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remonstrated the impossibility of making improvements to any advantage with white servants.

8. The denying us the privilege of being judged by the laws of our mother country; and subjecting the lives and fortunes of all people in the colony, to one person or set of men, who assumed the privilege, under the name of a Court of Chancery, of acting according to their own will and fancy. 9. General Oglethorpe's taking upon him to nominate magistrates, appoint justices of the peace, and to do many other such things, without ever exhibiting to the people any legal commission or authority for so doing.

10. The neglecting the proper means for encouraging the silk and wine manufactures, and disposing of the liberal sums contributed by the public, and by private persons, in such ways and channels as have been of little or no service to the colony.

11. The misapplying or keeping up sums of money which have been appointed for particular uses, such as building a church, &c., several hundreds of pounds sterling (as we are informed) having been lodged in Mr. Oglethorpe's hands for some years by past for that purpose, and not one stone of it yet laid.

12. The assigning certain fixed tracts of land to those who came to settle in the colony, without any regard to the quality of the ground, occupation, judgment, ability or inclination of the settler, &c. &c. &c.

By these and many other such hardships, the poor inhabitants of Georgia are scattered over the face of the earth; her plantations a wild; her towns a desert; her villages in rubbish; her improvements a by-word, and her liberties a jest ; an object of pity to friends, and of insult, contempt and ridicule to enemies.








Published per order of the Honorable the Trustees.

LONDON: Printed in the year M.DCC.XLI. MARYLAND: Reprinted and sold by Jonas Green, at his Printing Office, in Annapolis.

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This account was drawn up by Benjamin Martyn, Esq., secretary of

the trustees.

The Preface, alluding to the foregoing pamphlet, and vindicating Oglethorpe from its aspersions, was written by a gentleman of Georgia, and defends Oglethorpe with much zeal and ability. Dr. Tailfer, and his associates erred too much in their prejudices. Martyn and the trus tees were under a more pardonable error in their too sanguine prepos sessions. However logically the trustees, or their secretary, might reason in the abstract, as to the operation of their favorite theories of gov ernment, the daily experience of the settlement, militated with nearly every deduction, and one scheme after another of their utopian system was abandoned, until their charter reverted to the crown.

Mr. Martyn was never in Georgia and knew nothing of the practical operation of the trustees' laws. He lived in the midst of the sanguine hopes, and fond expectations of the council at home. He looked at Georgia, through the flattering representations of those, who described, rather what they desired, than what actually existed, and was incompetent, therefore, to delineate the real state and situation of the colony. The minute and chronological character of the account, give it a peculiar interest; and though the picture is too flattering, it is far more true than the wilful perversions of the enemies of the colony.


In the year 1741, there was printed and published by P. T., in Charleston, in South Carolina, for the authors, P. T-r, M. D., H. A— −n, M. A., D. D—s, and others, landholders in Georgia, (at that time in Charleston) a pamphlet, entitled, A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia, in America, &c., dedicated to his Excellency, James Oglethorpe, Esq., General and Commander-inChief of his Majesty's forces in South Carolina and Georgia, &c. The Dedication seems a very just introduction to such a narrative, and both the one and the other, the real offspring of such factious and turbulent authors; being a mean, lowwitted sneer, a malicious ill-natured invective, against that honorable gentleman, wherein the authors, without any regard to good manners or common civility, treat his Excellency (as it were to his face) with such rudeness as ill becomes any person to use even to an inferior: However, I cannot say but a very fit prelude to such an inconsistent, spiteful, false narrative as is subjoined to the dedication; a narrative founded in lies and misrepresentations, projected and published by a few persons of no estate, and as little character, persons soured in their tempers, because not humored in their endeavors of subverting, or at least altering the constitution of a new settled colony, even in its infancy, and before any great experiment was made of advancing and improving it; persons, who were under a necessity of banishing themselves from a colony, where, for their seditious and rebellious practices, and turbulent restless spirits, they were every day

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