PISTOL, NYM, BARDOLPH. MRS. QUICKLY, a Hostess. Lords, Ladies, Officers, French and English Soldiers, Messengers, and Attendants. The SCENE in England, and in France. ACT I. SCENE I. London. An Ante-chamber in the King's Palace. Enter the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, and Bishop of ELY. Which in th' eleventh year of the last king's reign But that the scambling and unquiet time Ely. But how, my lord, shall we resist it now? Cant. It must be thought on. If it pass against us, We lose the better half of our possession; And to the coffers of the king beside, A thousand pounds by the year. Thus runs the bill. Ely. This would drink deep. Ely. But what prevention? 'T would drink the cup and all. Cant. The king is full of grace, and fair regard. Ely. And a true lover of the holy church. Cant. The courses of his youth promis'd it not. The breath no sooner left his father's body, With such a heady current scouring faults; As in this king. Ely. We are blessed in the change. Cant. Hear him but reason in divinity, And, all-admiring, with an inward wish Which is a wonder, how his grace should glean it, His companies unletter'd, rude, and shallow; Any retirement, and sequestration From open haunts and popularity. Ely. The strawberry grows underneath the nettle, And wholesome berries thrive and ripen best, Neighbour'd by fruit of baser quality: And so the prince obscur'd his contemplation Cant. It must be so; for miracles are ceas'd, Ely. But, my good lord, How now for mitigation of this bill Incline to it, or no? Cant. He seems indifferent, Or, rather, swaying more upon our part, Than cherishing th' exhibiters against us; Ely. How did this offer seem receiv'd, my lord? Save, that there was not time enough to hear Ely. What was th' impediment that broke this off? Crav'd audience; and the hour, I think, is come, Ely. It is. Cant. Then go we in, to know his embassy, Which I could with a ready guess declare, Before the Frenchman speak a word of it. Ely. I'll wait upon you, and I long to hear it. [Exeunt. SCENE II. The Same. A Room of State in the Same. Enter King HENRY, GLOSTFR, BEDFORD, EXETER, WARWICK, WESTMORELAND, and Attendants. К. Неп. Where is my gracious lord of Canterbury? Exe. Not here in presence. К. Неп. Send for him, good uncle. West. Shall we call in th' ambassador, my liege? Before we hear him, of some things of weight, |