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Patterson, J. W., remarks of, on the district sys-
tem, lv.

term of office of, 164.

Pawtucket, R. I., schools of, 231.

Payne, W. H., paper by, on normal teaching in
the University of Michigan, cxxxii, cxxxiii.
Peabody, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

Peabody fund, disbursements of, from 1868 to 1881,
XC, xci.

aid from the, in Alabama, 5.
in Georgia, 42.

in Louisiana, 87.

in Mississippi, 139.

in South Carolina, 236.

in Tennessee, 241.

in Texas, 247.

in Virginia, 257.

in West Virginia, 265.

Peaslee, J. B., paper of, on "Normal and literary
training in the public schools," 309.
Pennsylvania, summary of educational condition,

abstract, 215-228.

Peoria, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for

the Blind, ccxvi.

Petersburg, Va., schools of, 258.

Pharmacy, summary of statistics of schools of,
cxc, cxci.

table of statistics of schools of, 641, 647, 648.
Philadelphia, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.
Phillips Academy, exli.

Phoenix, S. W., gift of, to Columbia College, 183.
Pickett, Joseph Desha, term of office of, 85.
Pitchlynn, Peter P., obituary notice, 295.

Pittsburgh, Pa., schools of, 217, 218, 219.

Pittsfield, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

Plainfield, N. J., schools of, 167, 169.

Plattsburgh, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179.
Political science, schools for, 185.

Poole, W. F., Index to Periodical Literature of,

Port Huron, Mich., schools of, 123, 125.

Portland, Me., schools of, cx, 92, 93.

Portland, Oreg., schools of, 212.

Portsmouth, N. H., schools of, 161.
Portsmouth, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.
Portsmouth, Va., schools of, 258.

Portugal, educational condition of, cclxi, cclxii.
Pottsville, Pa., schools of, 217, 219.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179.
Powell, L. J., term of office of, 214.

Pratt, Capt. R. H., Indian work in charge of, 295.
Preparatory schools, summary of statistics of,

cxlvi, cxlvii.

[blocks in formation]

Richmond, Va., schools of, cx, 258, 259.

Ritch, W. G., report of, on schools of New Mexico,

Rochester, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179.
Rockford, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.
Rock Island, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.
Rockland, Me., schools of, 92, 93.

Rockwell, Mary E., remarks of, on industrial
training in reformatories, cxxviii.

Rome, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179.

Roscoe, H. E., views of, on the value of laboratory
work in chemistry, clxxii.

Roumelia, educational condition of, cclxvi.
Royal Agricultural High School of Berlin, clxxx-

Royal University of Ireland, celvi.

Ruffner, W. H., remarks of, on courses of study for
primary schools, lxi, lxii.

term of office of, 262.

Rural schools, importance of definite statistics
respecting, liv.

necessity of supervision for, lx.
Russia, educational condition of, celxii.
Rutgers College, 170.

Rutgers Scientific School, 170.

Rutland Village, Vt., schools of, 252, 253.


Saginaw, Mich., schools of, 123, 125.
St. Joseph, Mo., schools of, 144, 145.
St. Louis, Mo., schools of, cxxxvi, 144, 145.
St. Paul, Minn., schools of, 133, 134.
Salem, Mass., schools of, 107, 110.
Sam Houston Normal Institute, 248.
San Antonio, Tex., schools of, 247, 248.
Sandusky, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.
San Francisco, Cal., schools of, 15.

San Francisco Public Kindergarten Society,
CXXXV, CXxxvi.

Saratoga Springs, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179.
Savannah, Ga., schools of, 42, 43.

Scarborough, John C., term of office of, 198.
Schem, Alexander J., obituary notice, 191.
Schenectady, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179, 180.
Schoenle, Wolfgang, account of education in Ger-
many by, ccxlvii-celi.

School furniture. See Furniture.

School of Design of the University of Cincinnati,
205, 206.

School officers. See the headings State School
System and Chief State School Officer, under
the respective States.

School population of the United States, xliii, xliv.
comparison of, for ten years, 1.

Science, instruction in, in English and Scotch nor-
mal schools, cxxxi.

summary of statistics of schools of, clxvi-clxix.
instruction in, clxx-clxxxii.

table of statistics of schools of, 608-619.

See, also, the heading Scientific and Profes-
sional Instruction, under the respective

Scotland, educational condition of, ccliv, cclv.
Scranton, Pa., schools of, 217, 219.

Seaman, L. L., sketch of the history of nurse
training schools by, cevi.

Seamanship, training in, in New York, 188.
Sears, Barnas, remarks of, on the need of general
education in the South, lxxxix.

efforts of, on behalf of the normal college at
Nashville, xc.

Secondary instruction, for the colored race, lxxxiii,
lxxxv, lxxxvi.

classification of institutions for, cxxxviii,

summary of statistics of institutions for, cxl-

in Austria, ccxxxv-ccxxxvii, ccxxxviii.

in Hungary, ccxli-ccxliii.

in France, ccxlvi.

in Germany, ccxlviii, ccxlix.

table of statistics of institutions for, .450-543.
See, also, the heading Secondary Instruction,
under the respective States.

Sedalia, Mo., schools of, 144, 145.

Selma, Ala., schools of, 5, 6.

Sessions, D. R., term of office of, 158.

Shamokin, Pa., schools of, 217, 219,

[blocks in formation]

Southern University for colored students, 89.
Spain, educational condition of, cclxii, cclxiii.
Speer, H. C., term of office of, 80.

Springfield, Ill., schools of, 49, 50, 51.
Springfield, Mass., schools of, 107, 110.
Springfield, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.
Stamford, Conn., schools of, 27, 28.

State Agricultural College of Vermont, 254.
State boards of education. See the heading State
School System, under the respective States.
State boards of examiners. See the heading State
School System, under the respective States.
State reports. See the heading State School Sys-
tem, under the respective States.
State superintendents. See the headings State
School System and Chief State School Officer,
under the respective States.

States and Territories, school statistics of, 320-327.
Statistical tables, 320-831.

Statistics, educational, collection of, vi-ix.
Steubenville, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203, 204.
Stevens Institute of Technology, clxxiii, 170.
Stillwater, Minn., schools of, 133.
Stockton, Cal., schools of, 15.

Stockwell, Thomas M., term of office of, 234.
Superintendence, school, cost of, in the Union,
xlvii, xlviii.

necessity for and means of providing, lviii-lx.
Superior instruction. See the heading Superior
Instruction, under the respective States.
Superior instruction of women. See Women;
also, the heading Superior Instruction, un-
der the respective States.

Sweden, educational condition of, cclxiii.
Switzerland, educational condition of, cclxiii-

Sydney University, cclxxv.

Syracuse, N. Y., schools of, 175, 180.


Tappan, Henry Philip, obituary notice, 131.
Tasmania, educational condition of, cclxxvi.
Taunton, Mass., schools of, 107, 110.'
Teachers, number and average pay of, xlv, xlvi.
amount of salaries paid to, xlvii, xlviii.
comparison of number of, for ten years, li.
qualifications and appointment of lvi-lviii.
recommendations respecting the granting of
certificates to, in Pennsylvania, 227.

See, also, the heading Training of Teachers,
under the respective States.

Teachers' institutes, aid afforded to, by Peabody
fund, xci.

Teachers' School of Science, cxxix.

Tennessee, summary of educational condition,
lxxiv, lxxv.

abstract, 240-245.

Terre Haute, Ind., schools of, 58, 59.

Texas, summary of educational condition, lxxiv.
abstract, 246-250.

Theology, schools of, for the colored race, lxxxiv,

summary of statistics of, clxxxii, clxxxiii.
table of statistics of, 620-631.

See, also, the heading Scientific and Profes-
sional Instruction, under the respective

Thompson, Hugh S., term of office of, 239.
Tiffin, Ohio, schools of, 201, 204.

Titusville, Pa., schools of, 217, 219.

[blocks in formation]

United States Military Academy, 183, 649.
United States Naval Academy, 101, 649.

United States of Colombia, educational condition
of, cclxxiv.

Universities and colleges, for the colored race,
lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxvi.

normal training in, cxxxii, cxxxiii.

summary of statistics of, clii-clx.
instruction in, clxi-clxvi.

table of statistics of, 572-607.

See, also, the heading Superior Instruction,
under the respective States.
University of Alabama, 7.
University of Dakota, 283.
University of California, 16, 17.
University of Colorado, 23.
University of Denver, 23.
University of Deseret, 302.
University of Georgia, 45.
University of Iowa, 70, 71, 72.
University of Kansas, 78, 79.
University of Louisiana, 89.

University of Michigan, cxxxii, cxxxiii, clxii, clxv,
clxvi, 125, 126, 127.

University of Minnesota, clxxv, 135, 136.

University of Mississippi, 141.

University of Missouri, 146, 147.

University of Nebraska, 154.
University of Nevada, 158.

University of North Carolina, 196, 197.
University of Oregon, 213.

University of Pennsylvania, clxvi, clxxv, clxxvi,


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