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(4) Effective October first, nineteen hundred ninety-four:

(Long Max)

Perf. Perf. Perf. Perf. Perf. Hiring Advance Advance Advance Advance Advance SG Rate Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5


10-yr Perf. Long Long Adv. Amount Step

15-yr 20-yr Long Long Step Step

627 940 18,924 19,864 20,804 662 993 19,733 20,726 21,719 690 1,037 20,709 21,746 22,783 727 1,090 21,717 22,807 23,897 764 1,146 22,803 23,949 25,095 804 1,207 24,038 25,245 26,452 837 1,255 25,347 26,602 27,857 869 1,304 26,706 28,010 29,314 909 1,364 28,175 29,539 30,903 953 1,428 29,761 31,189 32,617 993 1,489 31,443 32,932 34,421

1 14,222 14,849 15,476 16,103 16,730 17,357 17,984 2 14,768 15,430 16,092 16,754 17,416 18,078 18,740 3 15,532 16,222 16,912 17,602 18,292 18,982 19,672 4 16,265 16,992 17,719 18,446 19,173 19,900 20,627 5 17,073 17,837 18,601 19,365 20,129 20,893 21,657 6 18,007 18,811 19,615 20,419 21,223 22,027 22,831 7 19,070 19,907 20,744 21,581 22,418 23,255 24,092 8 20,188 21,057 21,926 22,795 23,664 24,533 25,402 9 21,357 22,266 23,175 24,084 24,993 25,902 26,811 10 22,615 23,568 24,521 25,474 26,427 27,380 28,333 11 23,996 24,989 25,982 26,975 27,968 28,961 29,954 12 25,374 26,411 27,448 28,485 29,522 30,559 31,596 1,037 1,556 33,152 34,708 36,264 13 26,935 28,016 29,097 30,178 31,259 32,340 33,421 1,081 1,621 35,042 36,663 38,284 14 28,527 29,660 30,793 31,926 33,059 34,192 35,325 1,133 1,698 37,023 38,721 40,419 15 30,215 31,395 32,575 33,755 34,935 36,115 37,295 1,180 1,770 39,065 40,835 42,605 16 31,961 33,194 34,427 35,660 36,893 38,126 39,359 1,233 1,849 41,208 43,057 44,906 17 33,799 35,097 36,395 37,693 38,991 40,289 41,587 1,298 1,946 43,533 45,479 47,425 18 35,765 37,129 38,493 39,857 41,221 42,585 43,949 1,364 2,046 45,995 48,041 50,087 19 37,758 39,181 40,604 42,027 43,450 44,873 46,296 1,423 2,134 48,430 50,564 52,698 20 39,733 41,223 42,713 44,203 45,693 47,183 48,673 1,490 2,234 50,907 53,141 55,375 21 41,912 43,464 45,016 46,568 48,120 49,672 51,224 1,552 2,328 53,552 55,880 58,208 22 44,191 45,834 47,477 49,120 50,763 52,406 54,049 1,643 2,464 56,513 58,977 61,441 23 46,623 48,314 50,005 51,696 53,387 55,078 56,769 1,691 2,537 59,306 61,843 64,380 24 49,184 50,938 52,692 54,446 56,200 57,954 59,708 1,754 2,630 62,338 64,968 67,598 25 51,969 53,798 55,627 57,456 59,285 61,114 62,943 1,829 2,743 65,686 68,429 71,172

§ 2. Subdivision 2 of section 207-a of the state finance law, as added by chapter 578 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:



2. Where and to the extent that, an agreement between the state and an employee organization entered into pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law so provides on behalf of employees in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services unit and the security supervisors unit established pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law, and upon audit and warrant of the comptroller, the director shall provide for the payment of moneys to such employee organization for the establishment and maintenance of an employee benefit fund established by the employee organization for the employees in the negotiating units covered by the controlling provision of such agreement providing for such employee benefit fund, such amount to be determined consistent with said agreement on the basis of the number full-time annual salaried employees, as determined by the comptroller, on the payroll on the last day of the payroll period in which March first, nineteen hundred [eighty-eight] -eight] ninety-two falls for payments to be made on April first, nineteen hundred [eighty-eight] ninety-two, the last day of the payroll period in which March first, nineteen hundred [eighty-nine] ninety-three falls for payments to be made on April first, nineteen hundred (eighty-nine) ninety-three and on the last day of the payroll period in which March first, nineteen hundred (ninety] ninety-four falls for payments to be made on April first, nineteen hundred [ninety) ninety-four. The amount, which will be determined pursuant to this section, for employees who are paid from special or administrative funds, other than the general fund or the capital projects fund of the state, will be paid from the appropriations as provided by law, in which case the comptroller will establish procedures to ensure repayment from said special or administrative funds. The director may enter into an agreement with an employee organization which sets forth the specific terms and conditions for the establishment and administration of an employee benefit fund as a condition for the transmittal of moneys pursuant to this section.

tive negotiating units. 1. The


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§ 3. Compensation for certain state officers and employees in collecprovisions of this section shall apply in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services unit and the security supervisors unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law.


Effective April April 1, 1993, the basic annual salary of officers and employees in full-time employment status March 31, on 31. 199 1993, shall be increased by four percent adjusted to the next whole dollar amount. 3. Effective April 1, 1994, the basic annual salary of officers and employees in full-time employment status on March 31, 1994, shall be increased by four percent adjusted to the next whole dollar amount. 4.

Effective October 1, 1994, the basic annual salary of officers and employees in full-time employment status on September 30, 1994 shall be increased by a percentage which is that portion of one and one-quarter percent which when applied to the standard base previously increased by four percent as provided in subdivision three of this section results in a standard base increased by a total of five and one-quarter percent adjusted to the next whole dollar amount.

5. Officers and employees to whom the provisions of this section apply who on or after April 1, 1992 satisfactorily complete the first six weeks of the correction officer traineeship shall be entitled to a lump sum payment of two hundred dollars which shall be in addition to and not part of the employee's basic annual salary but such amount shall be included for retirement purposes.

6. Advancement within salary grade. Payments pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 6 of section 131 of the civil service law for officers and employees entitled to such payments to whom the provisions of this section apply shall be payable pursuant to the terms of an agreement between the state and an employee organization representing employees subject to the provisions of this section.


7. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section, if the basic annual salary of an officer or employee to whom the provisions of this section apply was identical with the job rate, longevity step one or longevity step two of the salary grade of his or her position March 31, 1992, such basic annual salary shall be increased to the job rate, longevity step one or longevity step two of such salary grade as contained in paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 130 of the civil service law as added by section one of this act, take effect on April 1, 1992, provided, however, that no such officer or employee shall have his or her basic annual salary decreased by operation of this subdivision and any officer or employee whose basic salary would have otherwise been decreased by operation employeeth



the basic annual salary to which he or she was entitled on March 31, 1992 until April 1, 1993.

8. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section, the basic annual salary of an officer or employee to whom the provisions of this section apply is identical with the job rate of the salary grade of his or her position on April 1, 1993 such basic annual salary shall be increased to the job rate of such salary grade as contained in paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 130 of the civil service law, as added by section one of this act, to take effect on April 1, 1993 and if the basic annual salary of an officer or employee to whom the provisions of this section apply is identical with the job rate of the salary grade of his or her position on April 1, 1994 or October 1, 1994, such basic annual salary shall be increased to the job rate of such salary grade as contained in paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 130 of the civil service law, as added by section one of this act, to take effect on the dates specified in such paragraph b as added by this act. The increases in basic annual salary provided by this subdivision shall be in lieu of any increase in basic annual salary provided for in subdivisions two,

three and four of this section.


9. If an unencumbered position is one which if encumbered, would be subject to the provisions of this section, the salary of such position shall be increased by the salary increase amounts specified in this section. If a position is created, and is filled by the appointment an officer or employee who is subject to the provisions of this section, the salary otherwise provided for such position shall be increased in the same manner as though such position had been in existence but unencumbered. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the director of the budget may reduce the salary of any such position which is or becomes vacant.

10. The increases in salary payable pursuant to this section shall apply on a prorated basis to officers and employees, otherwise eligible to receive an increase in salary pursuant to this section, who are paid on

EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law


an hourly or per diem basis, employees serving on a part-time or sonal basis and employees paid on any basis other than at an annual salary rate; except that the provisions of subdivision seven of this section shall not apply to employees serving on a seasonal basis, except as determined by the director of the budget.

11. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section, the provisions of this section shall not apply to officers or employees paid on a fee schedule basis.

12. In order to provide for the officers and employees to whom this section applies who are not allocated to salary grades, performance advancements and payments in proportion to those provided to persons to whom this section applies who are allocated to salary grades, the director of the budget is authorized to add appropriate adjustments to the compensation which such officers and employees are otherwise entitled to receive. The director of the budget shall issue certificates which shall contain schedules of positions and the salaries thereof for which adjustments are made pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, and a copy of each such certificate shall be filed with the state comptroller, the department of civil service, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.

13. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this section, any increase in compensation may be withheld in whole or in part from any employee to whom the provisions of this section are applicable when, in the opinion of the director of the budget and the director of employee relations, such increase is not warranted or is not appropriate. § 4. Additional compensation for certain employees in recognition of pre-shift briefing. 1. In recognition of the general requirement for full-time employees of the state in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services unit and the security supervisors unit, established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law, to assemble for briefing prior to the commencement of duties, where and to the extent an agreement between the state and an employee organization entered into pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law so provides on behalf of employees in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services unit and the security supervisors unit established pursuant said article 14 of the civil service law, each such an employee except such an employee receiving additional compensation pursuant to subdivision 5 of section 134 of the civil service law, shall receive additional compensation in recognition of pre-shift briefing as set forth below:


(a) each such employee holding a position in the security services unit shall receive a minimum of four dollars and eighty cents for each day while in payroll status when such pre-shift briefing time is not otherwise compensated at a greater amount at the one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay provided for by subdivision 1 of section 134 of the civil service law and the rules and regulations of the director of the budget;


(b) each such employee holding a position in the security supervisors unit shall receive a lump sum payment for each fiscal year during the period from April 1, 1991 to March 31, 1995 representing the difference, if any, between twelve hundred forty-eight dollars and the total of compensation paid during such fiscal year pursuant to subdivision 1 of section 134 of the civil service law for pre-shift briefing. For the purposes of determining the amount of such lump sum payment, the twelve hundred forty-eight dollar figure shall be prorated on the basis of the time in payroll status during each such fiscal year attributable to each such employee.

2. Effective December 1, 1991, employees eligible to receive additional compensation pursuant to this section who hold positions in job titles allocated to grade nine or below and who are in employment status on the date of payment shall receive a non-recurring lump sum payment of fifty-two dollars. Effective December 1, 1992, employees eligible to receive additional compensation pursuant to this section who hold positions in job titles allocated to grade nine or below and who are in employment status on the date of payment shall receive a non-recurring lump sum payment of fifty-two dollars. Effective December 1, 1993, employees eligible to receive additional compensation pursuant to this section who hold positions in job titles allocated to grade nine and below and who are in employment status on the date of payment shall receive a non-recurring lump sum payment of fifty-two dollars. Effective December 1, 1994, employees eligible to receive additional compensation pursuant to this section who hold positions in job titles allo

cated to grade six or below and who are in employment status on the date of payment shall receive a non-recurring lump sum payment of fifty-two dollars.

3. Any such additional compensation pursuant to this section whether calculated on a daily basis or received as a lump sum payment shall be paid in addition to and shall not be a part of the employee's basic annual salary and shall not be included as compensation for the purposes of computation of overtime pay, provided, however, that such additional compensation shall be included for retirement purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section or of any other law, such additional compensation as added by this section shall be in lieu of the continuation of any other additional compensation for such employees in recognition of p pre-shift briefing.

§ 5. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any employee of the state in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services unit and the security supervisors unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law who are eligible for additional compensation pursuant to subdivision 5 of section 134 of the civil service law shall be deemed ineligible for such additional compensation to the extent, in the manner and under the circumstances provided for in a collectively negotiated agreement on behalf of such employees. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any employees of the state in said collective negotiating unit designated as security supervisors unit shall receive no more than forty-eight hundred dollars in the fiscal years commencing April 1, 1991 and April 1, 1992. four thousand nine hundred ninety-two dollars effective April 1, 1993, five thousand one hundred ninety-two dollars effective April 1, 1994 and five thousand two hundred fifty-four dollars effective October 1, 1994 as additional compensation pursuant to subdivision 5 of section 134 of the civil service during any fiscal year where and to the extent a collectively nego


tiated agreement on behalf of such employees so provides.

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6. Uniform cleaning and maintenance and purchase of uniform shoes. In recognition of the general requirement for employees of the state in the security services unit and the security supervisors unit, established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law, to wear a uniform and to the extent that an agreement between the state and an employee organization entered into pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law so provides on behalf of employees in such units, each such employee shall receive an allowance for cleaning and maintenance at the rate of five hundred dollars per year effective December 1, 1991, and at the rate of five hundred dollars per year effective December 1, 1992, and at the rate of five hundred twenty-five dollars per year effective December 1, 1993, and at the rate of five hundred fifty dollars per year effective December 1, 1994.

§ 7.


Locational compensation for certain state officers and employees in collective negotiating units. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, officers and employees except part-time and seasonal officers and employees in the collective negotiating units designated the security services unit and the security supervisors unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law, whose principal place of employment or, in the case of a field employee, whose official station as determined in accordance with the regulations of the comptroller is located (1) in the county of Monroe and who were eligible to receive locational pay on March 31,1985, shall receive locational pay at the rate of two hundred three dollars per year provided they continue to be otherwise eligible or (2) in the city of New York, or in the county of Rockland, Westchester, Nassau or Suffolk shall receive locational pay at the rate of seven hundred one dollars per year effective April 1, 1991, seven hundred one dollars effective April 1, 1992, seven hundred twentynine dollars effective April 1, 1993, seven hundred fifty-nine dollars effective April 1, 1994, and seven hundred sixty-eight dollars effective October 1, 1994. Such locational pay shall be in addition to and shall not be a part of an employee's basic annual salary, and shall not affect or impair any performance advance or other rights or benefits to which an employee may be entitled by law, provided, however, that locational pay shall be included as compensation for the purposes of computation of For the sole purpose of conpay and for retirement purposes. tinuing eligibility for locational pay in the county of Monroe, ployee previously eligible to receive location pay on May 23, 1985 who


an em

EXPLANATION-Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets ( ) is old law is on an approved leave of absence or participates in an employer program to reduce to part-time service during summer months shall continue to be eligible for said locational pay upon return full-time state

service in said county of Monroe.


§ 8. During the period April 1, 1991 through March 31, 1995 there shall be a statewide joint labor-management committee continued and administered pursuant the terms of the agreements negotiated between


the state and the employee organization representing employees in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services and security supervisors units established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law which shall, after March 31, 1991, within the amounts available therefor, study and make recommendations concerning major issues of employee assistance, performance evaluation, training and provide for the implementation of the terms of agreements of such committee.

§ 9.

$9 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the appropriations contained in this act shall be available to the state for the payment and publication of grievance and arbitration settlements and awards pursuant to articles 7 and 8 of the collective negotiating agreements between the state and the employee organization representing the collective negotiating units designated as the security services unit and the security supervisors unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law.


§ 10. Notwithstanding any provision of law, rule or regulation to the contrary, an employee serving in a position within the security services negotiating unit or the security supervisors negotiating unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law whose salary withheld pursuant to subdivision 2-a of section 200 of the state finance law shall have such salary so withheld returned in accordance with the terms of an agreement negotiated between the state and the employee organization representing employees in the collective negotiating units designated the security services negotiating unit or the security supervisors negotiating unit in lieu of the l lump sum payment authorized by subparagraph (3) of paragraph (a) of subdivision 2-a of section 200 of the state finance law. The salary of employees newly hired after September 1, 1992 into state service in positions within said negotiating units shall not be subject to the provisions of subdivision 2-a of

tion 200 of the state finance law.



§ 11. The salary increases and benefit modifications provided for by this act for state employees in the collective negotiating units designated as the security services and security supervisors units established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law shall not be implemented until the director of employee relations shall have delivered to the director of the budget and the comptroller certificate that there is in effect with respect to such negotiating units collective negotiation agreements fully executed in writing with the state pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law which provide for such increases and modifications and unless such agreements have been ratified prior to September 1, 1992 pursuant to the ratification procedure of the employee organization certified pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law



represent such collective negotiating units. § 12. Date of entitlement to salary salary increase. Notwithstanding the provisions of this act or of any other law, the increase of salary compensation of any officer or employee provided by this act shall be added to the salary or compensation of such officer or employee at the beginning of that payroll period the first day of which is nearest to the effective date of such increase as provided in this act, or at the beginning of the earlier of two payroll periods the first days of which are nearest but equally near to the effective date of such increase as provided in this act; provided, however, that for the purposes of determining the salary of such officer or employee upon reclassification, reallocation, appointment, promotion, transfer, demotion, reinstatement or other change of status, such salary increase shall be deemed to effective on the date thereof as prescribed in this act, and the payment thereof pursuant to this section on a date prior thereto, instead of such effective date, shall not operate to confer any additional salary rights or benefits on such officer or employee. Payment of such salary increase may be deferred pursuant to section thirteen of this act.



§ 13. Deferred payment of salary increase. Notwithstanding the provi

sions of any other section of this act, or of any other law, incending

of positions subject to this act such incumbents shall receive, as par

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