TABLE III.- PART 2.- Statistics of private normal schools for 1881, &c.- Continued. NOTE.x indicates an affirmative answer; signifies no or none; Library. Has the school a collection of models, casts, apparatus, and examples for free hand drawing? Is drawing taught? Vocal. Instrumental. oratory? School possesses a chemical lab School possesses a philosophical School possesses a museum of cabinet and apparatus? natural history? School possesses a gymnasium? stitution? Model school attached to the in Students receive diplomas or certificates on completion of course? schools without further examGraduates teach in State common ination? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 * From Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1880. a County superintendent examines and gives certificate which authorizes the holder to teach in schools of the county. b See Table IX. TABLE III.-Memoranda. Name. San Francisco Kindergarten Training Class Normal and Business School.. Northwestern German-English Normal School. Normal department, Oskaloosa College American Kindergarten Normal School. Ray's Normal Institute. Ohio Central Normal and Kindergarten Training School. Worthington, Ohio. St. Augustine's Normal School Wilberforce University, normal department. Ohio Free Normal School (Antioch College) Oregon Normal School. Sheakleyville Normal Academy Yorktown Normal School.. Yellow Springs, Ohio Sheakleyville, Pa Remarks. See California Kindergarten Training School. Reported as suspended in 1879, but was to have been reopened in September, 1880; was not, however, opened at any time in 1881. Closed. Name changed to German-English College, and institution transferred to Table VI. See normal department of the High School. No information received. No information received. No information received. Normal department not in operation during the year 1881. Only the high school department of the public schools of Oregon. No information received. No information received. TABLE IV.-Statistics of commercial and business colleges for 1881; from replies to inquiries by the United States Bureau of Education. 1 Howard College Business School Sacramento Business College 4 Business department of St. Mary's College*. Heald's Business College* 6 Pacific Business College* 7 Garden City Commercial College 8 Commercial department of Santa Clara College. 9 Commercial department of Pacific Methodist College.* 10 Hannum's Hartford Business College. 13 Commercial department of Hedding College... 14 College of Commerce, Illinois Wesleyan Uni versity. 15 Evergreen City Business College* Santa Clara, Cal Santa Rosa, Cal. 16 Western Normal College and Commercial In- Bushnell, I' Commercial course of St. Ignatius College.. 19 Metropolitan Business College*.. Marion, Ala 1842 1842 James T. Murfee, LL. D., pres't. 5 0 130 130 130 0 0 0 0 Los Angeles, Cal 1875 Sacramento, Cal. (716 I st.) 1872 E. C. Atkinson. 4 2 147 San Francisco, Cal. 1872 1863 Brother Bettelin. San Francisco, Cal.. 1864 E. P. Heald 11 San Francisco, Cal. (320 Post street). 1865 W. E. Chamberlain, jr 614 60 120 101 60 60 19 27 27 San Jose, Cal. (Box 490). 6 24 15 23 9 89 89 89 0 3 :སྐས 49 48 1 Cuthbert, Ga 1879 Prof. B. C. Adams.. 2 a41 0 0 0 Abingdon, Ill. 1875 1855 J. R. King 58 58 36 22 Bloomington, Ill 1850 1880 J. George Cross, A. M. 3 262 219 43 |