The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, Volume 3Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, 1862 |
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Page 418
... Cres . Who were those went by ? Alex . Queen Hecuba and Helen . Cres . And whither go they ? Alex . Up to the eastern tower , Whose height commands as subject all the vale , To see the battle . Hector , whose patience Is , as a virtue ...
... Cres . Who were those went by ? Alex . Queen Hecuba and Helen . Cres . And whither go they ? Alex . Up to the eastern tower , Whose height commands as subject all the vale , To see the battle . Hector , whose patience Is , as a virtue ...
Page 419
... Cres . Good ; And what of him ? Alex . They say he is a very man per se , And stands alone . Cres . So do all men ; unless they are drunk , sick , or have no legs . Alex . This man , lady , hath robbed many beasts of their par- ticular ...
... Cres . Good ; And what of him ? Alex . They say he is a very man per se , And stands alone . Cres . So do all men ; unless they are drunk , sick , or have no legs . Alex . This man , lady , hath robbed many beasts of their par- ticular ...
Page 420
... Cres . Then you say as I say ; for , I am sure , he is not Hector . Pan . No , nor Hector is not Troilus , in some degrees . Cres . ' Tis just to each of them ; he is himself . Pan . Himself ? Alas , poor Troilus ! I would , he were , - ...
... Cres . Then you say as I say ; for , I am sure , he is not Hector . Pan . No , nor Hector is not Troilus , in some degrees . Cres . ' Tis just to each of them ; he is himself . Pan . Himself ? Alas , poor Troilus ! I would , he were , - ...
Page 421
... Cres . O , he smiles valiantly . Pan . Does he not ? Cres . O yes , an ' twere a cloud in autumn . Pan . Why , go to then : -But to prove to you that Helen loves Troilus , - Cres . Troilus will stand to the proof , if you'll prove it so ...
... Cres . O , he smiles valiantly . Pan . Does he not ? Cres . O yes , an ' twere a cloud in autumn . Pan . Why , go to then : -But to prove to you that Helen loves Troilus , - Cres . Troilus will stand to the proof , if you'll prove it so ...
Page 422
... Cres . Will he give you the nod ? Pan . You shall see . Cres . If he do , the rich shall have more . HECTOR passes over . Pan . That's Hector , that , that , look you , that ; There's a fellow ! -Go thy way , Hector ; -There's a brave ...
... Cres . Will he give you the nod ? Pan . You shall see . Cres . If he do , the rich shall have more . HECTOR passes over . Pan . That's Hector , that , that , look you , that ; There's a fellow ! -Go thy way , Hector ; -There's a brave ...
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Achilles Agam Agamemnon Ajax Alarum arms Aufidius bear blood brother Buck Buckingham Cade cardinal Clar Clarence Clif Clifford COMINIUS Coriolanus Cres crown death Diomed doth Duch duke duke of York earl Edward Eliz England Exeunt Exit eyes fair farewell father fear fight France friends Gent gentle give Gloster grace hand hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector honour house of Lancaster Jack Cade Kath KING HENRY lady live look lord LORD CHAMBERLAIN Madam majesty Marcius Murd ne'er never noble PANDARUS Patroclus peace Pist pray prince queen Reignier Rich Richard RICHARD PLANTAGENET Rome Saint Albans SCENE shalt shame soldiers Somerset soul speak stand Suff Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell thee Ther thine thou art thou hast tongue traitor Troilus Ulyss uncle unto Warwick words York