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xvi. 8. be] her 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. xx. 5. om. 1590, 1596: add. 1609. is one of the places which lead us to assign some independent authority to 1609.

xxvii. 6. His bodie in salt water smarting sore] His blamefull body in salt water sore 1590. Another clear case of author's correction, designed to remove ambiguity.

xxxiv. 8. worldes] worlds 1609. See on V. xxiii. 8 and xlv. 4 above.

xxxvi. 6. Their 1609: There 1590, 1596. 9. call in commers-by] call in-commers by 1590, 1596.

xxxix. 4. clothes] clothez 1609. See on v. xlv. 4 above.

lii. 6. Brings] Bring 1590, 1596. lvii. 5. pretious] piteous 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

lix. 2. frame] fame 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. lxii. 4. (Quoth he) as wretched, and liu'd in like paine] As wretched men, and liued in like paine 1590. 8. and battailes none are to be fought] and bitter battailes all are fought 1590. 9. As for loose loues are vaine] As for loose loues they are vaine 1590. But cf. Bk. V, III. xxii. 5 and 6.

lxiv. 7. doen nominate] doen then nominate 1596.

lxv. 3. place] face 1590.

XI. iii. This stanza appears for the first time in 1596.

V. I. his] this 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. vi. 9. scared] feared 1590, &c.: F.E.


viii. 7. vast] vaste 1590: wast 1596. xi. 5. as] all 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. xxvi. 6. swinged] singed 1609 needlessly: the form swinge' is still common in dialect. xxvii. 2. vaunt] daunt 1596, 1609. Xxx. 5. one] it 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. xxxvii. 2. yelled] yelded 1590, 1596. But elsewhere 'yelled' in F.Q. Cf., however,

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XII. iii. 5. fond] found 1596, 1609. vii. 3. sung] song 1590-an eye-rhyme but ambiguous.

xi. 5. talants] talents 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. xvi. 1. pleasure] pleasures 1596, 1609. xvii. 1. that] the 1596, 1609. 4. note] no'te 1609, 1611.

xxi. 7. To tell that dawning day is drawing neare] To tell the dawning day is dawning neare 1596, 1609.

xxvii. 7. of] and 1596, 1609.

xxviii. 7. her] his 1596, 1609. Cf. xl. 9 below.

xxxviii. 3. frankencense 1596, 1609— possibly a deliberate achaism. 1590 has frankincense. Cf. note on Bk. II, vII. iv. 8. xl. 9. His] Her 1596, 1609.

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II. iv. 3. in lieu of] in loue of conj. Church. | wandring ketch 1590. These corrections all vii. 7. chace] The rhyme requires 'pray', hang together, and are clearly Spenser's. and so Collier suggested. Spenser has this error-the substitution for a rhyming word of a metrically equivalent synonym which does not rhyme-in nine places in F.Q.

ix. 1. whose] those 1596, 1609.

xxi. 1. cald] calth 1596, 1609-owing to the following forth'.


xxiii. 2. boldly] bloudy 1596: boldy 1609.

xxviii. 2. both their champions] both her champions 1590: both their champion 1596, 1609.

xxix. 2. The quartos omit the comma after 'Erinnys', and insert it after 'harts'. XXX. 1. there] their 1590, 1596. xxxiv. 9. thought their] though ther 1590: ?' thought her'?

xxxvii. 1. Fast] First 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

xl. 5. peaceably] peaceable 1596, 1609. xlii. 6. make] The rhyme requires 'hold'. See on II. vii. 7 above.

xliv. 4. introld] entrold 1590: enrold conj. edd.

III. iv. 5. A pleasing vaine of glory vaine did find] A pleasing vaine of glory he did find 1590. The reading of 1596 gives a play on words that is quite Spenserian.

ix. 7. From] For 1596.

xviii. 6. deuice] aduise 1596, 1609.

xx. 5. As ghastly bug their haire on end does reare] As ghastly bug does vnto them affeare 1590: vnto' corr. to greatly' F.E. Spenser may have originally written appeare'.


XXV. I. Vpon her eyelids many Graces sate]. In his Glosse on June in S.C., E.K. quotes from Spenser's Pageaunts the line 'An hundred Graces on her eyeledde satte '.

xxviii. 7. play] The rhyme requires 'sport'. See on II. vii. 7 above.

xxxviii. 4. haue I] I haue 1 590-transposed in 1596 for euphony.

xlv. 4. one foot] on foot 1590, 1596. xlvi. 9. erne] yerne 1609. In the sixteenth century these two forms are both used to mean either long' or 'grieve'.

IV. Arg. 3. Phedon] Phaon 1590.

x. 4. He is not] He is no 1590, &c.: corr. F.E.

xvii. 6. one] wretch 1590. her guilful trech 1590.

8. occasion] 9. light vpon

XXXV. This stanza was quoted by Abraham Fraunce in his Arcadian Rhetorike two years before F.Q. was published. Fraunce quotes it as from the Fairie Queene, 2 booke, cant. 4', showing that by 1588 this part of the poem had been arranged as we have it.

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xxxvi. 2. into] vnto 1596.

xli. 2. Pyrrochles 1590, &c., passim: corr.


xlv. 5. thus to fight] that did fight 1590.

V. Arg. And Furors chayne vntyes

Who him sore wounds, whiles Atin to Gymochles for ayd flyes. 1590. v. 9. do not much me faile] doe me not much fayl 1590.

viii. 7. hurtle] hurle 1596: hurlen 1609.

xii. 8, 9. The meaning seems to be Nor judge of thy might by fortune's unjust judgement, that hath (curse on her spite) thus laid me low'. For maugre' see Glossary.


xix. 4. shee] hee 1590, 1596. 7. do] garre 1590—rejected as a provincialism perhaps not elsewhere in F.Q., though used in S.C.

xxvii. 3. her] his 1596.

xxix. 5. pricking] prickling 1590. xxxi. 5. Gaynd in Nemea] In Netmus gayned 1590: Nemus F.E.

xxxiv. 8. So, them deceiues] So, he them deceiues 1590, 1596.

VI. i. 7. restraine] abstaine 1590. 8. their] her 1590.

iii. 4. that nigh her breth was gone] as merry as Pope Ione 1590. 6. might to her] to her might 1590.

v. 6. cut away] ? cut a way ? xii. 9. her sweet smels throw] throwe her sweete smels 1590.

xiv. 9. a loud lay] a loue lay 1590. xviii. 7. griesly] griesy 1590: cf. v. xxix. 5 above.

xxvii. 9. there] their 1590, 1596. xxix. 2. importune] importance 1596: important 1609.

xxxviii. 8. There by] Thereby 1590, 1596. xliii. 7. lent this cursed light] lent but this his cursed light 1590.


3. Burning] But 1596.

VII. iv. 4. yet] it 1596, 1609. 8. vpsidowne] vpside downe 1590. This looks like a deliberate return to an archaic form.

vii. 3. heapes] hils 1590. xii. 9. as] in 1590.

xviii. 2. that om. 1596.

xxi. 5. infernall] internall 1590.
xxiv. 7. ought] nought 1590.

xxxvii. 1. as] an 1590. 5. came] cam 1590. xl. 5. that] the 1590, &c.: corr. F.E. 7. But] And 1590. golden] yron 1590. xli. 3. his] to 1596, 1609.

lii. 6. With which] Which with 1590, 1596: Which-with 1609.

lx. 4. intemperate] more temperate 1590. VIII. iii. 8. Come hither, come hither] Come hither, hither 1609.

xxv. 1. his cruell] same 1590, 1596: corr. F.E.: Which those same foes that doen awaite hereby 1609.

xxix. 7. vpreare] The rhyme requires 'vpheaue'. See on II. vii. 7 above.

xl. 4. so wisely as it ought] so well, as he it ought 1590, i.e. so well as he who owned it. Perhaps a correction of the printer, who misunderstood'ought'.

xliv. 8. but bit no more] but bit not thore 1590— thore' being probably=‘there', on the analogy of tho '=' then’.

xlviii. 8. Prince Arthur] Sir Guyon 1590, 1596.

IX. vii. 5. Now hath] Seuen times 1590 6. Walkt round] Hath walkte 1590. Cf. Bk. I, IX. xv.

ix. 1. weete] wote 1590, &c.

xv. 3. Capitaine] Captaine 1590, 1596.
xvi. 8. with om. 1596.

xxi. 1. them] him 1596.

xxxvii. 8. you loue] your loue 1590, 1596. xxxviii. 2. mood] word 1590 &c.: corr. Drayton teste Collier. (Collier professed to have a copy of the 1611 folio that had belonged to Drayton and had corrections in his hand.) 9. twelue moneths] three years 1590. See on IX. vii. 5 above.

xlix. 4. reason] season Drayton teste Collier. X. vi. 6. safeties sake] safety 1590—a trisyllable.

vii. 7. liued then] liueden 1590.

xv. 9. munifience] munificence 1590, 1609. One of the few places in which 1590 and 1609 combine against 1596.

xix. 5. in that impatient stoure] vpon the present floure 1590.

xxiv. 8. Scuith guiridh om. 1590. 9. Extant copies of 1590 in Bodl. and B.M. have only' But'; but F.E.' Seuith Scuith' shows

that some copies of 1590 had 'Seuith', and Church, Upton, and Todd had copies with the line in full.

xxxiv. 6. Then] Till 1596: When 1609. xxxvii. 3. with] vp 1596.

xxxviii. 2. of] or 1596, 1609.

xliii. 1. Sisillus] Sifillus 1590, &c. The correct spelling is given by Geoffrey of Monmouth.

xlix. 8. defrayd] did defray 1596, 1609— mistaking the rhyme-scheme.

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li. 7. Both in his armes, and croune] Both eke in croune 1609. in armes, and crowne 1596: In armes, and

lxv. 9. enforst] haue forst 1590.

Ambrose' in Geoffrey of Monmouth.
Ixvii. 2. Ambrose] Ambrise 1596, 1609:

XI. ix. 9. they that Bulwarke sorely rent] they against that Bulwarke lent 1590. x. 2. dessignment] assignment 1590. xi. 4. dismayd] mismayd (i.e. mismade) conj. Jortin.

xiii. 5. assayled] assayed 1590.
xxiii. 8. support] disport 1596, 1609.
xxvii. 5. Who] But 1599.

xxx. 9. suruiue] reuiue 1590 &c.: corr. F.E.
xxxii. 5. vnrest] infest 1590.

through] through passing 1590. XII. Arg. 1. by] through 1590 passing xiii. 9. honor] temple 1590. xx. 8. their] the 1596, 1609. xxi. 1. heedfull] earnest 1590.

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xxiii. 9. Monoceros] Monoceroses Child after Jortin; but the accentuation immeasured' Petrach, ii. 6. is paralleled by treasures' in Visions of

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xxxix. 8. vpstarting] vpstaring 1590.

feared they force conj. Church, i.e. they had xliii. 5. Nought feared their force] Nought


6 feared'

no fear of force'. With their'
must be taken to mean ‘frightened’.
li. 1. Thereto] Therewith 1590.
Ixi. 8. tenderly] fearefully 1590.
lxxxi. 4. the same] that same 1590.
lxxxiii. 7. spoyle] spoyld 1596, 1609.

Proem iv. 2. Your selfe you] Thy selfe thou 1590.

I. xli. 8. lightly] highly 1590, 1596— evidently a misprint.

xlvii. 7. which] that 1590—changed because of' that' in the next line.

Ivi. 8. Basciomani] Bascimano 1590. 'Basciomani' was perhaps coined as a substantive from 'bascio le mani'.

lx. 8. wary] weary 1596, 1609.

II. iv. 1. Guyon] should be Redcrosse.
viii. 5. Which I to proue] Which to proue, I


xxx. 5. in her warme bed her dight] her in her warme bed dight 1590.

xxxvi. 1. others] other 1590.

xlix. 7. a earthen Pot] an earthen Pot 1609. Spenser may have intended to pronounce 'yearthen '.

III. iv. 8. protense] pretence 1596, 1609. XXXV. I. thy] the 1596, 1609. xliv. 5. yeares om. 1596, 1609: shall be full supplide 1609. 6 to] vnto their 1590' -making a hexameter.

1. 9. (as earst) om. 1590, 1596: add. 1609. liii. 3. (whom need new strength shall teach)] (need makes good schollers) teach


IV. viii. 9. these] thy 1590. xv. 6. speare] speares 1590, 1596. xxxiii. 4. raynes] traines 1596, 1609. xxxix. 9. sith we no more shall meet] till we againe may meet 1590. Spenser has remembered that Cymoent is a heathen goddess. lix. 5. Dayes dearest children] The children of day 1590.

xxvi. 4. both farre and nere om. 1590. xxviii. 6. thence] hence 1596, 1609. xxxix. 1. and to all] and all 1611-to avoid the trisyllabic foot.

xl. 6. spyde] The rhyme requires 'saw'. See on II. vii. 7 above.

xliii. 5. heauy] heauenly 1590. xlv. 4. And dearest loue, om. 1590, 1596: add. 1609. See on Bk. I, x. xx. 5.

VII. ix. 3. two] to conj. Hughes.

xiii. 6. had gazed]. Todd and Morris imply that some copies of 1596 read 'hath'. xviii. 5. be by] by 1590: be 1596, 1609. that] by 1590.

xxii. 5. Monstrous mishapt] Monstrous, mishapt 1590. See on Bk. Î, i. ix. 6. xxxiv. 2. enclose]. The rhyme requires containe'. See on II. vii. 7 above.

xliii. 7. saw, with great remorse] saw with great remorse, 1590, 1596.

xlv. 1. the om. 1596, 1609. awake 1609.


xlviii. 4. And many hath to foule confusion brought] Till him Chylde Thopas to confusion brought 1590.


1. 2. thrust] thurst 1596, 1609.

VIII. ii. 7. broken] golden 1590.
V. I. aduise] deuice 1590.
vii. 4. a womans] to womans 1590.
xxiii. 8. the same] this same 1590.
xxx. 3. frory] frowy 1590, 1596. But
XXXV. 2 below, and Glossary under

V. v. 5. A] And 1596, 1609—perhaps due 'frowie'.

to' And' in the next line.

xi. 1. ye] you 1596, 1609. xxi. 9. bloud] flood 1590.

xxxvii. 2. Had vndertaken

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arriu'd] Had undertaken, after her arriu'd
1609. 1596 has no point. 6. follow]
followd 1590, perhaps rightly.
xxxix. 9. his] their 1590.

xl. 4. loues sweet teene] sweet loues teene 1590. 9. liuing] liking 1590.

lii. 6. admire :] admire 1590, 1596-connecting it with In gentle Ladies brest '.

liii. 3. Realmes] Reames 1590. But cf. Bk. V, VII. xxiii. 6, 8, 9.

VI. iii. 9. was] were 1590

vi. 5. his beames] his hot beames 1609. xii. 4. beautie] beauties 1596, 1609. xxv. 4. Which as a fountaine from her sweet lips went] From which, &c., 1590, 1596: corr. 1609. Of which conj. Church.

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XI. ii. 3. golden] golding 1590, 1596. iv. 4. that I did euer] all, that I euer 1590. 9. him did] did him 1590.

ix. 6. Or hast thou, Lord,] Or hast, thou Lord, 1590, 1596.

xii. 1. singultes] singulfes 1590, 1596. There is the same misspelling in F.Q. Bk. V, VI. xiii, C.C. 168, and Tears of the Muses, 232. xix. 9. death] life conj. Jortin, which gives the sense required.

xxii. 8. Foolhardy as th' Earthes children, the which made] Foolhardy as the Earthes children, which made 1590.

xxvi. 8. and with imperious sway] and imperious sway 1596: and his imperious sway 1609.

xxvii. 7. entred] decked 1590. xxviii. 8. Like a] Like to a 1590. xxxix. 6. each] his 1590. 8. Stag conj. Jortin: Hag 1590, &c. Jortin's conjecture is demonstrated by comparison with Natalis Comes, Mythologia, iv. 10, on which Spenser drew for this Canto.

xlvii. 9. heauen bright] heuens hight conj.


XII. v. 7. concent] consent 1596. ix. 3. other] others 1590, 1596. xii. 6. wingyheeld] winged heeld 1590. xvii. 6. a firebrand she did tosse] a fierbrand she tost conj. Church,

xviii. 8. an hony-lady Bee] an hony-laden conj. Upton.

xxi. 7. fading] failing conj. Church,

xxiii. 5. hand om. 1590, 1596: corr. F.E. xxvi. 7. with that Damozell] by the Damozell 1590-which makes the Ďamozell Brito

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II. iii. 5. As] And 1609.
xxi. 7. knowen] known 1609.

xxii. 7. aduizing] avising 1609. See Glossary under ‘aduize'.

III. ix. 6. n'ote] not 1596.

9. of] at 1609. xviii. 2. so deadly it was ment] so deadly was it ment 1609.

xix. 5, 6. The warie fowle that spies him toward bend

His dreadfull souse, auoydes it shunning light.]

The warie fowle that spies him toward bend, His dreadfull souse auoydes, it shunning light 1609.

xliii. 5. quiet age] quiet-age, suggested to Jortin by a friend, is adopted by Morris. Not elsewhere in F.Q. 1. 3. To] Too 1596.

lii. 1. feast] feasts 1609.

IV. i. 4. minds] liues 16(11)-12-13. (No to the editors. Morris reports liues 1609: genuine 1611 copy of Books IV-VI is known not so in our copies.)

ii. 3. els] als 1609. 'Els' separates, ‘als' oins the two comparisons. 4. Scudamour] Blandamour 1679 rightly.

viii. 2. Ferrau] Ferrat 1596: Ferraugh in II. iv below.

X. 5. worse] worst 1596.

xvii. 4. maiden-headed] satyr-headed conj. Church, comparing Bk. III, VII. xxx. 6. 'maiden-headed'='belonging to Perhaps one of the Knights of Maidenhead'. xix. 7. an heap] a heap 1609.

xxiv. 1. beamlike] brauelike 1596. But Upton reports 'beamlike' from one of his copies of 1596.

xlv. 1. t' auenge] t' euenge 1596.

V. iv. 4. Lemno] Lemnos 16(11)-12-13. viii. 1. that] the 1609. ix. 8. Then] The 1609. xvi, 1. that] the 1609. xxv. 5. one] once 1596. xxxi. 3. his] her 1596.

VI. xxiv. 8. his om. 1609, to avoid the trisyllabic foot.

xxviii. 6. He] Her 1596: Him conj. Upton.

xliv. 4. in the morrow] on the morrow 1609.

xlvi. 5. who she had left behind] whom 16(11)-12-13, but not in our copies of 1609.

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