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they are but few, and that they will be found under those rules only, which, from the nature of them, could not have been otherwise clearly exemplified to young persons. The examples applicable to the principal notes and observations, are carefully ar ranged under the respective rules of Syntax; and regularly numbered to make them correspond to the subordinate rules in the Grammar.

As many of the examples contain several errors in the same sentence, and some of them admit of various constructions in amending them, it has been thought proper to publish a KEY for ascertaining all the corrections; and this has been the more expedient from the work's being designed for the benefit of private learners, as well as for the use of schools. The Key to the part of Orthography might have been omitted, had not some of the sentences contained so many words erroneously spelled, as to render it probable that several of them would, in that case, have been inadvertently passed over: especially by persons who may not have the advantage of a tutor. In forming the Key, it appeared to be more eligible, to repeat the sentences at large, with their corrections, than simply to exhibit the amendments by themselves. In the mode adopted, the work has a more regular and uniform appearance; the correspondent parts may be more readily compared; and the propriety of the corrections will be more apparent and striking.

In a work which consists entirely of examples, and with which the learners will, consequently, be much occupied and impressed, the Compiler would have deemed himself culpable, had he exhibited such sentences as contained ideas inapplicable to young minds, or which were of a trivial or injurious nature. He has, therefore, been solicitous to avoid all exceptionable matter; and to improve his work, by blending moral and useful observations with

Grammatical studies. Even sentiments of a pious and religious nature, have not been thought improper to be occasionally inserted in these Exercises. The understanding and sensibility of young persons, are much underrated by those who think them incapable of comprehending and relishing this kind of instruction. The sense and love of goodness are early and deeply implanted in the human mind; and often, by their infant cnergies, surprise the intelligent observer:-why, then, should not these emotions find their proper support and incentives, among the elements of learning? Congenial sentiments, thus disposed, besides making permanent impressions, may serve to cherish and expand those generous principles; or, at least, to prepare them for regular operation, at a future period. The importance of exhibiting to the youthful mind, the deformities of vice; and of giving it just and animating views of piety and virtue, make it not only warrantable, but our duty also, to embrace every proper occasion to promote, in any degree, these valuable ends.

IN presenting the learner with so great a number of examples, it was difficult to preserve them from too much uniformity. The Compiler has, however, been studious to give them an arrangement and diversity, as agreeable as the nature of the subject: would admit; and to render them interesting, as well as intelligible and instructive, to young persons.

Holdgate, near York, 1797.



THE Author of this volume of Exercises, perceiving that it has been well received by the public, and that the demand for it still continues to increase, has felt it incumbent upon him to give the seventh edition every improvement in his power, without enhancing the price of the book.

Besides expunging some obscure and uninteresting sentences; inserting a number of examples adapted to the latest improvements in the grammar; and adding to the Syntax many useful exercises; he has subjoined to the part designed to promote perspicuous and accurate writing, a whole chapter (twelve pages) of promiscuous exercises, peculiarly adapted to this subject. As every other general division of the book was provided with a chapter of this nature, it is presumed that teachers and private students will approve of an addition so necessary to complete the plan of the work. It is calculated, at once, to confirm the learner in perspicuous and accurate writing, and to improve his taste for elegant composition.

In all the additional exercises to this part of the book, the author has been careful to exhibit no inaccuracies but such as are frequently found in respectable writings. The display of vulgar and glaring errors, which no persons of education ever commit, would not be proper for a work of this nature, and could not fail to produce disapprobation and disgust.

The improvements made in the eighth edition, confift, chiefly, of "General Directions for ufing the Exercifes," and of a new, enlarged fyftem of Exercises in Parfing.


ONE of the chief improvements, made in the tenth edition of this work, consists in the adaptation of it, throughout, to an objective case of nouns. This case was adopted in the twelfth edition of the Grammar; and it is therefore indispensable, that the Exercises should conform to the alteration.*

As there are some teachers, who doubt the propriety of presenting exercises of bad English to youth of the junior classes, it seems proper in this place, to make a few observations on the subject.

The author is persuaded, that exercises of this nature cannot be too soon engaged in, by the student of grammar. Simple rules, and examples of rectitude, make light impression, compared with the effect of contrast, in which errors and corrections are opposed to each other. A child generally sees and hears so many instances of erroneous construction, that, unless he is early taught to distinguish and correct them, his imitative powers will be more influenced by error than by rectitude. Besides, children, in detecting and amending errors, feel their own powers; and however small the exercise may be, it is a most pleasing and animating incentive to application and study. What they learn in this way, will not only gratify them: it will also improve their judgment and sagacity, and be long and accurately remembered.

On these grounds, it is evident, that the practice of correcting errors, should be introduced into the early stages of grammatical studies. Instead of exposing children to "the danger of evil communication," as some ingenious persons have supposed, it seems to be the best means of teaching them, first, to discover the irregularities, and then, to avoid the contagion, of bad examples.

*Sec the reasons in favour of an Objective Case for English nouns, at pages 54, 55, 56, of the Twelfth, or any subsequent edition of the Gram




THE reader will perceive, that a number of Notes and Critical Discussions has been inserted in appropriate parts of the Exercises and the Key. This was occasioned by the Grammar's having been set up, and not admitting of enlargement without an advance of its price. The author has, however, taken care to make proper references, under the correspondent rules in the Grammar, to all those additional notes and discussions. To this mode of supplying improvements, the reader will have the less objection, when he considers, that the Exercises and the Key are necessary appendages to the Grammar; and serve to illustrate and enforce, as well as to extend, its rules and positions. The three volumes are indeed intimately connected; and constitute one uniform system of English Grammar.

To the Tenth edition of the Key, the Author has added an Apologetical Preface, accounting for the additions and variations, which are to be found in the different editions of his grammatical works. He has also annexed to that edition of the Key, a copious Alphabetical Index to the Grammar, the Exercises, and the Key: a work which he flatters himself will be generally useful; and particularly acceptable to students who have made some progress in the knowledge of gramınar.

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