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AN instructive and elevating Exhibition of Plastic Art, which has lately received some signal additions, and is now in the way to receive more of the same kind, is MADAME TUSSAUD's Chamber of Horrors. The visitor to this place of historical entertainment will have the feelings which may have taken him there gratified not only by a model of the guillotine on a scaffold, but also by a series of coloured illustrations on the surrounding walls representing numerous varieties of corporal and capital punishment. The latter, he will observe, are processes more complicated and less expeditious than simple decapitation, and than the method in which MR. CALCRAFT finishes the law; and he may be tempted to question whether, if ruffianism continues to proceed at its present rate, some one of those other methods had not better be substituted for that. By the way, he will miss CALCRAFT and a model of the structure whose platform constitutes his sphere of usefulness.

He who has conducted young ladies thither at their innocent request, or in the idea of pleasing them, will probably, in the midst of an explanation of the guillotine, find himself suddenly left alone in the middle of his discourse; his companions having vanished down-stairs. If the effect thus wrought on gentle minds were that usually and generally produced on the lower orders by such spectacles as the Horrors on view at MADAME TUSSAUD's establishment, it would become a question whether a collection of so humanising a character should continue limited to the extent of a private show. Philanthropists and Statesmen would do well to consider whether the elevation of the masses would not be promoted, and that of criminals (in another sense) prevented by the formation of a National Gallery of Crime and Punishment. But as it has been found that familiarity with hanging doth breed contempt for the gallows, MR. CALCRAFT has been ordained to finish the law now intra muros; and it is probable that an effect the reverse of humanising would result from the provision of a gratuitous Chamber of Horrors for the Million.

If most likely this would be so, is it possible that recent, if we may not safely venture to say current, atrocities equalling or exceeding the exploits of TROPMANN, are in any measure referable, in the way of

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"Arrested motion takes the form of light and heat. * * If the planet Mercury were to strike the Sun, the heat thereby generated would cover the solar emission for nearly seven years, while the shock of Jupiter would cover the loss of 32,240 years."

We have not at present leisure to amuse ourselves by working out this pretty little problem. But for those who like it we may propound another similar, on the effect of sudden impact in producing light and heat. For instance, if the heads of a dense body, for example say a Vestry or a Poor-Law Board of Guardians, were to be knocked together smartly (as some of them deserve to be), what amount of enlightenment, if any, would arise, and what increase would be caused in the heat of their debaters?

Bear-Baiting and its Cure.

(To the Noble Savage.)

AYRTON, Would you from "bowls" beware, "Rubbers" would not await you:

If you would cease to be a bear,
Members would cease to bait you.


A GALVANIC Band Manufacturer keeps on advertising that "Electricity is Life!" What " shocking" nonsense.

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