City. Bonds (including interest). Floating (includ ing interest). Cost of supervi sion. Amount paid for teaching. Officers of board, secretaries, messengers, &c. Pay of janitors of buildings. TABLE II.-School statistics of cities containing 7,500 inhabitants and over, for 1881, &c.- Continued. Fuel. Cities containing 7,500 inhabitants and over from which no statistics have been received. b These statistics are for white schools only; for those in which colored schools are included, see Table I. Rent. Insurance. Repairs. School books supplied for use of pupils. All other supplies and current expenses. Total expenditure. Supervision and instruction, based on average daily attendance. Incidental or contingent expenses, based on average daily attendance. Name. Location. TABLE III.- PART 1.- Statistics of public normal schools for 1881; from replies to inquiries by the United States Bureau of Education. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Normal department of University of Colo. rado.* Connecticut State Normal School.. East Florida Seminary. .... Agricultural College.* Boulder, Colo. Joseph A. Sewall, M. D., LL. 9 D., president. New Britain, Conn 1850 Isaac N. Carleton, A. M c87,000 d25,000 80 00 Gainesville, Fla e1853 Edwin P. Cater, A. M (ƒ) Normal department of North Georgia Dahlonega, Ga. 1877 David W. Lewis, A. M., pres 0 0 ident. Southern Illinois Normal University Carbondale, Ill 1874 Rev. Robert Allyn, D. D., LL. Dg20,190 50 50 12 Illinois State Normal University Normal, Ill. 1857 15 Cook County Normal and Training Schoolh Normalville, Ill * From Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1880. 1867 a Exclusive of appropriations for permanent objects. b Appropriation in common with other departments of the university (see Table IX). c Of this, $75,000 are a special appropriation for new building. d Special appropriation for new building. e As East Florida Seminary; reorganized as State Normal School in 1880. ƒSchool is supported by interest of funds derived from sale of lands donated by the United States. g Of this sum, $6,397 were from the fund donated by Congress for seminary and $1,200 for permanent improvements. Edwin C.Hewett, LL.D., pres't 22, 494 D. S. Wentworth. 0 0 49 44 14 0 | 215, 000 394 93 77 143 81 802 169 269 185 179 9 714 34 189 178 313 TABLE III.-PART 1.-Statistics of public normal schools for 1881, &c.- Continued. 1 2 16 Training school department of public Fort Wayne, Ind schools. 19 Burlington City Training School*. 20 Iowa State Normal School.. Normal department of the High School.. Iowa. Kansas State Normal School.. Emporia, Kans 5678 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 3 9 9 Davenport, Iowa.. 1863 Iowa City, Iowa 1873 Miss Isabella S. Thompson.. Rev. Stephen N. Fellows, D. D 1865 R. B. Welch, M. A., president. 0 0 0 610 366 24 Normal department of University of Lawrence, Kans 1876 Kansas. Rev. James Marvin, D. D., president. 38 25 Eastern State Normal School Castine, Me 1867 Roliston Woodbury. 6,000 30 00 26 State Normal and Training School. Farmington, Me..... 1864 Charles C. Rounds.. 6, 333 0 0 63 33 27 Madawaska Training School* Fort Kent and Van 1879 Vetal Cyr, B. S 1,000 0 9 198 6 145 Baltimore, Md. (La 1866 M. A. Newell 10,000 0 0 37 90 14 264 17 0 89 109 108 22 202 96 106 26 74 20 5 90 8 104 16 41 fayette Square). 33 Boston Normal School.. Boston, Mass 1852 Larkin Dunton 34 Massachusetts Normal Art School Boston, Mass 1873 Walter Smith, art master 17,000 35 State Normal School.. Bridgewater, Mass. 1840 Albert G. Boyden, A. M 13, 800 20 203 10 31 |