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A Russian, Englishman, and Frenchman making the tour of Greece, and observing the miserable state of the country, interrogate, in turn, a Greek Patriot, to learn the cause; afterwards an Archbishop, then a Vlackbey*, a Merchant, and Cogia Bachi or Primate.

Thou friend of thy country! to strangers record
Why bear ye the yoke of the Ottoman Lord?
Why bear ye these fetters thus tamely display'd,
The wrongs of the matron, the stripling, and maid?
The descendants of Hellas's race are not ye!
The patriot sons of the sage and the free,

Thus sprung from the blood of the noble and brave,
To vilely exist as the Mussulman slave!

Not such were the fathers your annals can boast,
Who conquered and died for the freedom you lost!
Not such was your land in her earlier hour,
The day-star of nations in wisdom and power !
And still will you thus unresisting increase,

Oh shameful dishonour! the darkness of Greece?
Then tell us, beloved Achæan! reveal

The cause of the woes which you cannot conceal,

* Vlackbey, Prince of Wallachiap

The reply of the Philellenist I have not translated, as it - is no better than the question of the travelling triumvirate; and the above will sufficiently show with what kind of composition the Greeks are now satisfied. I trust I have not much injured the original in the few lines given as faithfully, and as near the “ Oh, Miss Bailey! unfortunate Miss Bailey!" measure of the Romaic, as I could make them. Almost all their pieces, above a song, which aspire to the name of poetry, contain exactly the quantity of feet of

« A captain bold of Halifax who liv'd in country quarters,” which is in fact the present heroic couplet of the Romaic.




ΠΛΑΤΖΙΔΑ εἰς τὴν πόρταν τῷ χανιῶ, καὶ οἱ ἄνωθεν.


ΠΛΑ. Ω Θεέ! ἀπὸ τὸ παραθύρι μὲ ἐφάνη νὰ ἀκέσω τὴν φωνὴν τε ἀνδρός με αν αυτὸς εἶναι ἐδῶ, ἔφθασα σὲ καιρὸν νὰ τὸν ξεντροπιάσω. [Εὐγαίνει ἕνας δέλος απὸ τὸ ἐργασήμι.] Παλικάρι, πές με σὲ παρακαλῶ ποιὸς εἶναι ἐκεῖ εἰς ἐκείνας τὲς ὀντάδες;

ΔΟΥΛ. Τρεῖς χρήσιμοι ἄνδρες. Ενας ὁ κυρ Εὐγένιος, ὁ ἄλλος ὁ κύρ Μάρτιος Ναπολιτάνος, καὶ ὁ τρίτος ὁ Κῦρ Κόντε Λέανδρος Αρδέντης»

ΠΛΑ. (Ανάμεσα εις αὐτὲς δὲν εἶναι ὁ Φλαμίνιος, ἂν ὅμως δὲν ἄλλαξεν ὄνομα.)

ΛΕΑ. Νὰ ζῇ ἡ καλὴ τύχη τα κυρ Εὐγενία. [Πίνωντας.] ΟΛΟΙ. Να ζῇ, να ζῇ.

ΠΛΑ. (Αὐτὸς εἶναι ὁ ἄνδρας με χωρὶς ἄλλο.) Καλὲ ἄνθρωπε κάμε με τὴν χαρὶν νὰ μὲ συντροφεύσης ἀπάνω εἰς αὐτὲς τῆς ἀφεντάδες, ὁπᾶ θέλω νὰ τὰς παίξω μίαν. [Πρὸς τὸν δέλον.]

ΔΟΥ. Ορισμός σας (συνηθισμένον ὀφφίκιον των δελευτῶν.) [Τὴν ἐμπάζει ἀπὸ τὸ ἐργαςήρι τῷ παιγνιδι.

ΡΙΔ. Καρδιά, καρδια, κάμετε καλὴν καρδιὰν, δὲν εἶναι τίποτες. [Πρὸς τὴν Βιττόριαν.]

BIT. Εγω αἰσθάνομαι πῶς ἀπεθαίνω. [Συνέρχεται εἰς τὸν ἑαυτόν της.]

̓Απὸ τε παράθυρα τῶν ὀντάδων φαίνονται ὅλοι, ὁπᾶ σηκόνωνται ἀπὸ τὸ τραπέζι συγχισμένοι, διὰ τὸν ξαφνισμὸν τὸ Λεάνδρα βλέπωντας τὴν Πλάτζιδα, καὶ διατὶ αὐτὸς δείχνει πῶς θέλει νὰ τὴν φονεύσῃ.]

ΕΥΓ. Οχι, ςαθητε.

ΜΑΡ. Μὴν κάμνετε. . .
ΛΕΑ. Σίκω, φύγε ἀπ ̓ ἐδώ.

ΠΛΑ. Βοήθεια, βοήθεια. [Φεύγει ἀπὸ τὴν σκάλαν, ὁ Λέανδρος θέλει νὰ τὴν ἀκολεθήσῃ μὲ τὸ σπαθί, καὶ ὁ Εὐγο τον βαςά.] ΤΡΑ· [Μὲ ἕνα πιάτο μὲ φαγὶ εἰς μίαν πετζέτα πηδᾷ ἀπὸ τὸ παραθύρι, καὶ φεύγει εἰς τὸν καφενέ.]

ΠΛΑ. [Εὐγαίνει ἀπὸ τὸ ἐργασήρί το παιγνίδια τρέχωντας,

καὶ φεύγει εἰς τὸ χάνι.]

ΕΥΓ. [Μὲ ἅρματα εἰς τὸ χέρι πρὸς διαφέντευσιν τῆς Πλάτζιδας, ἐναντίον τῷ Λεάνδρο, ὁπῶ τὴν κατατρέχει.]

ΜΑΡ. [Εὐγαίνει καὶ αὐτὸς σιγὰ σιγὰ ἀπὸ τὸ ἐργαςήρι, καὶ φεύγει λέγωντας.] Rumores fuge. [Ραμόρες φύγε.]*

Οἱ Δέλοι. [ ̓Απὸ τὸ ἐργαςήρι ἀπερνῶν εἰς τὸ χάνι, καὶ κλειν τὴν πορταν.]

ΒΙΤ. [Μένει εἰς τὸν καφενέ βοηθημένη ἀπὸ τὸν Ριδόλφον.]

ΛΕΑ. Δόσετε τόπον· θέλω νὰ ἔμβω να ἔμβω εἰς ἐκεῖνο τὸ χάνι. [Μὲ τὸ σπαθὶ εἰς τὸ χέρι ἐναντίον τῇ Εὐγενία.]

ΕΥΓ. Ὄχι, μὴ γένοιτο ποτέ· εἶσαι ἕνας σληρόκαρδος ἐναντίον τῆς γυναικός σε, καὶ ἐγὼ θέλει τήν διαφεντεύσω ὡς εἰς τὸ υςερον αίμα.

ΛΕΑ. Σε κάμνω ὅρκον πῶς θέλει τὸ μετανοιώσης. [Κινηγά τὸν Εὐγένιον μὲ τὸ σπαθί.]

ΕΥΓ. Δὲν σὲ φοβᾶμαι. [Κατατρέχει τὸν Λέανδρον, καὶ τὸν βιάζει να συρθῇ ὀπίσω τόσον, ὁπε ευρίσκωντας ἀνοικτὸν τὸ σπῆτι τῆς χορεύτριας, ἐμβαίνει εἰς αὐτὸς καὶ σώνεται.]

Λόγος λατινικὸς, ὁπᾶ θέλει νὰ εἰπῇ· φεύγε ταῖς σύγχισες»



Platzida from the Door of the Hotel, and the Others.

Pla. Oh God! from the window it seemed that I heard my husband's voice. If he is here, I have arrived in time to make him ashamed. [A Servant enters from the Shop.] Boy, tell me, pray, who are in those chambers.

Serv. Three Gentlemen: one, Signor Eugenio; the other Signor Martio, the Neapolitan; and the third, my Lord, the Count Leander Ardenti.

Pla. Flaminio is not amongst these, unless he has changed. his name.

Leander. [Within drinking.] Long live the good fortune of Signor Eugenio.

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[The whole Company, Long live, &c.] (Literally, Na

vú Š, May he live.)

Pla. Without doubt that is my husband. [To the Serv.] My good man, do me the favour to accompany me above to those Gentlemen: 1 have some business.

Serv. At your commands. [Aside.] The old office of us waiters. [He goes out of the Gaming House.]

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