Colins Embleme.] All Qq and Ff fail to give the Embleme to December. It is first found in Hughes (1715)—Vivitur ingenio: caetera mortis erunt. It is possible that Hughes found it in some copy of a Q or F, but more likely that he supplied it himself. Gloss to 17. Cabinet Qq 3-5, F: Eabinet Qq I, 2. Gloss to Emblem. quod Qq 3-5, F: quæ Qq I, 2. Gloss to Emblem. ferrum Qq 3-5, F: ferum Qq 1, 2 COMPLAINTS. The text is based on the Q of 1591, the only edition of Complaints published in the lifetime of Spenser. Different extant copies of this Q supply for a few passages different readings. Our text is printed from the Bodleian copy, and variants are quoted from the Huth Q. At the British Museum, among the Harleian MSS, is a transcript of Complaints dating from 1596, which supplies a few variants. These are quoted as Harl. MS. F also in places enables us to correct the text, and in places gives new readings. The more important of these are recorded below, but where F merely corrects the punctuation of Q the change has not been recorded unless it seems peculiarly significant and interesting. 1591. 122. heart] hear Q: hart F. 149. Ascræan corr. Jortin: Astræan Q, F. 233. Shepheards F: Speheards Q. 308. creast-front tyre F: tyre Q. 340. Seest thou not, F. 387. throat F: threat Q. creast front 406. fluttering F: flattering Q. 536. subtile F: slye Q. 575. billowes Harl. MS.: billowe Q, F. MOTHER HVBBERDS TALE. [In all F copies that I have examined M.H.T. is dated either 1611 or 1612.] 53. Gossip F: Goship Q. 67. high F: up on high Q. 87. worlds Q, giving a syllabic value to the 'r': worldes F. 185. Wildly to wander thus F. 308. winges Hughes: wings Q, Ff. 453. Diriges F: Dirges Q. 626. bands Q, F. 648. at all, F, Harl. MS.: all Q. 830. kindly wise desire Q, F: kindle wise desire Drayton teste Collier. 913. will a daw trie Q: a daw will try F, COLIN CLOVTS COME HOME AGAINE. 1595. Published with Astrophel, &c., in 1595. Our text follows Q, but is in places emended from F. These emendations, except in slight matters of punctuation, are recorded below. Of the non-Spenserian poems some (pp. 55660) had already appeared in a Miscellany entitled The Phoenix Nest (1593). The text found therein gives some slight variants, which are quoted below as 1593. COLIN CLOVT. 1. knowen F: knowne Q. aged] Harpalus ... AMORETTI AND EPITHALAMION. 1595. First published in 1595, in a small 18° | volume, the text of which is reproduced in this volume. The punctuation, which is very faulty, has been corrected chiefly from F. Other emendations are recorded below. XXXVIII. 8. will, 18°, F. XLVIII. 1o. the F: th' 18°. LIII. 1-2. hyde... beasts,... fray,] hyde, ... beasts... fray: 18°: hyde... beasts, .. fray: F. F. 6. semblant 18°: semblance F. 10. ornament: 18°, F. LVI. 5. sure 18°, F. LVIII. 3. suppose th, 18°, F. LIX. 4. start, 18°, F. LX. 4. spheare. F: spheare 18°. LXII. 4. ensew, 18°, F. LXIII. 9, 11. atchyue, . depriue, 18°, LXIIII. 8. spred, 18°, F. 12. Iessemynes, 18°, F. LXV. I. vaine 18°, F. LXVIII. 3. hell, F: hell 18°. 4. away, 18°, F. 6. thou F: tbou 18°. LXXI. 9. aboue,] about, 18°, F. LXXIII. 2. tye,] tye: 18°, F. First published in 1596 (Q). The text follows Q, with some emendations of punctuation from F. 102. your F: you Q. MISCELLANEOUS SONNETS. Printed from copies of the volumes in named Scanderbeg, King of Albanie and which they originally appeared. I. From Foure Letters, and Certaine Sonnets: Especially touching Robert Greene, and other parties, by him abused, &c. London. Imprinted by John Wolfe, 4to, 1592. II. From Nennio, Or a Treatise of Nobility, &c. Written in Italian by that famous Doctor and worthy Knight, Sir John Baptista Nenna of Bari. Done into English by William Jones, Gent., Q, 1595. III. From Historie of George Castriot, sur Containing his famous actes, &c. Newly translated out of French into English by Z. I. Gentleman. Imprinted for W. Ponsonby, 1596, F. IV. From The Commonwealth and Government of Venice. Written by the Cardinal Gasper Contareno, and translated out of the Italian into English by Lewis Lewkenor, Esquire. London. Imprinted by John Windet for Edmund Mattes, &c., 1599. III. I. vaunt] vaunt, 1596. |