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ing to you of Post Vincent. Bourbonne's son-in-law will testify to that. He is here. We have just learned by the last arrivals that there were still seven boats on the river, one part for Mr Callet, and the other for different traders. A prisoner has just arrived, coming from the country of the Cherokees. He reports that he was badly treated when he reached the villages of the Indians, not only by the nations themselves, but by the English who were found there, because he was a Canadian, and that a Frenchman who had been taken with him had suffered no insult. Nevertheless the Cherokees sent him back, saying to him that, if they struck the French, it was only on the solicitation of the Englishman, who was always telling him to make war on us and stop the Ohio river trade against the French. The Indians said to the Canadian that they would do nothing of that kind and that they meant to come and talk to the French commander in the Illinois country. It looks as if they would not yield to the Englishman's will; for several boats have passed at different times, going to the Illinois as well as coming here, and no one has heard them say that they had seen a Cherokee. Every one seems to stretch out his arms to us. Heaven grant that the seeming disposition may come from the bottom of their hearts, and that the devices of the English may not corrupt the nations. That is what we must wish.

So that I may enjoy peace and good health in my journey, and you, dear papa etc.

Your obedient and dutiful child




June 7, 1765.

I am just favoured with your letter of the 23 with the Inclosures and I am much obliged to you for the particulars you

1From an extract in Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Ill., made by C. E. Carter before the fire; original destroyed.

communicated &c. Mr. Croghan has cleared up the affair to the General, and has wrote me a letter of the 12th wherein he informs me that he has settled all matters with the Inds. and was to proceed for the Illinois the next day accompanied by the cheifs of several Nations, he appears very much concerned at the charges insinuated against him which he removes & concluding with the advice to throw up his Employment imediatly after executing the Service on which he has been sent.


In the Johnson Calendar, p. 271-73, are listed the following papers which were destroyed by fire: Ezekiel Solomon's receipt to Captain William Howard for £16, June 8th, Michilimackinac; a letter of the 8th from John Hansen, Albany, about the clerkship of the city and county of Albany, inclosing a letter from John Blackburn, London, in Hansen's interest, and inquiring whether the offices of Albany clerk and Indian secretary are yet separated; Duncan & Phyn's bill to Sir William Johnson, the 8th; a letter of the 8th from William Allen, Philadelphia, introducing Mr Ralph Izzard, an English gentleman, who possesses a large fortune in Carolina; Deneije's receipt to Captain William Howard for £12, the 10th, Michilimackinac; a letter of the 10th from Lieutenant Jehu Hay, Detroit, to express appreciation of encouraging letter and to say that Colonel Croghan passed through Sandusky before May 22; one of the 10th from John Duncan, Schenectady, about goods sent by wagon and an order inclosed; Sir William Johnson in account with Duncan & Phyn, the 10th, Schenectady; Duncan & Phyn's bill, the 10th, Schenectady, to Sir William Johnson; Cornelius Van Veghten's receipt, the 10th, New York, for goods received from William Darlington to be delivered at Albany for Sir William Johnson and Captain Claus; a letter of the 11th, from (Mrs) G. Cosby, Hampton Court (duplicate), expressing surprise that Mr DeLancey's survey of the lands bought of her does not agree with the records, also a desire that her business affairs in America may be closed up (printed in Doc. Hist. N. Y. 2:819; Q. 2:475-76); Alex'r Henry's bill, the 11th, Michilimackinac, to Captain William Howard for Indian goods, receipted; Pier le Duc's receipt, the 12th, Michilimackinac, to Captain William Howard for £8; a letter of the 13th from Lieutenant Governor Cadwallader Colden, Springhill, suggesting that a policy that will separate the western nations from the Six Nations be pursued, also that the information on which the Kayaderosseras patent may be vacated be laid before the Attorney General, mentioning a suspicion that

the Earl of Ilchester, Lord Holland and Mr Upton intend to locate the King's grant to them in the lands given by the Indians to Johnson, mentioning what he has done for Johnson's interest in that tract and advising him to scorn calumny; one of the 14th from Daniel Claus, Sabbath day point, concerning French intrigue and trade among the western nations, impatience of Indian traders, the Montreal fire, the quarrel between Governor Murray and General Burton and Captain Ethrington's desire to get an Indian employment for his brother; Alex'r Henry's bill, the 14th, Michilimackinac, to Captain William Howard for rum for Indians, receipted; a letter of the 15th from Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, Philadelphia, about wine shipped to Sir William, electrical apparatus and seals to be forwarded, articles for Captain Closs, Mr Croghan's draft in their favor and Johnson's proposal to persuade the Six Nations to make some recompense to the traders who have suffered by the Indians' breach of faith; P. Desreuisseaux's receipt, the 16th, Vincenne, to George Cremche (Croghan) for 4000 livres, with account (In French); Alex'r Henry's bill, the 16th, Michilimackinac, to Captain William Howard for blanket and leggon for the use of the Indians, receipted; a letter of the 17th from Robert Lettis Hooper Jun'r, Trenton, to Francis Wade (copy), stating his purpose to visit Sir William Johnson on business; and one of the 17th from S. Kirtland, Canesedage, on the unfeeling behavior of the Indians with whom he lives, the scarcity of provisions, the uncertainty of the future, Johnson's kindness (printed in Doc. Hist. N. Y. 4:358-59; Q, 4:227-28).


In the Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, 10:520, ed. C. W. Alvord and C. E. Carter, is printed an autograph letter of June 17th from General Gage, at New York, stating that the Pottawatamies desire the return of their hostages, that the Miamis refuse to deliver up a prisoner, that Pontiac has seduced a number of Indian nations, and there are reports of disaster befalling Lieutenant Fraser and his companions. The letter is in the New York Public Library, Myers Collection.


In the Johnson Calendar, p. 273, is entered Alexander Henry's bill, dated June 18th, Michilimackinac, to Captain William Howard for Indian goods, receipted.

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to have a Conference with Me which I have the [ the particulars of.

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proposing to deliver up One of their People to Suffer [ Room of the Murderer, which I could by no means [ have left them to Settle it with Sir William John [son to their own desire, who I suppose will insist on [ being delivered up.

Mr. Croghan's Assistant has receiv[ed

Inclosed Intelligence from an Indian, concerning the [ Murder of Two of their People at Red Stone Creek, [ to be doubted of, as none of our Inhabitants would [venture] there after such an Action, and I believe is only con[ Ballance the Murder lately committed by the Indi [ans Place, which however, I shall inquire more Minutely [

1Lieutenant Colonel John Reid, of the 42d regiment. 2Several lines missing.


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In handwriting of Guy Johnson.


2Several lines missing. They relate to offenses of frontiersmen against Indians.

Lieutenant Alexander Fraser. The report of his death was untrue. Several lines missing.

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