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institutions, there is nothing more interesting than the perfection of the means of interior communication. It will consolidate the varied population of Pennsylvania into one great mass, influenced by the same interests and pointing its active energies to the same objects. It will call forth all the resources of the commonwealth, and by furnishing a fund for education will ultimately expand all its moral powers.

The committee will proceed to communicate the result of their anxious enquiries into the best means of completing the works commenced under the auspices of the government, the importance and advantages of which are now so well understood by the people, that no petition has been presented and no voice heard in opposition.


cuted for less than the estimates, which are predicated upon higher prices both for labour and materials than those at which they can now be procured.

The confidence the committee have that the cost of the works hereafter to be executed will not exceed the estimates of the engineers, is confirmed by the experience of our sister states. The executive of New York, in a recent communication of the legislature, says "the Erie and Champlain canals have cost between 20 and 30 thousand dollars a mile, and this enormous expenditure will never occur again. All the mysteries of such operations are developed and all the difficulties diminished, and it may be confidently pronounced that the maximum expense of any given canal will not exceed ten thousand dollars a mile, unless it passses over high mountains; by locks, inclined planes or deep cutting, or under them by extensive tunnels." The report of the canal commissioners of Ohio to the legislature now in session, says "the final cost of that part of the Ohio canal which has been put under contract, will fall considerably short of the sum at which its cost was originally estimated." In the bill now submitted it is proposed to appropriate the sum of two millions of dollars.

A bill is submitted which proposes to extend the canal from Lewistown to Frankstown, on the Juniata; from Northumberland to Bald Eagle, on the West Branch of the Susquehanna and from Northumberland to the New York state line on the North Branch; from Blairsville to Johnstown on the Conemaugh; from the point where the existing contract terminates on the Delaware to Easton and from Pittsburg by the Beaver route to the town of Erie, on the lake. It is also propos- The committee are aware that among our most prued that not less than twenty-five nor more than forty- dent citizens there are some who regard with apprehenfive miles of each section shall be put under contract sion the temporary increase of the public debt which will during the ensuing season. The bill provides for the be incident to the vigorous prosecution of internal imlocation of a rail way from Philadelphia through the city provement. A public debt is indeed a mortgage upon of Lancaster to Columbia, thirty miles of which are to be the estates of the people, and when incurred in support put under contract within the present year. This will of ambitious wars or wasteful luxury, is justly deprecataccommodate a district of country which from its prolific ed. The aggregate wealth of the community is believed soil and rich cultivation is regarded as the garden of our to be not less than 800,000,000 of dols. It may be asked country. It is ascertained by the satisfactory report of whether a temporary incumbrance for the completion of Major Wilson, to which the committee beg leave to re- the noblest of works, ought to impede the march of the fer, that the rail road is practicable at a moderate ex-spirit of improvement? The suggestion of schemes of pense, and it is believed it may hereafter be judiciously finance are not within the sphere of this committee, but extended from from Columbia to York, and that a wise it may be remarked that the bank stock and other proand equal policy will require its further extension to the perty in the possession of the government, together west for the purpose of accommodating the populous with the part of the debt due from individuals which and flourishing counties on the southern boundary, and will soon be paid; far exceeds the whole of the present connecting them with our own commercial metropolis. debt. The permanent sources of revenue will also conThe location of a rail-way across the Allegheny on the stantly increase by the trade which the improvements Juniata route, and a contract for the necessary materials will nourish and sustain. The money paid by auctionis also one of the objects of the bill. The question cers in Philadelphia, during the last year, would of itwhether the improvement in contemplation between self, be adequate to the payment of the market rate of the Swatara and Columbia or the mouth of the Conesto- interest on more than $3,500,000. The vast amount of ga, shall be by canal or railway is referred to the de- shares which the state holds, in, turnpike, bridge, and cision of the next legislature. It is further provided canal companies will be rendered productive by the inthat scientific examinations shall be made with a view of crease of population, commerce and wealth. It is said improving the Monongahela and of connecting the Rays- that the internal navigations of England are three town branch of the Juniata with the Conemaugh. thousand miles in length and that 2,000 miles of railroad are completed or in progress towards completion. Notwithstanding these facilities for heavy transportation upon a territory not much greater than Pennsylvania the turnpike roads, which are eighteen thousand miles in length, are enlivened by travellers and light carriages. The tolls which are collected are represented to be nearly a million of pounds sterling. From these facts, the committee confidently predict that the day is not far distant when under the influence of the canal system the turnpikes and bridges of Pennsylvania will become a

In relation to the probable cost of extending the system of internal improvement, the committee have great satisfaction in stating, that the experience of last year, furnishes the aid of facts in corroboration of former estimates. It is indeed true, that from the durable principles on which the sections provided for in the law of eighteen hundred and twenty-six are constructed, from building high and broad walls on account of the size and force of the streams, from the policy of incurring a heavy expense for the purpose of creating water power, from the necessity of erecting an additional aqueduct to ac-productive state capital. commodate the western emporium, and from the construction of large basins to facilitate trans-shipment and trade: from these and other causes, the cost of the sections first commenced will exceed the sum originally in contemplation.

In looking for relief from taxation and ultimately of furnishing an ample fund for education and for the extinction of the public debt, the committee mainly rely upon the productiveness of the canals and rail roads.

In forming estimates of the revenue which will accrue The commissioners, however, have since the passage from future canal tolls, our own experience and that of of the law of last year, put about one hundred and sixty New York, will be safe guides. The Schuylkill mines miles under contract; and from the prices at which the are not yet in full operation, nor has the Union or the work has been in part completed, and at which the re-state canal as yet been tributary to the commerce of the mainder has been contracted for, the estimate for the whole is less than eleven thousand dollars per mile. This includes larger and more expensive dams and aqueducts than will be necessary in the further progress of the work. As respects some part of the work not yet under contract, the committee believe that they may be exe

Schuylkill navigation. The tolls and water rents of 1827 were, however, $64,000. Such is public confidence in the work as a profitable concern, that the subscription of 50,000 dollars of the state to the stock, may now be sold above par, at the exchange in Philadelphia. The tolls of the New York canals, for 1827, were 859,000 dollars



and were supplied chiefly by the traffic of the country on vent any obstructions from the rivalry of contending inthe borders of the canals. The governor of New York terests, and is in accordance with the general interests in his message of last year, says "It is presumed to be a of the commonwealth. It is demanded alike by justice general rule of easy application and execution, that the and expediency and is consonant to the genius of repubcost of the repairs and superintendence of a canal ought|lican government, which looking to equality of taxation, not to exceed one tenth of its gross income. If we de- regards with an equal eye the feelings, wishes and inteduct one tenth or 85,900 dollars from the gross income rest of the whole community. of 1827 it will leave 773,100 dollars as the profits. This sum at the market rate. would pay the interest on about seventeen millions of dollars. The New York canals are in length four hundred and twenty-seven miles, and in their whole course meet with no coal and little iron. In accordance with the provisions of the charter, the The Pennsylvania improvements will be of much great-managers present to the stockholders a statement of er extent and will pass through a country rich with coal their transactions during the past year. and iron, and salt and lime, and prolific in every thing necessary for clothing or food or habitation. They will reach the western waters, possessing 20,000 miles of boat navigation and they will proceed to intersect the Ohio canal, the practicability of which was ascertained during the last summer by scientific examinations. Profiting by the sagacity of the statesmen who purchased the triangle in the lake, they will extend to Erie, and having an advantage over new York in climate, they will contend for the future commerce of the great inland

From the state of the finances at the commencement of the season, it was expected that the operations of the board would be limited to finishing the rail-road, and the ordinary business connected with the coal trade. Anxious however to proceed with the ascending navigation, and finding the stock of the company appreciated by the public, the managers resolved upon opening books of subscription for the balance of the capital, amounting to ten thousand shares. The readiness with which the whole was taken clearly demonstrated, that capitalists were becoming awakened to the important In the contemplation of all the facts relative to the advantages possessed by the company, and the fair prostonnage which will pass upon the Pennsylvania improve-pects of profit to be derived from the investment. Funds ments, the obvious deductions of reason are, that the tolls which will be gathered upon the Pennsylvania canals and rail road, may before the lapse of many years extinguish the public debt, and instead of a burthen,the improvements will prove a rich legacy to future generations.


The committee cannot avoid adverting specially to the resource Pennsylvania has in coal, the most valuable of all articles as tonnage for canals or rail ways. The engineers of the Lehigh coal and navigation company, have made a calculation to shew "that the coal trade, when the population within ten miles of tide are supplied will pay to Pennsylvania four millions of dollars annually, in the shape of tolls on the improvements, in addition to the profits of the coal dealers and the support of an immense mining and transporting population with their mechanics and families." If this estimate is exaggerated, it is at least countenanced by the fine properties of the Pennsylvania coal, and the varied uses to which it may be applied. In industry and the arts, in wealth and population, our country cannot long be in the arrear of any nation. It is said there are annually brought into use in Great Britain, twenty millions of tons of coal, and the consumption of London alone, exceeds a million of tons. The West Indies, and perhaps France, will hereafter consume Pennsylvania coal. The market of the United States is open from Maine to New Orleans, and at this time Pennsylvania coal is carried by inland navigation more than one hundred miles to Philadelphia, and thence carried by sea to Richmond, and on account of its superior quality is consumed there within a few miles of the Virginia coal mines.

being thus provided, and the managers believing that the interest of the company demanded the immediate construction of the ascending navigation, the board unanimously resolved to commence it.

Aware of the loss and disappointment which would result from error, either in the plan or execution of large and expensive operations, they determined to avail themselves of the aid of an engineer of the highest standing, both with regard to experience and scientific attainments; and they felt themselves fortunate in being able to obtain the services of Canvass White.

The instructions given to the engineer were "To examine the ground from Mauch chunk to Easton, along the valley of the Lehigh, and to report to the board the plan of a canal and river improvement, and an estimate of the cost of the work. Canals to be made in lieu of river improvements only, where they would be cheaper; and where they were used, to be forty-five feet wide on the surface, and five feet deep. Locks to be twentytwo feet wide, and one hundred feet long. The embankments to be laid out so as to admit of the canal being widened to sixty-feet. And if the foregoing stipulations were not such as, in his estimation, were best adapted to the situation and expressed views of business of the company, to propose such a plan, with an estimate of the cost of it, as he would of his own unbiassed judgment recommend."

Pursuant to these instructions, a report was made to the board by the engineer on the 20th of July, accompanied with an estimate amounting to 677,215 dollars, which, after deliberate examination, was adopted.

Contractors were immediately invited to make propoIn conclusion, the committee will remark, that the bill sals for constructing the improvements, and nearly the they have framed, is grounded on the principle contain- whole line has been let. It may, however, be proper to ed in all the bills relating to a general system of improve- remark, that some alterations in the plan have since been ment which for many years in succession, were argued in mede, which will swell the cost beyond the original esthe legislature. This principle was finally adopted intimate, as will appear by the report of the engineer the law of March 27th 1824, when a new era commenced herewith submitted. In exploring the line it was found in Pennsylvania. The law alluded to, as well as the mo- that a highly valuable water power could be located in difications of it made by succeeding legislatures, and un- the immediate vicinity of the borough of Easton, withder which the present commissioners are acting, directed out materially increasing the cost of the navigation, or surveys and examinations of all the great lines of com- diminishing its effect; but the land through which it munication which were then deemed practicable, and must pass, being of the first rate quality, the owners deadapted to unfold the riches of the interior, and afford manded excessive damages, or what might be deemed an easy and cheap communication with the west. It was very high prices in case of a sale, nor would they sell, also a primary object of the legislature, to make our own but in quantities to suit their own convenience. After sea-port the general emporium of trade and commerce. some time spent in negociation, the board determined This system, after mature reflection has been commenced to purchase about 236 acres, at an average cost of 109 by the board of canal commissioners and is sustained by dollars per acre. the voice of the people. It is happily adapted to pre

On these premises are erected several small tenements,

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a farm house, and a spacious barn. When it is consider ed that this purchase will accommodate a water power of greater magnitude than that at Manyunk on the Schuylkill, and on some accounts better adapted to manufacturing purposes, it is not unreasonable to conclude, that when the improvements are finished, the water power, with sufficient ground to accommodate cach purchaser with a mill scite, and lots for dwelling houses and gardens, will refund the cost of the first purchase, and go far to defray the expense of this part of the navigation, There will be several other important water powers created on the line by the construction of the works; but no additional expense has been incurred for this object.

Your managers have generally resorted to the expedient of settling questions of damage, by purchasing the land which will be occupied by their improvements, and to save the expense of bridges (where small portions remain betwen the canal and river) they have added these also to the purchase.

Laying down the rail-road interrupted the hauling of coal about two months, and reduced the shipments six or eight thousand tons; but the effect, since it has been in full operation, has lessened the cost of coal, so that the whole expense of the improvement, as was anticipated, will be saved in two or three years. Beside the main line extending from the river to the great coal mine, there have been numerous branches carried into the mine, which greatly facilitate the operations of the company.

The demand for coal appears to be steadily advancing. for notwithstanding the large increase of supply from other districts, much of which has been selling at reduced prices, the company have maintained their price, and have succeeded in selling a much larger amount this season than the last, and were prevented from supplying several large orders, for want of vessels to carry it to distant places.


the company will stand unrivalled in the facility of supplying coal in all the important markets east of the Chesapeake, and moreover be in the receipt of a large amount of tolls upon other commodities.

We are however aware, that the works which the company are now constructing will require considerable additions to the funds, at present provided to complete them; but as the investment can hardly fail to be profitable, we rely with confidence that steady perseverance and energy will surmount every obstacle, and realize the hopes of the most ardent calculator.

The financial concerns of the company will be laid
before you by the treasurer; and the reports of the act-
ing manager and the engineer will shew the progress of
the improvements, and the funds which may be neces-
sary to be provided for the current year.
All which is respectfully submitted,

By order of the Board of Managers,

1st Mo. 12th, 1828.

THE ACTING MANAGER REPORTS: That the rail-road from Mauch Chunk to the great coal mine, was commenced on the 8th of the first mo. 1827, and finished, so as to pass the first load of coal down the whole line. in three months and twenty-six days.

The length of this road, from Mauch Chunk to the west end of the coal mine, is nine miles, 47,520 ft. Length of lateral or branch roads to the mine, 8,069 Roads and their branches in the mine, 11,437

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The commencement of the Delaware division of the 146 rail-road wagons have been made, and the utility Pennsylvania canal, is deservedly a subject of congratu- of the road proved, by transporting on it 27,770 tons of lation, inasmuch as it is calculated to enhance the value coal, at a saving over the turnpike road of 64 cents per of the improvements on the Lehigh, by securing a cheaton, which, after deducting the interest on the cost of per and more efficient means of transportation to this market, than is, or perhaps can be, made from any other coal district in the state.

The cost of carriage upon artificial navigation, is in proportion to distance, lockage, and capacity of canal. Lockage may be resolved into distance by allowing 16 feet of the common kind of lift to be equal to one mile of distance; by this calculation, our distance will not exceed 140 miles; and the capacity of our canal admitting the use of boats of sixty-five tons burden, will require no more hands, and but one more horse, to transport them, than boats carrying 30 tons; hence results a saving of more than fifty per cent. in the cost of freights.

As it will be the interest, so we trust it will be the disposition of this company, to afford every facility to forming a good connexion between this division of the Pennsylvania canal and their improvements on the Lehigh.

the improvement, has produced a saving, this season, of more than 15,000 dollars. There has also been a saving in raising the coal and in the boating department together, of 16 cents per ton; thus reducing the cost of our coal, this year, more than 80 cents per ton,

In addition to the rail-road, we have erected 13 plank houses, and a fire-proof office.

The current or regular business of the company, during the year, has been as follows, viz:

Cutting from the stump, and sawing 7,412,185 feet of lumber, and building 83,124 feet, 153 miles in length, of coal boats; raising and carrying to market 32,074 tons of coal, 30,428 tons of which were shipped from Mauch Chunk, and 1,646 sold at the landing.

The stock of lumber on hand at Mauch Chunk, at the close of the season, was 2,318,195 feet, sufficient, when made into boats, to transport 15,000 tons of coal.

Also on hand, at the pine forest, 28,392 logs cut, and 1,175 oar poles.

timber enough for two dams. There has been brought from the pine forest, the past season, lumber for two dams, leaving to be provided from thence, this year, what will be required for 3 dams, and the remainder of the locks; say for the latter object 1,704,400 feet board measure.

The present is perhaps not a fit occasion to expatiate upon all the collateral advantages which belong to the Contracts have been made with persons on the Delalocal position of the concerns of this company, but the ware, for furnishing from thence the necessary lumber managers may be allowed to say, that every year's ex- for the dam at Easton, and also for 5 locks; and negociperience increases their confidence that the upper sec-ations are opened with the farmers along the Lehigh for tion of the Lehigh can be made, at the least expense, the most efficient and practicable channel of communication with the north-east branch of the Susquehanna, and consequently the most profitable outlet for the trade of that part of this important river; it is believed that a few years will suffice to demonstrate this fact with so much clearness, that capitalists will soon be found ready to embark in this comparatively easy undertaking, which, when completed, will greatly swell the profits of the improvements now in progress. And when all the canals which are intended to connect with these improvements are completed, we confidently believe

The discovery of Hydraulic lime on the line of the canal, has afforded the advantage of giving greater permanency to the works, without a heavy addition to their cost. And I have much pleasure in stating, that I have recently discovered a method of producing artificially this invaluable article, by compounding the materials of

which it is composed, and which are found to exist in the greatest abundance on the shores of the Lehigh.

The determination of the State of Pennsylvania to construct a canal along the valley of the Delaware, instead of an improvement in the bed of that river, required a change in the plan of improvement heretofore adopted on the Lehigh. In accordance with this view, the canals have been increased in length; and the dams diminished in number, till the whole line, as now arranged, consists of three-fourths canal, and one-fourth slack water pools. The Lehigh, however, affording an abundant supply of water, and our coal mine and market, the former prepared to give, and the latter to receive, a very large supply of coal, induced the managers to secure the advantages of our local position, by providing a canal and locks, sufficiently capacious to accommodate the passage of twin boats, each 67 tons burden. And from the arrangements made along the line, and method pursued by the engineers, I flatter myself the whole will be nearly or quite passable within 12 to 18 months from this time; and, when done, will present a model for economy of transit, and permanency of work; the first not equalled, and the last not surpassed, in any fresh water lock navigation in the United States.

JOSIAH WHITE, Acting Manager.

1st mo. 12th, 1828.

ported, in consequence of changing from river to canal navigation: these, however may be balanced by the dams and guard locks abandoned.

It will be perceived, by the present estimate, that very material alterations have been made, by substituting canal for dams and pools; which will make about 7 miles of canal more than was reported. Although the expense, in some places, will be considerably increased, the navigation will be made much more safe and perfect. One of these changes below Bethlehem will add to the expense about sixteen thousand dollars.

The canal line has all been re-located, so as to avoid as much as possible any 'extra expense, occasioned by the increased width of the trunk, but will, notwithstanding, add some to the cost, say about twenty-three thousand dollars.

The length of the canal will be 35 miles, and 10 miles of pools and tow-path. Total 45 miles. The estimate will now stand as follows:

Excavation, embankments, slope wall, &c. 379,930.44 Locks,

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Alteration below Bethlehem, Excavation, embankment, &c.





To Jonathan Fell, esq. President of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company.

Sir,-Agreeably to your request, an estimate has been made of the probable cost of the Lehigh Navigation, upon the plan adopted since the former estimate was made; which is herewith submitted.

Add for contingencies, 5 per cent.

Recapitulation of additional expenses: Work about slate dam and pool, Waste weirs and culverts, Advance on timber,


The expense is considerably increased in consequence of the enlarged dimensions of the Canal, and other works of art; but not more than was expected. A partial estimate was made at the time the former report was laid before the Board of Managers; but not having time to make a careful revision, and as the line would necessarily require considerable alteration, the increased cost occasioned by the change, could not be accurately as certained, and was not added to the estimate; but was Statement of work done on the Lehigh Navigation, up to stated verbally to the Board, that it would be from 50 to 100,000 dollars.

Some of the items which tend to swell the amount above the former estimate, are not occasioned by the enlarged dimensions of the Canal; but may be consider. ed as omissions: one of which was at the Slate-dam Pool. When the first examination was made, the river was high; and it was supposed that sufficient depth of water would be had to the head of the pool, by raising the dam 14 feet; but when the water fell, and a more minute examination was made, the bed of the river was found to be very rocky about three-fourths of a mile, which could not be excavated on account of the necessity of keeping the pond filled for the navigation: it therefore became necessary to raise the dam 44 feet, and build a new lock in place of the one now in use. The additional expense will be about ten thousand dollars.

We find, by laying cut the line of the canal for actual construction, that more waste-wiers and culverts are required than was estimated; which will add about five thousand dollars. Timber, of which a very large quantity will be used, is found to cost about 30 per cent. more than was estimated; which will add about twenty thousand dollars. The locks are to be constructed in a more substantial and durable manner (by the use of hydraulic cement) than was calculated at the time the former estimate was made, and the guard-locks are now to be constructed with wood and stone laid in cement, instead of wood only, as was formerly contemplated: these additions and improvements will increase the expense about thirty thousand dollars.

Several more aqueducts will be required than was re

January 1st, 1828.

Sections No. 9, 11, 21, 61 and 62, are completed, and have been reported for payment at the office at Mauch Chunk.

Sections No. 8, 10 and 86, are completed, but have not been reported: total, 8 sections finished, except the locks and bridge embankments, and filling up the ditches left through the canal banks to discharge the floods from the hills until the locks and waste wears are completed. About one half of the amount of labour is done on sections No. 4, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 63, 66, 68, 87, 91, and about one fourth on sections No. 3, 6, 16, 29, 60, 64, 65, 69 and 88.

The contractors have commenced and done consider

able work on sections No. 7, 20, 22, 24, 25, 30, 31, 43, 51, 54, 59, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 89 and 90.

Considerable progress has been made with the locks, considering the unfavourable weather, since the contracts were let. Of the first sixteen, one is nearly completed; the foundations for four are laid, and the walls commenced on one of them. The timber for the remaining eleven is principally on the gr und. Stone and sand, in considerable quantities, have also been delivered at the lock scites.

The contractors have commenced procuring materials for locks No. 22, 24, 25, 44, 45, 47 and 48. Timber for some of the dams has also been delivered. CANVASS WHITE, Engineer.

January 12th, 1823.

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Ibid. A letter from the Governor to Captain Edmund

New York, Feb. 23d, 1674.


Ibid. A letter sent to the Justices of New Castle, in

I have received both yours of the 30th November and 9th of December, of your having taken possession of "Captain Cantwell-Having this opportunity I was the fort, and of the magistrates being settled in New- willing to advertize you of the continuance of my resoCastle, as also up the river at the Horekill, being pre-lution to come into your parts this spring, which I besent yourselfe in the severall places, and am very glad lieve may be about the beginning of Aprill, in the mean to hear that people are generally so well satisfied with time I referr you to my first and former orders, but in the change, and of the likelyhood you tell me of new this interval you are not to suffer Capt. Carre, or any comers to settle in those parts; I thank you for your from him, to dispose of or make away with his estate, care and diligence in putting in execution my severall upon which (if you judge it necessary) you may lay an orders as above, and do allow of your entertaining a attachment in his majesties behalf. You are also to preman for the fort, and taking up a barrel of powder and pare an account and state of the customs to the 25th of shott as you mention. You may assure the magistrates March next, to be remitted to his royall highness chief and inhabitants in those parts, that continuing in their collector here, and if you have opportunity before my dutyes, I shall not bee wanting in any thing fitt for me coming, that you send it with such letters as shall come in my power for their further encouragement and pro- to me. I am your loving friend, tection under his royall highness governmt. which that I may do the the better, I am resolved, God willing, to make a journey to you myself in the beginning of the Spring: In the mean time, you may give such new comers, as desire to continue there, any reasonable quantity of lands, not disposed of, or settled in time; according Gentlemen-I have received your address, in answer to their capacity and number of hands they shall bring to which your desire of a minister is allowed by the law. for clearing it, due regard to be had to the late warr, A new commission for magistrates is herewith sent, and and former undertakers to be preferred. The quantity alsoe a law book; the land, commonly called Captain of lands to be disposed of to each person, I must leave Carrs, is allowed to be sold for the use of the creditors, to your discretion, referring you to the custom of the and the purchaser may have a new pattent for his title. place and neighbourhood; but suppose forty or fifty The courts have power to order matters relating to the acres may be sufficient for a head, of age, to improve it. Surveyor in every respect, according to regulation and Least wee run into former errors of giving greater tracts laws. The Book of Laws gives directions for weights of land than improved, to the hindrance of others. And and measures to bee English, but ancient custom may till my arrivall, or order, do further impower you to bee be lookt upon as law, and the public weighous is to be Surveyor for the whole river and bay. As to your ap-gross weights only if or above a quarter of a hundred; prehension of some peoples removal to the east side, I suppose none of any note will be hasty therein. The proprietors not being agreed, and though some have obtained, others have no graunts yet from his royall highness, so that tis not like to come into one hands. As to what you write to Mr. Nicoll, concerning execution upon Capt: Carr's estate, I can add nothing to my proclamation, which I think doth sufficiently confirme all legall judiciall proceedings, and is sufficient authority for all persons concerned, as well as for all officers and magistrates; as to the militia, I do not think to make any alteration till I come, seeing no necessity for it; your lieutenant, in your absence having power to command, and the ensign being absent, the eldest sergeant may do that duty, or be made ensign upon occasion. And for the Horekill the number is as yet too little for a company, but if it be necessary you may nominate a lieutenant, who may choose a sergeant, and command there till further order. You have done well in summoning the Indians, to demand justice upon the murderer of Dr. Roades, which I pray prosecute in the best meanes you can that it may be effected (if possible) without warrs, if not, let me hear from you very early in the Spring, that I may take order in it, and supply you accordingly. The messenger hath stayed the longer by reason of my voyage to the east end of Long Island, and his being lame. In an enclosed paper the messenger hath had here a pair of Shoes, one hundred guilders for

To take possession of the fort, cannon and stores at New Castle, or any other part of Delaware river; to send to any other part of the country for "the repossessing any of his majesty's good subjects in their just rights, particularly at Horekill;" to receive quit rents, customs and excise, at Delaware; and to enquire after the king's colours, left there formerly, in the hands of Capt. Carr.

paymt. for wolves and other necessary charges are to continue, on the east side, as formerly. When the accounts of public debts are stated and allowed an order shall be taken for payment as desired; houses and improved lands are lyable to pay debts as well as moveable, and where none administer the court may appoint some responsible person to doe itt, having due regard to widdows. All favor may be expected as to trade, so that the acts of Parliamt. bee not infringed, with due regard to the custom house here. The late commandr. is here, and to give an account of his actings in your parts, and if any have been wronged by him, they shall have right, and alsoe any public matters which may further acrew rectifyde as soon as may be.

Your very affectionate friend,

New York, Oct. 26th, 1678.


A curious fact in Natural History. Mr. James Kerr, of the neighbourhood of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania; lately discovered in the heart of an oak tree, he was splitting up to make shingles of A LIVE FROG! From the growths of the tree, around the small cavity which contained this little animal, it is evident, that it had remained there confined, without the possibility of receiving either air or food, for ninety two years! The tree shewed no signs of decay, except that the cavity (which was barely sufficient to contain its prisoner) was somewhat the colour of the frog. When first taken out, it appeared to be dead, but in a short time gave signs of life, and hopped. 1809.

The whole nett amount of postage in the U.S. for the year, ending March 31, 1829, was $988,676.10, of which $127,821.51 accrued in Pennsa. being rather more than an 1-8th of the whole.

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