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can, knows, S. C. Feb. 77.

can, for gan, did, 1. i. 8, x'. 39, 1v. iii. 20, iv. 29, vi. 3.

canapee, canopy, I. v. 5.

cancred, venomous, corrupt, 1. iv. 30, II. i. I; malignant, ill-tempered, envious, 111. ix. 3, Clout 680.

63 (refl.), xi. 28, 111. vii. 38, vi. v. 17, S. C. Mar. 63, Oct. 2; to attempt, S. C. Feb. 189, Oct. 103, Hubberd 27; to consider, S. C. Sept. 114.

castory, colour (red or pink), extracted from castoreum, 11. ix. 41.

casualtye, chance, haphazardness, S. C. p. 416.

cancker worme, caterpillar or insect larva causen, to explain, 111. ix. 26.
which destroys plants, S. C. Feb. 179.
Candida, pseudonym, Clout 574.

canon bitt, a smooth, round bit, 1. vii. 37.
cantion, song, S. C. p. 458.
canuase, to discuss, S. C. p. 420.
capias, writ of arrest, vi. vii. 35.
capitayn, captain, 11. xi. 14.

capon, a term of reproach, coward, 111. viii. 15.
caprifole, honeysuckle or woodbine, 111. vi.44.
captiuaunce, captiuance, captivity, 11.
vii. 45, v. vi. 17.

captiue, to capture, v. viii. 2. captíud, pret.
II. iv. 16. captíued, captíu'd, pa. part. 111.
i. 2, v. vi. 11, VI. viii. 13, Gnat 490.
capuccio, hood of a cloak, 111. xii. 10.
card, chart, map, 11. vii. 1, 111. ii. 7.
care, object or matter of concern, 11. x. 37;
trouble, sorrow, grief, iv. viii. 5, V. xi. 13, vi.
iii. 24.

carefull, full of care, sad, sorrowful, 1. i. 44,
vi. 6, viii. 15, 11. i. 58, 1v. vii. 41, S. C. Jan.
Arg. 49, 78, May 190, Nov. 61.

carelesse, unconscious, free from care, 1. ii.
45, Daphn. 137; untended, uncared for, iv.
iv. 38.

cáriere, career, course, R. R. 218.
carke, sorrow, grief, 1. i. 44, S. C. Nov. 65.
carle, churl, base fellow, 1. ix. 54, 11. xi. 16, 111.
ix. 3, IV. v. 44, VI. iii. 34.

carol, carroll, sb. song, Clout 87, Epith. 259.
carol, carroll, vb.: tr. to sing, vi. ix. 9; intr.
to sing a lively or joyous strain, vi. ix. 5, S. C.
Feb. 61, Oct. 52; (of birds) Epith. 79.
caroling, sb. singing, vi. ix. 35, H. Beautie

carriage, cariage, burden, vi. iii. 34; action, conduct, Gnat 488; behaviour, demeanour, Hubberd 777.

carrol, see carol.

caruen, to cut, S. C. Sept. 41.

caruer, (tree) used for carving work, 1. i. 9. case, condition, plight, iv. viii. 38, Proth. 140. cast, sb. bout, 111. x. 35 l. 4; couple (of falcons), VI. vii. 9; time, opportunity, vi. viii. 51; throw, S. C. Epistle p. 417; trick, Three Lett. p. 622 1. 8. nere their utmost c. almost dead, VI. V. 9.

caue, to make into a cave, iv. v. 33.
cease, to stop, check, v. iv. 20.
cemitare, scimitar, v. v. 3.
centonel, sentinel, 1. ix. 41, IV. ii. 36.
certes, certainly, 1. vii. 52, 11. ii. 9, vii. 58.
certifye, to notify, Two Lett. p. 636.
cesse, to cease, iv. ix. 1.

cesure, stop, interruption, interval, 1. x. 68.
chaffar: to c. words to bandy words, II. v.
2. chaffred, pa. part. sold, exchanged, S. C.
Sept. 10; pret. Hubberd 1159.
chaire, dear, III. V. 51.
chalenge, challenge,
accusation, iv. ix. 36.
chalenge, vb. to claim, 1. iv. 20, 1v. i. 35, ii.
28, iv. 8, v. 23, Hubberd 137; to track (the
quarry), II. i. 12.

sb. claim, 11. viii. 27;

chamelot, camlet (an Eastern fabric): water c. = camlet with a wavy or watered surface, IV. xi. 45.

chamfred, furrowed, wrinkled, S. C. Feb. 43champian, champion, open country, plain, v. ii. 15, VII. vi. 54, R. R. 421, Muiop. 149. plaine c. open country, vi. iv. 26. championesse, female champion, warrior, III. xii. 41.

chappellane, chaplain, confessor, 111. vii. 58. | chapter, capital of a column, Bellay 45, Epigrams p. 607.

character, image, form, v. vi. 2.
chargefull, onerous, vi. ix. 32.
Charillis, pseudonym, Clout 540.
charet, charret, chariot, 1. v. 38, 11. vii. 41,
Teares 9.

charme, sb. song, Teares 244.

charme, vb. to play, tune, v. ix. 13, S. C. Oct. 118, Clout 5.

chast, pure, stainless, 1. v. 38.

chaufe, chauff, sb. rage, passion, v. ii. 15, VI. ii. 21, v. 19.

chaufe, vb. to rub, 1. vii. 21, vII. vii. 29; to chafe, become angry, 1. vii. 37, II. iv. 32, VI. xii. 36; to rage, II. iii. 46, 1v. iv. 29. chauffed, pl. adj. heated, rubbed, chafed, 1. iii. 33; irritated, 1. iii. 42, xi. 15. chauncefull, risky, hazardous, Hubberd 98. chaunge, to cause a change, vi, ix. 32. cast, vb. to resolve, purpose, plan, 1. x. 2, x. | chaw, sb. jaw, 1. iv.


chaw, vb. to chew, I. iv. 30, III. X. 18, v. vi. 19, xii. 39, Gnat 86; to meditate on, 11. iv. 29.

chayre, throne, Teares 510.

chearen, to become cheered up, courageous,
I. X. 2; to encourage, 1. iii. 34; pa. part.
entertained, regaled, 111. i. 42.

cheere, chere, cheare, countenance, 1. i. 2,
ii. 42, Iv. i. 50; aspect, S. C. Feb. 26; food,
S. C. July 188; mood, Iv. ii. 51, S. C. Apr.
69, Nov. 151, Past. Aeglogue 23.
checked, chequered, 11. xii. 18.

clew, plot-lit. a ball of thread, 11. i. 8; ball
(of silk), III. xii. 14.
clieffe, cliff, iv. xii. 5.

clift', cliff, 1. viii. 22, 11. xii. 4, 7, 8, 11. iv. 7.
clift 2, chink, opening, crack, iv. ix. 27.
clim, to climb, III. iv. 42.

clinck, chink, keyhole, S. C. May 251.
clipping, pres. part. clasping, embracing, III.
viii. 10.

clogd, encumbered, burdened, 111. x. 35. clombe, pret. mounted, climbed, 1. x. 49, III. iii. 61, Iv. v. 46.

checklaton, ciclaton, a stuff of silk or cloth close, secret, hidden, 111. i. 56, iv. iv. 16, Bellay

of gold, vi. vii. 43.

chepe, sb. price, charge, vi. xi. 40.
cherelie, cheerfully, cheerily, Teares 321.
cheriping, vbl. sb. chirping, S. C. June 55.
cherishment, tenderness, cherishing, Teares

cherry, to cheer, delight, vi. x. 22.
cheuisaunce, enterprise, 11. ix. 8, 111. vii. 45,
xi. 24, S. C. May 92.

cheuisaunce, a flower (wall-flower ?), S. C. Apr. 143.

chickens: faithlesse chickens, heathen brood, III. iii. 46.

chiefe, head, top, S. C. Nov. 115.

chill, to shiver (with cold), Hubberd 993. chimney, fireplace, 11. ix. 29.

chine, back, vi. iii. 3.

174, Amor. Son. 25.

closely, secretly, 1. vi. 32, 111. ii. 28, vi. 16, Hubberd 331.

clouch, clutch, 111. x. 20, v. ix. II.

clout, shred, rag, 1. ix. 36; cloth, S. C. May 242. clouted', ppl. adj. covered with a clout or cloth, S. C. Mar. 50.

clouted2 (cream), ppl. adj. clotted, S. C. Nov. 99.

cloue, pret. cleaved, 11. ii. 3, vi. 31. clouen,
pa. part. 1. v. 12.

cloyd, pret. pierced, gored, 111. vi. 48.
clyme, to climb, mount, 1. iv. 17.
coast, quarter, region, 111. iii. 6.

coast2: on even c. on equal terms, 11. iii. 17.
cf. cost.

coasted, pret. approached, v. ii. 29.

chippes, parings of bread-crust, S. C. July 188. coch, coach, Iv. iii. 46.

chorle, churl, 111. vii. 15.

chyld, to give birth to, vi. xii. 17.

chynd, pret. split asunder, broke, 1v. vi. 13.
ciuil, civilized, Hubberd 45.

ciuilite, civilization, vi. Prol. 4; courtesy,
chivalry, III. i. 44, vi. i. 26.
clad, to clothe, vi.iv. 4.
clambe, pret. climbed, v11. vi. 8.
clame, to call, shout, iv. x. II.
clap, sb. stroke, Iv. x. 9, Gnat 519.
clap, vb. to shut, slam, III. xii. 3.
clark, clerk, scholar, v. x. 1, Teares 335.
claue, pret. cleaved, Gnat 568.
clawbacke, sycophant, toady, Three Lett. p.

cleane, clene, cleene, entirely; adv. 1. i. 50,
IV. vii. 13, v. x. 25, vII. vii. 52, S. C. pp. 426,
443, 447; adj. pure, 1. x. 58.
cleanly, cdj. artful, Hubberd 857; adv. art-
fully, Hubberd 862.

clearkly, learnedly, Three Lett. p. 614.
cleep, clepe, to call, name, 11. iii. 8, ix. 58,
IV. x. 34, VI. x. 8, Worlds Vanitie 58, Clout

clemence, clemency, v. vii. 22.

cockatrice, serpent, identified with the basilisk, fabulously said to kill by its mere glance, Amor. Son. 49.

cock-bote, a small, light boat, 111. viii. 24. cocked (hay), heaped up, made into haycocks, S. C. Nov. 12.

cockel, cockle, a weed which grows in corn-
fields, S. C. Dec. 124.

cognizaunce, recognition, 11. i. 31.
colled, pret. embraced, 111. ii. 34.
colour, vb. to disguise, hide, vi. x. 37.
colourable, specious, plausible, deceptive, III.
iii. 19, S. C. May Arg. 9.

colourably, with a hidden meaning, meta-
phorically, S. C. p. 427.

coloure, sb. pretence, S. C. p. 455.
coloured, ppl. adj. disguised, hidden, S. C.
Feb. 162.

colt wood, leaves, &c. of coltsfoot, I. ii. 49.
colwort, plant of the cabbage kind (genus
Brassica), Muiop. 200.

comber, to encumber, S. C. Feb. 133. combred, ppl. adj. hindered, impeded, 1. viii. 10. combrous, cumbrous, harassing, 1. i. 23, II. ix. 17.

[ocr errors]

combyned, joined, fastened, iv. X. 40, Beautie 205.

comen, common, usual, S. C. June 45. commandement, command, control, Clout 263.

to draw together, III. vi. 19; to contain, vi.

vii. 18.

comprouinciall, of the same province, 1. iii. 32.

con, to know, S. C. July 45, Sept. 90.

commen, common, to converse, 11. ix. 41, conceipt, conceit, idea, v. vii. 38; concepv. ix. 4.

comment, to devise, invent (of a false statement), vII. vii. 53.

commixtion, copulation, vI. vi. 12. commixture, mingling, mixture, vi. i. 8; copulation, Clout 802.

commodity, -ie, advantage, vi. xi. 10, Two Lett. p. 635.

commonly, familiarly, in intimate union, 1. x. 56.

compacte, agreed, arranged, v. vi. 16. compacted, close, 111. i. 23.

compacture, compact structure, 11. ix. 24. companie, sb. companion, Iv. i. 38. companie, vb. to be a gay companion, Hubberd 506.

compare, compaire1 (with), to vie with, rival, 11. v. 29, Muiop. 271, Elegie 18. compare 2, to acquire, 1, iv. 28.

compasse, proportion, 11. ix. 24; extent, range, 1.1x.46. in compas-around, III. iii. 10. compassion, vb. to pity, Clorinda 2. compast, ppl. adj. round, circular, iv. iv. 30. compást, pa. part. contrived, 1. vii. 18; arranged (in a circle), Elegie 23.

compel, to force to come, 11. i. 5; to force, constrain, 1. vi. 26.

compile, compyle, to build, III. iii. 10; to heap up, produce, III. ii. 12, vi. 1; to compose (of a song), Iv. viii. 4, Beautie 273; to compose, settle, iv. ix. 17.

complaine, -playne, to lament, S. C. Nov. 44; to compose as a complaint, Clout 511. complement, completeness, 111. v. 55; politeness, courtesy, VI. x. 23, Hubberd 692; accomplishment, consummation, Hubberd 338; (mock) courtesy, civility, Clout 790. complexion, quality, character, 'humour,' 'temperament,' 11. iii. 22, 111. vi. 8, vi. 38. complish, to accomplish, fulfil, v. xi. 41. complot, conspiracy, plot, Hubberd 178. complyne, the last service of the day in the Catholic ritual, Hubberd 452.

comportance, bearing, behaviour, 11. i. 29. composition, agreement, v. x. 27; agreement (to pay money), vi. i. 43.

tion, pp. 407, 409, 435, Elegie 124; opinion, judgement, estimation, S. C. p. 427, Clout P. 536.

conceiptfull, clever, vi. xii. 16. conceiue, to perceive, v. v. 31, 35. concent, sb. harmony, 111. xii. 5, Beautie 199. concent, vb. to harmonize, iv. ii. 2. concrew, to grow into a mass, Iv. vii. 40. concurring, combining, Three Lett. p. 630. cond, pret. learned, S. C. Feb. 92, Clout 74. condigne, worthy, vII. vi. II. condiscend, to consent, v. i. 25. conditions, qualities, III. ix. 4, Beautie 137. conduct', management, II. ii. 25. conduct 2, guide, vi. xi. 35. conference, conversation, Two Lett. p. 640. confound, confounded, Muiop. 262. confusion, destruction, S. C. May 219. congé, leave, farewell, 11. i. 34, iii. 2, 111. i. 1, Hubberd 1109.

congregate, pa. part. congregated, assembled, VII. vi. 19.

coniúre, to entreat, i. xii. 27; to conspire, v. x. 26.

conne, can, S. C. Epistle p. 417; to know, S. C. June 65.

consent1, wish, opinion, iv. viii. 50. consent2, harmony, Gnat 226. Cf. concent. consórt, sb.1 companion, vII. vi. 51. consórt, b.2 accord, 1. xii. 4; harmony, singing together, 111. i. 40, Past. Aeglogue 31. consort, vb. to combine, unite, II. xii. 70, Elegie 76.

conspyre, to agree, S. C. p. 458. constraine, to bring about by force, v. vi. 19; to incur, Hubberd 561.

constraint, force, 1. vii. 34; confinement, I. x. 2; distress, 11. ii. 8, S. C. May 249. contagion, contagious quality or influence, v. vii. 11, Muiop. 256.

containe, to restrain, control, 111. ix. 7, v. xii. I, VI. vi. 7.

conteck, strife, discord, III. i, 64, S. C. May 163, Sept. 86.

contempt, contemned, despised, S. C. Nov. 48.

compound, to settle, compose, 111. iii. 23; to contentation, satisfaction, Three Lett. p. 619.

settle, agree (as to terms), v. xii. 4.

comprehend, to contain, IV. i. 27.

continent, land, earth, 111. iv. 30, v. 25. continuaunce, stay, delay, vI. iii. 19.

comprize, to perceive, comprehend, 11. ix. 49; | contráct, pa. part. contracted, 111. ix. 42.

[blocks in formation]

contraire, to oppose, hinder, vii. vi. 7. contráry, contrárie, II. ii. 24, xi. 6, 111. ii. 40, Iv. i. 42, iii. 27.

contriue, to pass, spend (time), 11. ix. 48. controlement, control, restraint, Three Lett.| p. 629.

controuerse, controversy, dispute, iv. v. 2. conuaid, pa. part. removed, 1. ii. 24. conuenable, in agreement, conformable, S. C. Sept. 175.

conuent, to summon together, vII. vii. 17. conuert, refl. to turn one's attention, v. ix. 37. conueyance, underhand dealing, Hubberd❘ 856.

conuince, to conquer, III. ii. 21. coosen, sb. kinsman, 111. iii. 13. coosen, adj. kindred, 111. iv. 12.

coosin, vb. to cozen, cheat, Hubberd 874. coosinage, fraud, Hubberd 857. coosined, pret. defrauded, Hubberd 862. cope, sb. canopy, Love 95.

cope, vb. to make an exchange, Hubberd 527. copesmate, partner, accomplice, Hubberd 939.

coportion, joint portion, vi. ii. 47.

35; coucht, Elegie 12. couched, n adj. lowered, 1. iii. 34

couchant, lying with the body rested on the legs and the head lifted up (herald.), 111. ii. 25. could, knew, vI. v. 36.

count, consideration, esteem, iv. x. 18. care and c. = important consideration, v. x. 16. countenance, sb. demeanour, 1. iv. 15, IV. i. 5; position, standing, v. ix. 38, S. C. May 80. countenance, vb. to make a show of, pretend, 11. ii. 16. Teares 207.

counter, sb. encounter, counter, adj. opposing, vi. xii. 1. counterbuff, to rebuff, S. C. p. 427. counter-cast, antagonistic artifice, vi. iii. 16. counterchaunge, requital, 111, ix. 16. counterfect, false, counterfeit, S. C. Sept. 206. counterfesaunce, -feisance, counterfeiting deception, 1. viii. 49, 11. viii. 8, iv. iv. 27, 1 Teares 197, Hubberd 667.

counterpeise, to counterbalance, v. ii. 46. counterpoint, counter-stroke, Hubberd 1140. counterpoynt, app. plot, trick, stratagem, S. C. May Arg. p. 435.

counterpoys, to counterbalance, v. ii. 30.

corage, mind, nature, 1. v. I, 1. ii. 10; anger, counteruailable, to be matched or set up as wrath, III. x. 30.

corbe, sb. corbel, iv. x. 6.

corbe, adj. bent. crooked, S. C. Feb. 56. cordwayne, -waine, Spanish leather made originally at Cordova, 11. iii. 27, vi. ii. 6. cormoyrant, cormorant, 11. xii. 8. coronall, circlet for head, coronet, I. v. 53; wreath, garland, S. C. Feb. 178, Epith. 255. coronation, carnation, S. C. Apr. 138. corpse, body (living), form, S. C. Nov. 168, Beautie 135. corps, body (dead), 1. v. 38. corse, body (dead), 1. i. 24, ii. 24; body (living), 1. viii. 40, II. v. 23; stature, form, 1. iii. 42. corsiue, sb. corrosive (grief, annoyance), iv. ix. 14.

Corydon, pseudonym, Clout 382.

Coshma, pseudonym, Clout 522.

equivalent, Three Lett. p. 631.

counteruaile, to resist, 11. vi. 29, v11. vi. 49; to reciprocate, Two Lett. p. 639. countie, domain of a count, earldom, R. T. 273.

coupe, coop, cage, prison, S. C. Oct. 72. couplement, union (of two), Iv. iii. 52, Proth, 95; couple, vI. v. 24.

[blocks in formation]

courting, frequenting the court, practice of a courtier, Hubberd 784.

cosset, hand-reared lamb, S. C. Nov. 42, 46, couth, could, 11. vii. 58, S. C. Jan. 10, Feb. 206.

cost, coste, sb. point (of compass), direction, VI. xii. I ; side, Hubberd 294. on equall cost = on equal ground, on equal terms, iv. iii. 24. cost, vb. to approach (cf. coast), Daphn. 39. costmarie, an aromatic perennial plant allied to the pansy, Gnat 670, Muiop. 195. cot, boat, 11. vi. 9.

190, June 41.

couert, concealing, 11. Prol. 5; covered, secret, IV. viii. 9.

couerture, shelter, S. C. July 26; dissimulation, deceit, Hubberd 683. couet, to desire (with inf.), 1. xii. 20, 11. xii. 20. couetise, -ize, covetousness, 1. iv. 29, 111. iv. 7, S. C. Sept. 82, Hubberd 996, 1309.

cote, house, S. C. July 162; profession, S. C. cowardree, cowardice, Hubberd 986.
Sept. III.
cowched, laid down, placed, Three Lett. p.

couch, to crouch, stoop, 111. i. 4. couched,
pa. part. set, placed, arranged, 1. xi. 9, Bellay | cowheard, cowardly, v. viii. 50, x. 15.

cowherdize, cowardice, vi. x. 37.
coy, adj. hidden, secluded, iv. X. 22.
coye, vb. to act coyly, affect reserve, Three cure, care, charge, 1. v. 44.

curat, curiet, cuirass, v. v. 20, v. viii. 34, VI.
v. 8.

Lett. p. 629.

cracknelle, light, crisp biscuit, S. C. Jan. 58, Νου. 95.

craesie, cracked, Clout 374.

crag, cragge, neck, S. C. Feb. 82, Sept. 45.
craggy, rugged, rough, 1v. vii. 25.
crake, sb. boasting, II. xi. IO.

crake, vb. to boast, brag, v. iii. 16, vII. vii. 50.
crall, to crawl, 1. i. 2, 111. iii, 26.

cranck, adv. boldly, lustily, S. C. Sept. 46.
crank, sb. winding, vII. vii. 52.
craple, grapple, claw, v. viii. 40.
crased, ppl. adj. impaired, 111. ix. 26.
cratch, manger, H. Love 226.
creakie, full of creeks, Bellay 119.
creast, helmet, Iv. iv. 30. creast-front = front
of excrescence on dragon's head, Gnat 308.
creasted, crested, adorned, Iv. i. 13.
cremosin, 11. xi. 3, S. C. Apr. 59; cremsin,
S. C. Feb. 130, crimson.

crew, sb.1 company, band, 11. vii. II, VII. vi.
14, Clout 931.

crewe, sb.2

pot, S. C. Feb. 209.

crime, wrongdoing, sin (collect.), 11. xii. 75, VII. vii. 18; (criminal) cause, 1. xi. 46; accusation, S. C. Feb. 162.

crisped, ppl. adj. curled, 11. iii. 30.

critique, critical, Misc. Sonn. i.

crocke, pot, jar, v. ii. 33.

curelesse, incurable, irremediable, 111. x. 59, VI. vi. 2, S. C. Aug. 104.

curious, inquisitive, prying, III. ix. 26; ela-
borate, Teares 542; ingenious, Clout 8; adv.
carefully, IV. x. 22.

cursed, ill-fated, v. viii. 43.
curtaxe, cutlass, IV. ii. 42.


| curtoll, abbreviation, Two Lett. p. 639. ·
custome: of c. as was usual, Hubberd 245.
cut, fashion, shape, Hubberd 211.
cypher, letter, character, III. ii. 25, 45.


dædale, skilful, 1. Prol. 2; fertile, iv. x. 45.
daffadillies, -downdillies, daffodils, 11. iv.
29, xi. 32, S. C. Jan. 22, Apr. 140.
daint, choice, dainty, I. x. 2, III. Prol. 2, IV. i.
5. dayntiest (superl.), II. xii. 42.
dainty, daintiness, fastidiousness, 1. ii. 27.
dalliaunce, amorous talk or play, 1. viii. 5, 11.
ii. 35, Teares 186.

dallie, to trifle, Iv. i. 36.
damb, dam (mill-d.), v. xi. 31.

dambe, dam (of a lamb), S. C. Aug. 39.
dame, lady, II. vi. 22.

damme, mother (of a bird), Epigrams p. 607.

damn, damne, to condemn, v. x. 4, Hubberd

crooke, gallows (cross), v. v. 18; bending (of 1244, Misc. Sonn. i.

a path), vII. vii. 52.

croscut, to cut across, III. X. 59.

croslet, small cross, 1. vi. 36.

croud, fiddle or viol, Epith. 131.

crouper, crupper, 111. i. 6.

cruddle, to curdle, S. C. Feb. 46.

cruddy, curdled, 1. v. 29, 11. iii. 47, iv. 34.
crudled, ppl. adj. curdled, 1. vii. 6, ix. 52, S. C.
Feb. Arg. 11, Past. Elegie 152.
cruell, cruelly, Iv. vii. 30, Clout 909.
crumenall, purse, pouch, S. C. Sept. 119.
cud, inside of throat; place where cud is
chewed?, Gnat 86.

cuffling, striking (= scuffling ?), Iv. iv. 29.
cull (out), to select, Teares p. 480.
cullambyne, Columbine (name of flower),
Amor. Son. 64.

culter, ploughshare, Thest. 75.

damnifyde, pa. part. injured, 1. xi. 52, 11. vi.


damozell, damsel, 11. i. 19.

Dan, a title; Master, Sir, 111. viii. 21, IV. ii. 32.
Danisk, Danish, IV. x. 31.
Daphne, pseudonym, Clout 386.
dapper, neat, pretty, S. C. Oct. 13.
dared, pa. part. afraid, S. C. Aug. 24.
darksom, dark, III. iii. 12, 15.
darraine, darrayne, to set troops in array,
prepare, for battle, 1. iv. 40, vii. 11, 11. ii. 26,
III. i. 20, IV. iv. 26, v. 24, v. ii. 15, xii. 9; to
order, arrange (a battle), iv. ix.
darre, to dare, 111. Prol. 2.

darred, ppl. adj. frightened, terrified (cf.
dared), vII. vi. 47.

daw (jackdaw), fool, Hubberd 913.
dayes-man, mediator, judge, 11. viii. 28.

culuer, dove, 11. vii. 34, Teares 246, Amor. dayr'house, dairy, vII. vi. 48.
Son. 89.

culuering, culverin, a kind of cannon, v. x. 34. cumbrous, troublesome, 1. i. 23, R. T. 305. cunnye, cony, rabbit, Three Lett. p. 615.

daze, to bewilder, III. vii. 7. dazd, dazed, pa. part. dazzled, bewildered, 1. i. 18. viii. 20, 111. vii. 13. Amor. Son. 3; ppi. aaj. 1. viii. 21.

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