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either they must take the baby with them, leave it with a neighbor, or keep one of the older children home from school to take care of it. None of these alternatives is pleasing, and the settlements have done a service to the poor by providing a place where the baby can be left and cared for during the day. The mother leaves the baby at the crèche when she goes to work in the morning and calls for it at night. A fee of 5 cents is usually charged.

The trained nurse.--The trained nurse is one of the latest additions to the staff of settlement residents. Most settlements now have one. She attends the needy sick of the neighborhood, and naturally gains a very strong hold on the people. Lectures, classes, etc.-Hull House, Chicago, is a center for university extension lectures of the University of Chicago. Many of the New York settlements are regular lecture centers under the board of education.

Settlements usually have classes in music, dancing, cooking, and gymnastics, and sometimes carpentry. The teachers are usually paid. Many of these classes are organized as clubs and meet perhaps once or twice a week as a club and once a week as a class.

Art.-There is a general feeling that settlements should do something to relieve the barrenness of the lives of the poor and bring as many elements of beauty into the neighborhood as possible. For this reason they sometimes have a prograinmne of concerts. Often there are art exhibitions and flower shows during the year. Libraries.-Settlement libraries are extensively used by the children of the neighborhood. The library of the university settlement in New York had the largest circulation per book of any library in the State last year.

Probation work.-Another resident who has been recently added to the list of workers is the probation officer. It has been felt for years that our penal system, whereby a first offender was sent to jail with hardened criminals who taught him the ways of crime, had its faults. The young man who came back from the prison had the brand of the jail upon him and found it hard either to secure honest employment afterwards or to live down the obloquy of his former life. The probation work comes in as a relief from this condition of things. When a young man or woman is brought into court charged with his first or second offense, the judge gives the case to a probation officer to investigate. If the officer thinks on investigation that mercy should be shown, he advises the judge to this effect, and the offender is often put under control of the probation officer. This means that the delinquent must give an account of himself and his work every week to the satisfaction of the officer. Almost 60 per cent of those thus committed are redeemed from the criminal class. The probation officer is supposed to take a personal interest in these probationers to a decent life-to advise with them, to help them to secure work, or even give them financial aid in some He may send the probationer to jail without a warrant if he is not satisfied with his efforts to improve.


Club work.-A large part of the work in a settlement building consists in club work. A club is a self-governing body, voluntarily organized for personal ends. It has a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, committees, etc., and generally a club adviser, who is a settlement resident or volunteer worker who meets with the club and seeks to influence its members for good.

In the New York settlements there is much greater demand for club rooms than there are rooms to offer. The university settlement has had to turn away about two hundred clubs during the past year. The reason for this great demand lies in the absence of sitting rooms or parlors from the neighboring tenements, so that the young people must find some other place for sociability.

There are many different kinds of clubs and many of them meet on certain nights or in the afternoon as classes. There are social clubs, debating clubs,

literary clubs, industrial clubs, etc. When a club is organized the first meeting is usually taken up by the election of officers and the choosing of a name. In former years the adoption of a constitution was the next weighty matter, but now that clubs have so multiplied, this matter is greatly simplified by the new clubs borrowing the constitution of an old club and adopting it with a few modifications. The membership is made up in much the same way as it is in a gentleman's club; a group of friends organize the club and the membership is increased by bringing in other friends. In boys' clubs there is generally a minimum and maximum age limit of members. The first idea was to have large clubs of a hundred or more, but now the idea is rather to have clubs of twelve or fifteen. A boy will generally be more loyal to a small club and there will be more intimacy between the members and a greater opportunity for the director to understand and influence each member personally.

There are two varieties of club activity, the business meeting and the programme of work, whatever it may be. The business meeting is apt to occupy too much time and becomes disorderly in the case of clubs of boys or girls under 16. It also presents many valuable sociable opportunities for the club adviser. If he is well versed in parliamentary law and gets his club to observe due form in its proceedings, this adds greatly to a club's self respect. If he can instill into the club the purpose to live up to its own constitution and by-laws he is teaching both regard for the club and obedience to law. The business meeting is well adapted to teaching several of the elements of success in modern life and also good citizenship. It teaches the boys or girls to cooperate in securing common ends. It teaches loyalty to a voluntary organization and obedience and respect to a selfenacted law.

The discipline of a boys or girls' club is a problem at first. There are three ways of securing such a degree of orderliness as is necessary to preserve the club's self-respect and will enable it to secure its objects. Discipline must be lenient if the children are to seem natural. The first and best method is to get the members of the club so much interested in it and what it is trying to do that they will restrain themselves, and to give them such a high ideal of club life and so much self-respect as a club that disorder will seem unnatural. The second way of maintaining order is through the club president, who by his manner, by imposing fines, or sending members from the room will alone often keep a club well disciplined. Clubs usually have a sergeant-at-arms, who is at the command of the president. The third way of maintaining order is by the presence of the club adviser and the respect he inspires.

Most of the organizations of the past, such as the priesthoods of Greece and Rome, and later, the Odd Fellows and the Masons in our own country, have developed a long ritual in connection with initiation and the conduct of business. There were also certain secrets not to be revealed. Boys show this same tendency strongly and sometimes organize into a gang to keep a secret they have made up themselves. A ritual of initiation, with secret grip, password, etc., adds greatly to the interest and impressiveness of this work for boys. As to whether it is best the writer leaves each to decide for himself.

The club adviser or director has a difficult position to fill. He must direct without commanding and lead while he seems to follow. If he attempts to force his ideals on the club they will lose interest. The great thing which he must do for the club is to select some worthy aim for its activity, and then by his own efforts and by cooperation with them keep up a constant enthusiasm for the work. A club must have some object if it is to be worthy of existence. If the adviser is to be successful socially he must have an intimate acquaintance with every boy and learn all about his life, so that he can advise and sympathize with him on all the

affairs of life, as a cultured parent would do were the boy so fortunate as to possess one. In Boston they are coming to think that an industrial club is more successful than any other.

The main object of those who began the club movement was to remove the boys and girls from the temptations of the street, and especially of the saloon.

A second good object is the forming of intimate friendships and gaining the ability to cooperate.

A third is a training in manners and cleanliness through the influence of the director and of the club as a whole. Clubs train boys to be gentlemen. In this way the work has been very successful.

A fourth good object may be a training in morals through talks by the leader and the penalties inflicted on offenders by the club itself.

A fifth object in any well-regulated club is a training in good citizenship through the development of a sense of loyalty to an organization and its members and through obedience to self-elected leaders and self-enacted laws.

Vacation homes and summer camps.-During the summer a large part of the regular activities of settlements are discontinued and the club members and children are sent to some camp in the country for one or two weeks. They usually pay about half their expenses. The plan adopted by most of the New York settlements has been to secure an abandoned farm with a good farmhouse. A matron is placed in charge and there is some worker to organize games.


One sometimes hears the questions asked, "Is the settlement a permanent institution?" "Is it to be a feature of our social life in the years to come?" The answer seems to be that the settlement, as a settlement, is a phase of the "battle with the slum." To those of us who are sanguine enough to believe the slum is going to be conquered in its struggle with civilization, it would appear that the settlement as a place of residence for another class must disappear with the slum, but it may be maintained as a neighborhood center. To us, however, the fight with the slum is peculiarly difficult, for however well we subdue the evil conditions in our midst, each steamer that comes to us from southern Europe brings us a new slum, and we have to begin the battle over again. The slum must be conquered there before we can escape from its influence here.

There are many who believe that our present slum condition is due to the separation of the rich and poor, who have come to live in different sections of the city. This has brought about a failure to understand each other and an almost complete breach of sympathy between the classes. These theorists believe the solution of the whole problem is to bring the rich to live among the poor, and the able will thus become popular leaders, and labor and capital will understand each other, and their cooperation will lead to kindlier feelings and the wiping out of slum conditions.


When we consider the efforts which the more fortunate classes are making for those less fortunate, when we regard the vast sums of money which are being contributed by the rich to raise the condition of the poor, when we see the manifold activities now being carried on to relieve their wretchedness or give them real pleasure, we can not but ask ourselves, Can the laboring people who see all this ever again regard society as their enemy? If an era of better understanding and better feeling between rich and poor is really approaching, as the writer believes is the case, the settlements have had no small part in reestablishing this harmony.


Practical Socialism. Rev. A. B. Barnett.
Neighborhood Guilds. Stanton Coit.

Philanthropy and Social Progress. Jane Addams.
Social Settlements. Professor Henderson.

Function of the Social Settlement. Jane Addams.
Elements of Sociology. Frank Giddings.
Arnold Toynbee. Johns Hopkins Press.
Universities and the Social Problem. Knapp.
English Social Movements. Robert A. Woods.
The City Wilderness. Robert A. Woods.
Life and Labor of the People.
How the Other Half Lives.
Children of the Poor,
The Battle with the Slums.
Boys Self-Governing Clubs.

Charles Booth.

Jacob Riis.
Winifred Buck.



[This compilation forms a continuation of that which appeared in the Commissioner's Report of 1902 (Chap. I, pp. 1-90), and which included the acts of Congress relating to the land grant colleges and the laws of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Dela ware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana.]


Constitution (1820): ART. VIII. A general diffusion of the advantages of education being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, to promote this important object, the legislature is authorized, and it shall be their duty to require the several towns to make suitable provision, at their own expense, for the support and maintenance of public schools; and it shall further be their duty to encourage and suitably endow, from time to time as the circumstances of the people may authorize, all academies, colleges, and seminaries of learning within the State: Provided, That no donation, grant, or endowment shall at any time be made by the legislature to any literary institution now established, or which may hereafter be established, unless at the time of making such endowment the legislature of the State shall have the right to grant any further powers to alter, limit, or restrain any of the powers vested in any such literary institution as shall be judged necessary to promote the best interests thereof.

[The matter which follows is taken from the Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, passed August 29, 1883, and a Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, for the years 1885-1895, inclusive, by Elias Dudley Freeman, esq. Portland, 1895.]

Chapter 11: SEC. 123. Presidents of colleges are removable at the pleasure of the trustees and overseers, whose concurrence is necessary for their election.

SEC. 124. No officer of a college shall receive as perquisites any fees for a diploma or medical degree conferred by such college, but such fees shall be paid into the college treasury.

SEC. 125. If an innholder, confectioner, or keeper of a shop, boarding house, or livery stable gives credit for food, drink, or horse or carriage hire to any pupil of a college or literary institution in violation of its rules or without the consent of its president or other officer authorized thereto by its government, he forfeits a sum equal to the amount so credited, whether it has been paid or not, to be recovered in an action of debt by the treasurer of such institution; half to its use and half to the town where it is located; and no person shall be licensed by the municipal officers for any of said employments if it appears that within the preceding year he had given credit contrary to the provisions hereof.

Chapter 58: SECTION 1. The Maine board of agriculture for the improvement of agriculture and the advancement of the general interests of husbandry consists of the president and the professor of agriculture of the State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, together with one person from each county elected by ballot by any county agricultural or horticultural society at its annual or other meeting called for the purpose, and they hold their offices for three years from the third Wednesday of January thereafter.

SEC. 4. The board, by its secretary and one of its members, shall hold annually two farmers' institutes in each county and as many more as it deems expedient or finds practicable with the means at its disposal for the public discussion of topics relating to husbandry and the best methods of building and maintaining public ways, either independently or in connection with any organization devoted to the same general object, and it may issue bulletins, employ experts, lecturers, a

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