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grants are clearly under, or subject to, the terms of the act of July 1, 1862, with the date of the completion of each road, as appears from the records of the department: Union Pacific Railroad, completed July 15, 1869.

Kansas Pacific Railway, completed October 19, 1872.
Denver Pacific Railway, completed May 2, 1872.

Sioux City and Pacific Railroad, completed March 2, 1869.

Central Pacific Railroad, completed July 15, 1869.

Western Pacific Railroad, completed January 21, 1870.

Question as to the completion of the Central Branch, Union Pacific Railroad, has been submitted to the Secretary of the Interior by the company, and is now under consideration. Applications involving that company's lands, therefore, will not be considered by you until further instructed.

Should application be made to file for lands within the limits of grants other than those named above, with allegation that such lands are subject to the same or a like condition as imposed by the act of July 1, 1862, you will transmit the application to this office for instructions.

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Military bounty-land warrants and scrip.

The locations made with land warrants granted as bounties for military services under the respective acts of Congress of February 11, 1847, September 28, 1850, March 22, 1852, and March 3, 1855, during the last fiscal year, amount to 84,720 acres, which is less by 12,480 acres than the amount reported for the preceding fiscal year.

No warrants issued under the act of July 27, 1842, which was a continuation of the law of May 6, 1812, appear to have been returned as located, nor have any locations been made with the warrants issued under the special act of Congress approved April 11, 1860, and known as "Porterfield warrants," during the fiscal year.

Tabular statement No. 6, which accompanies this report, will be found to give a full and detailed exposition of the issues and locations of all the warrants granted under the four acts first above named.

This exhibit shows that 550,914 warrants of various amounts, aggregating 60,986,070 acres, have been issued; that 527,811 warrants, calling for 58,357,090 acres, have been located, and that 23,103 warrants, requir ing for their satisfaction 2,628,980 acres of the public lands, are still unlocated.

There are now outstanding and unsatisfied warrants issued under the act of 27th July, 1842, representing 20,480 acres; and under the special warrants act of April 11, 1860, 2,400 acres.

Under the provisions of section 461 United States Revised Statutes, 219 exemplifications of patents, warrants, and papers on file have been made, upon payment of authorized fees therefor, and transmitted to parties in interest, during the fiscal year, while in the same period certificates of approval of the assignments of 371 military bounty-land warrants have been made and recorded, and 564 located warrants have been examined as to the validity and regularity of the titles thereto, and submitted for patent. Many cases have been suspended for want of proper evidence of title.

It was stated in my last annual report that a large number of located warrants were then on the suspended files of the office and withheld from patent on account of various specified defects. I have now to state that special attention has been given to this class of cases, with the con

fident expectation that thereby the difficulties in the way of an early settlement of these claims may be removed, and the same duly patented. Under the 9th section of the act of Congress approved February 11, 1847, there were granted to certain soldiers in the war with Mexico bountyland warrants for 160 and 40 acres, according to the term of enlistment. These warrants were issued under directions from the Pension Bureau, then in the War Department, and were "to be deposited in the General Land Office, at the seat of government." They were mailed to the address of the owners, as shown by the papers, and such as were not delivered found their way back to the office in dead letters. The following is a correct list of these warrants, with the number, and name of warrantee, with place of residence found thereon, and they will be delivered upon satisfactory proof of ownership from the party or parties entitled thereto :

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Richmond, Mo.

Vicksburg, Miss.

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jacksonville, Ohio.

Augusta, Ga.

Mineral Point, Wis.

Camden, Ala.
Lexington, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Mobile, Ala.
Saint Louis, Mo.
New Orleans, La.
Chicago, Ill.
Indianapolis, Ind.
New Albany, Ind.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Palmyra, Mo.

San Antonio, Tex.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Circleville, Ohio.
Dayton, Ohio.
Holly Springs, Miss.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Tallabindi, Miss.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Saint Joseph, Mo.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Warsaw, Mo.
New York, N. Y.
Jefferson City, Mo.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Marion, Ala.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Covington, Ky.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Iouisville, Ky.

Chicago, Ill.

Care N. S. Lawrence, present.
San Francisco, Cal.
Pensacola, Fla.
Plattsburgh, Mo.
Saint Louis, Mo.
Santa Fé, N. Mex.
Santa Fé, N. Mex.
Madison, Ind.
Stockton, Cal.
Troy, Ohio.

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Agricultural-college scrip.-The number of certificates of this class of scrip, the titles to which have been examined and found regular and correct, and the same put in course of patenting during the fiscal year, is 130, requiring for the satisfaction thereof 20,800 acres, and 640 acres have been located with such certificates during the same period.

Only one duplicate piece of scrip has been issued in virtue of the act of Congress of June 20, 1874, entitled "An act to authorize the issue of duplicate agricultural land scrip, where the original has been lost or destroyed during the year."

Revolutionary bounty-land scrip.-Military land warrants issued by the commonwealth of Virginia for the service of the officers, soldiers, seamen, &c., of her continental and State lines and navy in the war of the Revolution have been satisfied during the fiscal year, in accordance with the provisions of the acts of Congress of August 31, 1852, and June 22, 1860, to the extent of 6,696 acres, embraced in 92 certificates, and duly recorded.

During the year, five claims have been filed, founded upon said warrants, and calling for 5,800 acres, which, with those heretofore presented and now pending, represent 314 cases, and require for their satisfaction 99,612, acres

The amount of this class of scrip received in payment of the public lands, at the rate of $1.25 per acre for each acre surrendered, during the year, is 10,341 acres.

Virginia military district, Ohio.-In the annual report of this office for the year ending June 30, 1877, I took occasion to make a full and explicit statement, to which I respectfully refer, of the objections then filed and pending against the satisfaction, by the issue of patents, of the surveys made in said district and entered therein, with Virginia military bounty-land warrants.

From a careful examination of all the matters involved, the conclusion was arrived at that no action could justly be had looking to the satisfaction of this class of claims until the matters in controversy affecting the said lands between the "Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College"

on the one hand and the locators or their assignees on the other part were definitely settled and determined, either by competent judicial decision or by a legislative interpretation of the true intent and meaning of the act of Congress of February 18, 1871, which ceded to the State of Ohio, upon certain specified conditions, all the unsurveyed and unsold lands in the military district in question, to all the rights of which cession the said college succeeded in virtue of authority granted by the legislature of the said State of Ohio.

The necessary legislation to remove the difficulties in the way of a final settlement of these claims was proposed at the late session of Congress (bill H. R. 4355), and is now pending therein.

If the proposed legislation is adopted and made law, there will be no objection in the way of carrying the surveys in question into patent, and all entries of land in said district properly made can be surveyed and patented.

Patents for 536 acres of land in the said Virginia military district, Ohio, have been issued, and the number of pending claims therefor is 61, calling for 8,815 acres, all of which have been suspended in consequence of the controversy above referred to, or on account either of caveats filed against the satisfaction thereof or defects in the chain of title or heirship.

Appended is a statement of the total number of acres located with military bounty-land warrants issued under the acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, in the several land States and Territories, for the year ending June 30, 1878:

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The division of this office which had charge of business relating to military bounty-land warrants and similar matters, reports the following synopsis of the work of the division for the year ending June 30, 1878:

Letters received....


Letters written...


Number of pages for record of same.

2, 197

Number of warrants examined and transmitted to recorder for patent.
Number of agricultural-college scrip certificates examined and passed as above.
Number of certificates of revolutionary bounty-land scrip issued and recorded
under acts of August 31, 1852, and June 22, 1860




Amount of acres called for thereby...


Number of warrants the assignments of which have been approved


Number of certificates of revolutionary bounty-land scrip authorized to be transferred by attorneys


Number of certified copies of records, &c., made under section 461, United States
Revised Statutes


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Mineral lands are disposed of pursuant to the special provisions contained in sections from 2318 to 2346, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of the United States and other laws. During the fiscal year ending

June 30, 1878, mineral entries were made to the extent and at the district land offices indicated below, viz:

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The following mining claims were approved and patented during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878:

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