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ORE then most faire, full of the living fire,
Kindled above unto the Maker nere;

No eies but joyes, in which al powers conspire,
That to the world naught else be counted deare:
Thrugh your bright beams doth not the blinded guest
Shoot out his darts to base affections wound;
But Angels come to lead fraile mindes to rest
In chast desires, on heavenly beauty bound.
You frame my thoughts, and fashion me within;
You stop my toung, and teach my hart to speake;
You calme the storme that passion did begin,
Strong thrugh your cause, but by your vertue weak.
Dark is the world, where your light shined never;
Well is he borne, that may behold you ever.


LONG-WHILE I sought to naten might comight

Those powrefull eyes, which lighten my dark spright:

Yet find I nought on earth, to which I dare
Resemble th' ymage of their goodly light.
Not to the Sun; for they doo shine by night;
Nor to the Moone; for they are changed never;
Nor to the Starres; for they have purer sight;
Nor to the Fire; for they consume not ever;
Nor to the Lightning; for they still persever;
Nor to the Diamond; for they are more tender;
Nor unto Cristall; for nought may them sever;
Nor unto Glasse; such basenesse mought offend her.
Then to the Maker selfe they likest be,

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Whose light doth lighten all that here we see.



NRIGHTEOUS Lord of love, what law is this,
That me thou makest thus tormented be,
The whiles she lordeth in licentious blisse
Of her freewill, scorning both thee and me?
See! how the Tyrannesse doth joy to see
The huge massacres which her eyes do make;
And humbled harts brings captive unto thee,
That thou of them mayst mightie vengeance take.
But her proud hart doe thou a little shake,
And that high look, with which she doth comptroll
All this worlds pride, bow to a baser make,

And al her faults in thy black booke enroll:
That I may laugh at her in equall sort,

As she doth laugh at me, and makes my pain her sport.



AYLY when I do seeke and sew for peace,
And hostages doo offer for my truth;
She, cruell warriour, doth herselfe addresse
To battell, and the weary war renew'th;
Ne wilbe moov'd with reason, or with rewth,
To graunt small respit to my restlesse toile;
But greedily her fell intent poursewth,
Of my poore life to make unpittied spoile.
Yet my poore life, all sorrowes to assoyle,
I would her yield, her wrath to pacify:
But then she seeks, with torment and turmoyle,
To force me live, and will not let me dy.

All paine hath end, and every war hath peace;
But mine, no price nor prayer may surcease.



NE day I sought with her hart-thrilling eies
To make a truce, and termes to entertaine;
All fearlesse then of so false enimies,

Which sought me to entrap in treasons traine.
So, as I then disarmed did remaine,

A wicked ambush which lay hidden long,
In the close covert of her guilful eyen,

Thence breaking forth, did thick about me throng.
Too feeble I t' abide the brunt so strong,
Was forst to yield my selfe into their hands;
Who, me captiving streight with rigorous wrong,
Have ever since kept me in cruell bands.
So, Ladie, now to you I doo complaine,
Against your eies, that justice I may gaine.



N that proud port, which her so goodly graceth,
Whiles her faire face she reares up to the skie,
And to the ground her eie-lids low embaseth,
Most goodly temperature ye may descry;
Myld humblesse, mixt with awfull majestie.
For, looking on the earth whence she was borne,
Her minde remembreth her mortalitie,

Whatso is fayrest shall to earth returne.

But that same lofty countenance seemes to scorne
Base thing, and thinke how she to heaven may clime;
Treading downe earth as lothsome and forlorne,
That hinders heavenly thoughts with drossy slime.
Yet lowly still vouchsafe to looke on me;
Such lowlinesse shall make you lofty be.


RETOURNE agayne, my forces late dismayd,

Unto the siege by you abandon'd quite.

Great shame it is to leave, like one afrayd,
So fayre a peece, for one repulse so light.
'Gaynst such strong castles needeth greater might
Then those small forts which ye were wont belay :
Such haughty mynds, enur❜d to hardy fight,
Disdayne to yield unto the first

assay. Bring therefore all the forces that ye may, And lay incessant battery to her heart;

Playnts, prayers, vowes, ruth, sorrow, and dismay;
Those engins can the proudest love convert:
And, if those fayle, fall down and dy before her;
So dying live, and living do adore her.



E tradefull Merchants, that, with weary toyle, Do seeke most pretious things to make your gain; And both the Indias of their treasure spoile; What needeth you to seeke so farre in vaine? For loe, my Love doth in her selfe containe All this worlds riches that may farre be found: If Saphyres, loe, her eies be Saphyres plaine; If Rubies, loe, hir lips be Rubies sound;

If Pearles, hir teeth be Pearles, both pure and round; If Yvorie, her forhead Yvory weene;

If Gold, her locks are finest Gold on ground:

If Silver, her faire hands are Silver sheene:
But that which fairest is, but few behold,
Her mind adornd with vertues manifold.


NE day as I unwarily did gaze


On those fayre eyes, my loves immortall light;

The whiles my stonisht hart stood in amaze,
Through sweet illusion of her lookes delight;
I mote perceive how, in her glauncing sight,
Legions of Loves with little wings did fly;
Darting their deadly arrows, fyry bright,
At every rash beholder passing by.
One of those archers closely I did spy,
Ayming his arrow at my very hart :
When suddenly, with twincle of her eye,
The Damzell broke his misintended dart.

Had she not so done, sure I had bene slayne;
Yet as it was, I hardly scap't with paine.


HE glorious pourtraict of that Angels face,


Made to amaze weake mens confused skil,
And this worlds worthlesse glory to embase,
What pen, what pencill, can expresse her fill?
For though he colours could devize at will,
And eke his learned hand at pleasure guide,
Least, trembling, it his workmanship should spill;
Yet many wondrous things there are beside:
The sweet eye-glaunces, that like arrowes glide;
The charming smiles, that rob sence from the hart;
The lovely pleasance; and the lofty pride;
Cannot expressed be by any art.

A greater craftesmans hand thereto doth neede,
That can expresse the life of things indeed.

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