TABLE XXIV.-Publications, educational, historical, &c., for 1881, &c.-Continued. Christian Institutions: Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects. By Arthur Pen- Chas. Scribner's Sons International Revision Commentary on the New Testament. Edited by Philip The Origin and Growth of Religion. By F. Max Müller. New edition. Religions of China: Confucianism and Tâoism Described and Compared with do do do .do Cr. 8vo.. 2.00 do 12mo... 125 do .do 12mo.. 1 00 12mo 12+308 1 50 Science of Religion. By F. Max Müller. New edition. .do .do Cr. 8vo. 200 The Theory of Preaching: Lectures on Homiletics. By Austin Phelps, D. D. .do 8yo 18+610 250 Scribner & Welford .do Cr. 8vo. 2.50 1. Christian Ethics. Special Part: Individual Ethics. By Dr. H. Martensen. Clark's Foreign Theological Library : 2. Hagenbach's History of Christian Doctrines. Vol. 3.. 3. Godet On Romans. Vol. 2. 4. Dorner's System of Christian Doctrine. Vol. 2. Meyer's Commentaries. New volumes: 1. The Epistles of Peter and Jude. 2. The Pastoral Epistles. Old Testament, History of Redemption. By Franz Delitzsch. Translated by Samuel Ives Curtiss. New issue Notes on Daniel. By Albert Barnes, D. D. Notes on Isaiah. By Albert Barnes, D. D. Notes on Job. By Albert Barnes, D. D. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Embracing the authorized version of 1611 and the revised version of 1881. By Revere F. Weidner. Anglo-American Bible Revision: Its Necessity and Purpose. By members of the American Revision Committee. Fourth revised edition. R. Worthington .do Brobst, Diehl & Co American Sunday-School Union. J. B. Lippincott & Co. Testimony of the Ages; or, Confirmation of the Scriptures from Modern J. C. McCurdy & Co Synopsis of a Christian Theology. By R. J. Wright.. Science and Recent Discoveries. By Robert W. Morris, D. D. TABLE XXV.-Improvements in school furniture, apparatus, ventilation, &c., patented in the United States in the year 1881. |