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dead, to deaden, deprive of force, vigour, Epitaph (2) 38. deaded, pa. part. iv. x.i. 20, vi. vii. 25, xi. 33.

dead-doing, death-dealing, murderous, 11. iii. 8, Amor. Son. I.

deadly, death-like, 1. iii. II; mortal, fatal, I. vii. 23, xi. 49; adv. 111. i. 38. dealth, bestows, IV. i. 6.

deare, sb. injury, harm, 1. vii. 48.

deare, adj.1 valuable, 111. iv. 23; (as sb.) darling, 1. vii. 16.

deare, adj. sore, grievous, 11. v. 38, xi. 34; hard, Past. Elegie 124.

dearely, boldly, resolutely, 11. viii. 11; grievously, at great cost, 1. iv. 42, v. iii. 36, R. T. 504.

dearling, sb. lover, iv. viii. 54; darling, Teares 14.

dearling, adj. darling, 1v. Prol. 5. dearnelie, dearnly, sorrowfully, dismally 11. i. 35, Daphn. 196. See also dernely. deaw, sb. dew, 1. i. 36, 39.

pa. part. considered, 111. xi. 23; judged, pret. 11. vii. 55, S. C. Aug. 137. deene, din, noise (fig.), p. 412. deface, to abash, put out of countenance, II. iv. 25, Hubberd 707; to destroy, extinguish, 11. viii. 25, Worlds Vanitie 152, Amor. Son. 31. defaced, pa. part. destroyed, Teares 399. See also defaste.

defaicted, pa. part. defeated, S. C. p. 443. defame, disgrace, dishonour, 11. v. 26, 111. i. 27, v. i. 28, iii. 38, ix. 43, vI. v. 15.

defaste, pa. part. of 'deface', destroyed, 11. iv. 14, 111. ii. 28. defast, broken (law), 11. viii. 31.

defeasance, defeat, 1. xii. 12. defeature, undoing, ruin, 1v. vi. 17. defend, to ward off, 11. xii. 63, 1v. iii. 32, 523.


deffly, deftly, skilfully, S. C. Apr. 111. define, to decide, settle, iv. iii. 3. deflore, to deflower, desecrate, Beautie 39. deforme, hideous, deformed, 1. xii. 20, 11. xii.

deaw, vb. to bedew, sprinkle, 1. xi. 48, 11. ii. 6, | 24. v. xii. 13.

deawy, -ie, dewy, 1. ii. 7, v. 2.
debard, pa. part. stopped, v. ix. 36.
debate, sb. struggle, battle, strife, contest, 11.
viii. 54, x. 58, 1v. Prol. 1, vI. iii. 22, viii. 13,
Muiop. 305.

debate, vb. to strive, contend, 11. i. 6, 11. ix. |
14, VI. iv. 30.

debatement, strife, contention, 11. vi. 39. debonaire, gracious, courteous, 1. ii. 23, 11. i. 26, v. 8.

Debóra, III, iv. 2.

decay, sb. destruction, death, 1. ii. 41, vi. 48, 11. iii. 15, viii. 51, xi. 41, 111. vii. 41, xi. 52, v. viii. 40, ix. 31, xii. 12. decayes, ruins, R. R. 454.

decayd, vb. pret. became weaker, vi. i. 21; pa. part. destroyed, 111. viii. 4.

deceaved, pa. part. taken away by deceit, v.

iii. 30.

deceipt, deceit, S. C. p. 419, Teares 492. decesse, death, v. x. II.

decreed, pa. part. resolved on, determined, IV. vi. 8.

lecrewed, pret. decreased, iv. vi. 18. deducted, ppl. adj. reduced, weakened, Love 106.

deeme, deemen, to think, consider, 111. viii. 3, S. C. Feb. 38, Clout 575; to judge, iv. iii. 4, v. 6, v. i. 28; to discern, distinguish, v. i. 8; to judge of, estimate, Love 168; to imagine, Amor. Son. 85. d. his payne = adjudge his punishment, iv. xii. 11. dempt,

deformed, pa. part. rendered hideous, disfigured,

II. V. 22.

deformed, ppl. adj. (fig.), hateful, 1. ix. 48. defray, to settle (fig.), appease, 1. v. 42, Iv. v. 31. defraide, defrayd, pa. part. discharged, paid (fig.), v. xi. 41, vi. viii. 24. degendered, pa. part. degenerated, v. Prol. 2. degendering, pres. part. degenerating, H. Love 94.

degenerate, to cause to degenerate, Teares 436.

degree: in faire d. = in a pleasant manner, III. xii. 18; by d.= according to rank, v. ix. 27; dearest in d. as dearly as possible, Clout 14. deign, to notice (favourably), Thest. 21; to condescend to accept, S. C. Jan. 63.

delay, to weaken, temper, 11. iv. 35, ix. 30, IV. viii. I. delayd, pa. part. quenched, III. xii. 42.

delice, deluce, see flowre delice. délices, delights, pleasures, 11. v. 28, iv. x. 6, v. iii. 40.

delight, charm, iv. xi. 6. . dell, hole, S. C. March 51.

delue, cave, pit, den, 11. vii. Arg., viii. 4, 111. iii. 7, IV. i. 20.

demaine, demeanour, bearing, 11. viii. 23. demeane, sb. demeanour, behaviour, 11. ix. 40, V. V. 51; treatment, vi, vi. 18. demeane, vb. to ill-treat, abuse, vi. vii. 39. demeand, pret. behaved to, treated (well), Clout 681.

demeanure, 111, i. 40, 1v. i. 5, Past. Elegie 20;

demeasnure, 111. ix, 27: demeanour, be- despightfull, malicious, spiteful, 11. i. 15.


demerite, to merit, deserve, Elegie 130. demisse, submissive, base, H. Love 136. dempt, see deeme.


denay, to deny, III. xi. II, VI. xi. 15. nayd, pret. 111. vii. 57; pa. part. iv. xii. 28. denominate, pa. part. called, S. C. p. 443. dent, stroke, blow, iv. vi. 15.

deowe, deow, dew, 111. xii. 13, Past. Elegie 191. Cf. deaw.

depainted, pa. part. depicted, 11. v. 11; described, Clout 898.

depart, sb. departure, 111. vii. 20.

depart, to divide, separate, 11. x. 14; to remove, III, iv. 6.

depasturing, consuming, feeding on (fig.), 11.
xii. 73.

depeincten, to depict, S. C. Apr. 69. de-
peincted, pa. part. 1. xi. 7.
dependant, attached, hanging, 111. xii. 10.
depend, to hang, S. C. Jan. 42. depending,
pres. part. 11. xii. 4, Amor. Son. 25 (fig.=
wavering). depended, pret. (fig.), iv. ix. 24.
depraue, to defame, pervert, v. vii. 32, xii.
34, Amor. Son. 29.

der-doing, doing of daring deeds, 1. vii. 10.
dernely, dismally, grievously, 111. i. 14, xii. 34.
dernfull, mournful, Thest. 90.

derring do, doe, daring deeds, 11. iv. 42, VI.
v. 37, S. C. Oct. 65, Dec. 43.
derring dooer, daring doer, Iv. ii. 38.
derth, scarcity, 1. ii. 27.

deryue, to obtain, appropriate, v. ix. 41.
deriued, pa. part. taken away, 1. iii. 2;
carried across, IV. iii. 13.

descant, melody sung extempore upon a plainsong, ground, or bass, to which it forms the air, Epith. 81.

descriue, to describe, 11. iii. 25, VI. xii. 21. descry, descrie, to perceive, discover, 11. iv. 37, xii. 34, v. iii. 32; to reveal, 1v. i. 32, vi. vii. 12. descride, -yde, pret. perceived, Hubberd 1301, Clout 675; revealed, 1. x. 34; pa. part. seen, revealed, vi. iii. 2; ppl. adj. perceived, 11. xii. 35.

desine, to indicate, iv. iii. 37, v. vii. 8, Amor. Son. 74.


despairefull, hopeless, II. xii. 8.
desperate, despairing, 1v. iii. 25.
despight, anger, 1. i. 50, S. C. Jan. 76;
wrong, injury, 11. i. 14, 111. i. 24, Iv. i. 52;
spite, malice, 1. i. 65, Teares 46; defiance,
v. iii. 31, Daphn. 442. in despite of in
spite of, Daphn. 443; in my d. = in spite of
me, II. iv. 14.

despiteous, malicious, 11. vii, 62.

despoile, to undress, disrobe, 1. x. 17, II. xi. 49. desse, dais, IV. x. 50.

desynde, pa. part. destined, iv. vii. 30.

detaine, sb. detention, v. vi. 15.

detect, to expose, accuse, v. ix. 48; to reveal,
Миіор. 13.

détestable, 11. xii. 8.
detter, debtor, v. v. 37.

deuicefull, full of devices, ingenuity, ingeni-
ous, v. iii. 3, x. 1, Teares 385.
deuise, deuize, to talk, converse, discourse,
1. X. 12, xii. 17, IV. vi. 10; to describe, recount,
III. i. 42, Iv. viii. 3, S. C. Jan. 65; to guess,
II. ix. 42, III. X. 21; to plan, contrive, vi. ix.
30, 35, R. T. 295; to consider, vi. iv. 34, vii.
6. deuized, pa. part. designed, drawn, 11.
i. 31.

deuoyd, empty, 1. ix. 15.

déuoyr, duty, S. C. Sept. 227.

dew, due, 11. viii. 55; duly, v. v. 22.
dewelap, dewlap, fold of loose skin hanging
from throat of cattle, S. C. Feb. 74.
dewest, most deserved, appropriate, Hubberd

dewfull, duefull, due, iv. xi. 44, vii. vi. 35.
diapase, diapason, II. ix. 22, Teares 549.
diapred, pa. part. variegated (with flowers),
Epith. 51.

dide: bloudie d., dyed with blood, 11. xi. 21. dieper, diaper; a textile fabric (cf. diapred), Muiop. 364.

differd, pret. deferred, postponed, 1v. iv. 36. difference, variation, 11. xii. 71; alteration, 11. xii. 87.

diffused, ppl. adj. dispersed, scattered, v. xi. 47. dight, to deck, adorn, 1. iv. 14, S. C. May 11; to put on, 1. vii. 8, Muiop. 91, Hubberd 1279; to prepare, make (trans.), 11. xi. 2, Past. Elegie 41; to prepare (refl.), vi. ii. 18, v. 40, Hubberd 233; to direct oneself, repair, go (refl.), iv. i. 16, v. iv. 43; to perform, do, v. ii. 18; to dress, vi. xii. 15. dight, pa. part. decked, equipped, adorned, 1. iv. 6, 11. xii. 53, Iv. x. 38, S. C. Jan. 22; dressed, Iv. x. 38; placed, set, III. i. 39; made, fashioned, S. C. Apr. 29. dilate, trans, to spread out, 11. xii. 53; refl.,

Amor. Son. 66; to relate, enlarge upon, 111. iii. 62, v. vi. 17; to expand, extend, vii. vii. 58. dill, an umbelliferous annual plant with yellow flowers, III. ii. 49, Muiop. 197.

dint, sb. mark, dent, I. i. I; blow, v. i. 10; stroke, Thest. 58. dolors d. = pang of grief, S. C. Nov. 104.

dinting, pres. part. striking, vi. x. 30.

dirige, dirge, Hubberd 453. dirk, to darken, S. C. Feb. 134. dirke, adj. dark, S. C. Sept. 6.

dirke, adv. darkly (fig.), S. C. Sept. 102. disaccord, to refuse assent, vi. iii. 7.

disaduaunce, to draw back, lower, iv. iii. 8, iv. 7.

disaduentrous, disastrous, Hubberd 100. disaray, sb. disorderly undress, II. iv. 40. disarayd, pa. part. stript, disrobed, 1. v. 41; despoiled, S. C. Feb. 105; pret. stript, 1. viii. 46.

disattyre, to undress, vi. ix. 17. disauaunce, to hinder, 111. xi. 24. disauentrous, unfortunate, disastrous, 1. vii. 48, ix. 11, Iv. viii. 51, xii. 4, v. xi. 55. disauenture, mishap, misfortune, 1. ix. 45, vI. iii. 15.

disboweld, ppl. adj. disembowelled, R. R. 383.

disburdned, pret. unloaded, 11. vi. 11. discarded, pret. cast or forced away (Spens.), v. v. 8.

discided, pa. part. cut (in two) fig., Iv. i. 27. discipled, pa. part. taught, disciplined, iv. Prol. i.

discipline, teaching, advice, Hubberd 547. disclame, to renounce, III. X. 15, IV. V. 25. disclost, pa. part. revealed, recounted, III. iv. 13. disclos'd, unfastened, iv. v. 16. disclosing, pres. part. unfolding. discolour'd, ppl. adj. variously coloured, 1. iv. 31, III. X. 21, xi. 47, Epith. 51. discomfited, ppl. adj. disconcerted, 111. i. 43. discommended, pret. spoke disparagingly of, V. v. 57.

discordfull, quarrelsome, iv. ii. 30, iv. 3. discounselled, pret. dissuaded, 11. xii. 34, 111.

i. II.

discountenaunce, to show disapprobation of, Teares 340.

discoure, to discover, III. ii. 20; to reveal, 111. iii. 50, p. 407. discouer, to tell, reveal, IV. vi. 4. discouered, pa. part. uncovered, 1. ii. 7. discure, to reveal, 11. ix. 42. discouerie, disclosure, v. v. 33. discourse, course of arms or combat, vi. viii. 14.

discourteise, discourteous, 1. i. 55. discreet, becoming, suitable, moderate, II. xii. 71.

discust, pa. part. shaken off (fig.), 111. i. 48. disdeigned, pret. thought unworthy, R. T. P. 471.

Aisease, sb. trouble, distress, III. v. 19, VI. v.

ix. 19.

[ocr errors]

disease, vb. to incommode, trouble, 1. xi. 38, 11. ii. 12, 24, S. C. July 124, Worlds Vanitie 28. diseased, ppl. adj. troubled, afflicted, VI. iii. 22, Hubberd 40.

disentráyle, to draw forth from the entrails or inward parts, 1v. vi. 16, v. ix. 19. disentrayled, ppl. adj. 1v. iii. 28. disgrace, ill-favouredness, v. xii. 28. disguizement, disguise, 111. vii. 14, IV. V. 29. dishabled, pret. disparaged, II. v. 21. disherited, pa. part. dispossessed, banished from its rightful domain, S. C. Epistle p. 417. disinherit, to prevent from taking possession (fig.), v. v. 36.

disleall, disloyal, 11. v. 5.

dislikefull, distasteful, Iv. ix. 40. disloignd, pa. part. distant, removed, IV. x.


dismall day, one of the dies mali o: unpropitious days, 11. vii. 26, viii. 51. dismay, sb. faintheartedness, terror, II. xi. 41; ruin, v. ii. 50; dismaying influence, Amor.. Son. 88.

dismay, vb. to defeat, II. v. 38, III. iv. 25, v. ii. 8, vi. x. 13; to grieve (refl.), iv. i. 40. dismayd, -id, pa. part. defeated, III. i. 29; grieved, iv. i. 37; daunted, v. xi. 26. dismayd, ppl. adj. ill-made, misshapen, II.

xi. II.

dismayfull, appalling, v. xi. 26. dismayfully, in dismay, v. viii. 38. dismayld, pret. stript the mail of, II. vi. 29. dispace, to walk or move about, Gnat 265 (refl.). dispacing, pres. part., Muiop. 250. disparage, sb. misalliance, unequal match, iv. viii. 50.

disparaged, pa. part. cast down, 11. x. 2. | disparagement, disgrace of a misalliance, III. viii. 12; low rank, 1v. vii. 16.

dispart, to part asunder, cleave, 1. x. 53, 111. xii. 38, Iv. ix. I.

dispatcht, pret. freed, relieved, vi. iii. 10. dispence, sb. dispensing or bestowing liberally, liberality, hospitality, II. ix. 29, xii. 42, V. xi. 45.

dispence, vb. to make amends, 1. iii. 30, v. xi. 45.

dispiteous, unpitying, 1. ii. 15.

display, to stretch out, spread out, 11. V. 30, x. 15, III. ii. 47. Epith. 303; intr., S. C. May 196; to descry, discover, 11. xii. 76; to expose, 11. xii. 66. displaid, -yed, pa. part. spread out, stretched out, 1. i. 16, 11. v. 32, Gnat 240, Love 286.

disple, to subject to penance, 1. x. 27. displeasance, displeasure, 11. x. 28, iv. vi. 4.


displease, to annoy, III. v. 19. disport, entertainment, amusement, pleasure, 1. ii. 14, 11. vi. 26, 111. i. 40. disporting, pres. part. sporting, frolicking, Daphn. 118.

dispraise, -ze, to disparage, depreciate, vi. viii. 26, R. T. 229.

dispred, dispredden, to spread out, abroad, 1. iv. 17, 11. ii. 40, 111. v. 51, v. xii. 13; (intr.) Iv. vii. 40. disprad, pa. part. v. xii. 36. dispred, -dd, pa. part. and ppl. adj. 11. iii. 30, p. 412 (fig.), Gnat 242.

disprofesse, to renounce the profession of, III. xi. 20.

dispuruayance, want of provisions, III. X. 10. disquietnesse, trouble, unrest, II. vii. 12. disseise, -ze, to deprive, dispossess, 1, xi. 20, VII. vii. 48.

disshiuered, ppl. adj. shattered to pieces, iv.

i. 21.

dissolute, enfeebled, weak, 1. vii. 51; wanton, III. viii. 14.

distaine, to stain, III. iv. 17. distaind, -ynd, pa. part. stained, 1. xi. 23, III. viii. 49, S. C. Oct. 110; sullied, defiled (fig.), 11. iv. 22. distent, pa. part. extended, beaten out, II. vii. 5.

disthronize, to dethrone, II. x. 44. distinct, pa. part. marked, vi. iii. 23. distort, ppl. adj. distorted, wry, awry, Iv. i. 28, v. xii. 36.

distraine, to oppress, afflict, 1. vii. 38; to pull off, tear asunder, 11. xii. 82. distraught, pa. part. distracted, distressed, 1. ix. 38, Iv. iii. 48, R. T. 579; pulled asunder, drawn in different directions, Iv. vii. 3I, V. v. 2.

distraughted, ppl. adj. distracted, H. Beautie


distroubled, ppl. adj. greatly troubled, 111. iv. 12.

dit, ditty, II. vi. 13.

dites (for dights), lifts, raises, 1. viii. 18. diueling, young devil, imp, Three Lett. p. 625.

diuers, adv. differently, Iv. v. II.

adj. Daphn. 214: rendered divine. diuynd, pa. part., Clout 896: described. diuorced, pa. part. separated, 1. iii. 2. do, doe, to cause, make, 1. vii. 14, II. vi. 7, III. ii. 34, iii. 39, v. 50, vii. 32, ix. 17, v. ix. 35, VI. v. 28. doen, inf. arch. to do, cause, make, 1. xii. 19, 11. iii. 12, III. iv. 22. done, inf. III. i. 28, ii. 23. donne, inf. 111. vii. 12, VI. X. 32. doen, pa. part. 1. iii. 14, 39, III. X. 32; doen (done) be dead, to dye put to death, pa. part., v.iv. 29, VI. viii. 29. donne, pa. part. Iv. vi. 5. doen, 3rd pers. plur. arch. 1. iii. 36, 11. i. 29, 111. iv. 1, S. C. Feb. 6; to doe away to banish, remove, 1. iii. 39, 111. ii. 33, VI. xi. 29; for nothing good to donne = goodfor-nothing, III. vii. 12; hardly doen = done with difficulty, 1. iii. 14; well to donne = welldoing, 1.x. 33. doon,pa. part., Amor.Son. 16. doale, distribution, dealing (of blows), v. iv. 39. dock, buttocks (lit. tail), Three Lett. p. 625. doctorally, in the manner of a doctor, learnedly, Three Lett. p. 614.

document, instruction, teaching, 1. x. 19. doffing, pres. part. taking off. dofte, pret. III. iv. 5, ix. 21.

dole, iv. vii. Arg., v. xi. 14, Hubberd 1244, Clout 22. doole, grief, sorrow, II. xii. 20, III. X. 17, xi. 17, V. xi. 25, VI. vii. 39, S. C. Feb. 155, Aug. 165; mourning, lamentation, IV. viii. 3.

dolor, dolour, grief, 111. ii. 17, IV. viii. 3, S. C. Nov. 104.

Dolphinet, pseudonym, Clout 866. don, to put on, wear, III. vi. 38, vi. viii. 24. donne, dun, dark, S. C. May 265. doome, decree, 1. ix. 41; judgement, II. v. 12, vii. 62, iv. iv. 36, S. C. Aug. 135; opinion, IV. X. 21; fate, v. iv. 39. dome, punishment, IV. xi. 38.

doomefull, fateful, vi. vi. 22, Misc. Sonn. I. dooue, dove, Three Lett. p. 626. dortour, sleeping-room, vi. xii. 24. doted, stupid, 1. viii. 34.

doubt, sb. fear, 111. v. 12, VI. ii. 29, viii. 32: danger, risk, v. xi. 47.

doubt, vb. to fear, v. xi. 2, vi. iv. 27.

díuerse, diverting, distracting, 1. i. 10, 44, 11. doubted, redoubted, S. C. Oct. 41.

ii. 3, iv. i. 5.

díuersly, in different ways, v. v. 2. diuerst, pret. turned aside, 11. iii. 62. diuide, to perform with 'divisions'; to descant, I. v. 17, iii. i. 40; to penetrate, 1. xi. 18; to dispense, v. Prol. 9; to allocate, Clout 761; to give forth in various directions, Amor. Son. 6.

diuin'd, pa. part, R. T. 611: diuinde, ppl.

doubtful, fearful, apprehensive, 1. vi. 12, VI. ii. 29, S. C. May 294; awful, 11. i. 22; adv. II. vii. 6.

doucepere, one of the twelve peers of Charlemagne celebrated in mediaeval romances, III. X. 31.

dout, fear, 111. xii. 37, v. xi. 18; doubt, !v. i. II, 14.

| douehouse, dovecot, Three Lett. p. 6-7.

dowe, dough, Three Lett. p. 631.

drad, pret. dreaded, feared, 11. i. 45, III. xii. 18. v. vii. 38, x. 18; pa. part. 11. iv. 42; ppl. adj. VII. vi. 3, 25.

draft, attraction, 1v. ii. 10.

drapet, cloth, 11. ix. 27.

duefull, see dewfull.

dumpish, dull, heavy, sad, iv. ii. 5, Amor. Son. 4.

dumps, depression, Amor. Son. 52. dunglecocke, dunghill cock, i.e. coward, Three Lett. p. 621

draught, plot, artifice, 11. x. 51; drawing, duraunce, captivity, 111. v. 42.

stroke, iv. vii. 31.

draue, pret. drove, Gnat 162. dread, fury, 11. v. 16.

dreadfull, fearful, apprehensive, 111. i. 37; awe-inspiring, v. vii. 40. dreadlesse, fearless, v. iii. 11.

dreare, sb. fall, iv. viii. 42; grief, sadness, v. x. 35; stroke, v. xii. 20; mishap, misfortune, VI. ii. 46, iii. 4. drere, dreariness, sadness, gloom, 1. viii. 40, 11. xii. 36. dreare, adj. dreadful, 11. xi. 8. drearing, sorrow, grief, Daphn. 189. dred, sb. 1. Prol. 4, 1v. viii. 17; dread, III. ii. 30; dreed, 1. vi. 2: object of reverence, attention. dreed, injury, 11. xii. 26. dreddest, most dreadful, iv. ii. 32.. drenched, pa. part. drowned, iv. xi. 38, (fig.)

VI. iii. 10.

drent, pa. part. drowned, 11. vi. 49, vii. 61, xii. 6, S. C. Nov. 37, Gnat 585; (fig.) Teares 210, Clorinda 94.

drerihed, dreary head, dreariness, grief, 111. i. 16, 62, ii. 30, Past. Elegie 133; dismalness, gloom, III. xii. 17, Muiop. 347. dreriment, dreeriment, dreariness, grief, sorrow, 1. ii. 44, viii. 9, 111. iv 30, S. C. Nov. 36, R. T. 158, Epith. 11. drery, bloody, gory, 1. vi. 45. dresse, to arrange, prepare, 111. xi. 20. pret. 1. ix. 54; carried on, IV. X. 54. dreuill, a dirty or foul person (orig. a slave), Iv. ii. 3.


drift, impetus, 1. viii. 22; plan, plot, 1. ii. 9, 11. xii. 69; aim, object, 111. x. 6, v. ix. 42, p. 409. driue, to pass, spend, Gnat 154. driue, pret. drove, struck, V. xi. 5. driuen, pa. part. smelted, 11. vii. 5.

drizling, falling in fine drops (of tears, water), 1. iii. 6, S. C. Jan. 41, Amor. Son. 18. dromedare, dromedary, Iv. viii. 38. droome, drum, 1. ix. 41.

drouping, drooping, tading, 1. i. 36, 11. x. 30. drouth, drought, thirst, 11. vii. 57.

drouer, boat (used for fishing), III. viii. 22.
drowsy-hed, drowsiness, 1. ii. 7.
droyle, to drudge, slave, Hubberd 157.
drugs, medicine, 11. i. 54.

dryrihed, see drerihed.

dub adubbe, scuffle, fight, Three Lett. p. 615.

durefull, lasting, enduring, IV. x. 39, Amor. Son. 6.

duresse, confinement, constraint, 1v. viii. 19, xii. 10.

dye, hazard, 1. ii. 36.


each where, everywhere, i. x. 54, Muiop. 376, Thest. 84, Clout 634.

earne, to yearn, long, 1. i. 3, vi. 25, ix. 18, II. iii. 46, 111. x. 21, S. C. March 77 ; to be grieved, IV. xii. 24; to become angry, Muiop. 254. earnest, pledge, vi. xi. 40. earst, erst, formerly, a short time ago, lately, 1. v. 9, xi. 27, III. ii. 27, viii. 2, 3, vi. iii. 8, S. C. Oct. 7. at earst, erst at first, formerly, II. i. 29, iv. 39, vi. iii. 8; at length, now, II. vi. 49, v. Prol. 2, vi. iii. 375, S. C. Dec. 106; at once, S. C. Sept. 6.

easement, relief, vi. iv. 15. Easterlings, inhabitants of eastern countries, such as Eastern Germany and the Baltic coasts, 11. x 63.

eath, ethe, easy, 1. iii. 40, Iv. xi. 53, S. C. July 90, Sept. 17, Muiop. 311; ready, susceptible, iv. vi. 40; easily, Hubberd 404. edgd, pret. stimulated, Iv. ii. 17. edifyde, -ide, built, 1. i. 34 (pa. part.), Gnat 660; 111.i. 14 (pfl. adj.); R. T. 551 (pret.). eeke, eke, vb. to augment, increase, 1. v. 42, 111. ii. 35, vi. 22, vii. 55, v. xii. 35. eekt, pa. part. lengthened, iv. ii. 53; eeked, increased S. C. Sept. 30.

eeking, vbl. sb. increasing, S. C. Sept. 31. effierced, pa. part. rendered fierce, maddened, 111. xi. 27. Ct. enfierced.

efforce, to violate by force, 1. vi. 4; to force out, 111. ii. 15, v. ix. 47; to force open, 111. ix. 9, xii. 27. efforced, ppl. adj. uttered with effort, forced out, 11. viii. 4. efforst, pa. part. compelled by force, 111. xii. 43. effórt, I. i. 52, xi. 46, v. ii. 5.

effraide, ppl. adj. frightened, 1. i. 16.

eft, afterwards, 11. iv. 18, viii. 41, S. C. Feb. 42; again, Iv. iii. 21, VI. ix. 1, Beautie 114; also, S. C. Sept. 191, Gnat 536.

eftsoones, forthwith, 1. i. II, III. i. 31, v. viii.


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