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clock is thirty or forty years old. Within a few years, look at that building with its new steeple, and be able owing to the rewards offered by the British Parliament to persuade himself that it represents the ancient State for the discovery of the longitude, great improvements House. When with feelings of mortification, gentlemen have been made in horology. With such accuracy are shall look at the new steeple, I beg they will recollect watches now made in London, that a person may sail the eagerness with which they are pressing this quesround the world, and after entering the Delaware, tell, tion. If the original features of the building cannot be by reference to his time piece, on which side of the cur- preserved, I would much rather the whole were demorent the vessel is. If there is any thing proverbial, it is lished, that we might by some handsome monument the badness of the clock at the state house. It is an ex-point out the spot where the glorious declaration of our cusing, not a regulating clock. It is a clock which national Independence was agreed upon. affords no rule to go by, but a rule not to go by, for every body knows it can never go right

Mr. Tilghman. No man shall ever say of me that I took advantage of the excitement of the moment to press Mr. Troth wished it distinctly understood that he was through a favourite measure. I again say that I regard for the steeple house, the steeple, the clock and the the rebuilding of the steeple as the entering wedge for bell. He had not misconceived the report of the com-restoring the builing to its original state. The restoramittee. The resolution bound them down, to carry up tion of it is now possible, as persons are now living who the steeple, according to the plan submitted by Mr. remember the exact appearance of every part. Fifty Strickland, and it was to this plan he objected. He years hence it will be impossible. The old door, the old thought more extensive inquiry ought to be made, be-roof-all the ancient characteristics of the building might fore engaging in the work. be restored at the expense of a few hundred dollars, and I, for one, am determined to make the effort.

Mr. Tilghman. The plan of Mr. Strickland has been preferred, on account of its being a restoration of the Mr. Walmsley had come to the Council Chamber preold steeple. If there were a spot on earth on whichpared to vote for steeple, clock and bell, but he was space might be identified with holiness, it would be the now convinced that carrying up the turret with two stospot on which the old state house stands. It is a sacred ries of brick, would destroy the effect of the original spot, a sacred building. I regret that unhallowed plan. hands were ever permitted to touch it, and I regard the Mr.Johnson had conversed with a number of respect. rebuilding of the steeple as an entering wedge for re-able persons on the subject, and found them all in favour storing the building to the state in which it stood in of the clock and bell, and careless of the expense of re1776. building the steeple, provided the building were restorMr. Smith. I must correct a small error of my friended to its original form. He moved to postpone the furon the right. The plan of rebuilding coincides with the ther consideration of the resolution for the present. original plan as far as is possible, consistent with dura- Mr. Smith said the committee would like to know bility, and the use for which the steeple is intended.-precisely what the members of Council desired. Two stories of brick work are substituted for the wood Mr.Lowber had no difficulty in answering for himself, work, which used to be a part of the superstructure of he wished to see the old steeple restored; with two stethe present tower. Brick has been preferred to wood,ries of brick work, to receive the clock and bell, but of to prevent a vibration which would damage the clock as precisely the same form as the old wood work, and to be a time keeper; and to bear the great weight of the bell. painted in resemblance of it, I would prefer rebuilding the steeple exactly according to the original plan, but that would not be possible if an improved clock and bell are to be placed therein. The cupola and spire, are exact copies of the original.

Mr. Smith replied this would be impossible; as the walls of the turret are only eighteen inches in thickness at top, it will not be practicable to make the different offsets in brick work, without carrying up a new wall from the foundation, inside of the present tower.

Mr. Troth. It has been alledged that the plan submitted is a copy of the original steeple. If it were I would Mr. Lowber. I should like to know the expense of cheerfully vote for it. But regard to my own character completing the steeple in this way. A picture of the compels me to say, that it is not a copy of the original original steeple has just been in my hand, that I may steeple. That was very handsome, this is very far from contrast it with the plan reported by the committee. being so. By carrying up the turret two stories higher Why, no man who had ever seen the original, and who with brick, without any offsets, instead of the old wood was called to look on the state house, with the new steework, the effect of the original is entirely destroyed.-ple, could believe he was in the same country; he would Our character is at stake, as men of taste, and as admir ers of antiquity, and I hope we will not proceed hastily in this business.

suppose he was on a different side of the Atlantic. The ancient steeple was very handsome-this is a mammoth chimney-so it would be called if it was ever erected— The question to postpone the original resolution, for a straight mass of walls-a shot tower-there is no beauthe purpose of introducing the subject proposed by Mr.ty, no symmetry about it.

Troth, was negatived by the casting vote of the Presi Mr. Keyser hoped the condition of the financial condent. cerns of the city would not be lost sight of in this busi

The question on the adoption of the original resolu-ness. tion then recurring, Mr. Lowber made certain inquiries,

The question was then put, and the further consideto which Mr. Smith replied that the object of the com-ration of the resolution, was, by general agreement, mittee had been to unite economy, convenience and postponed. beauty, and make as few changes as possible in the ancient appearance of the building. The plan they had submitted was in their opinion the best, all circumstances considered.

Mr. Lowber. I am perfectly satisfied with the explanation of the chairman, and regret exceedingly that I am under the necessity of not voting for the plan reported by the committee. So far from being an ornament to the city, it would be a deformity: so far from recalling to mind the venerable pile that stood on that spot, it would efface the remembrance of it altogether. It is not the ancient design. I would rejoice to see that building restored to its ancient state-to the precise state in which it was when the glorious event to which it owes its celebrity was consummated. But no man will be able to


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THE Controllers of the Public Schools for the First School District of the State of Pennsylvania, in obedience to the direction of the act of the general assembly, submit their tenth annual report:

Three thousand nine hundred and three pupils now attend the following schools, viz:

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Exclusive of the alphabet and spelling departments, and those who are beginning to write on slates, the classes are arranged as follows:


Reading. Writing on Paper.


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Gaskill-street, (coloured,)



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The Girls, in addition to the foregoing branches, are taught sewing and knitting, and in some of the schools, 'needle-work on canvass has been executed in a style of great neatness and elegance.

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hundred and forty-two dollars and seventeen cents to real estate and school furniture, and seven thousand and three dollars and fifteen cents to education in the country sections. The actual cost of instruction of each pupil, in the schools on the Lancasterian plan, is four dollars per annum, while those taught at the ordinary schools is ten dollars per annum, furnishing additional proof of the economy of the improved system, and which ought to recommend it to adoption wherever the population is sufficiently dense.


in those establishments, they have never doubted that the wisdom and benevolence, and power of the legislature would be exerted, for the protection and welfare of that large and dependent portion of the youth of our commonwealth.

The Controllers would again impress upon the minds of the parents of children who are entitled to the privilege of public education, the great duty which they owe to their offspring, in causing them to partake of the liberal and efficient means afforded for the instruction of all our indigent youth. To the faithful discharge of this primary obligation, they are most seriously urged, with an assurance that it is the anxious care of those entrusted with the government of this institution, that the pupils shall not only be instructed by competent preceptors in useful literary knowledge, but that they also be taught respect for moral order and truth, and without any sectarian bias, reverence for the fundamental and enduring principles of Christianity.

At the request of the Directors of the first Section, an appropriation was made in the early part of last year for the purchase of a lot, and the erection of a commodious building on the corner of Locust and Twelfth-streets, to which the pupils attending the Lombard-street schools will be removed. The coloured children, at present crowded in the inconvenient apartments of Mary and Gaskill streets, are to occupy the Lombard-street house, a measure which will enable the Directors to give instruction to several hundreds of that class of persons The judicious training of the large number of young who could not hitherto be accommodated. It is very persons of both sexes, whom the law intends shall be satisfactory to observe the improved manners and morals, educated in the First School District of Pennsylvania, is and proficiency in elementary branches, of the negro a purpose of high importance. To the individuals them. scholars, affording incontestible evidence of the effect selves, the value of such training cannot be easily estiof intellectual culture upon a degrade race, by some de- mated, and it would he still more difficult to calculate nied the possession of any attribute of humanity. the happy influence which must be exerted upon the The most gratifying and striking benefits have resul-general condition of society, by cultivating correct printed from the schools recently established 'west of Broad ciples in the minds of this numerous description of perstreet. The character and condition, not only of the sons. Virtuous education constitutes the moral strength children who have been there brought under instruction, and beauty of every state, and forms the only sure basis but that of many of their parents, flowing from the im- upon which good government can rest. In a governprovement of their offspring in branches of knowledge to ment, therefore, happily constituted like our own, which they were before strangers, abundantly confirm, which exists in the will, and must partake of the characwhat is elsewhere manifested, that education has a most ter of its citizens, it is of infinite moment to its success, elevating influence upon its subjects. Encouraged by and durability-that individual independence should be these invaluable fruits, the controllers feel authorized to preserved-that intelligence should be universally difextend the means of instruction, wherever it is required fused-and that the best qualities of the understanding, throughout the district; fully convinced that the public and the noblest feelings of the heart, should be assidufunds cannot be more advantageously employed, than in ously cultivated among all classes of the people. teaching the rising generation placed under the guardianship of the law which they administer, the great duties they owe to their Creator-to themselves-and to Society.

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ROBERTS VAUX, President.

Attested-T. M. PETTIT, Secretary.
Chamber of the Controllers, 2mo. (Feb.) 28, 1828.
"Oriskany Manufacturing Company," at Whites-
boro', Oneida county, New York, represented by Simon
N. Dexter. Capital paid in 83,750 dollars. Commenced
about 1810. Makes principally kerseymeres of about
31 inches wide, and some broad cloths from the two
higher qualities of wool. Sales from 1826 to 1827,
would amount to 45 or 50,000 dollars; sales preceding
year, probably 10,000 dollars less.

The indefatigable Principal of the model school, prepared during the past year, a short, but comprehensive manual, by which the operations of the Lancasterian mode of instruction can be easily understood, and con- "Tuft's Manufacturing Company," at Dudley, Masducted; the Controllers have had an edition printed for sachusetts. Incorporated. Represented by Hon. the use of this district, and can supply the work at a very Aaron Tufts. Capital employed 40,000 dollars. Comcheap rate for other parts of the state. They would also menced 1824. Sustained a loss of more than 5,000 dolbring to the recollection of their fellow citizens of Penn-lars, exclusive of interest on capital, during 1826 and up sylvania, that individuals desirous of becoming qualified to 1st July 1827, by the badness of the business. Real to teach on the system of mutual instruction, will be ad- estate and buildings 5,000 dollars; and machinery about mitted free of expense for that purpose, into the model 5,000 dollars of capital. 50 to 60 hands. school.

"The Shepherd Woolen Manufacturing Company." The Controllers rejoice to observe that the subject of Represented by Col. James Shepherd. Capital now guarding the morals, and affording instruction to the actually employed 130,000 dollars, of which 50,000 is minds of children employed in manufactories, is now be-active capital. They manufactured usually broad cloths fore the general assembly of the state. They have for several years in succession, endeavoured to show the necessity for especial and efficient legislation in this respect, and though they may have incurred the displeasure of contracted and interested minds, by proclaiming the dangers to which the rising generation are exposed

The improvements alluded to, were originally introduced into the Public School, at Lancaster, Pa. and were suggested by William Augustus Muhlenberg, by whose benevolent zeal the school itself was established, and to the best interests of which, he devoted much time and talent as a Director.

and cassimeres. He and Mr. Robbins were alone concerned, and made a very fair business from 1809 to 1824, and 1825 was a tolerable year. Since, it has been a losing concern. Loss, from Jan. 1, 1826, to present time, 30,000 dollars. 120 hands.

"Phillipsburg Factory." Wallkill, Orange county, New York. Represented by Wm. Phillips. Whole capital 20,000 dollars; active capital 11,000 dollars. Makes broad cloth. Made in 1825 and '26 about 5,000 yards each. Now make at the rate of 10 or 11,000. 25 hands.

Factory of Abm. Marland, at Andover, Massachusetts. Represented by himself. Capital invested 42,000 dol

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lars; of which 31,000 is active. Now makes flannels altogether. In 1825 and 6 made a few bockings. In 1825, made 2,200 pieces, of 46 yards each, flannelssame in 1826. In 1827 about 3,200 pieces; sales better.

70 hands.

Factory of Wm. W. Young, Brandywine, Del. Represented by himself. Capital upwards of 100,000 dollars; of this about 20,000 dollars is now in raw material and manufactured articles. Upwards of 21,000 dollars in machinery alone-residue real estate, mill gear and buildings. 25,000 dollars of it in dwellings, &c. for workmen. Been in operation since 1813. Make principally blue cassimeres; and work up their coarse wools into sattinets. For last 3 years been curtailing business, in consequence of low prices. On the close of the partnership of W. Young & Son, in 1825, the partner's did not receive two per cent. on capital. Since 1825 the business has been a losing one. 50 hands.

Factory of Wm. R. Dickinson, Steubenville, Ohio. Represented by himself. Capital vested in real estate, buildings and machinery, estimated at 100,000 dollars, but cost more; of which he thinks machinery cost 50,000 dollars. Active capital 40 to 50,000 dollars. Commenced in 1819. Make broad cloths, 6 to 7-4 wide. A few flannels from the common wool. Quantity of cloths 13,500 to 15,000 yards, at 2 dollars 50 cents to $4. Work about 3,000 pounds coarse wool into flannels annually. Estimates losses in 3 years at 8,000 dollars. Upwards of 100 hands.

"Glenham Company," at Matteawan, Ductchess Co. New York. Represented by Abraham Schenck. Incorporated in 1824. Capital, on 3d June last, 91,531 dollars. Active capital 43,383 dollars 98 cents. Made between 3d June 1826 and 1827, 30,640 yards of 6-4 broad cloths; a few fine 7-4. Market New York. Lost, in the above time, 5,501 dollars 93 cents. Between 3d June 1825 and 6, lost 1,795 dollars. Made, also, machinery, in year ending 3d June last, amounting to 30 or 40,000 dollars; this last is a profitable business.

"Wolcott Woolen Manufactory," South Bridge, Massachusetts. Represented by James Wolcott, jr. Incorporated about 7 years ago. Capital 126,000 dollars; all absorbed in real estate, buildings, and machinery. Machinery cost 40,000; have no active capital, but borrow money on interest. The stock generally wont sell for more than 50 for 100 paid. Make only broad cloths; produced in 1826, 30,995 yds. of which they sold 25,454 yds. for 58,774 18, nett average per yd. 2 303, from Jan. to July last, (7 mos.) sold 12,534 yds. which netted 26,553 95, average 2 12. These cloths principally indigo blues. Aggregate loss on the business in 1826, 23,095 31, this was exclusive of interest on capital, &c but not exclusive of the borrowed active capital. In 1827 still a losing business, it will not pay its expense;

121 hands.

Goodell Manufacturing Company at Millbury, Mtts. represented by Jonas B. Brown, incorporated, capital $80,460 77, in machinery $30,000, active capital 30 to 50,000. In 1826 made 42,000 yds. broad cloths, and in 1825, 31,000, also 12,000 yds. sattinetts. In 1826-27 made no sattinetts, finding it a losing business, owing to domestic and foreign competition; 150 hands.

Joshua Clapp, factory at Litchfield, Conn. has also one at Northampton, Mtts. has no capital in real estate, and $6,000 in machinery; rented this factory in 1821 for 5 years, did not renew the lease, but owners allow him to use it free of rent. In the first year of which he speaks, he made 17,293 yds. broad cloths, 2d year 15,551 yds. from 12th Nov.1825 to same 1826, he sold to the amount of $50,987 50, at a loss of $8,995 35 including commis

sions; from same time 1826 to 1827, sold $53,397 76 at a loss of $3,895 82; first sales averaged $3 26, 2d sales $2 90; expects to relinquish his factory in 6 or 8 months if no further protection is afforded.

Saxon and Leicester factories in Worcester and Middlesex counties, Mtts. represented by Benj. Poor, capital


menced up to 1st July 1827, a loss of $26,394 28, exclusive of interest on stock; last public sale of stock in June 1827, $505 for $1000; private sales since at $429 per share. Number of persons employed 230 to 240.→→→→ Monthly labour 3300 to $3500 at present time.

Factory of Eleuterre Irenee Dupont near Wilmington Del. capital upwards of $70,000, buildings, &c. valued at 40 to 45,000; makes coarse cloths and kerseys for the army of common country wool, makes sattinetts of Smyrna and South American wool; and of the coarsest kind of country wool makes coarse cloths and a cloth called linsey for negro clothing. 20 to 25,000 yds. of all these kinds annually. The coarse cloths and kerseys are about 6-4 yds. wide when finished. The sattinetts and negro clothing are generally about 3-4 wide, but the linsey is much wider. The business has always been a losing one.

Salmon Falls Manufactory, Somersworth, N. H. represented by Joshua W. Pierce; incorporated; capital on 24th Nov. 1826, $362,000, of that $140,000 in real estate, &c. 30,000 in mills, store, &c. 60,000 in machinery, 131,000 active; make broad cloths only, 40,000 yds. annualiy, increased each year from 1825. In 1825 there was a gain of $6,772 78, and in 1826 a loss of $17,059 34. 200 hands.

Number of hands employed and wages.

machinist $1 50 per day; 1 superintending weaver 1 37 Oriskany Factory, 1 head carder $400 'per annum, 1 and 1 dyer each at 1 25; 10 hands in spinning and card1 principal fuller, 1 presser, 2 hands in finishing room ing rooms, 2 assistant carders, and 1 assistant dyer, each at 1 00; 1 watchman at 1 00; 1 fireman 80 cts. 2 or 3 labourers 75 cent: 1 girl to letter cloth 4 00 per week; 24 women and girls at 3 00; 18 or 20 women and girls 2 50 per week; residue boys and girls at 1 25 to 2 00 p. w. an assorter of wool at 30 dls. p. month, and assistant at 20. In all 80 to 100. A superintending agent at 800 p. annum, store clerk 120, Treasurer 50.

1000, 27 men, 19 women, 7 children from 11 to 15 yrs. Tuft's Manufacturing Co. Clerk 250 p. annum, agent children 2 33 p. w. find themselves. of men on an average 73 cts. p. day, women and


500, superintending carder 39 p. mo. 2 do. of looms, Shepherd's Factory. Agents 2 p. c. on sales, clerk each 24 p. mo. 32 men 21 p. mo. 16 young men 18 to 20 yrs. 14; 16 boys 8 to 12 yrs. 6; 54 girls or young women at 13, board included at 1 50 p. w. for men, and 1 00 for boys and girls. In all 120.


men at 20; 4 boys at 7; 3 women at 7; 1 man at 30; 3 Philipsburg Factory. 26 hands: 11 men 26 p. mo. at 18; board included.

12 men 5 to 7 p. w. males including under 21 yrs. 62 Young's Factory. Superintendant 800; clerk 1; cts: to 3 p. w. females 50 cts. to 3 50; about 50 in all.

males, about 20 boys 12 to 14 yrs. a foreman in each deDickinson's Factory, upwards of 100 hands chiefly fepartment at 18 to 20 females 5 to 7 p. mo. boys 4; clerk 300 p. an. to common work hands 12 to 14 per


12 children; wages men average 75 cts. p. day, young Wolcott Factory, 121 hands; 71 men, 38 young women

women 40 cts. children 25 cts.

Marland's Factory, 70 hands; 30 men at 1 p. day; 14 or 15 women 2 25 to 2 50 p. w. residue boys and girls 8 to 12 yrs. of age 25 cts. p. day, except about 10 apprentices at about 130 p. annum.

16, 25 under 16. Goodell Factory, 150 persons; 72 men, 53 boys above

15 boys from 10 to 15; 21 girls 10 to 15 and 104 women, Salmon Falls Factory. In 1826, 200 hands; 60 men, clerks and all other officers and hands 68 cts. p. workaverage wages of the whole, including superintendants, ing day in the year, including board. Working hours.

In general commence at 5 o'clock in summer and end $150,000 chiefly paid in; there has been since they com- at sunset, allowing hour for breakfast and 14 to din

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24 to 24 lbs. of wool American and Saxony, washed, to 1 yd: broad cloth or 2 lbs. of Spanish; 1 to 14 lbs. wool to yd. of cassimere; 17 lbs. wool to 1 piece of 46 yds. of flannel; broad cloth when it comes from the loom is 24 to 2 yds. wide, when finished 14 to 14; cassimeres when come from loom is 5 to 6-4, when finished 3-4 to 34-4. To make broad cloth of thick felt 7-4 wide, Mr. Shepherd gives out 80 lbs. of scoured wool, this yields 44 yards of finished cloth, weighing 50 lbs. with its listing. The cloth of thin felt requires 75 lbs. of wool, which makes 44 yds. of cloth and weighs 44 to 46 lbs. when finished; 100 lbs. of unwashed merino wool, as shorn unwashed from the sheep usually loses in washing and scouring about 50 lbs. when washed on the sheep's back it loses about 25 lbs. in scouring; of 70,419 lbs. of American and 31,740 lbs. foreign wool, say 102,159lbs. he made 52,354 lbs. of cloth.

Cost of weaving a yard.

Mr. Dexter hires 3 female weavers, who find themselves and are paid 2 p. w. each attends 1 power loom or perhaps 2; each loom weaves 75 yds. of cassimere p. w. generally, broad cloths 9 to 15 cts. cassimeres 6 to 11 cts. formerly paid as high as 20 to 30 cts. Mr. Marland pays for flannel 1 00, has paid 3 00.

Cost of washing, fulling, dying and dressing each yard and preparing for market.

Mr. Shepherd says 1 man scours all the cloth of his establishment, pays him $21 p. mo. including board; it formerly cost double; a man and boy do the fulling, the first 32 p. mo. boy 16. Raising and knapping (gigging) is next operation, requires 1 superintendant at 26 p. mo. and 6 for his board, and 9 young men 14 p. mo. a teazle setter 16 p. mo. who prepares the teazles for knapping. The cloth is then ready for shearing, and requires 1 su perintendant at 32, and 7 girls at 8 p. mo. these attend 20 pair of shears, 7 other girls in burling, linting and marking cloth 8 p. mo. a press man and boy at 24 and 14 p. mo. All colours except black are dyed as soon as the wool is assorted, black is dyed after the cloth is fulled; dying blue costs 60 cts. p. yd. blacks and all other colours 10 cts. p. yd.

tion, in New York, 2 dollars per yard. That is blues made of 3d quality wool, some as high as 2 dollars 30 cents, and none less than 2 dollars, netting that. Second quality mixtures and drabs, and other colors (not blue,) netted, on an average about $1 45. In 1826, best quality netted about 1 dollar 40 cts. And, in 1827, about 1 dol. 60 cts. Second quality, in 1826, netted about 80 cts. and, 1827, about 95 cts. to 97.

Tufts-The goods sold in Boston, in 1825, 25 to 30 per cent higher than sales at any time since. Speaking from memory, thinks his broad cloths sold, on an aver age, in 1825, at 3 dols. per yd. nett. Cassimeres, same year, 1 25 to 1 30 per yard. From 1st June 1826, to 1st July 1827, broad cloths averaged, nett. 2 00, and cassimeres 80 cts.

Young-Blue cassimeres, average price in 1825, 1 40. In 1826, 1 30. In 1827, 1 25. Sales more brisk in fall of 1826, or spring of 1827, but prices no better.— Coarse cloths, called sattinets, sold in fall of 1827, at s fair price, compared with 1825 and 1826; owing to the market not being crowded with them, by reason of the depression in these years.

Dickerson-Prices at factory, for cloths, for picklock 10 dols. prime 7. No. 1-5. No. 2-4. No. 3-3 50. No. 4-3. No. 5-2 50, less, for cash, 5 per cent. Prices at Baltimore and Philadelphia, in 1825, from 1 dol. to 10. In 1826, 1 30 to 13 50. In 1827, 1 10 to 4 35. Schenck-Sales in New York, in 1825, 2 50, 3 25, 4 and 5. Which same were estimated at factory, 3d June 1837, 1 50, 2, 2 50 and 3 50. In 1826-2 24. Dupont-Indigo blue army clothing, in 1825-2 30. In 1827-2 124. Grey Kersey, -1 35. In 1826-1 25. In 1827

in 1825

1 10. Sattinets, in 1825- -754. In 1827 40 to 50. Negro clothing, 1825-35 to 40. 1827-25 to 30 cents per yard.

Poor-Decline of broad cloths from 33 1-3 to 40 per cent. Sales more ready in 1827 than 1826; but no improvement in price.

Peirce-The same cloth which sold in Boston market, in 1825, at 4 dollars, we now sell at 3 dollars; and these actually costs him, when ready for market, 3 dollars 50 cents-63 quarters wide. And cloths, which sold in 1825 at 3 dollars, now sell for 2 dollars; which is the cost of it to him. These are gross sales, commission to be taken off.

ness one third.

Marland-Sales, in 1825, of flannels 10 dollars 50 cts. per piece of 46 yards. In 1826, 11 dollars. 1827, 13 Expense of converting wool into yarn. dollars (finer quality.) In fall of 1826, as an experiMr. Shepherd-1st process assorting wool 14 cents ment, he and some others sent 400 bales of flannel to per lb. to 2 cents. Roving, which includes oiling, card-New York, each 16 peices of 46 yards; to convince mering, roping, &c. comprises all the expense from sorting were sold at some loss-but had the effect to discourage chants there that they could supply the market. They to its delivery to the spinner, for which he pays 6 cents per pound for fine, and 5 cents for middling work: (he importations the next fall. Intends to reduce his busidoes no coarse work.) Next process is spinning, finest warp 14 cents per pound; filling same quality 7 cents per lb. For second quality wool 12 cts. and for filling same 6 cts. Third quality, warp 10 cts. and filling 5 cts. Fourth quality, which is the lowest he spins, 8 cts. for warp, and 4 for filling. Machinery lately introduced reduced the expense of spinning 3d and 4th qualities 50 per cent or more he uses jinnies for the finer qualities. Warping and dressing follow next after spinning, and for these he uses lately invented machinery, which has lessened the expense 75 per cent; and reduced these items collectively to 1 cents per lb. for fine broad cloth, twelve quarters wide.

Proportion that cost of labor bears to cost of raw material in making blankets?

Mr. Marland says, every pound of wool, washed on sheeps back, on an average can be manufactured into blankets at 6 cents per lb. including nothing but labor, and nothing allowed for profit or use of machinery.

Comparative prices of fabrics in different years. Dexter-In 1825, best kerseymeres brought at auc

duced by foreign importations; and added to the emThese fluctuations in prices are believed to be probarrassment of the domestic manufacturer. It does not appear, that domestic competition has produced much, if any of this effect.

did not get more for flannels now, than when he paid Mr. Marland, in reply to the inquiry, "whether he higher for wool and weaving," replied, there have been times when he did, but he then sold at a great loss. And to the question, "do you get as much for your goods now, as when the duties were lower; and what were the duties when you made most by your factory?" answered, "I do not-but got the highest price for goods when duties were highest during the war. Also, that sufficient protection would enable the American manufacturer to supply our own markets to the fall demand, at steady prices and lowest rates.

Do purchasers prefer English goods, and why? Do they complain of the dyes?

Mr. Shepherd-They do. I consider prejudice more than 25 per cent. against the domestic. No complaint

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