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Qualiter in edificacione Turris Babel,

quam in dei con



But Noe with his felaship,
Which only weren sauf by ship.
And over that through finne it come,
That Nembroth such emprise nome,

Whan he the toure Babel on hight
Let make, as he that wolde fight

broth erexit, lingua Ayein the highe goddes might, prius hebraica in Wherof devided anon right

varias linguas cœ

lica vindicta divi


Qualiter mundus,

qui in ftatu divifio

Was the language in suche entent
There wiste non what other ment,
So that they mighten nought procede.
And thus it stant of every dede
Where finne taketh the case on honde
It may upright nought longe stonde,
For finne of his condicion

Is moder of divifion.

And token whan the world shall faile,

nis quafi cotidianus For so faith Crift withoute faile, prefenti tempore That nigh upon the worldes ende

vexatur flagellis, a

lapide fuperveni- Pees and accorde away shall wende

ente, id eft a divina

potencia ufque ad And alle charite fhall cease

refolucionem om

nis carnis fubito Among the men and hate encrease.


And whan these tokens ben befall

All fodeinly the stone shall fall,

As Daniel it hath beknowe,

Which all this world fhal overthrowe


every man shall than arise

To joie or elles to juise,

Where that he shall for ever dwell

Or straight to heven or straight to hell.

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And afterwarde his foule helthe.

But wolde god that now were one
An other fuche as Arione,

Whiche had an harpe of such temprure
And therto of so good mesure
He song, that he the bestes wilde
Made of his note tame and milde,
The hinde in pees with the leon,
The wolfe in pees with the molton,
The hare in pees stood with the hounde,
And every man upon this grounde
Whiche Arion that time herde

As well the lorde as the fhepherde
He brought hem all in good accorde,
So that the comun with the lorde
And lord with the comun alfo

He fette in love bothe two
And put awey malencolie.
That was a luftie melodie
Whan every man with other low.
And if ther were fuche one now
Whiche couth harpe as he tho ded
He might availe in many a stede

Hic narrat exemplum de concordia et unitate inter homines provocanda. Et dicit, qualiter quidam Arion nuper citharista ex fui cantus cithareque confona melodia tante virtutis extiterat, ut ipfe non folum virum cum viro, fed etiam leonem cum cerva, lupum cum agno, canem cum lepore ipfum audientes unanimiter abfque ulla difcordia ad in vicem pacificavit.

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For whan men thenken to debate

I not what other thinge is good,
But wher that wisdom waxeth wood
And refon torneth into rage,

So that mefure upon oultrage
Hath fet this worlde, it is to drede,
For that bringeth in the comun drede
Whiche stant at every mannes dore.
But whan the sharpneffe of the spore
The horse fide fmit to fore

It greveth ofte. And now no more
As for to fpeke of this matere,
Which none but only god may ftere.

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componere de illo amore, a quo non folum humanum genus, fed et cuncta animancia naturaliter fubjiciuntur. Et quia nonnulli amantes ultra quam expedit defiderii paffionibus crebro ftimulantur, ma

And speake of thinge is nought fo ftrange, teria libri per totum

fuper his fpecialiter diffunditur.


Whiche every kinde hath upon
And wherupon the world mote stonde
And hath done fithen it began
And shall while there is any man,
And that is love, of whiche I mene
To treate, as after shall be fene,

In whiche there can no man him reule,
For loves lawe is out of reule

That of to moche or of to lite
Wellnigh is every man to wite.
And netheles there is no man
In al this world fo wife, that can
Of love temper the mesure.

But as it falleth in aventure

For wit ne strengthe may nought helpe
And he which elles wolde him yelpe
Is ratheft throwen under foote,
Ther can no wight therof do bote.
For yet was never fuch covine
That couth ordeine a medicine

To thing, which god in lawe of kinde
Hath fet, for there may no man finde
The righte falve for suche a fore.
It hath and fhal be evermore
That love is maifter, where he will,
There can no life make other skill,
For where as ever him lift to fet
There is no might, which him may let,
But what shall fallen ate laste.

The fothe can no wifedom caft,


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