You Are Your Own Gym: The bible of bodyweight exercises

Front Cover
Ebury Publishing, Jan 8, 2015 - Health & Fitness - 192 pages

Elite trainer Mark Lauren has been at the front lines of preparing US Special Operations soldiers for action, getting them lean and strong in record time. Now, he shares the secrets to his simple, yet amazingly effective regimen to get you into the best shape of your life.

- Rapid results with minimum time commitment – work out for only 30-minutes a day, four times a week
- No gym or equipment required – simple bodyweight resistance exercises you can do anywhere
- Build muscle and burn fat – get more effective results than weightlifting and aerobics
- Suitable for men, women and all abilities – choose your level from Basic, 1st Class, Master Class and Chief Class
- Safe and effective – develop balance, stability and prevent injuries

With 125 clear exercises to work every muscle in your body, motivation techniques and nutritional advice, Mark Lauren’s method will get you the body you want simply by using the body you have.

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About the author (2015)

Mark Lauren trained US Special Forces operatives for over a decade and revolutionised the US army’s training regimes. During that time he effectively prepared over 700 trainees for the extreme physical demands of the most elite levels of the US special operations community. He is a Military Physical Training Specialist, Special Operations Combat Controller, triathlete and mixed martial artist. Lauren broke, and still holds, the Department of Defense s long-standing underwater record by swimming 133 meters, on one breath, subsurface, for 2 minutes and 23 seconds, until losing consciousness. He lives in Tampa Bay, Florida.

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