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NOTE.-The reader is respectfully invited to consult the prefatory note on page 3, from which it will
be seen that the arrangement of the report is such as to obviate the necessity for many entries which
would otherwise find place in this index.


Academies. See Secondary instruction.
Adrian, Mich., schools of, 123.

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Ken-
tucky, 84.

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Missis-
sippi, 141.

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas,
clxxvii, clxxviii, 249, 250.

Agriculture, colleges of. See Science, schools of.
Akron, Ohio, schools of, 201.

Alabama, summary of educational condition, lxxiii.
abstract, 4-8.

Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College, 7.
Alaska, summary of educational condition, lxxviii,

[blocks in formation]

and Dumb, 30, 31.

American Institute of Christian Philosophy, 317.
American Institute of Instruction, 313, 314.
American Medical Association, 317.
American Missionary Association, 316.
American Philological Society, 315.

American Social Science Association, 314, 315.
Amherst College, clxi, 113.

Anagnos, M., remarks of, on distinctive features

of American schools for the blind, ccxviii,

Anderson, J. A., views of, as to the value of chem-
istry and physics, clxxi.

Ann Arbor, Mich., schools of, cx, 123, 124.
Apgar, Ellis A., term of office of, 171.
Appleton, Wis., schools of, 271.

Argentine Confederation, educational condition
of, cclxxii, cclxxiii.

Arkansas, summary of educational condition,

[blocks in formation]

Atlanta, Ga., schools of, 42, 43.
Atlanta University, 45, 46.

Attendance, daily average school, in the Union,
xliii, xliv.

comparison of, for ten years, li.
Attleborough, Mass., schools of, 107.
Auburn, Me., schools of, 92, 93.
Auburn, N. Y., schools of, 174, 175.
Augusta, Ga., schools of, 42, 43.
Augusta, Me., schools of, 92, 93,
Austin, Tex., schools of, 247.

Australasia, educational condition of, cclxxiv-

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

provisions for the instruction of the, ccxvi-

table of statistics of institutions for the, 680-

See, also, the heading Special Instruction, un-
der the respective States.

Bloss, John M., term of office of, 65.

Boston, Mass., schools of, cviii, cix, cxv, 107, 108.
Boston University, cxxviii, 113, 115, 116.

Bowdoin College, 94.

Bradford, Pa., schools of, 217.

Brazil, educational condition of, cclxxiii.

Brewer, O. H. P., term of office of, 295.

Bridgeport, Conn., schools of, 27.

Bridgeton, N. J., schools of, 167.

British Columbia, educational condition of, cclxix.

British India, educational condition of, cclxvi-


Brockton, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Brookline, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.


Brooklyn, N. Y., schools of, cviii, cxv, 174, 176.
Brown, Joseph E., address of, before the National
Educational Association, 310.

Brown University, 232, 233.
Buffalo, N. Y., schools of, 174, 176.

Bulgaria, educational condition of, cclxv, cclxvi.
Burlington, Iowa, schools of, 68.
Burlington, Vt., schools of, 252, 253.
Burt, David, obituary notice of, 137.
Business colleges. See Commercial and business

Butcher, Bernard L., term of office of, 267.
Buxton, E. N., views of, as to the proper way of es-
timating school accommodation needed, cix.
Byrd, William L, term of office of, 295.


Calhoun, A. W., paper of, on the effect of student
life on the eyesight, 309, 310.

California, summary of educational condition,

abstract, 13-19.

Cambridge, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.
Camden, N. J., schools of, 167.

Campbell, Fred. M., term of office of, 19.

Canada, educational condition of, cclxix-cclxxii.
Canton, Ohio, schools of, 201.

Carbondale, Pa., schools of, 217.

Carroll, Philip, statement by, respecting education
in Ontario, cclxx-cclxxii.

Case School of Applied Science, clxx, 206.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, schools of, 68.
Census, analysis of educational relations of the
tenth Ünited States, ix-xliii, lxiii-lxix, cx-

Chapin, Joshua Bicknell, obituary notice, 234.
Charleston, S. C., schools of, 236, 237.

Chattanooga, Tenn., schools of, 241, 242.

Chantauqua Teachers' Retreat, 316.

Chelsea, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Chemistry in scientific schools, clxx-clxxii.

Chester, Pa., schools of, 217.

Chicago, Ill., schools of, cviii, cx, 49, 50.

Chicopee, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Chili, educational condition of, cclxxiii, cclxxiv.

Chillicothe, Ohio, schools of, 201.

Chinese number and character of the, in the

United States, xxi.

education of the, in California, 18.

Cincinnati, Ohio, schools of, cx, 201, 202.

Circulars of information, list of, published in

1881, v.

Cities, summary of school statistics of, xcii-cvii.
condition of public schools in, cxiv-cxvi.
table of school statistics of, 328-378.

City and Guilds of London Institute, cclvii.
Clarke, F. W., circular on physics and chemistry
by, clxx, clxxi.

Cleveland, Ohio, schools of, 201, 202.

Clinton, Iowa, schools of. 68.

Clinton, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Cochran, Varnum B., term of office of, 131.

Coeducation in colleges, cli, clii.

Coelln, C. W. von, remarks of, on the district sys-
tem, lv.

term of office of, 74.

Cohoes, N. Y., schools of, 174, 176.

Colby University, 94.

College of New Jersey, 170.

Colleges. See Universities and colleges.
Colombia, educational condition of, cclxxiv.

Colorado, summary of educational condition,
lxxvii, lxxviii.

abstract, 20-24.

Colored, illiteracy among minor, lxvi-lxix.
education among the, lxxxi-xc.

illiteracy among the, in cities, cxi-cxiii.

Columbia, District of. See District of Columbia.
Columbia, Pa., schools of, 217.

Columbia College, clii, clxii, clxx, clxvi, clxvii, 183.
Columbian University, 287, 288.
Columbus, Ga., schools of, 42, 43.
Columbus, Ohio, schools of, 201. 202.

Commercial and business colleges, summary of

statistics of, cxxxiii, cxxxiv.
table of statistics of, 397-411.

[blocks in formation]

abstract, 25-33.

Conventions and associations, educational. See
the heading Educational Conventions, under
the respective States.

Cook, George F. T., superintendent of colored
schools in the District of Columbia, 290.
Cookery, instruction of the deaf in, ccxiii.
schools of, in Massachusetts, 117.
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and
Art, gifts to, of Peter Cooper, 183, note.
Cornell, Leonidas S., term of office of, 24.
Cornell University, mechanical engineering course
of, clxxiv, clxxv.

Council Bluffs, Iowa, schools of, 68.

County superintendents. See the heading State
School System, under the respective States.
Covington, Ky., schools of, 82.

Crawford, Gideon S. W., term of office of, 245, note.
Crosby, David, obituary notice, 163.

Curry, J. L. M., work of, in connection with the
Peabody fund, xc, xci.


Dakota, summary of educational condition, lxxiv.
abstract, 281-284.

Danbury, Conn., schools of, 27.

Danville, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Danville, Pa., schools of, 217.

Danville, Va., schools of, 258.

Dartmouth College, 162.

Dartmouth Medical College, requirements for ad-

mission to, cxxviii.

Dartt, Justus, term of office of, 255.

Davenport, Iowa, schools of, 68.

Dayton, Ohio, schools of, 201, 202.

Deaf and dumb, summary of statistics of institu-
tions for the, ccix, ccx.

instruction of the, ccxi-ccxv.

table of statistics of institutions for the, 674-

See, also, the heading Special Instruction, un-
der the respective States.

Deane, John H., gift of, to University of Roch-
ester, 183.

Decatur, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Defective classes, number of, in the United States,

Degrees, summary of, conferred by institutions for
the superior instruction of women, cl.
summary of collegiate and professional, con-
ferred, cxcv-cc.

honoris causa, indiscriminate conferring of,

table of statistics of institutions conferring,

Delaware, summary of educational condition, lxxii.
abstract, 34-37.

Delaware College, 36.

Denmark, educational condition of, ccxlv.

Dentistry, summary of statistics of schools of, cxc,

table of statistics of schools of, 640, 641, 646,
647, 648.

See, also, the heading Professional Instruc-
tion, under the respective States.

Denton, James L., term of office of, 12.
Denver, Colo., schools of, 21, 22.
Derby, Conn., schools of, 27.

Detroit, Mich., schools of, 123, 124.

Dewey, Melvil, remarks of, on the duty of a libra-
rian, ccii, cciii.

De Wolf, D. F., remarks of, on the district sys-
tem, lv.

term of office of, 209.

address of, on "Some essentials in the develop-
ment of a school system," 308, 309.

Dickinson, J. W., remarks of, on school supervision | Geneva, Switzerland, schools of, cclxv.

in Massachusetts, lix.

term of office of, 120.

Diman J. Lewis, obituary notice, 233.

District of Columbia, summary of educational
condition, lxxix.

abstract, 285-290.

District officers. See the heading State School
System, under the respective States.

District system of schools, disadvantages of, liv, lv.
unsatisfactory condition of, in Vermont, 252.
Doak, W. S., term of office of, 245.
Dover, N. H., schools of, 161.
Dubuque, Iowa, schools of, 68.

Durant, Henry Fowle, obituary notice of, 120.


East Des Moines, Iowa, schools of, 68.
Easton, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.

East Saginaw, Mich., schools of, 123, 124.
Eaton, Dorman B., remarks of, on the relations of
the legal profession to the public, clxxxvii.
Eaton, John, address of, on "Education and the
building of the state," 308.
report of, v-cclxxvii.

Elementary instruction. See the heading State
School System, under the respective States.
Elgin City, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Eliot, Charles, remarks of, on elective studies at
Harvard, clxiii.

Elizabeth, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.
Elmira, N. Y., schools of, 174, 176, 177.
Emerson, George B., obituary notice of, 120.

England and Wales, educational condition of,

Enrolment, public school, in the Union, xliii, xliv.
comparison of, for ten years, 1.

Erie, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.
Evansville, Ind., schools of, 58.
Evening schools, cxv, cxvi, 167.

Examiners, State boards of. See the heading
State School System, under the respective

Expenditure, school, in the United States, xlvii-l.
comparison of, for ten years, lii.


Fall River, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.
Farnum Preparatory School, 169.

Farr, Richard R., State superintendent of Vir-
ginia, 262.

Fay, Edwin H., term of office of, 90.

Feeble-minded, summary of statistics of schools
for the, ccxix.

classification and instruction of the, ccxx,

table of statistics of schools and asylums for
the, 684, 685.

Fitchburg, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Five Nations, schools among the, 293–295.
Flint, Mich., schools of, 123, 124.

Florida, summary of educational condition, lxxiii.
allowance from Peabody fund to education in,


abstract, 38-40.

Fond du Lac, Wis., schools of, 271.

Fort Wayne, Ind., schools of, 58.

Fort Wrangell, Alaska, schools of, 278.
Foster, E. K., term of office of, 40.

Foster, W. E., remarks of, on the relations of libra-
ries to public schools, ceiii, cciv.
France, educational condition of, ccxlv, ccxlvi.
Freeport, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Fremont, Ohio, schools of, 201, 202, 203.
Funds, school. See the heading State School Sys-
tem, under the respective States.

Furniture, summary of patents for improvements
in, ccxxxiv, CCXXXV.

table of patented improvements in school,


Galesburg, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.
Galveston, Tex., schools of, 247, 248.

Garfield, James A., remarks of, on the value of

education for the deaf, ccxiv, ccxv.

Georgetown, D. C., schools of, 285, 286.
Georgetown College, 287, 288.

Georgia, summary of educational condition, lxxiii.
abstract, 41-47.

Germany, educational condition of, ccxlvi-ccli.
Gilmour, Neil, term of office of, 192.
Gloucester, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.
Golden, Colo., schools of, 21, 22.

Gonzaga College, 287.

Grand Rapids, Mich., schools of, 123, 124.
Great Britain and Ireland, educational condition

of, cxxxi, ccli-cclviii.

Greece, educational condition of, cclviii.

Green, W. W., remarks of, on present condition of
medical instruction, excv.

Green Bay, Wis., schools of, 271.
Greenwich, Conn., schools of, 27.
Griswold, W. H., indexes of, cciv, note.
Groves, James H., term of office of, 37.
Gunn, Frederick W., obituary notice, 33.


Hall, G. Stanley, lectures on pedagogy by, cxxxii.
Hamilton, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.
Hammond, W. G., remarks of, on the best method
of studying law, clxxxvi.

Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, 262.
Hannibal, Mo., schools of, 144, 145.

Harrisburg, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.
Hartford, Conn., schools of, 27.

Harvard College, elective studies in, clxii, clxiii.
Harvard Law School, requirements for admission
to, cxxviii.

Harvard Medical School, requirements for admis-

sion to, cxxviii.

Harvard University, cxxxii, 112, 113, 115, 116.
Haven, Erastus O., obituary notice, 191, 192.
Haverhill, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Hebrew, summer school for the study of, clxxxiii,

Henkle, William Downs, obituary notice, 209.
Higbee, E. E., term of office of, 228.

High schools. See the heading Secondary In-
struction, under the respective States."
Hitchcock, Edward, report on hygiene at Am-
herst College, clxi.

Hoboken, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.

Holland, educational condition of, cclviii-cclxi.
Hollingsworth, O. N., term of office of, 250.
Holyoke, Mass., schools of, 107, 108.

Houghton, Jonathan S., term of office of, 305.
Houghton Farm, clxx.

Howard University, 287, 288.

Howey, R. H., term of office of, 298.
Hudson, N. Y., schools of, 174, 177.

Humbéeck, van, remarks of, on the need of courses
of study for Belgian schools, lxiii.
Hungary, educational condition of, ccxxxviii-

[blocks in formation]

abstract, 291, 292.

Idiocy, causes of, ccxxi.

Illinois, summary of educational condition, lxxvi.
abstract, 48-55

Illinois Industrial University, clxxiv, 52, 53.
Illinois Training School for Nurses, ccv, cevi.
Illiteracy, among German recruits, ccxlvii.

among minors in the United States, lxiii-lxix.
in cities, cxi-cxiii.

Imbeciles. See Feeble-minded, schools for the.
Income and expenditure, school, in the United
States, xlvii, xlviii.

comparison of amount of, for ten years, lii.
Indiana, summary of educational condition, lxxvi.
abstract, 56-65.

Indiana University, 61.

Indianapolis, Ind., schools of, 58, 59.

Indians, education of, in New York, 174.

in Pennsylvania, 225.

in Oregon, 214.

in Virginia, 261, 262.

[blocks in formation]

Industrial training, school for the, of miners and
mechanics, clxxix, clxxx.

for the deaf, ccxiii, ccxiv.
for the feeble-minded, ccxxi.
in Austria, cexxxviii.

in Hungary, cexliii, ccxliv.

principles and progress of, 311, 312.

See, also, the heading Special Instruction,
under the respective States.

Institutes. See the headings Training of Teach-
ers and Educational Conventions, under the
respective States.

Iowa, summary of educational condition, lxxvii.
abstract, 66-74.

Iowa Agricultural College, clxxiii, clxxiv, 71.
Ireland, educational condition of, cclv, cclvi.
Ironton, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.

Italy, educational condition of, celviii.

Ithaca, N. Y., schools of, 174, 177.


Leadville, Colo., schools of, 21, 22.
Leavenworth, Kans., schools of, 76, 77.
Lebanon, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.

Lehigh University, mechanical engineering at,

Lewiston, Me., schools of, cx, 92, 93.
Lexington, Ky., schools of, 82, 83.

Libraries, public, statistics of, cei, ccii.

management of, and relations to public
schools, ccii-cciv.

table of statistics of additional, 668–671.

Lima, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.
Lincoln, Nebr., schools of, 152, 153.
Lincoln, R. I., schools of, 231.
Little Rock, Ark., schools of, 10.
Lockport, N. Y., schools of, 174, 177.
Logansport, Ind., schools of, 58, 59.

London, England, plan of providing public school
accommodations in, cix.

education in, ccliii, celiv.

Long Island City, N. Y., schools of, 175, 177.
Los Angeles, Cal., schools of, 15.

Louisiana, summary of educational condition,
lxxiii, lxxiv.

abstract, 86-90.

Jackson, Sheldon, educational efforts of, in Alaska, Louisiana State University and Agricultural and

Jackson, Mich., schools of, 123, 124, 125.


Jacksonville, Fla., schools of, 39.

Jacksonville, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Janesville, Wis., schools of, 271.

Japan, educational condition of, celxviii, cclxix.
Jeffersonville, Ind., schools of, 58.

Jersey City, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.
John C. Green School of Science, 170.

Johns Hopkins University, clxii, cxcii, 100, 101.
Johnstown, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.
Joliet, Ill., schools of, 49, 50.

Jones, W. W. W., term of office of, 155.
Journals, educational. See the heading Training
of Teachers, under the respective States.

[blocks in formation]

Keokuk, Iowa, schools of, 68, 69.

Keyes, Addison A., term of office of, 192.
Key West, Fla., schools of, 39.

Kiehle, D. L., term of office of, 137.

Kindergärten, summary of statistics of, cxxxv.
instruction in, cxxxv-cxxxviii.

application of principles of the, in the training
of the deaf, ccxii.

table of statistics of, 412-449.

Mechanical College, 88, 89.

Louisville, Ky., schools of, 82, 83.
Lowell, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

Lubbock, Sir John, efforts of, in behalf of ele-
mentary science in England, cxxx.

Luce, N. A., remarks of, on courses of study in
the common schools, lx, lxi.
term of office of, 96.
Lynchburg, Va., schools of, 258.
Lynn, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

[blocks in formation]

Maryland Agricultural and Mechanical College,


See, also, the heading State School System, Massachusetts, system of school supervision in,

under the respective States.

Kingston, N. Y., schools of, 174, 177,

Kitchen garden lessons for the deaf, ccxii, ccxiii.
Knoxville, Tenn., schools of, 241, 242.

[blocks in formation]

lix, lx.

summary of educational condition, lxx.
abstract, 104-120.

Massachusetts Agricultural College, 114, 115.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, exxviii,
clxxvi, clxxvii, clxxviii, clxxix.

Meadville, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.

Mechanical engineering, instruction in, clxxii-

Mechanics' Institute of Cincinnati, 206.
Medford, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

Medicine, schools of, for the colored race, lxxxv,


summary of statistics of, clxxxviii-cxci.
instruction in, exci-cxcv.

table of statistics of, 636-648.

See, also, the heading Scientific and Profes-
sional Instruction, under the respective

Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, excii,

Memphis, Tenn, schools of, 241, 242.
Meriden, Conn., schools of, 27.

Michigan, summary of educational condition,

Michigan, system of reformatory schools of,
ccxxiv, ccxxv, ccxxviii, ccxxix.
abstract, 121-131.

Michigan State Agricultural College, 128.
Michigan State Normal School, 126.
Middletown, Conn., schools of, 27, 28.
Milford, Mass., schools of, 107,109.

Military Academy, United States, 183, 649.
Miller Manual Labor School, 262.
Millville, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.
Milwaukee, Wis., schools of, 271, 272.
Minneapolis, Minn., schools of, 133, 134.

Minnesota, summary of educational condition,

[blocks in formation]

Montgomery, Ala., schools of, 5, 6.

New Jersey State Reform School, ccxxv, ccxxvi.
New London, Conn., schools of, 27, 28.

New Mexico, summary of educational condition,

abstract, 299, 300.

New Orleans, La., schools of, 87.
Newport, Ky., schools of, 82, 83.
Newport, R. I., schools of, 231.

New South Wales, educational condition of, cclxxv.
Newton, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

New York, summary of educational condition,lxxi.
abstract, 172-192.

New York City, schools of, cviii, cxv, 175, 177, 178.
Norfolk, Va., schools of, 258.

Normal Art School, 111.

Normal College of New York City, 181.

Normal School of Science and Royal School of
Mines, cclvii.

Normal schools, for the colored race, lxxxii, Ixxxv.
summary of statistics of, cxvii-cxxvi.
geographical distribution of, cxxvi.

admission to and courses of study in, cxxvii-


instruction in,

table of statistics of, 379–396.


See, also, the heading Training of Teachers,
under the respective States

Norristown, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.

North Adams, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

Moon, William, letter of, respecting his alphabet Northampton, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

for the blind, ccxvii, ccxviii.

Muscatine, Iowa, schools of, 68, 69.

Music, instruction in, in Massachusetts, 116.

in New York, 188.

in Pennsylvania, 226.

in District of Columbia, 290.

Muskegon, Mich., schools of, 123, 125.


Nashua, N. H., schools of, 161.

Nashville, Tenn., schools of, 241, 242.
Natick, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.

National Association for the Relief of Destitute
Women and Children, 289.

National Conference of Charities and Correction,
315, 316.

National Council of Education, 312.

National Deaf-Mute College, cexiv, ccxv, 287, 288.
National Educational Association, 308-312.
Naval Academy, United States.

See United
States Military and Naval Academies.
Nebraska, summary of educational condition,

abstract, 151-155.

Necrology. See individual entries in this index;

also the heading Obituary Record, under the
respective States.

Netherlands, educational condition of, cclviii-

Nevada, summary of educational condition, lxxviii.
abstract, 156-158.

Newark, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.

Newark, Ohio, schools of, 201, 203.

New Bedford, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.
New Britain, Conn., schools of, 27, 28.

New Brunswick, Canada, educational condition of,
cclxix, cclxx.

New Brunswick, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.
Newburgh, N. Y., schools of, 175, 177.
Newburyport, Mass., schools of, 107, 109.
New Castle, Pa., schools of, 217, 218.

Newell, M. A., remarks of, on the system of ap-
pointing teachers in Maryland, Iviii.
term of office of, 103.

New England Association of School Superintend-

ents, 312, 313.

New Hampshire, summary of educational condi-
tion, lxx.

abstract, 159-164.

[blocks in formation]

abstract, 199–209.

Ohio Mechanics' Institute, clxx.

Ohio State University, clxxviii, 205, 206.
Ohio University, 206.

Omaha, Nebr., schools of, 152, 153.

Onderdonk, James L., term of office of, 292.

Ontario, educational condition of, cclxx-cclxxii.
Orange, N. J., schools of, 167, 168.

Oratory, training in, in Massachusetts, 116.
in Pennsylvania, 226.

Oregon, summary of educational condition, lxxviii.
abstract, 210-214.

Orphan or dependent children, summary of statis-
tics of homes and asylums for, ccxxix-ccxxxi.
table of statistics of homes and asylums for,

See, also, the heading Special Instruction, un-
Orr, G. J., views of, as to school tax in Georgia,
der the respective States.


term of office of, 47.
Oshkosh, Wis., schools of, 271, 272.

New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Oswego, N. Y., schools of, 175, 179.

Mechanic Arts, 162.

[blocks in formation]

Ottawa, Ill., schools of, 49.
Ottumwa, Iowa, schools of, 68, 69.


Paducah, Ky., schools of, 82, 83.
Paterson, N. J.,schools of, 167, 168, 169.

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