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[blocks in formation]

A. No; I think there was brick work and tile work in under it; I won't say for certain that; I won't swear to it; but I don't think

Q. But for 6 or 7 or 8 feet there wasn't anything?
A.No, sir.

[blocks in formation]

Q. You don't remember which. You say this opening was intended for a door but you don't know whether the frame was a window or door frame?

A. They were intending to make it into a door frame.

Q. That was put in there as the frame of the door?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And that was there at the time you came along?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And that was how wide?

A. The frame itself?

Q. Yes.



Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, cross.

A. 8 inches wide at the top.


8 inches?

A. Yes; at the top.

Q. What part of the opening was that in? Was

that opposite the tile or opposite the brick?


Opposite the tile on the inside of the wall.

Q. On the inside of the wall?

[blocks in formation]

Q. This first story was laid up-the whole height of the story-the whole area of the building at that time?

A. It was laid up the same level all the way around.

Q. The masons were working around laying un the wall?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. And you carpenters were following the masons and laying the joists?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. When they got up to the level of the first floor? A. Yes, sir.

Q. And at this particular place these joists were laid, one end upon the outside wall and the other end upon a 4 inch wall?

[blocks in formation]

Q. And as you came along you laid these boards or joists-you say they were handed up to you?

A. They were handed up and we carried them back and laid them.

Q. And you laid them down flat?




[blocks in formation]

Q. To prevent them from tipping over. These

boards which formed the joists were 2 by 12?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. That is, they were 12 inches wide?

A. Yes.

Q. And you were setting them up at intervals of 12 inches?

A. Yes.

Q. So that if you laid those joists down from wall to wall, they would just take up the space, the whole space, wouldn't they?

A. Yes.

Q. And that is the way you were laying them? A. We didn't have them all laid; only what we needed at a time.

Q. You brought them in and laid them down so that they practically made a floor?

A. They were framed to a point and only one point at each end touched the wall, so that if we touched them, they would flop.

Q. You didn't use them as a walk?

A. No; we didn't dare to.

Q. How much were they bevelled?

A. 4 inches at each end.

Q. You laid them, I understood you to say on your direct examination, 5 or 6 inches over on the wall?

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Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, cross.

Yes. From 5 to 6 inches; that is, on the tile.

Q. They were bevelled 4 inches?

A. On the tile; and on the center wall only about 2 inches; so it gives you more room on the tile.

Q. How much were they bevelled on the other end?

A. They were bevelled the same; 4 inches on the end.


Which end did you bevel them on?

A. From the top to the bottom corner, so that the bevel made a regular V where the joists came together; made a regular V when they came together.

Q. I don't quite understand that.

The Court: Mark it on that.

The Witness marked on a piece of paper.

By Mr. Cheney:

Q. You cut them that way so that you can go on up with the wall?

A. Yes.

Q. When you got them laid up on edge over that wall, then you put a piece across the end of them and nailed them down?

[blocks in formation]

Q. When you came to that opening, as Mr. Woods said, you couldn't lay those joists on the wall because there wasn't any wall?

A. No.




Joseph Bidwell, for plaintiff, cross.

Q. So you put a piece across to lay the ends of

the joists in?

A. Yes, sir.



And that is what you call your header?


Q. That header was composed of two pieces, 12

[blocks in formation]

Q. And that you laid across from one joist to another across the opening?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. That header was about 4 feet long, you think? A. About that; I won't say just to the exact measure, but about that.

Q. You spaced the joists over the opening just the same as you spaced them everywhere else? 12 inches?

A. Yes.

Q. And if you put three joists in, that would make four 12 inch spaces?

[blocks in formation]

Q. The opening was how wide?

A. The opening was 40 inches of the window; that is, inside of the window frame.

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