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by the Secretary, May 31, 1935. These circulars contain the general regulations issued during the year for the administration of grazing districts.

Under circular no. 1, the services of local persons familiar with the range problems will be secured by a special election of district advisors from among the local stockmen to serve until plans are completed which contemplate a regular annual election. By this means the practical local viewpoint will be available at all times in the administration of the law. These advisors will receive no regular salary but will be paid $5 a day for subsistence and necessary travel expenses. They will take the regular oath of office of a Federal official and will be the local governing agency as to all matters of a range regulatory nature concerning their particular district. The Interior Department will exercise necessary supervision and provide basic technical criteria for conservation of natural resources.

Circular no. 2 contains preliminary rules for allocating public range privileges and general rules governing the use of the land. This circular provides that until such time as land classification studies can be completed and the commensurate value of properties dependent upon the public range determined, only temporary revocable licenses will be issued. Furthermore, during this temporary period, established stockmen will be recognized upon the basis of their operations prior to the time the administration of the public range is inaugurated.

In the preparation of these regulations an effort has been made to take immediate steps for range regulation in a manner that would permit needed readjustments to be made gradually and on the basis of thorough investigations. Furthermore, some time must be allowed to permit all interested persons to file applications for grazing permits and for the examination and rating of such applications under the terms of the Taylor Act.


The enactment of the Taylor grazing law released the Interior Department from a ban on the use of Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees for range-improvement activities. This ban was placed by the Secretary because range improvement to facilitate grazing without regulation probably would increase the burden of overgrazing and the resultant waste of natural resources. In addition, therefore, to the organizing of grazing districts it has been necessary to inaugurate a program of range improvement.

The Division has been allotted the services of 60 camps with 12,000 enrollees for a comprehensive program of range work. The activities of these enrollees will be directed by persons competent to direct

such work projects as well drilling, construction of dams, trails, fences, etc., and other activities that may be needed in any locality. During the fiscal year these activities were largely limited to selecting camp sites, purchasing equipment, and developing work plans. A total of $905,392.43 was expended.

The 60 camp sites selected are distributed by States, as follows: Arizona, 8; California, 3; Colorado, 5; Idaho, 6; Nevada, 11; New Mexico, 8; Oregon, 6; Utah, 10; Wyoming, 3.

The plans for the foregoing camps contemplate some changes in locations where climatic conditions preclude work during winter months. In order to keep such changes at a minimum, especially because only 7 camps were available at the beginning of the present summer season, very little work is being performed in the northern public-domain areas. It is anticipated that during the 1936 season a large number of camps will be moved to these northern areas.


On March 21, 1935, Acting Secretary Walters approved an order to establish in the administration of the Taylor Grazing Act a technical organization qualified to determine the surface utility of areas subject to the provisions of this law by transferring to the new organization the former Agricultural Division of the Conservation Branch, Geological Survey. The functions and responsibility for the duties formerly vested in the Agricultural Division were also transferred to the Division of Grazing. The transferred functions are assigned to the agricultural section of the Division of Grazing. During the period April 1, 1935, to June 30, 1935, these functions were restricted largely to office phases necessary to appropriate action on applications for agricultural classification and for designations under the stock-raising and enlarged homestead laws. Action was completed on 469 cases; 282 new cases were received, resulting in a reduction of 105 pending cases during this period. Office activities not otherwise indicated comprised the designation of 160 acres in 1 State as subject to the enlarged homestead act, and to the inclusion of 1,640 acres in 7 States in public water reserves; the exclusion of 160 acres in 1 State from such reserves, and net increase of the gross public water-reserve areas in 7 States to 508,228 acres. Recommendations for designations of lands under the enlarged and stock-raising homestead acts and the Nevada groundwater act were substantially terminated by the Executive orders of November 26, 1934, and February 5, 1935, withdrawing public lands for classification. Such designations are now being made only where necessary for the purpose of permitting the adjudication of homestead entries having valid claims established prior to the withdrawal.

On June 30, 1935, the outstanding designated area under the enlarged homestead act included 268,467,745 acres; the stock-raising homestead act, 102,429,247 acres; and the Nevada ground-water act, 1,732,095 acres.

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1 Includes vacant, unreserved, unappropriated public land only; figures subject to revision. 'Establishment delayed pending adjustment of conflicts with other uses.

General summary of cases, record for fiscal year, 1934-35

600, 719 1,246, 181



June 22, 1935


Mar. 23, 1935

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1 Includes cases transferred from Geological Survey.

Includes all cases received in Geological Survey prior to Apr. 1, 1935.
Includes all cases acted on in Geological Survey prior to Apr. 1, 1935.

Public-water reserves

(Includes areas withdrawn under the act of June 25, 1910 (41 Stat. 1063), as amended by the act of Aug. 24, 1912 (37 Stat. 497), and reserved for public use of springs or water holes in accordance with the provisions of sec. 10 of the act of Dec. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 862), or for watershed protection, drainage reservoirs, or other similar miscellaneous public purposes involving water conservation)

[blocks in formation]

Areas classified as arid and nonirrigable, residence by entrymen required: Act of Feb. 19, 1909 (35 Stat. 639), applicable to Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

Act of June 17, 1910 (36 Stat. 531), applicable to Idaho.

Act of June 13, 1912 (37 Stat. 132), applicable to California, North Dakota.

Act of Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stat. 953), applicable to Kansas.

Act of Mar. 4, 1915 (38 Stat. 1163), applicable to South Dakota.

Areas classified as arid, nonirrigable, and lacking domestic water supply, residence by entrymen not required:

Act of Feb. 19, 1909 (35 Stat. 639), applicable to Utah.
Act of June 17, 1910 (36 Stat. 531), applicable to Idaho.

[blocks in formation]

Summary of stock-raising homestead designations

Areas classified as nonirrigable, nontimbered, chiefly valuable for grazing and raising forage crops, and of such character that 640 acres are reasonably required for the support of a family. Act of Dec. 29, 1916 (39 Stat. 862)

[blocks in formation]
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