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General statement of the work of the office, with a list of its publications during the

year, v-ix; the census in its relations to education, with tables and diagrams, ix-

xliii; summary of school age, population, enrolment, attendance, &c., xliii, xliv ;

summary of the teachers employed in the public schools and their average monthly

salaries, xlv, xlvi; summary of annual income and expenditure for public schools,

xlvii, xlviii; summary of per capita expenditure, xlix, 1; statistical generalization by

years and topics, with remarks, l-liv; the district system, liv, lv; qualifications and

appointment of teachers, lvi-lviii; school supervision, lviii-lx; courses of study, lx-

lxiii; tables of illiteracy among minors from the census of 1880, lxiii-lxix; summary

of the educational condition of the States and Territories, lxix-lxxxi; comparative

statistics of education in the South, with figures respecting the education of the

colored race and remarks, lxxx1-lxxxix; Peabody fund, xc, xci; summary of school sta-

tistics of cities, xcii-cvii; school accommodation and attendance in cities, cviii-cx;

illiteracy in cities, cxi-cxiii; city primary schools, cxiv; city schools of higher grade,

cxiv, cxv; evening and special schools in cities, cxv, cxvi; city school finances,

moral and physical training, cxvi; summary of normal school statistics, cxvii-

cxxii; appropriations for normal schools, with remarks, cxxiii-cxxvii; comparative

requirements for admission to normal and to professional schools, cxxvii, cxxviii;

courses of study in normal schools at home and abroad, cxxviii-cxxxi; teach-

ers' institutes, cxxxi, cxxxii; normal training in the colleges, cxxxii, cxxxiii; sum-

mary of statistics of commercial and business colleges, cxxxiii, cxxxiv; summary

of statistics of Kindergärten, cxxxv; public schools and Kindergärten, cxxxvi,

xxxvii; normal Kindergarten instruction, cxxxvii, cxxxviii; essential needs of a

Kindergarten, cxxxviii; summary of statistics of pupils receiving secondary in-

struction, with remarks, cxxxviii-exly; summary of statistics of preparatory

schools, cxlvi, cxlvii; summary of statistics of institutions for the superior educa-

tion of women, with remarks, exlvii-clii; summary of statistics of universities

and colleges, with a summary of college entrance examinations, preparatory depart-

ments, and remarks, clii-clx; hygiene in college, growth of Yale College, clxi;

elective systems, clxi-clxiii; variations in college attendance, clxiii-clxv; schools

of political science, clxv, clxvi; summary of statistics of schools of science,

with remarks, clxvi-clxx; physics and chemistry, clxx-clxxii; instruction in

mechanical engineering, clxxii-clxxviii; manual training schools, clxxviii, clxxix;

industrial school for miners and mechanics, clxxix, clxxx; Royal Agricultural High

School of Berlin, clxxx-clxxxii; summary of statistics of schools of theology,

clxxxii-clxxxiv; summary of statistics of schools of law, with remarks, clxxxiv-

clxxxviii; summary of statistics of schools of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy,

clxxxviii-cxci; courses preparatory to the study of medicine, cxci, cxcii; entrance

examinations to medical schools, excii, exciii; character and progress of medical

instruction, exciii-cxcv; summary of statistics of degrees conferred, cxcv-cc;

summary of statistics of public libraries, cci; library management, ccii, cciii;

libraries and schools, ceiii, ceiv; catalogues and indexes, cciv; summary of

statistics of training schools for nurses, with remarks, ccv, cevi; statistics of

defective classes in the United States, cevi-ccviii; summary of statistics

of institutions for the deaf and dumb, ccix, ccx; day schools for deaf-mutes,

ccxi, ccxii; literary and industrial instruction for deaf-mutes, ccxii-ccxiv; National

Deaf-Mute College, ccxiv, ccxv; summary of statistics of schools for the blind, ccxv;

sketch of the history of schools for the blind, ccxvi, ccxvii; printing for the blind,

ccxvii, ccxviii; instruction of the blind, ccxviii, cexix; summary of statistics of

schools for the feeble-minded, ccxix; classification and instruction of the feeble-

minded, ccxx, ccxxi; causes of idiocy, ccxxi; summary of statistics of reform

schools, with remarks, cexxii-ccxxiv; reformatory system of Michigan, ccxxiv,

ccxxv; the family system in reform schools, ccxxv; New Jersey State Reform

School, ccxxv, ccxxvi; institutions for the reformation of girls, ccxxvi-ccxxix;

summary of statistics of orphan homes and asylums, ccxxix-ccxxxi; summary of

educational benefactions, with remarks, ccxxxi-ccxxxiii; summary of educational

publications, ccxxxiii; summary of patents for improvements in school furniture,

ccxxxiv, CCXXXV; education in foreign countries, ccxxxv-cclxxvi; recommendations,

cclxxvi, cclxxvii



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