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prey to the French and savages. Ever since the late Indian war, the offences given us then by the Creeks have made that nation very jealous of your majesty's subjects of this province. We have therefore concerted measures with the Honorable James Oglethorpe, Esq., who, being at the head of a new colony, will (we hope) be successful for your majesty's interest amongst that people. He has already by presents attached the Lower Creeks to your majesty, and has laudably undertaken to endeavor the fixing a garrison among the Upper Creeks, the expense of which is already in part provided for in this session of the General Assembly of this province. We hope therefore to prevent the French from encroaching farther on your majesty's territories, until your majesty is graciously pleased further to strengthen and secure the same.

We find the Cherokee nation has lately become very insolent to your majesty's subjects trading among them, notwithstanding the many favors the chiefs of that nation received from your majesty in Great Britain, besides a considerable expense which your majesty's subjects of this province have been at in making them presents, which inclines us to believe that the French by their Indians have been tampering with them. We therefore beg leave to inform your majesty, that the building and mounting some forts likewise among the Cherokees and making them presents, will be highly necessary to keep them steady in their duty to your majesty, lest the French may prevail in seducing that nation, which they may the more readily be inclined to from the prospect of getting considerable plunder in slaves, cattle, &c., commodities which they very well know they have among us; several other forts will be indispensably necessary, to be a cover to your majesty's subjects settled backwards in this province, as also to those of the colony of Georgia, both which in length are very extensive; for though the trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia, by a particular scheme of good management painfully conducted by the gentleman engaged here in that charitable enterprise, has put that small part of the colony which he has not yet been able to establish, in a tenable condition against the Spaniards of Florida which lie to the southward; yet the back exposition of those colonies to the vast number of French and Indians which border on the westward, must, in case of a

war, cry greatly aloud for your Majesty's gracious and timely E succor. The expense of our safety on such an occasion, we must, with all humility, acquaint your Majesty, either for men or money, can never be effected by your Majesty's subjects of this province, who, in conjunction with Georgia, do not in the whole amount to more than three thousand five hundred men, which compose the militia, and wholly consist of planters, tradesmen, and other men of business.

Besides the many dangers which by land we are exposed to from so many enemies that lie on the back of us, we further beg leave to represent to your Majesty, the defenceless condition of our ports and harbors, where any enemies of your Majesty's dominions may very easily by sea invade us, there being no fortifications capable of making much resistance. Those in Charleston harbor are now in a very ruinous condition, occasioned by the late violent storms and hurricanes, which already cost this country a great deal of money, and now requires several thousands of pounds to repair the old and build new ones, to mount the ordnance which your Majesty was graciously pleased to send us, which, with great concern, we must inform your Majesty we have not yet been able to accomplish, being lately obliged for the defence and support of this your Majesty's province and government, to raise, by a tax on the inhabitants, a supply of above forty thousand pounds paper currency per annum, which is a considerable deal more than a third part of all the currency among us; a charge which your Majesty's subjects of this province are but barely able to sustain. Since your Majesty's royal instruction to your Majesty's Governor here, an entire stop has been put to the duties which before accrued from European goods imported; and if a war should happen, or any thing extraordinary, to be farther expensive here, we should be under the utmost difficulties to provide additionally for the same, lest an increase of taxes with an apprehension of danger, should drive away many of our present inhabitants, as well as discourage others from coming here to settle for the defence and improvement of your Majesty's province, there being several daily moving with their families and effects to North Carolina, where there are no such fears and burdens.

We must therefore beg leave to inform your Majesty, that, amidst our other perilous circumstances, we are subject to

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many intestine dangers from the great number of negroes that are now among us, who amount at least to twenty-two thousand persons, and are three to one of all your Majesty's white subjects in this province. Insurrections against us have been often attempted, and would at any time prove very fatal if the French should instigate them, by artfully giving them an expectation of freedom. In such a situation we most humbly crave leave to acquaint your Majesty, that even the present ordinary expenses necessary for the care and support of this your Majesty's province and government, cannot be provided for by your Majesty's subjects of this province, without your Majesty's gracious pleasure to continue those laws for establishing the negroes and other duties for seven years, and for appropriating the same, which now lie before your Majesty for your royal assent and approbation; and the further expenses that will be requisite for the erecting some forts and establishing garrisons in the several necessary places, so as to form a barrier for the security of this your Majesty's province, we most humbly submit to your Majesty.

Your Majesty's subjects of this province, with fullness of zeal, duty and affection to your most gracious and sacred Majesty, are so highly sensible of the great importance of this province to the French, that we must conceive it more than probable, if a war should happen, they will use all endeavors to bring this country under their subjection; they would be thereby enabled to support their sugar islands with all sorts of provisions and lumber by an easy navigation, which, to our great advantage, is not so practicable from the present French colonies, besides the facility of gaining then to their interest most of the Indian trade on the northern continent; they might then easily unite the Canadees and Choctaws with the many other nations of Indians which are now in their interest. And the several ports and harbors of Carolina and Georgia which now enable your Majesty to be absolute master of the passage through the gulf of Florida, and to impede at your pleasure the transportation home of the Spanish treasure, would then prove so many convenient harbors for your Majesty's enemies, by their privateers or ships of war to annoy a great part of the British trade to America, as well as that which is carried on through the gulf from Jamaica; besides the loss which Great Britain must feel

in so considerable a part of its navigation, as well as the exports of masts, pitch, tar and turpentine, which, without any dependence on the northern parts of Europe, are from hence plentifully supplied for the use of the British shipping.

This is the present state and condition of your Majesty's province of South Carolina, utterly incapable of finding funds sufficient for the defence of this wide frontier, and so destitute of white men, that even money itself cannot here raise a sufficient body of them.

With all humility we therefore beg leave to lay ourselves at the feet of your Majesty, humbly imploring your Majesty's most gracious care in the extremities we should be reduced to on the breaking out of a war; and that your Majesty would be graciously pleased to extend your protection to us, as your Majesty, in your great wisdom, shall think proper. ROBERT JOHNSON.

In the council chamber of South Carolina, 9th April, 1734.

THO. BROUGHTON, President.
PAUL JENYS, Speaker.

No. 5.

Thomas Pearce, aged forty years and upwards, of the Dover man of war, mariner, having been at Georgia in America, on board the Peter and James, Captain George Dymond, in the year one thousand seven hundred and thirtyfive; and, from that ship, on board the Hawk sloop, stationed at Georgia, until the beginning of the year one thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine; and having sounded every inlet from the sea, all along the coast of Georgia, from Jekyll sound to Tybee sound, maketh oath and saith, that the said coast four leagues from the land, is all even ground, not less than seven or eight fathom water, and any ship keeping in that depth of water may steer along the same with the greatest safety, and anchor if they have occasion. That on the bar at Jekyll there is at least thirteen feet and a half, at low water, and at high spring tides twenty-four feet; and on the bar at Tybee there is at least sixteen feet and a half at

low water, and at high water spring tides twenty-five feet and a half; and the difference between the spring and neap tides is generally between three and four feet.

And this deponent farther saith, that he is well assured, and would undertake, by sounding with a boat, even at neap tides, to carry in forty gun ships over either of the said bars; and saith, that he hath seen in the sound at St. Simon's, from Jekyll bar, ten sail of ships at one time, and that ten or twelve forty gun ships may safely ride there; but behind Jekyll island there is water and room enough for shipping for ten miles up; and that the sound at Tybee is large enough to hold with safety seven or eight forty gun ships.

And this deponent farther saith, that ships in Jekyll sound may in twenty-four hours, from the bar, run out into the gulf-stream of Florida, through which stream the Spanish galleons (when not passing the windward passage,) always



No. 6.

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

The humble Memorial of the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America.

Humbly showeth,

That they being entrusted by your Majesty with the care of the colony of Georgia, which was formerly part of your Majesty's province of South Carolina, and your Majesty's colony of Georgia being very much exposed to the power of the Spaniards, and become an object of their envy, by having valuable ports upon the homeward passage from the Spanish West Indies, and the Spaniards having increased their forces in the neighborhood thereof, the trustees, in consequence of the great trust reposed in them by your Majesty, find themselves obliged, humbly to lay before your Majesty, their inability sufficiently to protect your Majesty's subjects settled in Georgia, under the encouragement of your Majesty's charter, against this late increase of forces, and there

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