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* From Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1880. d Average attendance.

a For all departments of work.

b In 1879.

• From contributions only.

eThese amounts include the support of six industrial schools and Home for Destitute Children.

g From report for the year ending November, 1879. h In 21 day schools and 11 night schools.

i These statistics are from a return for the year 1880.

ƒ Whole number for the year.

TABLE XXII.-List of homes and asylums for orphan or dependent children, infant asylums, and industrial schools from which no information has been received..

[blocks in formation]

St. James' Asylum
Atlanta Benevolent Home..
Methodist Orphans' Home..
St. Joseph's Orphanage.....
White Bluff Female Orphan-

Swedish Orphan Asylum Chicago Home for the Friendless.

Newsboys' and Bootblacks' Home.

Nursery and Half-Orphan Asylum.

Jacksonville Orphan Home.. Protestant Deaconess's Orphan Home.

Home for the Friendless.....
Colored Orphan Asylum....
Ladies' Auxiliary Orphan
Asylum Society.
German Protestant Orphan
St. Vincent's Male Orphan
German Orphan Asylum.....
Kansas Orphan Asylum
Protestant Orphan Asylum..
St. John's Orphan Asylum...
Presbyterian Orphans' Home
Society of Louisville.
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum
Convent of the Good Shep-

Half-Orphan Asylum

[blocks in formation]

San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. San Rafael, Cal.

Hartford, Conn.

Hartford, Conn.
Atlanta, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga.
Washington, Ga.
White Bluff, Ga.

Andover, Ill. Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill.

Jacksonville, Ill.
Jacksonville, Ill.

Springfield, Ill.
Evansville, Ind.
Evansville, Ind.

Indianapolis, Ind.

Vincennes, Ind.

Dubuque, Iowa.
Leavenworth, Kans.
Leavenworth, Kans.
Covington, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.

Louisville, Ky.
New Orleans, La.

New Orleans, La.
(Seventh district,
Josephine and
Laurel streets).
New Orleans, La.
New Orleans, La.

New Orleans, La.

New Orleans, La.

New Orleans, La.

Bath, Me.

Bath, Me.
Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, Md. (N. Front street). Frederick, Md.

Boston, Mass.


House of Providence Shaw's Asylum for Mariners' Children. Home for Young Women and Children. Children's Aid Society.. N. E. County Home for Orphan and Homeless Children.

St. Vincent's Orphan Home.
Jackson Home for the
Friendless and Industrial

German Orphan Asylum....
St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum
Female Orphan School......
Evangelical Lutheran Or-
phans' Home and Asylum.
Home for the Friendless....
Mission Free School ......
St. Mary's Female Orphan

Southern Methodist Orphan

Nevada Orphan Asylum....
Orphan Asylum.....
St. Mary's Female Orphan

St. Michael's Orphan Asylum
Home for the Friendless....|
St. Peter's Asylum
St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum
Children's Home...
Orphans' Home..
Catholic Home

St. John's Orphan Asylum.
St. Johnland.......
Children's Home..
Montefiero Widow and Or-
phan Benefit Society.
St. Vincent's Home for
Homeless Boys of all Oc-

St. John's Orphanage..
St. Margaret's Home..
German Methodist Orphan

Home for the Friendless and
Female Guardian Society.
Bethel Union .....
Home for the Friendless
Orphans' Home
Children's Home of Butler

St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum.

Pittsburgh and Allegheny
Home for the Friendless.
Bridgewater Soldiers' Or-
phan Home.
Church Home..
Home for the Friendless..
Aimwell School Association.
St. Paul's Roman Catholic
Orphan Asylum.
Orphans' Home of the Evan-
gelical Lutheran Church.
Emlen Institution .....
Home for Friendless Chil-

Orphans' Farm School.
Home for Friendless and
Destitute Children.
Charleston Orphan House...
Hebrew Orphan Society....

Holyoke, Mass.
Jamaica Plain,
Lowell, Mass.

Nantucket, Mass.
Winchendon, Mass.

East Saginaw, Mich. Jackson, Mich.

St. Paul, Minn.
St. Paul, Minn.
Camden Point, Mo.
Des Pères, Mo.

Hannibal, Mo.
St. Louis, Mo.
St. Louis, Mo.

St. Louis, Mo.
(Ténth and Bid-
dle streets).
Virginia City, Nev.
Manchester, N. H.
Jersey City, N. J.

Jersey City, N. J. Newark, N. J. Newark, N. J. Paterson, N. J. Trenton, N. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Greenbush, N. Y. Long Island, N. Y. Newburgh, N. Y. New York, N. Y.

New York, N. Y.

Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Red Hook, N. Y.
Berea, Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cleveland, Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio.
Dayton, Ohio.
| Hamilton, Ohio.

Toledo, Ohio.

Allegheny, Pa.
(Ridge avenue).
Bridgewater, Pa.

Lancaster, Pa.
Lancaster, Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
(Tannehill street).
Rochester, Pa.

Warminster, Pa.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Zelienople, Pa.
Newport, R. I.

Charleston, S. C.
Charleston, S. C.

TABLE XXII.-List of homes and asylums for orphans, &c.-Continued.

[blocks in formation]

Rhode Island Children's Hospital and Nur- Providence, R. I...... Closed; work given to St. Mary's sery.


[blocks in formation]

New York House and School of Industry... New York, N. Y...... Gives out sewing to poor women

Warren Street Mission Sewing School No. 3. Marietta, Ohio

and has a sewing school twice in each week; the Infant Industrial School is discontinued. Closed.

TABLE XXIII.-Statistics of educational benefactions for 1881; from

[blocks in formation]

replies to inquiries by the United States Bureau of Education.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

For a professorship of intellectual and
mora Iphilosophy and civil polity, on
condition that the income be devoted
exclusively to the support of this pro-
fessorship, and that any surplus shall
be added to the original fund.
To be invested for endowment and in-
terest used.

400 volumes and a fine collection of
magazines to the library from Rev.
A. Higbie; $1,098 donations to fur-
nishing fund, and various donations
to the museum from others.
To pay debt.

Purpose not specified.

Purpose not specified; $6,700 from western contributions and $5,720 from eastern donations.

[blocks in formation]

Income to be applied to "the increase of teaching force in the academical department." This amount, $150,000, arises from the sale of part of the property conveyed to the college Three years ago by Dr. Porter, but which did not come into the actual possession of the college until his death, in December, 1880.

The income to be given to students of
the academical department who need
pecuniary aid.

For the general scholarship fund.
For the Winchester observatory to-
wards the purchase of instruments.
For the medical department.

Donations for the college year 1880-'81,
for general purposes and aid of indi
gent students.

$25,000 to complete the endowment of the "Lovick Pierce professorship;" $20,000 for the erection of Seney Hall, and $5,000 to help pay the col lege debt.

Part for building and part for endow. ment.

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