Char. Presently we'll try:----Come, let's away about it : No prophet will I trust, if she prove false. [Emunt. SCENE III. LONDON. Hill before the Tower. Enter, at the Gates, the DUKE of GLOSTER, with his Serving-men in blue Coats. Glo. I am come to survey the Tower this day; Since Henry's death, I fear, there is conveyance.Where be these warders, that they wait not here? Open the gates; Gloster it is that calls. [Servants knock. 1 Ward. [Within] Who is there that knocks so im periously? 1 Serv. It is the noble duke of Gloster. [let in. 2 Ward. [Within] Whoe'er he be, you may not be 1 Serv. Answer you so the lord protector, villains? 1 Ward. [Within] The Lord protect him! so we We do no otherwise than we are will'd. [answer him: Glo. Who willed you? or whose will stands but mine? There's none protector of the realm, but I.Break up the gates, I'll be your warrantize: Shall I be flouted thus by dunghill grooms? Servants rush at the Tower Gates. Enter, to the Gates, WOODVILLE, the Lieutenant. Wood. [Within] What noise is this? what traitors have we here? Glo. Lieutenant, is it you whose voice I hear? Open the gates; here's Gloster, that would enter. Wood. [Within] Have patience, noble duke: I may The cardinal of Winchester forbids: From him I have express commandment, [not open; Glo. Faint-hearted Woodville, prizest him 'fore me? Arrogant Winchester? that haughty prelate, Whom Henry, our late sovereigu, ne'er could brook? Thou art no friend to God, or to the king: Open the gates, or I'll shut thee out shortly. 1 Serv. Open the gates unto the lord protector; Or we'll burst them open, if that you come not quickly. Enter WINCHESTER, attended by a Train of Servants in tawny Coats. Win. How now, ambitious Humphry? what means this? [out? Glo. Piel'd priest, dost thou command me to be shut Win. I do, thou most usurping proditor, And not protector of the king, or realm. Glo. Stand back, thou manifest conspirator; Win. Nay, stand thou back, I will not budge a foot; Glo. I will not slay thee, but I'll drive thee back: Thy scarlet robes, as a child's bearing-cloth, I'll use, to carry thee out of this place. Win. Do what thou dar'st; I beard thee to thy face. Glo. What? am I dar'd, and bearded to my face? Draw, men, for all this privileged place; I mean to tug it, and to cuff you soundly: Here a great tumult. In the midst of it, enter the Glo. Peace, mayor; thou know'st little of my wrongs: Here's Beaufort, that regards nor God nor king, Hath here distrain'd the Tower to his use. Win. Here's Gloster too, a foe to citizens; One that still motions war, and never peace, Glo. I will not answer thee with words, but blows. May. Nought rests for me, in this tumultuous strife, But to make open proclamation :Come, officer; as loud as e'er thou canst. Off. All manner of men, assembled here in arms this day, against God's peace and the king's, we charge and command you, in his highness' name, to repair to your several dwelling-places; and not to wear, handle, or use, any sword, weapon, or dagger, henceforward, upon pain of death. Glo. Cardinal, I'll be no breaker of the law : This cardinal is more haughty than the devil. For I intend to have it, ere long. I myself fight not once in forty year. [Exeunt. SCENE IV. FRANCE. Before ORLEANS. Enter, on the Walls, the Master-gunner and his Son. M. Gun. Sirrah, thou know'st how Orleans is besieg'd; And how the English have the suburbs won. Son. Father, I know; and oft have shot at them, Howe'er, unfortunate, I miss'd my aim. M. Gun. But now thou shalt not. Be thou rul'd by me : Chief master-gunner am I of this town; Something I must do, to procure me grace. The prince's espials have inform'd me, How the English, in their suburbs close intrench'd, In yonder tower to overpeer the city; And thence discover, how, with most advantage, A piece of ordnance 'gainst it I have plac'd; If thou spy'st any, run and bring me word; I'll never trouble you, if I may spy them. [Exit. Enter, in an upper Chamber of a Tower, the Lords Tal. The duke of Bedford had a prisoner, But, O! the treacherous Fastolfe wounds my heart! Sal. Yet tell'st thou not, how thou wert entertain'd. In open market-place produc'd they me, To hurl at the beholders of my shame. So great fear of my name 'mongst them was spread, bars of steel, And spurn in pieces posts of adamant: Sal. 1 grieve to hear what torments you endur'd; Where is best place to make our battery next. [Shot from the Town. Salisbury and Sir Thomas Sal. O Lord, have mercy on us, wretched sinners! Gar. O Lord, have mercy on me, woful man! Tal. What chance is this, that suddenly hath cross'd Speak, Salisbury; at least, if thou canst speak; [us?How far'st thou, mirror of all martial men? One of thy eyes, and thy cheek's side struck off!Accursed tower! accursed fatal hand, That hath contriv'd this woful tragedy! In thirteen battles Salisbury o'ercame; Henry the fifth he first train'd to the wars; Whilst any trump did sound, or drum struck up, His sword did ne'er leave striking in the field.Yet liv'st thou, Salisbury? though thy speech doth fail, One eye thou hast, to look to heaven for grace : The sun with one eye vieweth all the world. |