In liberty of bloody hand, shall range With conscience wide as hell; mowing like grass Array'd in flames, like to the prince of fiends,- What is't to me, when you yourselves are cause, What rein can hold licentious wickedness, To come ashore. Therefore, you men of Harfleur, If not, why, in a moment, look to see The blind and bloody soldier with foul hand Defile the locks of your shrill-shrieking daughters; And their most reverend heads dash'd to the walls; Whiles the mal mothers with their howls confused Gov. Our expectation hath this day an end: K. Hen. Open your gates.-Come, uncle Exeter, • Soiled. [Flourish. The King, &c. enter the Town. † Prepared. SCENE IV.-Roüen. A Room in the Palace. Enter KATHARINE and ALICE. Kath. Alice, tu as esté en Angleterre, et tu parles bien le language. Alice. Un peu, madame. Kath. Je te prie, m'enseignez; il faut que j'apprenne à parler. Comment appellez vous la main, en Anglois? Alice. La main? elle est appellée, de hand. Kath. De hand. Et les doigts? Alice. Les doigts? ma foy, je oublie les doigts; mais je me souviendray. Les doigts? je pense, qu'ils sont appellé de fingres; ony, de fingres. Kath. La main, de hand; les doigts, de fingres. Je pense, que je suis le bon escolier. J'ay gagné deux mots d'Anglois vistement. Comment appellez vous les ongles? Alice. Les ongles ? les appellons, de nails. Kath. De nails. Escoutez; dites moy, si je parle bien: de hand, de fingres, de nails. Alice. C'est bien dit, madame; il est fort bon Anglois. Kath. Dites moy en Anglois, le bras. Alice. De arm, madame. Kath. Et le coude? Alice. De elbow. Kath. De elbow. Je m'en faitz la repetition de tous les mots, que vous m'avez appris dès à present. Alice. Il est trop difficile, madame, comme je pense. Kath. Excusez moy, Alice; escoutez: De hand, de fingre, de nails, de arm, de bilbow, Alice. De elbow, madame. Kath. O Seigneur Dieu! je m'en oublie; De elbow. Comment appellez vous le col? Alice. De neck, madame. Kath. De neck: Et le menton? Alice. De chin. Kath. De sin. Le col, de neck; le menton, de sin. Alice. Ouy. Sauf vostre honneur: en verité, vous prononces les mots aussi droict que les natifs d'Angleterre. Kath. Je ne doute point d'apprendre par la grace de Dieu; et ca peu de temps. Alice. N'avez vous pas deja oublié ce que je vous ay enseignée ? Kath. Non, je reciteray à vous promptement. De hand, de Lugre, de mails, Alice. De nails, madame. Kath. De nails, de arme, de ilbow. Alice. Sauf vostre honneur, de elbow. Kath. Ainsi dis je; de elbow, de neck, et de sin: Comment appelez vous le pieds et la robe? Alice. De foot, madame; et de con. Kath. De foot, et de con? O Seigneur Dieu! ces sont mois de maxvais, corruptible, grosse, et impudique, et non pour les dames d'honneur d'user: Je ne voudrois prononcer ces mots devant les Seigneurs de France, pour tout le monde. Il faut de foot, et de con, neant-moins. Je reciterai une autre fois ma leçon ensemble: De hand, de fingre, de nails, de arm, de elbow, de neck, de sin, de foot, de con. Alice. Excellent, madame! Kath. C'est assez pour une fois; allons nous à disner. [Exeunt. SCENE V-The same. Another Room in the same. Fr. King. 'Tis certain, he hath pass'd the river Some. Let us not live in France; let us quit all, And give our vineyards to a barbarous people. Dau. O Dieu vivant! shall a few sprays of us, The emptying of our fathers' luxury, Our scions, put in wild and savaget stock, Spirt up so suddenly into the clouds, And overlook their grafters ? Bour. Normans, but bastard Normans, Norman bastards! Mort de ma vie ! if they march along Unfought withal, but I will sell my dukedom, To buy a slobbery and a dirty farm In that nook-shottent isle of Albion. Con. Dieu de battailes! where have they this mettle? Is not their climate foggy, raw, and dull? On whom, as in despite, the sun looks pale, Killing their fruit with frowns! Can sodden water, A drench for sur-rein'd§ jades, their barley-broth, Decoct their cold blood to such valiant heat ? And shall our quick blood, spirited with wine, Let us not hang like roping icicles Upon our houses' thatch, whiles a more frosty people Sweat drops of gallant youth in our rich fields; Dau. By faith and honour, Our madams mock at us; and plainly say, To new-store France with bastard warriors. Bour. They bid us-to the English dancing-schools, And teach lavoltas || high, and swift corantos; Saying, our grace is only in our heels, And that we are most lofty runaways. Fr. King. Where is Montjoy, the herald? speed him hence; Let him greet England with our sharp defiance. * Lust. + Sylvan; sauvage. # Projected. Overstrained. An Italian dance. Up, princes; and, with spirit of honour edged, High dukes, great princes, barons, lords, and knights, The Alps doth spit and void his rheum upon : Bring him our prisoner. Con. This becomes the great. Sorry am I, his numbers are so few, His soldiers sick, and famish'd in their march; Fr. King. Therefore, lord constable, haste on Montjoy : To know what willing ransom he will give. Prince Dauphin, you shall stay with us in Roüen. Fr. King. Be patient, for you shall remain with us.- SCENE VI.-The English Camp in Picardy. Enter GOWER and FLUELLEN. [Exeuni. Gow. How now, captain Fluellen ? come you from the bridge? Flu. I assure you, there is very excellent service committed at the pridge. Gow. Is the duke of Exeter safe? Flu. The duke of Exeter is as magnanimous as Agamemnon; and a man that I love and honour with my soul, and my heart, and my duty, and my life, and my livings, and my uttermost powers: he is not (God be praised and plessed!) any hurt in the orld; but keeps the pridge most valiantly, with excellent disapline. There is an ancient there at the pridge,-I think, in my very conscience, he is as valiant as Mark Antony; and he is a man of no estimation in the 'orld: but I did see him do gallant service. Gow. What do you call him? Flu. He is called-ancient Pistol. Pendants, small flags. Enter PISTOL. Flu. Do you not know him? Here comes the man. The duke of Exeter doth love thee well. Flu. Ay, I praise Got; and I have merited some love at his hands. Pist. Bardolph, a soldier, firm and sound of heart, Of buxom valour,* hath,-by cruel fate And giddy fortune's furious fickle wheel, That goddess blind, That stands upon the rolling restless stone, Flu. By your patience, ancient Pistol, Fortune is painted plind, with a muffler before her eyes, to signify to you that fortune is plind: And she is painted also with a wheel; to signify to you, which is the moral of it, that she is turning, and inconstant, and variations, and mutabilities: and her foot, look you, is fixed upon a spherical stone, which rolls, and rolls, and rolls;-In good truth, the poet is make a most excellent description of fortune: fortune, look you, is an excellent moral. Pist. Fortune is Bardolph's foe, and frowns on him; For he hath stol'n a pix, and hanged must 'a be. A damned death! Let gallows gape for dog, let man go free, Therefore, go speak, the duke will hear thy voice; With edge of penny cord, and vile reproach: Speak, captain, for his life, and I will thee requite. Flu. Ancient Pistol, I do partly understand your meaning. Flu. Certainly, ancient, it is not a thing to rejoice at: for if, look you, he were my brother, I would desire the duke to use his good pleasure, and put him to executions; for disciplines ought to be used. Pist. Die and be damn'd; and figot for thy friendship! Flu. It is well. Pist. The fig of Spain ! Flu. Very good. [Exit PISTOL: Gow. Why, this is an arrant counterfeit rascal: I remember him now; a bawd; a cut-purse. Flu. I'll assure you, 'a utter'd as prave 'ords at the pridge, as you shall see in a summer's day: But it is very well; what he has spoke to me, that is well, I warrant you, when time is serve. Gow. Why, 'tis a gull, a fool, a rogue; that now and then goes to the wars, to grace himself, at his return into London, under the form of a soldier. And such fellows are perfect in great commander's names: and they will learn you by rote, where services were done:-at such and such a sconce,‡ at such a breach, at such * Valour under good command. + Fig. |