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unto the Lord. And such was invariably the state of those devout Jews, who were at that time waiting for redemption in Jerusalem. It was in this frame of mind, and with the most animating prospects opening before him, that Apollos entered upon a progress towards the scene of John's ministry, partly with a desire to publish the discoveries which he himself had been assisted to make, and partly for the purpose of obtaining additional information.

It is easy to conceive, in these circumstances, what must have been the general tendency of Apollos' public discourses. His ministry must necessarily have turned upon these two points, repentance towards God, and faith in a predicted Redeemer. Beyond these limits his knowledge extended not: but even these furnished him with matter of the last importance, fully sufficient to warm his heart, and to draw out the best talents he possessed. The law and the prophets were the two grand sources whence he selected his chief materials. The inviolable sanctity and the tremendous sanctions of God's holy law, enabled him to reach and alarm the consciences of his hearers;

while the full and varied predictions of the prophets afforded him a rich treasury of topics, calculated at once to dissipate the fears and encourage the hopes of those, who attended his ministry. And there is abundant reason to believe, that his labour was not in vain in the Lord; but that he was made the honoured instrument of kindling in many bosoms a flame of love to God, and of awakening in a still greater number a serious concern about eternal things.

This zealous preacher, however, had now arrived at that point of his progress, where a new and glorious light was to break in upon him. The time was now come, when his earnest and persevering prayer was to find its desired answer; when all his doubts were to be dispersed and done away; and when the promised Messiah, whom he still considered as a distant Saviour, should be made unto him wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.

God was pleased to provide for the further instruction of his servant, by conducting him to the city of Ephesus. And this was appointed to take place at a time, when two faithful and humble disciples of Jesus,

the devout companions of St. Paul, were tarrying there during the temporary absence of their apostolic companion; and not without an anxious wish to be profitably occupied about the business of their common Lord. On hearing the news of Apollos' arrival in that city, and understanding the motives which had drawn him thither, these two exemplary Christians needed no solicitation to associate themselves with the numerous throng of his hearers. They hastened to the synagogue full of holy expectation and delight—where they heard the pious stranger with a mixture of approbation and regret. They were charmed with the commanding eloquence of the speaker, while they could not but deplore his very limited acquaintance with the dispensation of grace : and an earnest desire was instantly excited in their hearts, to do him good, and to lead him on to more comprehensive views; if God should be pleased to engage them in such a service. Most probably, however, it was not till after repeatedly appearing among his auditors, that Aquila and Priscilla introduced themselves to his notice, with an earnest request that they might be allowed to

confer with him on the great ends of his ministry. This proposal was courteously listened to, and graciously accepted; when a conference took place, which led to results of the most gratifying nature.

But having now, my brethren, already occupied a considerable portion of your time, I shall defer to a future opportunity the further remarks I have to offer on the subject now before us.

In the meantime, I would fain leave upon your mind that encouraging declaration of our gracious Master-To him that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. In the case of Apollos this declaration was remarkably verified. Having received one talent at the hand of God, he diligently set about the proper improvement of it, communicating freely to others what had been so freely imparted to himself. Aquila and Priscilla very speedily perceived, that the kingdom and peace of God were assuredly sown in the heart of this zealous teacher, though they were not yet grown up to a state of maturity. The kingdom of God is compared to a grain of corn, which, while a man sleeps and wakes, night and day, springs

and grows up he knows not how. And our Lord distinguishes this growth into a threefold appearance-The earth bringeth forth fruit of herself, first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. The blade, and the ear, which here signify the first indications of grace, may be weak and unpromising in their first puttings forth: but, if the root be there, the fruit will follow in its appointed season. As far as his light and experience extended, Apollos thankfully employed them for the glory of God and the profit of his people: and, while thus engaged, his own advancement bore a full proportion to his exemplary faithfulness. His zeal became more ardent by the ministrations in which he so eagerly engaged, his humility was deepened, his faith was increased, and his ability enlarged. The hand of the Lord was evidently with him and in this triumphant manner he regularly proceeded in his course, still secretly growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; daily realizing those first sacred prospects which had drawn him from his distant home, and gradually witnessing the accomplishment of his warmest desires.

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