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LABERIUS, Language

of 363.

resents an Indignity, 540.
of Roman, 649.

Ladies, Cruelty
Lady's Toilette, A, 380.
Lake Regillus, Battle

of, 451.

Trasimene, Battle of, 450.
Landscape Painting, 250.
Language of Laberius, 363.
Origin of, 232.
Standard of, 354.
A, 478.

Law, and

the Divine Mind, 8.
Origin of, 111.
Roman, 137, 139, 141.


of, 135.

Laws of the Flamen Dialis, 54.

Sumptuary, 139.

Lead, Account

of, 207.

Lecturer, Public, 342.
Legislation, Class, 137.

for Ideal State, 138.

Religious, 52,

Lentulus' Harangue, 561.
L'Homme qui rit, 628.

Letter of Instructions, 136.

Licinius Porcius, 396.

Life after Death, 229.



Magnet, The, 208.

Man, Dignity of, 30.


Privilege of, 34.
Progress of, 113.

and Rest of Creation, 228.
Tendency to Virtue of, 78.
Maritime States, 132.

Marius and Sulla, 573.

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be taken as they are, 526.
Menaechmus and his Brother, 607.
true Nobility, 537.


and Sanitation, 221.

in Town, 634.

Lightning, 190.


Like from Like," 156.

Lion and Mouse, 459.

Natural History of the, 222.

Literary Aspirants, 350.

Literati, Roman, 345.

Literature, Masters of, 311.

Litteratus, 355.

Little and Good, 628.

Locomotion in Birds, 223.

Longevity, 228.

Love, Conjugal, 426.

in all Creation, 596.

a Luxury, 379.

Poem, A, 595.

by Proxy, 610.

Lover chides a Stream, 559.
A Faithful, 550.

Pangs of a, 380.

repents, 551.

Lucan criticised, 309.
Genius of, 310.

Lucilius, 312.

Luck, Good, 616.

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Parasite at Auction, 385.
Complaint of a, 386.
A Swaggering, 387.
Parody, A, 629.

Parricide, Punishment of, 527.
Parvenu, A rich, 635.
Passion a Poison, 81.
Passionate Declaration, A, 552.
Grief, 585.

Past Imprudence, 108.
Pathos, Power of, 589.
Patriot, The True, 92.

Patriotic Poetry, 342.

Patron and Client, 382.
Pausias, 249.

Peace, Joys of, 439.
"Pedarii Senatores," 370.
People and Demagogues, 121.
Perfect Numbers, 237.
Perorations, 294.

Persius and his Tutor, 152.
Personalities, Witty, 625.
Petreius to his Men, 574.
Petronius Arbiter, 497.
Phaethon, 446.

Pharsalia, Battle of, 413-415, 577.
Philology, 355.

Philosopher and Public Life, 130.
and Wealth, 130.

Philosophic Instruction, 73.

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a Guide, 60.

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Progress of, 63.
Roman, 64.

Terminology of, 68.
often only Theory, 73.
Value of, 62.

Phoenix, The, 244.
Physical Research, 154.
Speculation, 155.
Piety and the Fury, 587.
Plagues of Town-life, 634.
Planets, Motions of, 170.
Plautus, Comedies of, 306.
Epitaph of, 309.
Pleasure, Excessive, 84.

and Virtue, 472.
Pleasure-grounds, Vopiscus', 474.
Pliny, Literary Works of, 835.

Pliny II. and the Christians, 488.

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and History, 347.

and Tacitus, 336, 337.

and Trajan, 349, 488.

Poet, Apology of, 647.

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to his Book, 644.

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Soul of, 338.
Political Career, 128.
Parties, 119.
Pollio, Asinius, 326.
Polycrates' Ring, 517.
Pompey and Caesar, 462.
Character of, 464.
at Pharsalia, 577.

Popular Feeling, 121.

Religious Notions, 11.
Writer, 356.

Popularity, Desire of, 101.
Porcius Latro, 329.
Portraits, 248.

Pot-valiant Hero, A, 648.
Poverty and the Poet, 338.
and Virtue, 108.

Power, Attractions of, 126.
Bulwark of, 123.
Prayer, A, 26, 27.
Precious Stones, 210.
Precocity, 151.

Present, A Shabby, 640, 641.
Priam's Palace attacked, 430.
Priscus, Helvidius, 499.
Professional Success, 102.
Progress of Man, 113.

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Rustic Plenty, 440.

SACRILEGE, Caesar commits, 462.
Punishment of, 45.

Sagaristio pokes fun, 614.
Sallust criticised, 334.
"Saltem," 365.

Sanitation and Life, 221.
Satire, Claims of, 340.

Reasons for writing, 340.
Satirists, Roman, 311, 312,
Scaurus, Mamercus Aemilius, 331.
School-training, 147-151.

Science, Theoretic and Applied, 74.
Scientific Thinkers, 62.

Scipio, Aemilius, Speech of, 524.
Scipio Africanus in Battle, 473.
Character of, 456.

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Sophist, A Travelling, 509.
Sorceress, Incantation of, 576.
Soul, Immortal, The, 32.

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of Poetry, 338.
Pre-eminence of, 31.

Sounds, 235.

Spain, Winter in, 464.
Specialisation, 134.

Species, Distinctions of, 213,
Preservation of, 214.
"Spectacle," 263.
Speculation, Physical, 155.
Sphere, The Perfect, 165.
Spheres, Music of the, 166.
Spirit, Divine and Human, 32.

Origin of Human, 29.
Spirits, Agency of, 57, 58.
Spring of the World, 428.
Stage, The Comic, 266.

Standard of Good Language, 354.
of Right, 78.

Stars, Motions of, 169.
State and the Army, 124.

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and its Engagements, 143.
and the Franchise, 119.

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The Ideal, 138.

of Nature, 112.

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