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order to constitute us real disciples of Christ, something further is required than a mere verbal profession of respect for him. In order to this, it is insisted upon, not only that we receive, but that we continue in his word; depending upon its truth, submitting to its dictates, and laying it up in our hearts as a sacred treasure, divinely calculated to enrich us both for time and eternity.

Remember that the vows of God are upon

you, and that you have laid yourselves under the most binding obligations to abhor that which is evil, and cleave to that which is good. Be, then, what your profession imports. Labour to maintain a happy consistency of character; and, having set your hand to the plough, beware of casting one longing lingering look behind, lest ye finally be counted unfit for the kingdom. The vocation with which you are favoured, is the most honourable to which any man can raise his thoughts. Would you be beloved as John? Would you be blessed as Paul? Would you be associated with the excellent of the earth in all their generations? All this is secured to the sincere disciple of Christ; and all shall be yours, if ye hold

fast the profession of your faith without wavering. Tell me where can ye be so well, as in the company and keeping of our gracious Master? If he should address you at this moment, as he once addressed his disciples, will ye also go away? Could you in such a case reply with the promptness of PeterLord, to whom shall we go but unto thee? thou hast the words of eternal life. Did the words of Christ, my brethren, ever reach your ear, clothed with their wonted majesty and power? Did they ever convey light and life, and peace and joy, to your delighted souls; strongly exciting your desire, and causing your very hearts to burn within you? Then you have tasted that, to which the whole ransacked world hath nothing worthy to be compared. Prize that word in proportion to its inestimable worth: and let every day see you sitting at the Master's feet in silent attention, till the word of Christ dwell in you richly and influence you wholly. It will make you wise to salvation. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest it shall keep thee; when thou awakest, it shall talk to thee: it will give to thine head an ornament of grace, and finally promote thee

to a throne of glory. The blessedness of such a man is not to be described. He not only hears of the tree of life, but he already banquets on its immortal fruit: he not only thirsts for the water of life, but even now he drinks of it freely, yea, and feels it within him as a well of water springing up to everlasting life.

Ye see then your calling, brethren, as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ; for such honour have all his saints. Oh, forfeit not your title to these honours and privileges, by turning your back upon the Lord of glory. Let no man rob you of your crown: but as ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him; rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith as ye have been taught. And may the God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


JER. V. 24.

Let us now fear the Lord our God, that giveth rain, both the former and the latter in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest.

WHILE the whole course of human affairs affords the most convincing evidence that man is a dependent creature, it inculcates this consolatory truth, that we are dependent on a Being whose grace and goodness are without limitation. As we derive our existence from the great Father of the universe, so he daily deals out to us the means of continuing that existence. He knows all the necessities of our nature, with all the numerous exigencies to which we are exposed; and out of his immeasurable fulness he furnishes a full supply for them all.

No season of the year is calculated to display the divine bounty towards the children of men, in so striking a manner, as that

which is now drawing to its termination. After anxiously watching all around us the progress of vegetation, from the first verdant promise of our fields to the last ripe and inviting appearances of autumn; we have at length put our sickle to the harvest and gathered in its golden stores. Our land has yielded its increase; and God, even our own God, has given us his blessing. We have seen the husbandman leading his labourers abroad with the morning sun; we have beheld the busy gleaners thickly scattered among the standing sheaves; and all day long we have heard the loaded wains bearing slowly home the riches of our fertile grounds. On every side there has been nothing but activity, congratulation, and joy-and I beg leave this day to assure my assembled neighbours and friends, that I have not only witnessed, but shared their general exultation. And now at the conclusion of a scene so productive and cheering, I feel a strong inclination to address you in the appropriate language of the prophet-Let us now fear the Lord our God, who giveth rain, both the former and the latter in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest.

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