Stan. Why, madam, that is to the Isle of Man; There to be us'd according to your state. Duch. That's bad enough, for I am but reproach: And shall I then be us'd reproachfully? Stan. Like to a duchess and duke Humphrey's lady, According to that state you shall be us'd. Duch. Sheriff, farewell, and better than I fare; Although thou hast been conduct of my shame! Sher. It is my office; and, madam, pardon me. Duch. Ay, ay, farewell; thy office is discharg'd.Come, Stanley, shall we go? Stan. Madam, your penance done, throw off this sheet, And go we to attire you for our journey. Duch. My shame will not be shifted with my sheet: No, it will hang upon my richest robes, Go, lead the way; I long to see my prison. [Exeunt. SCENE I. The ABBEY at BURY. Enter to the Parliament, KING HENRY, QUEEN MARGARET, CARDINAL BEAUFORT, SUFFOLK, YORK, BUCKINGHAM, and others. K. Hen. I muse, my lord of Gloster is not come : 'Tis not his wont to be the hindmost man, Whate'er occasion keeps him from us now. Q. Mar. Can you not see? or will you not observe How proud, perémptory, and unlike himself? He knits his brow, and shows an angry eye, Small curs are not regarded when they grin: Suff. Well hath your highness seen into this duke; And, had I first been put to speak my mind, I think, 1-should have told your grace's tale. The duchess, by his subordination, Upon my life, began her devilish practices: Or if he were not privy to those faults, Yet, by reputing of his high descent (As next the king he was successive heir), And such high vaunts of his nobility, Did instigate the bedlam brainsick duchess, By wicked means to frame our sovereign's fall. Smooth runs the water, where the brook is deep; And in his simple show he harbours treason. The fox barks not, when he would steal the lamb. Car. Did he not, contrary to form of law, York. And did he not, in his protectorship, Levy great sums of money through the realm, For soldiers' pay in France, and never sent it? By means whereof, the towns each day revolted. Buck. Tut! these are petty faults to faults unknown, Which time will bring to light in smooth duke Humphrey. K. Hen. My lords, at once: The care you have of us, From meaning treason to our royal person, Q. Mar. Ah, what's more dangerous than this fond affiance? Seems he a dove? his feathers are but borrow'd, Enter SOMERSET. Som. All health unto my gracious sovereign! France? Som. That all your interest in those territories Is utterly bereft you; all is lost. K. Hen. Cold news, lord Somerset: But God's will be done! York. Cold news for me; for I had hopes of France, As firmly as I hope for fertile England. Thus are my blossoms blasted in the bud, Enter GLOSTER. Glo. All happiness unto my lord the king! [Aside. Pardon, my liege, that I have staid so long. Unless thou wert more loyal than thou art: Glo. Well, Suffolk, yet thou shalt not see me blush, York. 'Tis thought, my lord, that you took bribes of France, And, being protector, stay'd the soldiers' pay: Glo. Is it but thought so? What are they that think it ? I never robb'd the soldiers of their pay, Car. It serves you well, my lord, to say so much. Glo. Why, 'tis well known, that whiles I was protector, Pity was all the fault that was in me; |