Her inkle, silk, twin with the rubied cherry : His banners sable, trimm'd with rich expense; [Exit. ther, [To the Sailor of Mitylene. Sir, there's a barge put off from Mitylene; And in it is Lysimachus the governor, Who craves to come aboard. What is your will? Hel. That he have his. Call up some gentlemen. Tyr. Sail. Ho, gentlemen! my lord calls. Being on shore, honouring of Neptune's triumphs, Seeing this goodly vessel ride before us, I made to it, to know of whence you are. Hel. First, sir, what is your place? Wherein we are not destitute for want, But weary for the staleness. Lys. O, sir, a courtesy, Which if we should deny, the most just God For every graff would send a caterpillar, Of your king's sorrow. Sit, sir, I will recount it ; But see, I am prevented. Lys. She's such, that were I well assur'd she came Of gentle kind, and noble stock, I'd wish Can draw him but to answer thee in aught, As thy desires can wish. My utmost skill in his recovery, Mar. Sir, I will use Lys. Come, let us leave her, Lys. I am governor of this place you lie before. Be suffer'd to come near him. Hel. Sir, Our vessel is of Tyre, in it the king; And the gods make her prosperous! [Mar. sings. Mark'd he your music? A man, who for this three mouths hath not spoken Lys. To any one, nor taken sustenance, But to prorogue' his grief. Lys. Upon what ground is his distemperature? Hel. Sir, it would be too tedious to repeat; But the main grief of all springs from the loss Lys. May we not see him, then? Hel. Mar. No, nor look'd on us. Lys. See, she will speak to him. Mar. Hail, sir! my lord, lend ear : Per. Hum! ha! Mar. I am a maid, My lord, that ne'er before invited eyes, You may, indeed, sir, Mv lord, that, may be, hath endur'd a grief But bootless is your sight; he will not speak To any. Lys. Yet, let me obtain my wish. (1) To lengthen or prolong his grief. Who stood equivalent with mighty kings: [Aside. Was given me by one that had some power; Per. My fortunes-parentage-good parentage- Some such thing indeed I said, and said no more but what my thoughts Per. Tell thy story; If thine consider'd prove the thousandth part Have suffer'd like a girl: yet thou dost look How lost thou them? Thy name, my most kind Recount, I do beseech thee; come, sit by me. Mar. My name, sir, is Marina. Per. O, I am mock'd, And thou by some incensed god sent hither Mar. (1) Possess. Mar. How! a king's daughter? You said you would believe me; But, not to be a troubler of your peace, But are you flesh and blood? born? And wherefore call'd Marina? For I was born at sea. Call'd Marina, At sea? Thy mother? Who died the very minute I was born, Per. O, stop there a little! This is the rarest dream that e'er dull sleep My daughter's buried. [Aside.] Well:-where were you bred? I'll hear you more, to the bottom of your story, Mar. You'll scarce believe me; 'twere best I did give o'er. Per. I will believe you by the syllable Her parentage; being demanded that, Per. O Helicanus, strike me, honour'd sir; Give me a gash, put me to present pain; Lest this great sea of joys rushing upon me, And drown me with their sweetness. O, come hither, Patience, good sir, For truth can never be confirm'd enough, (2) i. e. No puppet dress'd up to deceive me. Music? my lord, I hear Per. Most heavenly music: [He sleeps. [The curtain before the pavilion of Pericles is closed. So leave him all. Well, my companion-friends, [Exeunt Lysimachus, Helicanus, Marina, SCENE II.-The same. Pericles on the deck Dia. My temple stands in Ephesus; hie thee thither, And do upon mine altar sacrifice. There, when my maiden priests are met together, Reveal how thou at sea didst lose thy wife: To mourn thy crosses, with thy daughter's, call, Perform my bidding, or thou liv'st in wo: Do't, and be happy, by my silver bow. [Diana disappears. Per. Celestial Dian, goddess argentine,2 I will obey thee!-Helicanus! Enter Lysimachus, Helicanus, and Marina. Hel. Sir. Per. My purpose was for Tharsus, there to strike The inhospitable Cleon; but I am For other service first: toward Ephesus (1) Repeat a lively narrative of your adventures. (2) i. e. Regent of the silver moon. (3) Swollen. (4) Soon. Gow. Now our sands are almost run; More a little, and then done. What pageantry, what feats, what shows, The regent made in Mitylin, To greet the king. So he was thriv'd, As Dian bade: whereto being bound, [Exit. SCENE III. -The temple of Diana at Ephesus: Per. Hail Dian; to perform thy just command, Made known herself my daughter. Thai. Voice and favour! You are you are-O royal Pericles! - [She faints. gentlemen! Cer. Noble sir, If you have told Diana's altar true, This is your wife. Per. Reverend appearer, no; I threw her o'erboard with these very arms. Cer. Upon this coast, I warrant you. Per. 'Tis most certain. Cer. Look to the lady;-0, she's but o'erjoy'd. Early, one blust'ring morn, this lady was Thrown on this shore. I op'd the coffin, and her May we see them? No needful thing omitted. Pure Diana! I bless thee for thy vision, and will offer Cer. Great sir, they shall be brought you to my My night oblations to thee. Thaisa, house, Whither I invite you. Look! Thaisa is Thai. O, let me look! If he be none of mine, my sanctity Will to my sense1 bend no licentious ear, Are you not Pericles? Like him you speak, Like him you are: Did you not name a tempest, A birth, and death? Per. The voice of dead Thaisa! Thai. That Thaisa am I, supposed dead, And drown'd. Per. Immortal Dian! Now I know you better. When we with tears parted Pentapolis, [Shows a ring. Per. This, this: no more, you gods! your pre sent kindness Makes my past miseries sport: You shall do well, Mar. My heart Leaps to be gone into my mother's bosom. [Kneels to Thaisa. Per. Look, who kneels here! Flesh of thy flesh, Thaisa; Thy burden at the sea, and call'd Marina, Bless'd and mine own! I know you not. Gow. In Antioch, and his daughter, you have Of monstrous lust the due and just reward: wicked Cleon and his wife, when fame Per. You have heard me say, when I did fly So on your patience evermore attending, Through whom the gods have shown their power; sages dispersed over each of these divisions. I I THOUGHT, the king had more affected the duke of Albany, than Cornwall. Glo. It did always seem so to us: but now, in the division of the kingdom, it appears not which of the dukes he values most; for equalities are so weigh'd, that curiosity1 in neither can make choice of either's moiety. Kent. Is not this your son, my lord? Glo. His breeding, sir, hath been at my charge: I have so often blushed to acknowledge him, that now I am brazed to it. An Officer, employed by Edmund. Servants to Cornwall. Goneril, } daughters to Lear. Knights attending on the King, Officers, Messen gers, Soldiers, and Attendants. Scene, Britain. Enter Lear, Cornwall, Albany, Goneril, Regan, Lear. Attend the lords of France and Burgundy, Kent. I cannot conceive you. Burgundy, Glo. Sir, this young fellow's mother could : whereupon she grew round-wombed; and had, in- Great rivals in our youngest daughter's love, deed, sir, a son for her cradle, ere she had a hus-Long in our court have made their amorous soband for her bed. Do you smell a fault? journ, Kent. I cannot wish the fault undone, the issue And here are to be answer'd.-Tell me, my daugh of it being so proper.3 ters, Glo. But I have, sir, a son by order of law, some (Since now we will divest us, both of rule, year elder than this, who yet is no dearer in my ac- Interest of territory, cares of state,) count: though this knave came somewhat saucily Which of you, shall we say, doth love us most? into the world before he was sent for, yet was his That we our largest bounty may extend mother fair; there was good sport at his making, Where merit doth most challenge it.-Goneril, Glo. My lord of Kent: remember him hereafter Dearer than eye-sight, space and liberty; and the whoreson must be acknowledged.--Do you know this noble gentleman, Edmund? Our eldest-born, speak first. Sir, I Edm. No, my lord. Do love you more than words can wield the matter, as my honourable friend. Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; Edm. My services to your lordship. No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour: A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable; Kent. I must love you, and sue to know you As much as child e'er lov'd, or father found. better. Cor. What shall Cordelia do? Love, and be si- (4) More secret. (5) Determined resolution. |