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SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith the annual report of the operations of the Government Printing Office for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1912.


Very respectfully,


Public Printer.



Washington, December 2, 1912.

To the Senate and House of Representatives:

The statistical information of the transactions of the Government Printing Office, as required by law, is submitted in tabular form. I have included in this report a number of additional statements which clearly summarize the transactions and work performed by the establishment during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1912.

The total appropriations for salaries, maintenance, and operation of the Government Printing Office were $5,547,634. The appropriation for the office of the superintendent of documents ($255,884) was deducted from this amount, and there was allotted and made available for the production of public printing and binding $5,291,750. The charges for repay work (which consists of work performed for the departments and chargeable to appropriations other than that for public printing and binding) amounted to $959,043.92 during the fiscal year. The total disbursements and outstanding obligations amounted to $6,388,730.79, leaving an unexpended balance of $117,947.13 to the credit of the several appropriations.

In the unexpended balance is included $75,277.26, which amount represents the repay accounts and deposits by disbursing officers and individuals not transferred to the credit of the appropriation for printing and binding June 30, 1912, and therefore not available for expenditures.

The unexpended balance of $117,947.13 on June 30, 1912, was composed of the following items: Legislative salaries, office of the Public Printer, $5,078.86; general expenses, office of the superintendent of documents, $17,007.59; leaves of absence, $15,019.41, pay for holidays, $428.92; salaries, office of the superintendent of documents, $2,060.98; public printing and binding, $78,351.37.

The total charge for work performed was $6,776,165.18, which exceeded by $468,402.44 the total charge for work performed during the preceding fiscal year.

The total amount of expenditures for maintenance, operation, and general expenses of the Government Printing Office, not including the expenditures for the office of the superintendent of documents, was $6,254,907.37. The total charges for completed work performed during the fiscal year ($6,776,165.18) exceeded the total expenditures. to the amount of $521,257.81, which is 8.33 per cent of the total expenditure.

The expenditures for operating the Printing Office during the fiscal year 1911 from all appropriations except those for the salaries and

general expense of the office of superintendent of documents amounted to $6,245,080.88, while the corresponding amount for the fiscal year 1912 was $6,254,907.37. The total charges for completed work during these two years were $6,307,762.74 and $6,776,165.18, respectively. Therefore, printing for which $1 was charged during the fiscal year 1911 cost 99 cents to produce as compared with 92 cents during the fiscal year 1912.

The increased per capita production during the fiscal year made possible a reduction of approximately 5 per cent in the scale of charges. This reduction was made, and the reduced scale will apply to work produced during the fiscal year 1913. This readjustment of the scale of charges was based upon yearly cost of production data, and was accomplished by a reduction in charges for presswork, certain classes of pamphlet and binding work, composition, and charges for handling stock, illustrations, and other purchases. It was, however, necessary to increase the charges on some items on which the cost exceeded the charges during 1912, but the reductions made in the scale will result in a reduction in charges to Congress and the departments of approximately $300,000 during the present fiscal year.


The following statement is a summary of production for fiscal years 1910, 1911, and 1912 and covers the larger items which enter into printing and binding:

[blocks in formation]

1 Represents 10 months' actual production and 2 months' average or approximate production.

2 No yearly data available.

3 Does not include a small amount of hand sewing.

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