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with the necessary accuracy, will not, perhaps, be so easy in practice as he would have it believed.

I shall, therefore, here presume, from thy favour shown me in England, in 1724, to communicate an invention that, whether it answer the end or not, will be allowed, I believe, to deserve thy regard. I have it thus:

telescope P Q is fixed, of a good aperture and field, with the axis placed as above. The limb is to be graduated by diagonals, or parallel circles, to half degrees and half minutes, beginning from C, which are to be numbered as whole ones. And if it be practicable to face wood with brass without warping, the whole face should be so covered; if not, then along the outward edge of A young man, born in this country, Thomas Godfrey the limb a narrow strip of brass plate may be let into the by name, by trade a glazier, who had no other education face of it, finely and equally indented on the edge, to than to learn to read and write, with a little common take a screw fitted to that toothing to be fixed on the arithmetic, having, in his apprenticeship with a very moving index at L, as your instruments are made that poor man of that trade, accidentally met with a mathe-count by revolutions; and then, before this is used, it matical book, took such a fancy to the study, that, by the would be proper to take the distance of the two objects natural strength of his genius, without any instructor, he first nearly by a fore-staff, and from thence accordingly soon made himself master of that, and of every other of the 'kind he could borrow or procure in English; and finding there was more to be had in Latin books, under all imaginable discouragements, applied himself to the study of that language, till he could pretty well understand an author on these subjects; after which, the first time I ever saw or heard of him, to my knowledge, he came to borrow Sir Isaac Newton's Principia of me. Inquiring of him hereupon who he was, I was indeed astonished at his request; but after a little discourse, he soon became welcome to that or any other book I had. This young man, about 18 months since, told me he had for some time been thinking of an instrument for taking the distances of stars by reflecting speculums, which he believed might be of service at sea; and not long after he showed me a common sea Quadrant, to which he had fitted two pieces of looking-glass in such a manner as brought two stars, at almost any distance, to coincide; the one by a direct, the other by a reflected ray, so that the eye could take them both together as joined in one, while a moving label or index on the graduated arch marked exactly half their distance: for I need not say that the variations of the angles of reflection from two speculums are double to the angle of the inclination of their planes, and therefore gives but half the angle or arch of the distance, wirich is the only inconveniency that appears to me to attend this. But as it may be made so simple, easy and light, as not to be much more unwieldy or unmanageable, though of a considerable length, than a single telescope of the same, that inconveniency will be abundantly compensated.

The description of it, as he proposes it, and has got one made, is nearly thus, which he is willing I should communicate to thee, if possibly it may be of service.

To a straight ruler or piece of wood, A B, of about three inches in breadth, and from 40 to 45 in length (or of any other that may be thought convenient), with a suitable thickness, an arch or limb, A C, of about 30 degrees to the radius, K L, is to be fixed. To the upper end of the piece A B, a piece, D D, is to be morticed, and in it the centre K taken, so that O P may be about six inches, and the angle K O P about 40 degrees. On this centre K, the ruler or index K L is to move, having a fiducial edge below answerable to the central point, to cut the graduations on the limb. On the upper end of this index a speculum of silvered glass, or rather metal, exactly plain, E F, of about three inches in length and two in height, is erected perpendicular to the plane of the index, and also nearly at right angles with its sides, the plane of the reflecting surface standing exactly over the central point. At the end B, of the piece A B, another speculum of glass is to be in the same manner erected, which may be somewhat less than the other, with a square or oblong spot in it unsilvered, that a star, by a direct ray, may be seen through it; and the back of this speculum should be guarded with a thin brass plate, with an aperture in it equal to the unsilvered part of the glass; the edge of the aperture toward H to be exactly straight, dividing between the silvered and unsilvered part of the speculum, and standing in the line of the axis of the telescope. This speculum is to be set at an angle of about 20 deg. with the square of the piece A B, or at 110 deg. with the sides of it. Upon the piece A B, the








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to set the index. This screw, at land, would be highly useful, but at sea it cannot be wrought, while the instru ment is directed by the same person, though, as the motions of the moon and variation of the angle is but slow, it may be brought to exactness by several trials in the intervals of direction. The instrument, as above described, will not take an angle of much above 50 degrees, which, for the purpose intended, may be fully sufficient. But if the speculum E F be made to take off and put on, and the end of the index at K be so notched as to turn that speculum from its first perpendicularity, to make an angle of about 25 degrees, it will then take any distance to 100 degrees.

By this description it may be thought that the utmost accuracy will be required in making the instrument: yet, of all that ever have been invented of so curious a kind, it will probably be found to demand the least; for provided the speculums are good, on which the whole depends, if the first E F be set truly over the centre, the limb well graduated, and the other speculum be also set perpendicular, there can, I think, be no other error but what the instrument itself will easily rectify: for if it be directed to one star, and that be taken, at the same time,



both by a direct ray through the glass G H, and by a reflection from E F, both exactly coinciding at O, it is evident that then the speculums are exactly parallel. And if this falls not precisely when the index cuts 0 degrees, if the variation be noted, this constantly added or subtracted, according as it falls, will fully rectify all other errors. So in fixing the speculum E F to another angle, as has been proposed, the like method may or must be taken, viz. to observe two stars at the distance of about 45 or 50 degrees, by the speculum, in its first situation, and then the same stars by it again in its second, and the difference of the intersection of the index on the limb being noted, and constantly added to the arches taken in the second situation, will give the true distance.— This method of observing one and the same star, in the first manner, or two stars in the second, as has been mentioned, will also rectify errors even in the speculums: for the line of the ray K Ŏ is in all cases constantly the same; and, upon the whole, I may safely say the instrument will be found much more certain in practice than at first it may appear in theory, even to some good judges. But I am now sensible I have trespassed in being so particular when writing to Dr. Halley; for I well know that, to a gentlemen noted for his excellent talent of reading, apprehending, and greatly improving, less would have been sufficient; but as this possibly may be communicated by thee, I shall crave leave further to add, that the use of the instrument is very easy. For if the index be set so near the distance of the moon and stars, and the limb so held as to cut the body of the moon, upon directing the telescope to the star, her image will, of course, be reflected on some part of the speculum G H. There is no absolute necessity the star and moon should coincide exactly at the line limiting the silvered and unsilvered part of the latter speculum; for the transparent part of that glass will often reflect the moon's image sufficiently for the telescope to take it, and if her limb in that and the star exactly coincide near it, it may be sufficient, though the nearer to that line the better. Now their distance being found, the tables that give the noon's place may be depended on for her diameter and her latitude, which last being known, there are three sides of a triangle given to find the angle at the pole of the ecliptic, which, compared with the star's longitude, determines her place for that instant: for, in respect to her latitude when she is swiftest in motion, when nearest her nodes, and when the inclination of the orb is greatest (if these could all happen together), yet the variation of her latitude, in the space of one hour, equal to 15 deg. of longitude on the earth, if a star be taken somewhat near the ecliptic, and not very near the moon, will not alter the angle at the pole but a very few seconds. The nearness of the speculum G H is no disadvantage, because the rays come reflected in the same manner as they come direct. It may be needless to add that, when practicable, the moon should be taken when near the meridian-or that the instrument will equally take the distance of the sun from the moon, when visible, as she often is, in the day-time; for which purpose there must be a place made at M for a darkening glass, to be fixed there when necessary, and the telescope directed to the moon. Nor need I add, that the same instrument will very well serve for taking the distance of any two stars, a comet, &c. always taking the brightest by reflection; all which is obvious. But I must further observe, with pleasure, that if we do not quite mistake in all that has been said here, there is now a method found by it to obtain what is equivalent to a bodily appulse of the moon to a fixed star, or to the sun at any moment when visible, which indeed might be wished; but could scarce be hoped for by any means to be used at sea, and therefore, if the longitude could ever be expected to be determined by the motions of the moon (to which end J. Flamstead's and thy more assiduous labours in observing her, have, I suppose, been principally leveiled), and this instrument be duly made to answer what is proposed, as it may be framed light and easily manageable, thou wilt then, with


thy accurate tables, have obtained the great desideratum, and all that can in this way be had from our satellites. And if the method of discovering the longitude by the moon is to meet with a reward, and this instrument, which, for all that I have ever read or heard of, is an invention altogether new, be made use of, in that case I would recommend the inventor to thy justice and notice. He now gets his own and family's bread (for he is married) by the labour of his own hands only, by that mean trade. He had begun to make tables of the moon, on the very same principles with thine, till I lately put a copy of those that have lain so many years printed, but not published, with W. Inny's, into his hands, and then, highly approving of them, he desisted. We both wish very much to see thy tables completed, and ushered into the world by thy own hand. On thy receipt of this I shall hope for a line, with thy thoughts on it, which, however they prove, will afford a pleasure to Thy real friend, Pennsylvania, May 25, 1732.

To the Royal Society.


Gentlemen,-As none are better able than the Royal Society to prove and judge, whether such inventions as are proposed for the advancing useful knowledge will answer the pretensions of the Inventors, or not; and as I have been made acquainted (though at so great a distance) of the candour of your learned society in giving encouragement to such as merit approbation, I have, therefore, presumed to lay before the society the following, craving pardon for my boldness.

Finding by what difficulty a tolerable observation of the sun is taken by Davis's quadrant, and that in using it, unless the spot or shade be brought truly in the line of the horizon-vane, the observation when made is good for nothing, to do which requires much practice, and at best is but catching an observation; considering farther the smallness of the 60° arch and the aptness of the wood to cast, which makes often little better than guess work; I therefore applied my thoughts upwards of two years since, to find a more certain instrument, and contrived the following improvement, as I think, in the make and use of the bow, viz.

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The quadrant is to be numbered from each end to 90 at the other, as in the figure. The sight and glass vanes are the same with the common, excepting that the glass should be larger and, I think, it would be better if ground to the segment of the cylinder. The horizon vane should be like that in the figure thereof; having three holes IKL, one hole I to fit on the centre of the quadrant A, the other two KL to see the horizon through, whose length across the vane may be of the radius AB or more; the horizon vane should be a little hollowed, answerable to the curvature of the circle DAE, or cylinder whose semi-diameter AH is about 7-11 of AB the radius of the quadrant.

In observing with this quadrant at sea let the sight and glass vanes be kept nearly on the same numbers, or at equal distances from the ends of the arch, and then it will be sufficiently exact to bring the spot and horizon in a right line, or any part of the horizon vane, by mov

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Thomas Godfrey having under the greatest disadvantages (as I observed in my first letter to Dr. Halley, giv ing an account of the invention of the reflecting instrument) made himself master of the principles of astronomy and optics, as well as other parts of the mathematical science, applied his thoughts to consider the instrument used in that momentous part of business, navigation. He saw that on the knowledge of the latitude and longitude of the place a ship is in, the lives of thousands of useful subjects as well as valuable cargoes continually depend; that for finding the first of these, certain and easy memade. But Davis's Quadrant, the instrument used by British navigators (though seldom by foreigners) he perceived was attended with this inconveniency, that the observer must bring the shade or spot of light from the sun, and the rays from the horizon, to coincide exactly on the fiducial edge of the horizontal vane; that though this can be done in moderate weather and seas, with a clear sky and when the sun is not too high, without any great difficulty; yet, in other cases, it requires more accuracy, than can in some junctures possibly be applied, and more time than can be allowed for it.

when the zenith distance is 00,00, or 47° 45') of the dis-thods are furnished by nature, if observations be truly tance of 1-16 of the radius of the quadrant from the middle of the horizon-vane, it is but 1-30; I would advise to bring the upper or lower edge of the spot, and not the middle and horizon, in a right line, and then subtract or add 16 minutes for the sun's semi-diameter from or to the zenith distance given by the vanes.

NB. There should be an aHowanc for the observer's height above the surface of the sea, by subtracting 4, 5, or 6 minutes. A table of this kind would not be amiss on the back of the quadrant.

There may be some graduations put on the staff near the centre to be cut by a plumb-line hung, or a pin put into a small hole for land observations. One of these quadrants, between 18 inches and 2 feet radius, if well graduated, will be sufficient to take the sun's zenith distance within two or three minutes.

In European latitudes, or to those in the northern tropic, when the sun is in the southern signs and near the meridian, he rises and falls but slowly. Yet in voyages to the East and West Indies, of which very many, espe cially to the latter, are made, he is at noon often and for Succeeding so well with the sun, encouraged me to many days together, in or near the zenith; and when apundertake what appeared a more difficult task, the find-proaching to, or leaving it, he rises and falls, when he ing some way to take the altitude of the stars at sea has declination, faster than even at the horizon. For it is (when the horizon may be seen) better than by the fore- well known to persons acquainted with the sphere, that staff, which, I concluded, must be by bringing the two when his diurnal course takes the zenith, he there rises objects, horizon and star together. I first considered and falls a whole degree or 60 minutes in 4 minutes of one reflection; but the faults of Davis's quadrant were time, so that the observer has but one minute to come here enlarged, which is chiefly the flying of the objects within 15 minutes of the truth in his latitude; while in a from each other by the least motion of the instrument. middle altitude, as 45 degress, he is at noon above five minutes and a half in time in rising or falling one single minute of space, the odds between which is more than 8 to 1.

I then examined what two reflections would do, which perfectly answered my desire, being equally use ful in taking the distance of stars from each other, and also from the moon, and I believe practicable at sea; for I found that when one star was made to coincide by two reflections with another, the distance of those stars would be double the inclination of the reflecting planes, as may be easily demonstrated.

I see but one fault in this instrument, and that is, that three feet radius in this has a graduation no larger than a quadrant of 18 inches radius. I hope Dr. Halley has received a more full account of this from 1. Logan, esq. therefore, I shall add no more than that I am Gentlemen, yours &c. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1734.



A further account of Thomas Godfrey's Improvement of
Davis's Quadrant transferred to the Mariner's Bow.

Being informed that this improvement, proposed by Thomas Godfrey of this place, for observing the sun's altitude at sea, with more ease and expedition than is practicable by the common instrument in use for that purpose, was last winter laid before the royal society, in his own description of it, and that some gentlemen, wished to see the benefit intended by it more fully and clearly explained, I who have here the opportunity of knowing the author's thoughts on such subjects, being persuaded in my judgment, that if the instrument as he proposes it be brought into practice, it will in many cases be of great service to navigation, have, therefore, thought it proper to draw up a more full account of it than the author himself has given, with the advantages attending it, which if approved of by better judgments, to whom what I offer is entirely submitted, it is hoped the use of it will be recommended and further encouraged, as well as the author. The rise of the improvement with its convenience, as also a description of it, are as follows:

I say all these things are well known to astronomers, and yet perhaps no parts of the world require more exactness in taking the latitude, than is necessary in voyages to the West Indies; for it is owing to the difficulty of this that vessels have so frequently missed the Island of Barbadoes, and when got to the leeward of it have been obliged to run down a thousand miles farther to Jamaica, from whence they can scarce work up again in the space of many weeks against the constant trade winds, and generally decline to try for, or attempt it.

But farther, as the latitude cannot be found by any other method that our mariners are generally acquainted with, than by the sun or a star on the meridian; it is obvious that in a cloudy sky, when the sun can but now and then be seen, and that only between the openings of the clouds for very short intervals, which mariners know frequently happens; as also in high tempestuous seas, when, though the sun should appear, the observer can scarcely keep his feet by any means; I say on these accounts, it is obvious that it would certainly be of vast advantage to have an instrument by which an observation could also be, as it were, snatched or taken in much less time than is generally required in the use of the common quadrant.

Thomas Godfrey, therefore, considering this, applied himself to finding out some contrivance by which the necessity of bringing the rays from the sun, and those from the horizon to coincide (which is the most difficult part of the work) on one particular point or line for a centre, might be removed. In order to which, he considered, that by the 21st, 3 element, Euclid, all angles of the periphery of a circle, subtended by the same segment within it, are equal on what ever part of the cir cumference the angular point falls; and therefore, if instead of a quadrant, a semicircle were graduated to 90° only, accounting every two degrees but one, this would effectually answer; for then if an arch of the same sircle





were placed at the end of the diameter of the instrument, EDC, though both are subtended by the same line BD; every part of the opposite arch would equally serve for for their differences are the angles BAD and BED. taking the coincidence of the rays above mentioned. But such an instrument would manifestly be attended with great inconveniency; for it would in great altitudes be much more unmanageable, and the vanes could not be framed to stand, as they always ought, perpendicular to the rays. He, therefore, farther resolved to try whether a curve could not be found at the centre of a quadrant which would, at least for a length sufficient to catch the coincidence of the rays with case, fully answer the intention.

A curve that in all its parts would, in geometrical strictness, effect this, cannot be in nature, any more than one and the same point can be found for a centre to different circles whose circumference are not parallel. It is certain that every arch on the limb may have a circle that will pass through the centre and be a locus, or geometrical place for the angle made by that arch to fall on, but then every arch has a different one from all others, as in the figure.

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Let ABC be the quadrant, and AB, EF, GH be taken as arches of it. Circles drawn through each two of these respectively, and through the centre C as a third point, will manifestly be such loci or places: For every pair of these points stand in a segment of their own circle, as well as on a segment of the quadrant, and therefore by the cited 21, 3 el. the angles standing on these first segments will every where be equal at the periphery of their respective circles, and their radius will always be equal to half the secant of half the arch on the quadrant. In the circle CEDF (for instance) the angle CED is right quadrant, because in a semicircle; CE is the radius of the quadrants, ED the tangent of the angle ECE= the | arch EF; and CD is the secant of the same the diameter of the circle CEDF, and therefore its radius is half that secant.

Now, from the figure it is plain, that in every small arch the radius of their circular place will be half the radius of the quadrant. that is, putting this radius=10, the other will be 5 and the radius for the arch of 90° (the highest to be used on the quadrant) will be the square root of half the square of the radius-sine of 45° -7.071; and the arches of the centre, drawn by these two radii are the extremes, the medium of which is 6.0355. And if a circular arch be drawn with this radius 1-20th part of the length of it, that is, in an instrument of 20 inches radius, the length of one inch on each side of the centre, affording two inches in the whole to catch the coincidence of the rays on, which must be owned is abundantly sufficient; the error, at the greatest variation of the arches, and at the extremity of these two inches, will not much exceed one minute: But in fixing the curvature or radius of this central arch, something further than a medium between the extremes in the radius is to be considered; for in small arches the variation is very small, but in great it equally increases as in the figure where it appears the difference between the anglesABC and ADC is much greater than the difference EBC and



Therefore this inequality was likewise to be considered, and compounding both together, Thomas Godfrey pitched on the ratio of 7 to 11 for the radius of the curve to the rad. of the instrument, which is 6.3636 to 10. But on further advisement he now concludes on 6 6-40, and a curve of this radius, of an inch on each side of the centre to an instrument of 20 inches radius, or of 1-20th of the radius whatever it be, will in no case whatever (as he has himself carefully computed it) produce an error of above 57", and it is very well known that navigators do (as they very safely may) slight a difference of one minute in latitude.

This radius is the true one for the circular place to an arch of 77° 15′ and the variation from it is nearly as great at 90° as at any arch below it, the greatest below being at about 44°, which is owing to the differences expressed by the last figure above, and not to those of the curvatures or circular places.

Yet this variation of 57 seconds arises only when the spot or coincidence falls at the extremity of the horizontal sight or vane, or a whole inch (in an instrument of 20 inches rad.) from the centre and then only in the altitudes or arches of above 44 or 90°, and in these, at the distance of half an inch from the centre, the variation is but so much, viz. about 14" and at of an inch not 4". At the centre it is precisely true. Therefore, an observation may be taken with it, in one-fourth of the time that Davis's quadrant, on which three things must be brought to meet, in a general way requires.

Considering this, and the vast importance of such dispatch, in the case of great altitudes or of tempestuous seas, or beclouded skies, it is presumed, the instrument thus made, will be judged preferable to all others of the kind yet known.

Some masters of vessels who sail from hence to the West Indies have got some of them made, as well as they can be done here, and have found so great an advantage in the facility and in the ready use of them in those southerly latitudes, that they reject all others. It can scarce be doubted, but when the instrument becomes more generally known, it may, upon the Royal Society's approbation, if the thing appears worthy of it, more universally obtain in practice. It is now four years since Thomas Godfrey hit on this improvement: for his account of it, laid before the Society last winter, in which he mentioned two years, was wrote in 1732; and in the same year, 1730, after he was satisfied in this,† he applied himself to think of the other, viz. the reflecting instrument by speculums for a help in the case of longitude, though it is also useful in taking altitudes; and one of these, as has been abundantly proved by the maker, and those who had it with them, was taken to sea, and there used in observing the latitude the winter of that year, and brought back again to Philadelphia before the end of February, 1730-1, and was in my keeping some months immediately after.

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*It was indeed unhappy, that, having it in my power, seeing he had no acquaintance nor knowledge of persons in England, that I transmitted not an account of it sooner. But I had other affairs of more importance to me; and it was owing to an accident which gave me some uneasiness, viz. his attempting to publish some account of it in print here, that I transmitted it at last, in May, 1732, to Dr. Halley, to whom I made no doubt but the invention would appear entirely new; and I must own I could not but wonder that our good will at least was never acknowledged. This, on my part, was all the merit I had to claim, nor did I then, or now, assume any other in either of these instruments. I only wish that the ingenious inventor himself might, by some means, be taken notice of, in a manner that might be of real advantage to him.

vation; and as deserving to be ranked, as well as his fa-
ther, among the curiosities of Pennsylvania.-MS. Let-
ter of the Rev. Dr. Eliot, of Boston, to the Author.
It is worthy of notice, that the use of the Quadrant in
question was confined to the English nation until the
year 1736, when M. D'Apres de Mannevillette, the great
maritime Geographer, employed it on board a French
ship; and on his return to France, one of the earliest
objects of his attention was to state, in a public print,
his high estimation of the curious instrument.
had the honour of introducing to his countrymen one of
the most valuable inventions of the age.


He thus

There needs not, I suppose, much more of a description of the instrument than has been given. I shall on- The indefatigable and enlivening spirit of industry, ly say that the bow had best be an arch of about 100 de- which distinguishes Pittsburg and its vicinage, has regrees well graduated and numbered both ways; the ra- cently brought into operation the "Fort Pitt Glass dius 20 or 24 inches; the curve at the centre to be one- Works," situated about a mile from the city. Messrs. twentieth of the radius on each side, that is, one-tenth Price, Curling, & Co., the enterprising proprietors of of it in the whole; the radius of that curve 64-100 parts this establishment, have, within a few days past, producof the radius of the instrument; that the glass for the so-ed the first specimens of their manufacture, which afford lar vane should not be less, but rather larger than a silver ample evidence of their skill, and of the perfection to shilling with its vertex very exactly set, and that the utmost which their fabric will attain, when they shall have surcare be taken to place the middle of the curve at the mounted the obstacles incident to the first essays in an centre exactly perpendicular to the line or radius of 45 undertaking resembling the one on which they have addeg. as the observer must also take care that the two ventured. The articles which they have already comvanes on the limb be kept nearly equidistant from that pleted, are equal in quality and appearance to any, in a degree. To which I shall only add, that it may be best similar branch of manufacture, that have been produced to give the horizontal vane only one aperture, not two. in the Western country. The glass is of a beautiful transThe rest, I suppose, may be left to the workman. Thus, parent whiteness, and so excellent in texture and polish, doubting I have already been too prolix on the subject, that it might bear off the premium at any exhibition of to which nothing but a sincere inclination to promote domestic manufactures, although opposed by the posi any thing that might contribute to a public benefit, and tive celebrity of Boston, and the asserted superlative exto do some justice to merit, could induce me, I shall on- cellence of England. ly request that what I have here offered may be construed by that intention.

Philadelphia, June 28, 1734.


The founders of the "Fort Pitt Glass Works" merit every encouragement for their establishment. It is their intention to conduct it, so as to acquire for its productions a character equal to that of any manufactory of a P. S. [By the Editors of the Magazine.] It is easy to similar kind in the United States; and, with the skill and see, by a careful perusal of these two letters, and that in experience which they are admitted to possess, and the our last Magazine, the progress of this invention, and spirit with which they have entered upon their enterhow far Mr. Godfrey ought to be considered as the in-prise, they may confidently anticipate success. ventor. It is our business to give impartial accounts of facts and transcripts of authentic_papers. The reader, after that, is to judge for himself. For our own part, we have no hesitation in pronouncing Mr. Godfrey the real original inventor of this famous and useful instru


Mr Price, one of the proprietors, was engaged in the manufacture of glass at the works of the late Col. O'Hara, when our flourishing emporium bore the name of "Fort Pitt." His predilection for his early pursuits and place of residence, has induced him to revive, in the new works, of which he is one of the builders and proprie tors, the name that attached to our Western Birmingham in the olden time.

The subjoined extracts are from "Miller's Retrospect." Near the "Fort Pitt Glass Works," Messrs. Frost and "Alderman Hillegas, of this city, (Philadelphia) Vodrey, from Staffordshire, England, have within a few knew Godfrey. He says he remembers to have heard, months, since the commencement of their undertaking, perhaps 50 years ago, that, as Hadley had obtained the brought the manufacture of earthen ware into successful patent, complete justice could not be done to Godfrey; operation. The writer of this notice was invited, a few but that the Royal Society, thinking his ingenuity ought days since, by some friends of these gentlemen, to visit to be rewarded, either subscribed for him as individuals, the manufactory and examine its productions. The reor gave him out of their funds, £200 sterling: and know-sult of the examination was very gratifying to all the viing his infirmity (for it seems he was apt to indulge in in- siters. It is, indeed, surprising to observe to what a detemperate drinking), they thought it better to send the gree of perfection the spirited manufacturers have alreaamount in household furniture than in cash, and, inter dy attained, in the execution of their ware. Considering alia, sent him a clock, which the Alderman remembers the numerous and obstinate difficulties which they have to have seen." had to encounter, in obtaining materials, adapted to their purposes, and putting into operation the incipient processes of a species of manufacture heretofore entirely unkown to the Western country, they have obtained a

Godfrey had a son, Thomas Godfrey, jun. who, in 1765, published a volume of Juvenile Poems. The young man is spoken of, by the writer of the preface, as possessing great natural endowments, with but little culti-success, which is at once honourable to themselves and

All these circumstances of Mr. Logan's complaint, and almost every thing that follows to the end, except the directions for making the instrument, are left out of the account published in the Philosophical Transactions, which strengthens the conjecture that justice has not been done to the original inventor.

auspicious for the manufacturing interests of Pittsburg. As soon as they can procure a competent supply of suitable clay, and a sufficient number of artisans to execute all the various parts of the manufacture, they contemplate the fabrication of earthen ware, in all respects similar to that for which Staffordshire is so much celebrated.-Gazette.

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