VII. i. 1. dart] darts 1609. XI. iv. 6. seuen] three occurs in two copies iv. 6. snatched vp from ground] snatcht of 1596, and in all of 1609. vp from the ground 1609. x. 9. ouersight] ore-sight 1609. xii. 1. caytiue] captiue Collier, &c. But cf. Bk. I, VII. xix. 3. xxii. 1. Nor] For Collier. XXV. I. Which] With 1596. xxxii. 7. oft] eft conj. Hughes, for the xvii. 6. times]. The rhyme requires ‘age'. But see on Bk. IÍ, 11. vii. 7 above. xxx. 5. none] one 1609. xxxiv. 5. Grant] Guant 1596, 1609: corr. Child after Upton. The Grant' is the Granta, i.e. the Cam. xliv. 4. deuided] diuided 1609 passim. xlv. 1. louely] louing 1609. xlviii. 8. Eudore] Endore 1596, 1609: corr. Child. lii. 7. but] both conj. edd., needlessly: 'floods and fountaines, though derived from Ocean, are akin to sky and sun. XII. iv. 9. disauen trous] disaduentrous 1609. x. 4. shall] should 1609. xiii.1, 2. Thus whilst his stony heart with tender ruth IX. Arg. 2. Pæana] Æmylia conj. Church Was toucht, and mighty courage mollifide] rightly. i. 8. vertuous] vertues 1596. iii. 3. these] this 1609. xi. 9. him] them conj. Hughes. xvii. 5. quest] guest 1596, 1609. Thus whilst his stony heart was toucht with tender ruth, And mighty courage something mollifide 1609. xxvi. 1. There] Their 1596: Then conj. Spenser probably altered the text, meaning to Church. xxx. 8. repayed] repayred 1596. xxxvii. 2. Knight] Knights conj. Upton. xxxix. 8. a wretch and] a wretch I and 1596. X. viii. 8. his] Upton reports 'this' from one of his quartos. ix. 1. earne] yearne 1609 passim. xvii. 5. adward] award 1609. xix. 1. meanest] nearest 1596. xxiii. 2, 8. ghesse and bee are transposed in all but two of our copies. xxvii. 1. Hylas] Hyllus 1596: Hylus 1609. But cf. Bk. III, XII. vii. 9. XXXV. 6. and hell them quight]. The meaning is either' And hell requite them' or And cover them (i.e. the lands) quite'. But 'hell' cover is not elsewhere in F.Q., though 'vnhele' uncover occurs in Bk. II, XII. Ixiv. 8. Hence' mell'=confuse has been suggested. But even so there is a difficult parenthesis. xlii. 6. eldest] elder 1609. li. 9. girlonds] gardians conj. Church: guerdons conj. Čollier. lv. 8. warie] wearie conj. Upton. omit' tender'. lvi. 4. To laugh at me] To laugh on me 1609. 1609. xl. 6. we] were 1596. IV. i. 3. Had need haue] Had neede of 16(11)-12-13. xxii. 2. pinnoed] pinnioned 16(11)-12-13. xxvi. 1. Terpine] Turpine 1596. xxxvi. 1. watchmen] watchman 1609. 8. their Queene her selfe, halfe like a man] their Queene her selfe halfe, like a man 1596: their Queene her self, arm'd like a man 1609-perhaps rightly. 3. so xxxvii. I. neare] newe conj. Church. few] to feare conj. Collier. One or other correction seems needed for the rhyme: Church's is the better. xxxix. 3. doale] doile 1596. diuide] dauide 1596. Probably 'a' and 'i' interchanged. For 'doale' = portion see Glossary. xlviii. 3. Clarin] Clarind' 1609 passim. yesterday] yeester day 1596; but Spenser has 'yester' elsewhere. V. xx. 8. a napron] an apron 1609. xxxviii. 8. And, though (vnlike) they should for euer last] And, though vnlike, they should for euer last 1596. The meaning of 1609 is 'Though-which is unlikely-they should last, &c.' xli. 2. he] she 1609. VI. iv. 7. from] for 1609. v. 6, 7. For houres but dayes; for weekes, that passed were, She told but moneths, to make them seeme more few 1596, 1609. Church would transpose' houres' and' dayes', 'weekes' and 'moneths'. Spenser perhaps means that she said three months' for 'twelve weeks' and then ignored the noun. xvi. 7. That this is things compacte] thing conj. Church. xvii. 5. Heard] Here 1596. xxiv. 1. their] her 1609. xxv. 9. Your nights want] your Knight's want conj. Church. xxvi. 5. Ne lesse]. Sense requires Ne more', but no authority for this. Spenser probably meant at first to turn the sentence differently. xxxiii. 7. auenge] reuenge 16(11)–12-13— Morris and Grosart report 'reuenge' 1609; not so our copies. xxxiv. 7. their] that 1609. VII. vi. 9. her wreathed taile] his wreathed taile conj. Church-cf. stanza xv below. xxxviii. 5. bad] sad 1609. VIII. xl. 6. knowen] knowne 1596. IX. xxvi. 4. FONT] FONS 1596, 1609. xliv. 1. appose] oppose 1609. X. iii. 6. Armericke] Americke conj. Todd, very plausibly; otherwise 'Armericke' can only mean 'Armoric'. vi. 4. and of her Peares] and her Peares 1609, to avoid the trisyllabic foot. viii. 4. Idols] Idol conj. Church. xxiv. 5. farewell open field] well fare conj. edd. needlessly: 'farewell' here=welcome. xxvi. 3. so now ruinate] now so ruinate conj. Church. xxxvii. 6. hard preased] had preased 1609. XI. xxiv. 7. And Eagles wings] An Eagles wings 1609. xl. 6. She death shall by] She death shall sure aby 16(11)-12-13, to complete the penta I. viii. 7. wretched] wicked 16(11)—12–13. xxviii. 6. Ere he] Ere thou 1596. xl. 9. yearne] earne 1609. II. iii. 2. deed and word] act and deed 1596. 3, 4. eyes... eares] eares. . eyes corr. edd.; but there is no evidence that the error is not Spenser's own. xxxix. 2. implements] ornaments 1609probably an editorial improvement. III. x. 2. Would to no bed] Would not to bed 1609. xxi. 8. default] assault conj. Collier with much plausibility. xxiii. 2. Serena] Crispina 1596 Bodl.corr. at press. xxiv. 5. in vaine om. 16(11)-12-13, to reduce the line to a pentameter. xxviii. 6. soft footing) softing foot 1596, 1609: corr. 1679. xxxv. 3. which] That 1596 Bodl.—corr. at press. but that means to be out of danger'. Possibly 1596 preserves some lost nautical phrase. xxiv. 7. froward] forward 1596, 1609: corr. 16(11)-12-13. Cf. Glossary on S.C. for April: they (the Graces) be painted naked,. the one hauing her backe toward 7. re- us, and her face fromwarde.' xxxvii. 9. did for her] for her did 1596 Bodl.-corr. at press. xliii. 4. approue] reproue 1596. proue] approue 1596. IV. iv. 7. stroke] strokes 1609. xxxiv. 9. to helpe her all too late] to helpe ere all too late Drayton teste Collier. xxxvi. 6. And hewing off her head, (he) v. 7. He stayed not t'aduize] He stayd it presented] (he) om. 1596, 1609. not to aduize 1609. xiii. 8. Where] There 1596. xvi. 8. hurts] hurt 16(11)-12-13, for the sake of the grammar. Xxx. 5. these] those 1609. xxxiii. 2. sides] side 1609. V. Arg. 1. Matilda] Serena corr. Hughes, rightly. xxviii. 2. liue] liues 1609. xxxix. 3. glee] gree 1609. For gree' cf. Bk. V, vi. xxi. 7; for 'glee', Bk. I, 1x. xxxii. 7. xli. 2. there] their 1596. VI. Arg. 3. 'He' refers to Prince Arthur, but no correction is possible. xvii. 7. Calidore] Calepine corr. Hughes, rightly. xxxv. 6. fight] right 1596. xxxvi. 1. thy] this 1609. VII. i. 1. the] a 1609. xxxv. 8. there] their 1609. xlix. 9. Words] Swords conj. plausibly. VIII. xvii. 6. From] For 1596. xlv. 9. a loud] aloud 1609. xliv. 3-7.] 1609 marks a parenthesis and reads' And 'for' But' in 1. 8. XI. xi. 6. that] the 1609. xix. 4. pretended] protended conj. Collier. xxiv. 1. reliu'd] reuiv'd 1609. XII. xii. 8. loos] praise 1609-possibly Spenser's own correction, because of the preceding losse'; or the editor of 1609 did not recognize 'loos'. xl. 7. learned] gentle 1609-from the next line. xli. 3. clearest] cleanest conj. Hughes, perhaps rightly. BOOK VII. VI. x. 1. That] Tho Hughes. xxxviii. 2. wealths] wealth Hughes, &c., perhaps rightly. Church, 301. The Funschin is a tributary of the xliv. 4. Fanchin] called Funchin in C.C. Blackwater. Here Spenser perhaps intended an etymological connexion with Faunus. xlvii. 3. toyles] toyle 1609. 6. lost] tost Drayton teste Collier. VII. ii. 3. feeble] sable 1609: corr. Hughes. ix. 7. Plaint of kindes] Plaint of kinde 1.4. what they ought] what shee ought Upton after Chaucer, Parlement of Foules 316. 1609, taking ought' = owned. IX. iv. 9. time] tine conj. Church. vi. 5. him] them 1596. xxvi. 1. eare] care 1609. xxviii. 6. the heauens] th' heauens 1596, 1609. xxxvi. 8. Oenone] Benone 1596, 1609: corr. Hughes. xlv. 9. bought] sought conj. Church. xlvi. 5. which there did dwell] which there did well 1596, 1609: corr. 16(11)-12-13. X. ii. 9. in the port] on the port 1596. The reading of 1609 recalls in portu nauigare', = x. 4. mores] more Hughes, &c.: others explain 'mores' as roots; see Glossary. xvi. 3. thy] my 16(11)-12-13. lv. 7. saine] faine 16(11)-12-13. THE SHEPHEARDES CALENDER. 176. woundes Qq 2-4: wounds Qq 1, 5, F. disconsolate, Qq 1-3: late: Yor (sic)... disconsolate, Five Quarto editions of the Shep. Cal. | This error of Qq 4, 5, and F led to the inclusion appeared in the poet's lifetime-in 1579, of 'pond' in Johnson's Dictionary as a 1581, 1586, 1591, and 1597. They are genuine Spenserian form. referred to below as Qq 1-5 respectively. An exhaustive collation of these editions proves conclusively that though some of the corrections may have been made at Spenser's instigation, he cannot be regarded as in any way responsible for the general form of the text after Q1. Each Q was printed from its predecessor, and the first Folio, 1611 (F), from Q5. Each edition corrects a few errors, reproduces many, and initiates others. The present text, therefore, is printed from Q 1, and the following notes record departures from Q1, adding a few characteristic read-our sleeping Q4 3, 4: by sleeping Q 5, F. ings from other copies to illustrate their relation with one another. EPISTLE. p. 417, 1. 41. oftentimes Qq 2-5: ofentimes Q. P. 417, A56. cleane Qq 3-5, F: cleare QI: clean Q 2. p. 417, B14. not. . . seene Qq 3-5, F: no... seme Qq 1, 2. p. 417, B38. though it cannot Qq 3-5, F: though cannot Qq 1, 2. p. 418, A32. habilities: Qq 3-5, F: habilities? Qq I, 2. GENERALL ARGVMENT. p. 419, A12. more Shepherds, then Goatheards 5, F: most shepheards, and Goteheards Qq 1-4. p. 419, A16. inuention Qq 2-5, F: inuericion QI. p. 420, A20. Abib F: Abil Qq 1-5. p. 420, B32. Shepheard Q 2: Sepheard Q: shepheards Qq 3-5, F. JANVARY. 49. hower, Qq 2-5, F: hower. Q 1. FEBRVARY. 137. Wherefore I rede thee hence to remove F. 142. ouercrawed Qq 3-5, F: ouerawed Qq 1, 2; overcrawed is the northern form of overcrowed. Cf. Hamlet, v. ii. 368. 151. ponder Qq 1-3: pond Qq 4, 5, F. MARCH. 4. nigheth F: nighest Qq 1-5. Morris suggests' nighës'. 57. greene. Qq 3-5, F: greene, Qq 1, 2. 85. seeing, IQ 5, F: seeing I, Qq 1-4. Gloss to 23. by loue sleeping Qq 1, 2: by Gloss to 23. pleasures, Q 5, F: pleasures Qq 1-4. Gloss to 79. wandring Qq 1-3: wingdring Q4: winged Q 5, F. A good example of the gradual corruption of the text, and its emendation by the printer without reference to earlier Qq. 14. tickle Q5, F: trickle Qq 1-4. 99. the starres Qq 1-5: a starre F. 177. glitterand QI: glitter and Qq 2-5, F. gold, Qq 4, 5, F: gold. Qq 1-3. 208. melling. Qq 2-5, F: melling, Q 1. 215. gree, Qq 3-5, F: gree. Qq I, 2. 219. ill, Qa 2-5, F: ill. Q 1. 233. Thomalins (conj., v. 340): Palinodes Qq 1-5, F. Gloss to 8. Seneneca (sic) QI. lapsu Q4 3-5, F: lapsus Qq 1, 2. Gloss to 33. then Qq 3-5, F: and Qq 1, 2. AVGVST. 16 a. PERIGOR (sic) Q 1. 84. thy F: my Qq 1-5. 104. curelesse conj. Collier: carelesse Qq, F. 105. bought, Qq 2-5, F: bought. Q 1. 134. hm QI. 148. deede. Qq 3-5, F: deede, Qq 1, 2. 154. a part Qq 3-5: apart Qq 1, 2, F. SEPTEMBER. 59. hond Qq 3-5, F: hande Qq I, 2. 196. away, Qq 3-5, F: awaye. Qq 1, 2. 201. thanck. Q5, F: thanck Qq 1-4. 207 a. Hobbinoll Q 2-5: Diggon Q 1. 255. can. Qq 3-5, F: can: Qq 1, 2. Gloss to 20. Thrice F: These Qq 1-5. Gloss to 96. practtises QI. Gloss to 151. Date omitted Q4, F. Gloss to 162. Frivy F: Preuely Qq. Gloss to Emblem, p. 456, B4. looking QI. Gloss to Emblem, p. 456, B5. poore, Qg 2-5, F: poore. QI. 139. endured Qq 3-5, F: endured Qq 1, 2. of Qq 1, 2. 145. yead F: yeeld Qq 1-5. 153. Chrisiendome Q I. 163. priuie Qq 4, 5, F: priue Qq 1-3. 165. theyr Qq 2, 3: thoyr Q1: their Qq 4, 5, F. 169. They Q5, F: The Qq 1-4. Gloss to 158. Atropos, daughters Qq 3-5, F: Atropodas, ughters Qq 1, 2. Gloss to 158. Atropos Qq 3-5, F: Atrhops Qq I, 2. Gloss to 186. express Qq 3-5, F: epresse Qq 1, 2. |