1 Come, lead me to the block, bear him my head; They smile at me, who shortly shall be dead. SCENE V.-The same. [Exeunt. The Tower walls. Enter Gloster and Buckingham, in rusty armour, marvellous ill-favoured. Glo. Come, cousin, canst thou quake, and change thy colour? Murder thy breath in middle of a word,- But what, is Catesby gone? Glo. Go after, after, cousin Buckingham, Glo. He is; and, see, he brings the mayor along. The mayor towards Guildhall hies him in all post : Lovel. Lov. Here is the head of that ignoble traitor, The dangerous and unsuspected Hastings. Buck. Well, well, he was the covert'st shelter'd traitor That ever liv'd.-Look you, my lord mayor, Or that we would, against the form of law, The peace of England, and our persons' safety, May. Now, fair befall you! he deserv'd his death; Buck. Yet had we not determin'd He should die, Until your lordship came to see his end; Which now the loving haste of these our friends, Somewhat against our meaning, hath prevented: There, at your meetest vantage of the time, wives, Even where his raging eye, or savage heart, Buck. Doubt not, my lord; I'll play the orator, As if the golden fee, for which I plead, Were for myself: and so, my lord, adieu. Glo. If you thrive well, bring them to Baynard's castle; Where you shall find me well accompanied, [Exit Buckingham. Glo. Go, Lovel, with all speed to doctor Shaw,Go thou [to Cate.] to friar Penker;-bid them both Meet me, within this hour, at Baynard's castle. [Exeunt Lovel and Catesby. Now will I in, to take some privy order SCENE VI.-A street. Enter a Scrivener. Scriv. Here is the indictment of the good lord Hastings; Which in a set hand fairly is engross'd, Here's a good world the while!-Who is so gross, [Exit. SCENE VII. -The same. Court of Baynard's castle. Enter Gloster and Buckingham, meeting. Glo. How now? how now? what say the citizens? Buck. Now by the holy mother of our Lord, The citizens are mum, say not a word. Glo. Touch'd you the bastardy of Edward's children? Buck. I did; with his contract with lady Lucy, Both in your form and nobleness of mind: I bade them, that did love their country's good, Glo. And did they so? Cate. He doth entreat your grace, my noble lord, To visit him to-morrow, or next day: He is within, with two right reverend fathers, Divinely bent to meditation; And in no worldly suit would he be mov'd, To draw him from his holy exercise. Buck. Return, good Catesby, to the gracious duke; Tell him, myself, the mayor and aldermen, In deep designs, in matter of great moment, No less importing than our general good, Are come to have some conference with his grace. Cate. I'll signify so much unto him straight. [Exit. Buck. Ah, ha, my lord, this prince is not an Edward! Buck. No, so God help me, they spake not a word; But, like dumb statues, or breathless stones, Star'd on each other, and look'd deadly pale. Which when I saw, I reprehended them; Such troops of citizens to come to him, His answer was, the people were not us'd To be spoke to but by the recorder. And ask'd the mayor, what meant this wilful silence: Suspect me, that I mean no good to him: By heaven, we come to him in perfect love; And so once more return and tell his grace. Then he was urg'd to tell my tale again: [Exit Catesby. When holy and devout religious men Are at their beads, 'tis hard to draw them thence; So sweet is zealous contemplation. they not speak? Glo. What tongueless blocks were they; would Will not the mayor then, and his brethren, come? Buck. The mayor is here at hand; intend some fear; Be not you spoke with, but by mighty suit: As I can say nay to thee for myself, knocks; [Exit Gloster. Enter the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens. Welcome, my lord; I dance attendance here; I think, the duke will not be spoke withal.Enter, from the castle, Catesby. Now, Catesby! what says your lord to my request? (1) Pretend. (2) A couch. (3) Fatten. Enter Gloster, in a gallery above, between two Bishops. Catesby returns. May. See, where his grace stands 'tween two clergymen! Buck. Two props of virtue for a Christian prince, To stay him from the fall of vanity: And, see, a book of prayer in his hand; True ornaments to know a holy man.- Of thy devotion, and right Christian zeal. I rather do beseech you pardon me, Who, earnest in the service of my God, Buck. Even that, I hope, which pleaseth God above, And all good men of this ungovern'd isle. Glo. I do suspect, I have done some offence, That seems disgracious in the city's eye; And that you come to reprehend my ignorance. Buck. You have, my lord; Would it might please The supreme seat, the throne majestical, Whilst, in the mildness of your sleepy thoughts Your love deserves my thanks; but my desert But the respects thereof are nices and trivial, (1) Thrust into. (2) Recover. (3) Empire. I am unfit for state and majesty :- 6 Buck. If you refuse it, -as in love and zeal, [Exeunt Buckingham and Citizens. Cate. Call them again, sweet prince, accept their suit; If you deny them, all the land will rue it. Glo. Will you enforce me to a world of cares? Well, call them again; I am not made of stone, But penetrable to your kind entreaties, [Ex. Cate. Albeit against my conscience and my soul. Re-enter Buckingham, and the rest. May. God bless your grace! we see it, and will say it. Glo. In saying so, you shall but say the truth. Buck. Then I salute you with this royal title,Long live king Richard, England's worthy king! All. Amen. Buck. To-morrow may it please you to be crown'd? God give your graces both A happy and a joyful time of day! Q. Eliz. As much to you, good sister? Whither away? Anne. No further than the Tower; and, as I guess, Upon the like devotion as yourselves, To gratulate the gentle princes there. Anne. And I with all unwillingness will go. O, would to God, that the inclusive verge Of golden metal, that must round my brow, Were red-hot steel, to sear3 me to the brain! Anointed let me be with deadly venom; And die, ere men can say-God save the queen! Q. Eliz. Go, go, poor soul, I envy not thy glory; To feed my humour, wish thyself no harm. Anne. No! why?-When he, that is my husband now, Came to me, as I follow'd Henry's corse; Q. Eliz. Kind sister, thanks; we'll enter all When scarce the blood was well wash'd from his together: Enter Stanley. Stan. Let me but meet you, ladies, one hour hence, And I'll salute your grace of York as mother, Anne. Despiteful tidings! O unpleasing news! Dor. Be of good cheer:-Mother, how fares your grace? Q. Eliz. O Dorset, speak not to me, get thee gone, Death and destruction dog thee at the heels; Thy mother's name is ominous to children: If thou wilt outstrip death, go cross the seas, And live with Richmond, from the reach of hell. Go, hie thee, hie thee, from this slaughter-house, Lest thou increase the number of the dead; And make me die the thrall of Margaret's curse,Nor mother, wife, nor England's counted queen. Stan. Full of wise care is this your counsel, Take all the swift advantage of the hours; madam: (1) A serpent supposed to originate from a cock's egg. hands, Which issu'd from my other angel husband, And that dead saint which then I weeping follow'd; More miserable by the life of thee, Than thou hast made me by my dear lord's death! Did I enjoy the golden dew of sleep, Q. Eliz. Poor heart, adieu: I pity thy com Duch. Go thou to Richmond, and good fortune guide thee![To Dorset. Go thou to Richard, and good angels tend thee![To Anne. Go thou to sanctuary, and good thoughts possess [To Q. Elizabeth. I to my grave, where peace and rest lie with me! Eighty odd years of sorrow have I seen, And each hour's joy wreck'd with a week of teen. thee! Q. Eliz. Stay yet; look back, with me, unto the Pity, you ancient stones, those tender babes, So foolish sorrow bids your stones farewell. [Exe. SCENE II.-A room of state in the palace. Flourish of trumpets. Richard, as king upon his throne; Buckingham, Catesby, a Page, and others. K. Rich. Stand all apart.-Cousin of Buckingham, (2) The crown. (3) Burn. (4) Sorrow. Scene II. KING RICHARD III. Look, how thou dream'st!-I say again, give out, advice, And thy assistance, is king Richard seated :- Or shall they last, and we rejoice in them? Buck. Still live they, and for ever let them last! touch, To try if thou be current gold, indeed :- speak. Buck. Say on, my loving lord. About it; for it stands me much upon,5 I must be married to my brother's daughter, Re-enter Page, with Tyrrel. K. Rich. Why, Buckingham, I say, I would be Is thy name-Tyrrel? king. Buck. Why, so you are, my thrice-renowned liege. K. Rich. Ha! am I king? 'Tis so: but Edward lives. Buck. True, noble prince. K. Rich. O bitter consequence, Buck. Your grace may do your pleasure. freezes: Say, have I thy consent, that they shall die? Before I positively speak in this: K. Rich. I will converse with iron-witted fools, And unrespective boys: none are for me, K. Rich. Know'st thou not any, whom corrupt Tyr. James Tyrrel, and your most obedient K. Rich. Art thou, indeed? subject. Tyr. Prove me, my gracious lord. K. Rich. Dar'st thou resolve to kill a friend of mine? Tyr. Please you; but I had rather kill two ene K. Rich. Why, then thou hast it; two deep ene Foes to my rest, and my sweet sleep's disturbers, K. Rich. Thou sing'st sweet music. Hark, come Go, by this token: -Rise, and lend thine ear: [Whispers. There is no more but so:-Say, it is done, Re-enter Buckingham. [Exit. Buck. My lord, I have consider'd in my mind The late demand that you did sound me in. K. Rich. Well, let that rest. Dorset is fled to Richmond. Buck. I hear the news, my lord. K. Rich. Stanley, he is your wife's son: -Well, look to it. promise, Page. I know a discontented gentleman, Buck. My lord, I claim the gift, my due by Whose humble means match not his haughty mind: For which your honour and your faith is pawn'd; Gold were as good as twenty orators, And will, no doubt, tempt him to any thing. K. Rich. What is his name? Page. His name, my lord, is-Tyrrel. K. Rich. I partly know the man; Go, call him [Exit Page. hither, boy. The deep-revolving, witty Buckingham Enter Stanley. How now, lord Stanley? what's the news? The earldom of Hereford, and the moveables, K. Rich. Stanley, look to your wife; if she convey Buck. What says your highness to my just re quest? K. Rich. I do remember me,-Henry the Sixth K. Rich. How chance, the prophet could not at that time, Know, my loving lord, Have told me, I being by, that I should kill him? The marquis Dorset, as I hear, is fled To Richmond, in the parts where he abides. K. Rich. Come hither, Catesby: rumour it abroad, That Anne, my wife, is very grievous sick; I will take order for her keeping close. Inquire me out some mean-born gentleman, Buck. My lord, your promise for the earldom,K. Rich. Richmond! - When last I was at Exeter, The mayor in courtesy show'd me the castle, And call'd it-Rouge-mont: at which name, I started; Because a bard of Ireland told me once, Whom I will marry straight to Clarence' daugh- I should not live long after I saw Richmond. Ay, what's o'clock? (1) Touchstone. (2) Inconsiderate. (3) Secret act. (4) Cunning. (5) It is of the utmost consequence to my designs. (6) Act. (7) Foolish. |