Vertical Gardening: Grow Up, Not Out, for More Vegetables and Flowers in Much Less SpaceThe biggest mistake gardeners make each season is starting out too big and then quickly realizing their large plot requires too much weeding, watering, and backbreaking labor. Vertical gardening guarantees a better outcome from the day the trowel hits the soil—by shrinking the amount of "floor" space needed and focusing on climbing plants that are less prone to insects, diseases, and animal pests. Notable author and gardener Derek Fell has tried and tested thousands of varieties of vegetables, flowers, and fruits and recommends the best plants for space-saving vertical gardening. His grow-up, grow-down system also shows which ground-level plants make good companions underneath and alongside climbing plants. Best of all, many of Fell's greatest climbers and mutually beneficial plants are available in seed packets in every local garden center. With a mix of DIY and commercially available string supports, trellises, pergolas, raised beds, skyscraper gardens, and topsy-turvy planters, the vertical garden system reduces work, increases yields, makes harvesting easier, and can be practiced in spaces as small as a container or a one-by-four-foot strip. Vertical Gardening features 100 color photos of the author's own vertical methods and showcases beautiful, troublefree perennials, shrubs, vegetables, annuals, and fruit perfect for this new, rewarding way to garden. |
1 | |
choosing a Site and Preparing the Soil | 19 |
arbors arches Pergolas and trellises | 27 |
Planters and Supports | 37 |
containers and hanging Planters | 61 |
composting | 71 |
Seed Starting and Propagating | 83 |
controlling Pests and diseases | 103 |
Vegetables for Vertical Gardens | 133 |
fruits for Vertical Gardens | 237 |
ornamental annual Vines | 261 |
ornamental Perennial and Woody Vines | 285 |
designing with ornamental Vines | 343 |
SourceS | 356 |
about the author | 358 |
359 | |
Other editions - View all
Vertical Gardening: Grow Up, Not Out, for More Vegetables and Flowers in ... Derek Fell Limited preview - 2011 |
Vertical Gardening: Grow Up, Not Out, for More Vegetables and Flowers in ... Derek Fell No preview available - 2011 |
Vertical Gardening: Grow Up, Not Out, for More Vegetables and Flowers in ... Derek Fell No preview available - 2011 |
Common terms and phrases
15 feet Supports annual Propagation aphids arbors arches bamboo canes blooms Boston ivy cascade Cedaridge Farm chain-link fences CHARACTERISTICS Botanical Name clematis climbing roses color compost create creeper cucumber cuttings danger has passed direct-sown seed drainage espalier flavor flowers foliage foundation plants frost danger fruit full sun garden centers garden netting grapes green grown hardiness zone hardy harvest Height hybrid inches insects Japanese beetles KEY CHARACTERISTICS Botanical KEY CHARACTERISTICS Origins leaves lima beans mealybugs morning glories mulch nasturtiums Native ORNAMENTAL PERENNIAL outdoor planting passion vine PERENNIAL AND WOODY pergolas Pests Pests and Diseases planters plastic plastic mulch pods pole beans potting soil powdery mildew produce pruning roots scale insects season seedlings space spider mites squash stems strawberries summer sweet peas Tall trellises tender tomatoes tower pots transplants trees trellis varieties VEGETABLES FOR VERTICAL VERTICAL GARDENING wall weeks before outdoor wire wisteria WOODY VINES yellow Zealand kiwi