Enter a MESSENGER. Mess. Prepare you, lords, for Edward is at hand. Oxf. I thought no less: it is his policy, Q. Mar. This cheers my heart, to see your forwardness. March.-Enter at a distance, KING EDWARD, CLARENCE, K. Edw. Brave followers, yonder stands the thorny wood, I need not add more fuel to your fire, For well I wot, ye blaze to burn them ut: Give signal to the fight, and to it, lords. Q. Mar. Lords, knights, and gentlemen, what, I should say, My tears gainsay; for every word I speak, Ye see, I drink the water of mine eyes. Therefore, no more but this:-Henry, your sovereign, Is prisoner to the foe; his state usurp❜d, His realm a slaughterhouse, his subjects slain, SCENE V-Another part of the same. Alarums: Excursions: and afterwards a Retreat. Then Enter K. Edw. Now, here a period of tumultuous broils. Go, bear them hence; I will not hear them speak. [Exeunt OXFORD and SOMERSET, guarded. Q. Mar. So part we sadly in this troublous world, To meet with joy in sweet Jerusalem. K. Edw. Is proclamation made, that, who finds Edward, Shall have a high reward, and he his life? Glo. It is: and, lo, where youthful Edward comes. Enter Soldiers with PRINCE EDWARD. K. Edw. Bring forth the gallant, let us hear him speak: What! can so young a thorn begin to prick? * Know. Edward, what satisfaction canst thou make, Prince. Speak like a subject, proud ambitious York! Glo. By heaven, brat, I'll plague you for that word. Prince. I know my duty, you are all undutiful: I am your better, traitors as ye are ; And thou usurp'st my father's right and mine. K. Edw. Take that, the likeness of this railer here. [Stabs him. Glo. Sprawl'st thou ? take that, to end thy agony. [GLOSTER stabs him. Clar. And there's for twitting me with perjury. Q. Mar. O, kill me too! [CLARENCE stabs him. [Offers to kill her K. Edw. Hold, Richard, hold, for we have done too much. K. Edw. What! doth she swoon? use means for her recovery. I'll hence to London on a serious matter: Ere ye come there, be sure to hear some news. Clar. What? what? Glo. The Tower, the Tower! Q. Mar. O, Ned, sweet Ned! speak to thy mother, boy! Canst thou not speak ?-O traitors, murderers! They, that stabb'd Cæsar, shed no blood at all, Did not offend, nor were not worthy blame, If this foul deed were by, to equal it. He was a man; this, in respect, a child; What's worse than murderer, that I may name it? And I will speak, that so my heart may burst. The Prince calls Richard, for his crookedness, sop.. (Exit. Butchers and villains, bloody cannibals; How sweet a plant have you untimely cropp'd! The thought of them would have stirr'd up remorse : Look in his youth to have him so cut off, As, deathsmen! you have rid this sweet young prince! Clar. By heaven, I will not do thee so much ease. What! wilt thou not ? where is that devil's butcher, K. Edw. Away, I say; I charge ye, bear her hence. K. Edw. Where's Richard gone? To make a bloody supper in the Tower. K. Edw. He's sudden, if a thing comes in his head. By this, I hope, she hath a son for me. SCENE VI.-London. A Room in the Tower. [Exeunt. KING HENRY is discovered sitting with a book in his hand, the Lieutenant attending. Enter GLOSTER. Glo. Good day, my lord! What, at your book so hard? K. Hen. Ay, my good lord: my lord I should say rather; 'Tis sin to flatter, good was little better: Good Gloster, and good devil, were alike, And both preposterous; therefore, not good lord. [Exit Lieutenant. K. Hen. The bird that hath been limed in a bush, She alludes to the desertion of Clarence. With trembling wings misdoubteth every bush: Where my poor young was limed, was caught, and kill'd. That taught his son the office of a fowl? And yet, for all his wings, the fool was drown'd. Glo. Thy son I kill'd for his presumption. K. Hen. Hadst thou been kill'd, when first thou didst presume, Thou hadst not lived to kill a son of mine. And thus I prophesy,-that many a thousand, And many an old man's sigh, and many a widow's, Dogs howl'd, and hideous tempests shook down trees; Not like the fruit of such a goodly tree. Teeth hadst thou in thy head, when thou wast born, Thou cam'st. Glo. I'll hear no more; Die, prophet, in thy speech; For this, amongst the rest, was I ordain'd. [Stabs him. K. Hen. Ay, and for much more slaughter after this. Glo. What, will the aspiring blood of Lancaster [Dies. * Squatted down. O, may such purple tears be always shed Down, down to hell; and say-I sent thee thither. 1, that have neither pity, love, nor fear.- And so I was; which plainly signified- [Stabs him again. Then since the heavens have shaped my body so, wi I have no brother, I am like no brother: And this word-love, which greybeards call divine, And not in me; I am myself alone.- Clarence, beware; thou keep'st me from the light; SCENE VII.-The same. A Room in the Palace. [Exit. KING EDWARD is discovered sitting on his Throne; QUEEN ELIZABETH with the infant Prince, CLARENCE, GLOSTER, HASTINGS, and others, near him. K. Edw. Once more we sit in England's royal throne. What valiant foe-men, like to autumn's corn, Two Cliffords, as the father and the son, And two Northumberlands; two braver men Ne'er spurr'd their coursers at the trumpet's sound: With them, the two brave bears, Warwick and Montague, That in their chains fetter'd the kingly lion, And made the forest tremble when they roar'd. Thus have we swept suspicion from our seat, * Select. |