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girls are taken out for overnight camps in the summer Recreation Education Services Program. Every week different groups attend these camps.

Tarpaulins are put up for protection from rain, which is very sparse. This outing experience gives youngsters an opportunity to camp in the rough for a direct contact with nature. Although the camp site is not grassed, the problem of loose mountain soil is solved by shifting the location of the camp every week.

Trailer Theater

Two of the newest experiments of the Albuquerque Public Schools Recreation Department in outdoor facilities and areas are the Trailer Theatre and plans for the installation of original playground apparatus.

-CHARLES RENFRO, director, Recreation Education Services, Public Schools, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Skinned baseball field with sprinkling system-Albuquerque Public Schools.

Construction Problems

Such a facility may present construction difficulties in cold climates. Asphalt, concrete, or the new composition substance "terra cotta" are each subject to cracking with temperature changes, and surface wear resulting from prolonged moisture, freezing, and thawing. Indoor freezing units can avoid cracking by lowering temperatures according to a specified rate per hour. Outdoor temperatures, however, cannot be thus controlled.

Cracks should be sealed with caulking compound before the area is flooded and frozen in order to prevent water seepage and the resultant "buckling." Tennis

High school girls roller skating during recreation period in Lincoln.


PRESENT AND future trends in the use of hard-surfaced outdoor play areas are to provide for as many activities as possible on a single space. For example, if an area can be surfaced, drained, fenced, lighted, and equipped for tennis, basketball, ice-skating, and roller-skating, it will certainly meet the facility needs of a large number of people of varied interests. Other activities of a less popular nature may also be scheduled without additional equipment.

The area should be located close to the regular school gymnasium, so that the locker rooms, shower rooms, toilets, and fountains are easily accessible. In order to encourage use of a new facility on free time, it is helpful to schedule it for regular physical education classes. This introduces the idea to a large number of students who might not ordinarily elect to use it after school, weekends, or during vacations. The large numbers resulting may create a problem of scheduling. This can easily be solved by observing normal varsity and weather seasons.

Expensive abuses can soon interfere with activities and cause unnecessary damage to the areas. Regular maintenance is also a necessity to keep them clean, safe, and in good repair.

Above all, multi-purpose areas should be left open at all times. More damage may occur from attempting, probably unsuccessfully, to ban people from admission, than from admitting them without supervision. Locking up the areas for weekends or holidays is a personal invitation to all who have used them to force the lock or climb or cut the fence.

If the expense can be justified for multi-purpose areas, they should be fully utilized by making them available at all times in order to receive maximum use and therefore maximum return on the investment.


-JOHN C. THOMPSON, director of health, physical education, and safety, Public Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska.

SUGGESTIONS FROM FLORIDA IN MANY PLACES, most of the recreation program is conducted out-ofdoors. Consequently, the same careful attention should be given to the planning, construction, and maintenance of outdoor facilities that is given to indoor facilities. Surfacing, fencing, landscaping, lighting, seating, and permanent

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NEW FROM BIKE... a complete line of Trainers Supplies

from the Bike Research Laboratories

Bike, long famous for its training room equipment, now announces an improved, scientifically prepared line of trainingroom chemicals.

Now, for the first time, you can order all your training supplies (supporters, tapes, wraps, pads, first aid and chemical products) from one source . . . with unequalled assurance of quality.

These trainers chemical supplies were developed in the research laboratories responsible for some of the outstanding medical discoveries of recent years.

An example is "a-carboxythioanisole,"

the wonder drug added to the new Bike Foot and Body Powder (see below) that gives it important fungicidal, keratin exfoliative and anti-perspirant properties.

This is typical of the exclusive chemical improvements developed in the laboratory and now incorporated for the first time in a line of trainers supplies.

We would like you to try one of these new Bike chemical products... to see for yourself the kind of improvements Bike has incorporated into its revolutionary new line. Write today on your school letterhead for a free sample.

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Fishing Tackle

Prepared by the





N INCREASING number of schools and colleges are initiating casting and fishing activities as a part of a broad program of physical education and recreation. Many are purchasing tackle for the first time for instructional purposes and would welcome suggestions on essential equipment. AAHPER HELPS

The Outdoor Education Project (a business-industry-education venture) is providing in-service training for school and college administrators and teachers interested in establishing outdoor education in their programs. The Associated Fishing Tackle Manufacturers and the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute are COoperating by providing funds that make possible state and regional outdoor education workshops.

The Outdoor Education Project Tackle Committee is now recommending specifications of tackle for instructional use, primarily for beginners in school and college casting activities. The price ranges listed are for good quality, medium-priced merchandise, and given so that approximate costs for necessary equip ment can be determined. As the program grows, it is expected that additional equipment, by way of rods, reels, lines, lure, and other types of tackle, will be required. More complete suggestions on equipment will be made by AAHPER as needs arise.

As outdoor education grows, information concerning program development, instructional materials, reference lists of available resources, and details concerning equipment and supplies will be available through the JOURNAL and other Association publications. AAHPER conventions, conferences, and workshops will feature outdoor education.

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Perfect for group activity: Nissen Trampoline in this high school gymnasium gets a good workout from a happy batch of boys.

Great fun... Great Sport

Kids love a Trampoline. Even the ones you have a hard time getting to participate in things take to a Trampoline like ducks to water. Maybe it's because right from the start any boy or girl can master the simple bounces and drops.

And, because the Trampoline is fun, delightful fun, doesn't mean it's a plaything. Exercise on the "Tramp" builds muscle, puts you in trim quickly and surely. In more and more high schools and colleges it's full-fledged competitive sport.

To get more enthusiastic participation in your physical education program put a Trampoline in the gym. Strong, sturdy, bouncy, long-lasting Nissen Trampolines have been used in schools and colleges for more than 15 years. If it isn't

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