly in the hives. I have moved my apiary a short distance three times in the past twelve years, with great success, and I selected that sort of weather to do the work.-G. W. DEMAREE.

After settled cold weather has come, will be time enough to put bees into cel lars. The Winter confinement will be long enough, without any "lengthening." Of course it should not be cold, enough to make it a very disagreeable job, for then it would not be carefully done. A little observation will cause the selection of a suitable time for the work.-THE EDITOR.

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