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[N.B. This is the English of "Important Concessions in point of pay to the Metropolitan Police." - See Morning Papers.


S we prophesied last week, the Guardia Civile only found on the
brigands they killed £700 out of the £5000 ransom paid by the
MESSRS. BONELL. What has become of the rest of the money?
Ask the Spanish Government.

The Times draws a comparison between the comedy of Gibraltar and the recent tragedy in Greece. "Where," it asks, "is the keystone of the difference between the cases?" It admits that much credit is due to the tact and energy of MR. LAYARD, but the essential distinction is in "the promptitude of the Spanish Government."

agreed to take. Until they had clutched the treasure in the streets of Cadiz, and were well on their way back to their haunts with their money in their bags, no sign of force was made. Then, in a moment retribution fell on the guilty band, and they were nearly all slain, while a portion of the price of their villainy was



"A portion?" Yes, £700, out of £5000. Again we ask, where is the rest of the money?

It seems that ŞIR RICHARD AIREY advanced the amount to MR. BONELL Senior out of the military chest at Gibraltar.

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Let us hope, when our Government tries to get the money back from the Spanish it won't find its claim an airy nothing." Possibly the BONELLS may be made to pay up. But the least probable solution, of all probable solutions, we will answer for it, is the one suggested the Times :

"We imagine that SIR RICHARD AIREY will demand the repayment of his loan from MR. LAYARD, and that MR. LAYARD will not be slow in recovering it from the Foreign Office at Madrid."

Punch has the greatest respect for MR. LAYARD, and a large faith in his power of dealing with uncivilised Governments, but we fear, it will be beyond even MR. LAYARD'S power, to make a Spanish Government stump up to the tune of £5000-witness the Tornado case. A Spanish Government can bully-can bluster-can lie-can cheat, with or without forms of law-above all, it can rob-even its own robbers. But one thing it won't do-whether it can or no-and that is pay its debts, above all to Englishmen. It acts upon, whether or not it avows, the patriotic reason, that it can't bear handing over "the Spanish" to English hands.

" In Greece, and especially in the Greek Foreign Office, we found nothing but vacillation at a period of the negotiations when firmness was required, and nothing but obstinacy when a temporising and conciliatory policy should have been pursued. In Spain it was quite otherwise. The brigands were tracked and watched from a distance. Their proceedings "good-natured friends." were every one of them observed and known, without their being aware of the fact. They They are never tired of talking about him, and pointing were encouraged by negotiation to demand and even to grasp the ransom which they had out his black spots.

(HAWFINCH sings.)

EES, wonderful weather we've had as you zay,
All right for your pleasure, but what for our hay?
The best as could be for your yacht and your train;
Our crops be parched up droo this here want o' rain.

Wuss weather for farmun there hardly could be,
The spacies of farmun that's practus'd by we,
We farmers as lives by the land and the plough,
In fine languidge called agriculturists now.

There's farmun and farmun; some farmers there's, too,
That farms other things besides acres, ab, who?
Them farmers is females and no country clowns;
They farms little babies in slums o' big towns.

They pinches the most they can out o' their keep,

Till want, rags, and filth kills 'um off like zick sheep; They ought to be hanged draad and quartered, no doubt, And them childern's parunts still wusser sarved out.

But we British farmers med truly declare

Poor childern we never sees used like that there;
Nor, what's just as bad, if not wuss, by right rule,
Doan't starve their young minds by denyun 'um school.

And now I can't tell 'ee how thankful I feels
O' this here new Bill for to gie their minds meals,
And hender farm lab'rers, as every one knows,
From farmun their young 'uns to scare away crows.

This here pocket into I'll put this here hand,
And pull out sitch rate as our School shall demand,
To answer the purpus o' tachun the young

To rade and write proper their own country tongue.

Le Sport.

A. COCKNEY sportsman, wishing to introduce hare-hunting into France, is seriously meditating a work on the subject, to be entitled, Arrière-pensées; or, Thoughts on Keeping 'Ariers. His nom de plume will be Le petit Jean du Jockey-Club.

ASTRONOMERS are the Sun's


Two poor diables of Essex carters were fined, the other day, for being asleep on their carts on the Bow Road.

The defence of the unhappy drivers deserves attention. It seems these men have no regular hours for sleep allowed them by their masters. In the day they work in the market-garden, or on the farm : at night they have to drive their carts up to London with the produce, and back. The only sleep they get, according to their own account, from Monday morning to Sunday night, is in the litter of the stable, or atop of the loads in their carts, or the manure they carry back in them.

How comes it that men submit to such conditions? Are the Essex clodhoppers really so much duller than their neighbours, as to give two days' work for one day's wages? Or, are the relations of labour and capital so distorted, that the master can really, in this case as in that of the London bakers, impose any hours and conditions of toil he pleases, on the poor wretches whom he employs?

The case is worth looking into. We recommend it to MR. TREMENHEERE, who is always inquiring and making blue-books about somebody or something or other that is out of joint. Sleep-walking only harms the somnambulist. But sleep-driving is apt to endanger the lives and limbs of passengers. We can't have the population of Bow run over; but it seems hard to lay the carters of Essex under hours of Jabour which make it impossible for them to impossible keep their eyes open. We recommend the East-End Magistrates, if the law allows them, to let off the men, and to bleed, instead, those Essex calves, their masters.

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WHAT ails Hyde Park? 'Tis not as 'twas of yore,
The concourse is less dense, the show less gay;
A change, O Ring, thy splendour has come o'er:
And Rotten Row shows symptoms of decay.

Do Rank and Fashion, like to Capital
Timid, and touchy as the plant which feels,
Shrink from a spot, the now habitual
Resort of threatening mobs convoked by BEALES ?

Or can it, as Hope whispers it may be,
But for awhile their sun disdains to shine,
Where Chaos reigns, in seedy majesty,
O'er the bare bed of the dry Serpentine ?

Would it not be a graceful bit of fun
If, during the work's progress, for a lark,
The happier classes, till the job be done,
With their calm smiles would bless Victoria Park?



THE Irish, though "a melancholy and contiguous race" (quotation from MR. DISRAELI, there or thereabouts), use most poetical expressions. They wish you "the top of the morning."

Evidently MR. DISRAELI forgot to introduce this salutation into his novelette Ixion. As thus :

"Aurora was in high spirits, amusing herself with a whip.

""What are you doing, child?" asked deorum pater, good-humouredly. He was always good-humoured when in his dressing-gown and slippers; he had just soaked a petit pain in chocolate.

"""Spinning the top of the morning, answered the goddess, archly. She had recently visited Ireland, and had brought away with her the slightest brogue in the world.

""To the Styx wid the brogue,' she retorted on the Son of Ops remarking her accent--'Don't you see I wear sandals?'

"Jupiter.... but at this moment Juno entered, and Mercury followed with the morning paper."


In June, 1870.

"MAKE Hay while the Sun Shines." Can't.


SCENE-Mr. Punch's Library.

PRESENT.-Mr. Punch.

Author of "Happy Thoughts."

Mr. Punch. Ain't you going to do something important for the new volume P

A. H. T. I are.

Mr. P. What?


Mr. P. Sounds well. Series?

A. H. T. Oui, mein Herr.

Mr. P. Make it amusing, and send it in early.

In watching featherless bipeds, I have noticed some with habits hardly differing from those ascribed to these two birds. Little ducks have, to my knowledge, been found with a much longer bill (for articles of finery) than that which has been given to their gander of a husband; is clear that she can have one.

and, though a little duck of the kind may daily share her grub with

him, it is first of all on the effort of the male that she depends for her support. I would recommend your scientific readers to pursue the analogy by paying an early visit to this interesting couple. I believe it will be found to be considerably more interesting than many interesting couples they may elsewhere meet. Yours obediently,

The Rookery, Tuesday.


To Well-Informed Piscatorials.

Query. What sort of fish is a Nod?

A. H. T. If your grandmother requires a lesson in oval suction, it

Mr. P (sternly). Sir, you are Boompjeous. (Sweetly.) Take a cigar.

Probably Mediæval.

Two Templars were starting for the Continent. "Gramercy," quoth the elder to the younger, "thy trunk is open, the string hath broke." "By my hilts!" cried the younger, in no sort discouraged, "tis well that it has been registered."

"Beshrew me!" answered the elder, archly, "twould be better an 'twere recorded." [And they went by the next train.


Note. A Nod is a sea-fish, and is, probably, of of the limpet tribe. This we gather from our knowledge of the Periwinkle, known in polite circles as the 'Wink. The value of the Nod has come down to us in Law Lords always had a tendency to pull each other's Bills to pieces. EARL GRANVILLE, the other day, had occasion to remark that the the form of an old proverb, "A Nod is as good as a 'Wink," and this Doves bill and coo; but a different sort of billing is natural to no doubt originated the query to which we have satisfactorily replied. prey. birds of


A.B.C. "with a Difference," 218 Abilities of Women (The), 195

Affair Peter (The), 21

American Newton (An), 243

Fall of Hausmann (The), 21

Falsified Faces, 145

Christmas Keeping and Christmas Break- Fears of Female Emancipation, 157

Historical Manuscripts' Commission, 144
Horses and their Torturers, 168

Hyde Park in Eclipse, 258
Hymn to St. Trofimus, 13
ILL-USED Pappa (An), 39
Imperial Economy, 116

Important Cabinet Revelation, 22

Imprecations on an Exclusive, 40

Fenian's Quick March from Canada, 241 Improvement on Furbelow, 104

All about Nutting, 176

Amends to America, 9'

Farewell to the New Forest, 171 Farm and the School (The), 257 Fashionable Economy, 9

Fashionable Intelligence, 144

American Slangography, 44

"Am I my Brother's Keeper?" 106

Fearful Rite at Rome (A), 137

[blocks in formation]

Few Predictions (A), 188

Another Irish Grievance, 187

Figaro's "Folle Journée," 241

Anything Green in Blackheath, 239

Apology (An), 165

Fine Feathers for Fine Birds, 157

Archiepiscopal Grammar, 123 Art-Culture for Criminals, 160 Asclepius his Daughters, 113

Another Happy Thought, 258

At Spes non Fracta, 153

At the Academy-Perplexed, 191
Awakened Bath, 188
Awful Hiding (An), 24
Awful Mallard! (An), 103
Awful Menace, 188
Awkward Name (An), 13
Ayrtonus Exultans! 207

BABOO Keshub Chunder Sen, 155
Ballad for Dawson Burns (A), 127
Barrel of Barrels (A), 155

Beadles at Brussels (The), 64
Beautiful Parliament (A), 231
Beefeaters Abroad, 19

Better Day, Better Deed, 81

Betting Blackguard's Ballad (The), 169

Beware of Pickpockets! 234

Beware of the Trains, 230

Bilingual Utterances, 115, 148

Bishops to Make! Bishops to Mend! 14
Blackheath and the Board of Works, 231
Blank Verse, 129

Blessing on an Old Broome (A), 46
Bob Lowe's New Year's Gift, 11
Braggarts and their Moneybags, 137
Bright still Brighter, 24

British Blessing for India (A), 195
Bung and the Borough (The), 199
'Bus-Driving and its Critics, 36

CAB of the Future (The), 160

Cnadian Volunteers' Song (The), 234
Candidates for the Carnificate, 71

Capital Investment (A), 93

Clergyman who Keeps a Conscience (A), 7 Fenians' Raging Fury (The), 100

Fine Head of Humbug (A), 88

Fine Times for Madame Tussaud, 220
Firearms for the Few, 165

First-Night and other Dramatic Criticisms, 143

Fish Nipped in the Spawn, 143
Five Counties on Fire, 123

Florid Style (The), 45

Flunkeyisms in Excelsis, 149
Found at Richmond, 29

Fountain of Honour in France, 176

"Fourth R" Question Composed (The),


Infallible Out-and-Outer (The), 118 Involuntary Owls, 128

Io Pæan! 147

Irish Treasonmonger to Himself (The), 135 Irrepressible Sunday Bill (The), 93

Is Tight-Lacing Injurious? 185

JOLLY Doctors (The), 8

Jovial "Reading" Party (A), 209

Justice for Ireland! 136

Justice for Justice, 140

Justice Holding her Own, 124

KING Maw or Another, 189

LACONIC Reform in Parliament, 168

La Mode and La Misère, 77

Iay of Licensing Amendment, 90

"Leap of Quintus Curtius" (The), 138 Learning for Ladies, 96

[blocks in formation]

Charity of the Stage (The), 269

Charles Dickens, 244

Cheap at the Money, 104

Check upon the Trade Cheats (A), 44

Cherub in a Cradle (A), 159

Chiesa Buffa, Holborn, 116

ing, 2

Church Artillery, 146

Coercion for the Ladies, 149

Collarado, 200

Collegiate Charity (A), 103
Columbus in the Calendar, 227

Comfort for the Lowly, 169
Coming Legislation, 94
Competition for a Crown, 34
Competitive Cabmen, 85
Converted Revolvers, 158
Constabulary Destitution, 200
Coronation in France, 128

Corporeal Enlightenment, 127

Corrected Edition of the Hon. Hamilton

Fish's Despatches, 4

Cramming at Home and at School, 3
Crying Nuisance (A), 199
Cry of the Commoners (The), 168
"Cry of the Innocents" (The), 150
DANCE of David (The), 156
Daniel Maclise, R. A., 182
Death Slip (A), 65

Distressing Occurrence, 148
Down with your Dust, 177
Drag Drawn Mild (A), 222

Dramatic Origin of Species, 209
Dr. Manning's Faith Pill, 56

Free and Easy Versions of the Classics, 88
French Judicial Farce, 129

French Justice to Ireland, 197

French Modistes and French Modesty, 171
Frightful Clerical Scandal, 9

From "Our own Correspondent," 73, 119

Frou-Frou, 178

GENERAL Sham, 128

Le Mieux est l'Ennemi du Bien, 153
Lesson to Louis Blanc (A), 135

Lines to Dupanloup, 34

Lisping in Numbers, 127

Listeners Hearing Good of Themselves, 187

Literary Ice-Stacks, 137

Live Sea-Serpent (A), 175

Getting Butter out of a Dog's Mouth, 257 Long Step in the Right Road (A), 76

Give a Dog, &c., 148

Give him a Stone, 196

(The), 171

Echo Ecumenicalis, 113

Economy for Ladies, 230

Eddication League (The), 72

Edwin to Angelina, 186

Effects of the Irish Land Bill, 78

Good News for Bad Travellers, 53

Look at the Clock, 86

Lords and Commons, 198

Loss to Ancient Nicholas (A), 233

Low Gamblers and the Better Orders, 196

Gracious Evans, and a Charming Dick MACBETH not Dogberry, 177
Whittington (A), 27

Grave of Charles Dickens (The), 253
Great Anglo-Gallic Amalgamation Com-

pany (The), 19

Great Meeting in the City, 167

Great Untaxed in Posse? (The), 148

Egyptian Progress, 130

Eighty Miles at a Stretch, 76

En Voila bien Assez, 113

Groundless Panic, 186

Ermine in Sight of Spring (The), 43

Gush of Eloquence (A), 63

Euphemism before Accuracy, 201

HANDY-Capping, 123

Evenings from Home, 32, 49, 105

Hard Work for Hoofs, 186

Experiment on John Bull (An), 250

Extra Law Lord (An), 22

FAITES votre jeu-Le jeu est fait ! 157

Fal-lals for February, 62

Height of Just Taxation (The), 153

He is an Edile! 208

High, Low, Broad, or Narrow? 208

Hint for the Academy (A), 93

Madmen and their Murderers, 115

Manchester's Medical Charities, 115
Man of April again (The), 44

Mark Lemon, 219

Master hath Spoken (The), 199

Matrimonial Qualification for M.P., 159
Medical Police, 8

Mediumship, Home and Foreign, 149
Minister of Great Horse-Power (A), 209

Ministries and Mobs, 54

Misjudgment of Judges (The), 207
Mission of the Mayors (The), 54

Monasteries and Monasteries, 154

More Happy Thoughts, 1, 17, 28, 34, &c.

Hints for Conversation (Derby Day), 230 More New Theatres! 3

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